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Sagi edited this page Oct 30, 2015 · 4 revisions

NCop allows to create composites that implement generic types.
Lets create a ICSharpDeveloper that implements a generic IDeveloper<T>.

public interface IDeveloper<T>
    string Code();

public abstract class CILLanguage
    public abstract string Name { get; }

public class CSharpLanguage : CILLanguage
    public override string Name {
        get {
            return "C# coding";

public interface ICSharpDeveloper : IDeveloper<CSharpLanguage>

Now we can create a mixin that implements IDeveloper<CSharpLanguage> and annotate the ICSharpDeveloper to create the composite.

public class GenericCSharpDeveloperMixin : IDeveloper<CSharpLanguage>
    public string Code() {
        return new CSharpLanguage().Name;

public interface ICSharpDeveloper : IDeveloper<CSharpLanguage>

That's all, we've finished creating the composite type.
Now we need to create a CompositeContainer which will handle two things:

  1. Craft the real implementation in runtime.
  2. Act as a Dependency Injection Container that will resolve our type.
using System;
using NCop.Mixins.Framework;
using NCop.Composite.Framework;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        var container = new CompositeContainer();

        var person = container.Resolve<ICSharpDeveloper>();

The expected output should be "C# coding".
Your end result of the code should be similar to this:

using NCop.Composite.Framework;
using NCop.Mixins.Framework;
using System;

namespace NCop.Samples
    public interface IDeveloper<T>
        string Code();

    public abstract class CILLanguage
        public abstract string Name { get; }

    public class CSharpLanguage : CILLanguage
        public override string Name {
            get {
                return "C# coding";
    public class GenericCSharpDeveloperMixin : IDeveloper<CSharpLanguage>
        public string Code() {
            return new CSharpLanguage().Name;

    public interface ICSharpDeveloper : IDeveloper<CSharpLanguage>

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            ICSharpDeveloper developer = null;
            var container = new CompositeContainer();

            developer = container.Resolve<ICSharpDeveloper>();