diff --git a/src/components/settings/Recovery/index.tsx b/src/components/settings/Recovery/index.tsx
index 3783806a2c..ba7a6f4379 100644
--- a/src/components/settings/Recovery/index.tsx
+++ b/src/components/settings/Recovery/index.tsx
@@ -5,10 +5,16 @@ import type { ReactElement } from 'react'
import { EnableRecoveryFlow } from '@/components/tx-flow/flows/EnableRecovery'
import { TxModalContext } from '@/components/tx-flow'
import { useDarkMode } from '@/hooks/useDarkMode'
+import { RecoverAccountFlow } from '@/components/tx-flow/flows/RecoverAccount'
+import useWallet from '@/hooks/wallets/useWallet'
+import { useAppSelector } from '@/store'
+import { selectRecoveryByGuardian } from '@/store/recoverySlice'
export function Recovery(): ReactElement {
const { setTxFlow } = useContext(TxModalContext)
const isDarkMode = useDarkMode()
+ const wallet = useWallet()
+ const recovery = useAppSelector((state) => selectRecoveryByGuardian(state, wallet?.address ?? ''))
return (
@@ -35,9 +41,16 @@ export function Recovery(): ReactElement {
Enabling the Account recovery module will require a transactions.
+ {recovery ? (
+ // TODO: Move to correct location when widget is ready
+ ) : (
+ )}
diff --git a/src/components/tx-flow/common/NewOwnerList/index.tsx b/src/components/tx-flow/common/NewOwnerList/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2164ba756a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/tx-flow/common/NewOwnerList/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import { Paper, Typography, SvgIcon } from '@mui/material'
+import type { AddressEx } from '@safe-global/safe-gateway-typescript-sdk'
+import type { ReactElement } from 'react'
+import PlusIcon from '@/public/images/common/plus.svg'
+import EthHashInfo from '@/components/common/EthHashInfo'
+import css from './styles.module.css'
+export function NewOwnerList({ newOwners }: { newOwners: Array }): ReactElement {
+ return (
+ New owner{newOwners.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}
+ {newOwners.map((newOwner) => (
+ ))}
+ )
diff --git a/src/components/tx-flow/common/NewOwnerList/styles.module.css b/src/components/tx-flow/common/NewOwnerList/styles.module.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcf6189778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/tx-flow/common/NewOwnerList/styles.module.css
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.container {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ gap: var(--space-1);
+ padding: var(--space-2);
+ background-color: var(--color-success-background);
diff --git a/src/components/tx-flow/flows/AddOwner/ReviewOwner.tsx b/src/components/tx-flow/flows/AddOwner/ReviewOwner.tsx
index d2c18301b3..f8ca7bbe70 100644
--- a/src/components/tx-flow/flows/AddOwner/ReviewOwner.tsx
+++ b/src/components/tx-flow/flows/AddOwner/ReviewOwner.tsx
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import { upsertAddressBookEntry } from '@/store/addressBookSlice'
import { SafeTxContext } from '../../SafeTxProvider'
import type { AddOwnerFlowProps } from '.'
import type { ReplaceOwnerFlowProps } from '../ReplaceOwner'
-import PlusIcon from '@/public/images/common/plus.svg'
+import { NewOwnerList } from '../../common/NewOwnerList'
import MinusIcon from '@/public/images/common/minus.svg'
import EthHashInfo from '@/components/common/EthHashInfo'
import commonCss from '@/components/tx-flow/common/styles.module.css'
@@ -68,13 +68,7 @@ export const ReviewOwner = ({ params }: { params: AddOwnerFlowProps | ReplaceOwn
- palette.success.background, p: 2 }}>
- New owner
Any transaction requires the confirmation of:
diff --git a/src/components/tx-flow/flows/RecoverAccount/RecoverAccountFlowReview.tsx b/src/components/tx-flow/flows/RecoverAccount/RecoverAccountFlowReview.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7689a09eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/tx-flow/flows/RecoverAccount/RecoverAccountFlowReview.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+import { CardActions, Button, Typography, Divider, Box } from '@mui/material'
+import { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react'
+import type { ReactElement } from 'react'
+import useSafeInfo from '@/hooks/useSafeInfo'
+import { getRecoveryProposalTransactions } from '@/services/recovery/transaction'
+import DecodedTx from '@/components/tx/DecodedTx'
+import ErrorMessage from '@/components/tx/ErrorMessage'
+import { RedefineBalanceChanges } from '@/components/tx/security/redefine/RedefineBalanceChange'
+import ConfirmationTitle, { ConfirmationTitleTypes } from '@/components/tx/SignOrExecuteForm/ConfirmationTitle'
+import TxChecks from '@/components/tx/SignOrExecuteForm/TxChecks'
+import { WrongChainWarning } from '@/components/tx/WrongChainWarning'
+import useDecodeTx from '@/hooks/useDecodeTx'
+import TxCard from '../../common/TxCard'
+import { SafeTxContext } from '../../SafeTxProvider'
+import CheckWallet from '@/components/common/CheckWallet'
+import { createMultiSendCallOnlyTx, createTx, dispatchRecoveryProposal } from '@/services/tx/tx-sender'
+import { RecoverAccountFlowFields } from '.'
+import { NewOwnerList } from '../../common/NewOwnerList'
+import { useAppSelector } from '@/store'
+import { selectRecoveryByGuardian } from '@/store/recoverySlice'
+import useWallet from '@/hooks/wallets/useWallet'
+import useOnboard from '@/hooks/wallets/useOnboard'
+import { TxModalContext } from '../..'
+import { asError } from '@/services/exceptions/utils'
+import { trackError, Errors } from '@/services/exceptions'
+import type { RecoverAccountFlowProps } from '.'
+import commonCss from '@/components/tx-flow/common/styles.module.css'
+export function RecoverAccountFlowReview({ params }: { params: RecoverAccountFlowProps }): ReactElement | null {
+ // Form state
+ const [isSubmittable, setIsSubmittable] = useState(true)
+ const [submitError, setSubmitError] = useState()
+ // Hooks
+ const { setTxFlow } = useContext(TxModalContext)
+ const { safeTx, safeTxError, setSafeTx, setSafeTxError } = useContext(SafeTxContext)
+ const [decodedData, decodedDataError, decodedDataLoading] = useDecodeTx(safeTx)
+ const { safe } = useSafeInfo()
+ const wallet = useWallet()
+ const onboard = useOnboard()
+ const recovery = useAppSelector((state) => selectRecoveryByGuardian(state, wallet?.address ?? ''))
+ // Proposal
+ const txCooldown = recovery?.txCooldown?.toNumber()
+ const newThreshold = Number(params[RecoverAccountFlowFields.threshold])
+ const newOwners = params[RecoverAccountFlowFields.owners]
+ useEffect(() => {
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({
+ safe,
+ newThreshold,
+ newOwners,
+ })
+ const promise = transactions.length > 1 ? createMultiSendCallOnlyTx(transactions) : createTx(transactions[0])
+ promise.then(setSafeTx).catch(setSafeTxError)
+ }, [newThreshold, newOwners, safe, setSafeTx, setSafeTxError])
+ // On modal submit
+ const onSubmit = async () => {
+ if (!recovery || !onboard) {
+ return
+ }
+ setIsSubmittable(false)
+ setSubmitError(undefined)
+ try {
+ await dispatchRecoveryProposal({ onboard, safe, newThreshold, newOwners, delayModifierAddress: recovery.address })
+ } catch (_err) {
+ const err = asError(_err)
+ trackError(Errors._810, err)
+ setIsSubmittable(true)
+ setSubmitError(err)
+ return
+ }
+ setTxFlow(undefined)
+ }
+ const submitDisabled = !safeTx || !isSubmittable || !recovery
+ return (
+ <>
+ This transaction will reset the Account setup, changing the owners
+ {newThreshold !== safe.threshold ? ' and threshold' : ''}.
+ After recovery, Safe Account transactions will require:
+ {params.threshold} out of {params[RecoverAccountFlowFields.owners].length} owners.
+ {safeTxError && (
+ This recovery will most likely fail. To save gas costs, avoid executing the transaction.
+ )}
+ {submitError && (
+ Error submitting the transaction. Please try again.
+ )}
+ {/* // TODO: Convert txCooldown to days, minutes, seconds when https://github.com/safe-global/safe-wallet-web/pull/2772 is merged */}
+ Recovery will be {txCooldown === 0 ? 'immediately possible' : `possible ${txCooldown}`} after this transaction
+ is executed.
+ {(isOk) => (
+ )}
+ >
+ )
diff --git a/src/components/tx-flow/flows/RecoverAccount/RecoverAccountFlowSetup.tsx b/src/components/tx-flow/flows/RecoverAccount/RecoverAccountFlowSetup.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d67ae8915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/tx-flow/flows/RecoverAccount/RecoverAccountFlowSetup.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+import {
+ Typography,
+ Divider,
+ CardActions,
+ Button,
+ SvgIcon,
+ Grid,
+ MenuItem,
+ TextField,
+ IconButton,
+ Tooltip,
+} from '@mui/material'
+import { useForm, FormProvider, useFieldArray, Controller } from 'react-hook-form'
+import type { ReactElement } from 'react'
+import TxCard from '../../common/TxCard'
+import AddIcon from '@/public/images/common/add.svg'
+import DeleteIcon from '@/public/images/common/delete.svg'
+import { RecoverAccountFlowFields } from '.'
+import AddressBookInput from '@/components/common/AddressBookInput'
+import { TOOLTIP_TITLES } from '../../common/constants'
+import InfoIcon from '@/public/images/notifications/info.svg'
+import useSafeInfo from '@/hooks/useSafeInfo'
+import { sameAddress } from '@/utils/addresses'
+import type { RecoverAccountFlowProps } from '.'
+import commonCss from '@/components/tx-flow/common/styles.module.css'
+export function RecoverAccountFlowSetup({
+ params,
+ onSubmit,
+}: {
+ params: RecoverAccountFlowProps
+ onSubmit: (formData: RecoverAccountFlowProps) => void
+}): ReactElement {
+ const { safeAddress } = useSafeInfo()
+ const formMethods = useForm({
+ defaultValues: params,
+ mode: 'all',
+ })
+ const { fields, append, remove } = useFieldArray({
+ control: formMethods.control,
+ name: RecoverAccountFlowFields.owners,
+ })
+ const owners = formMethods.watch(RecoverAccountFlowFields.owners)
+ return (
+ )
diff --git a/src/components/tx-flow/flows/RecoverAccount/index.tsx b/src/components/tx-flow/flows/RecoverAccount/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af075b6e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/tx-flow/flows/RecoverAccount/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import type { ReactElement } from 'react'
+import type { AddressEx } from '@safe-global/safe-gateway-typescript-sdk'
+import TxLayout from '@/components/tx-flow/common/TxLayout'
+import SaveAddressIcon from '@/public/images/common/save-address.svg'
+import useTxStepper from '../../useTxStepper'
+import { RecoverAccountFlowReview } from './RecoverAccountFlowReview'
+import { RecoverAccountFlowSetup } from './RecoverAccountFlowSetup'
+export enum RecoverAccountFlowFields {
+ owners = 'owners',
+ threshold = 'threshold',
+export type RecoverAccountFlowProps = {
+ // RHF accept primitive field arrays
+ [RecoverAccountFlowFields.owners]: Array
+ [RecoverAccountFlowFields.threshold]: string
+export function RecoverAccountFlow(): ReactElement {
+ const { data, step, nextStep, prevStep } = useTxStepper({
+ [RecoverAccountFlowFields.owners]: [{ value: '' }],
+ [RecoverAccountFlowFields.threshold]: '1',
+ })
+ const steps = [
+ nextStep({ ...data, ...formData })} />,
+ ,
+ ]
+ return (
+ {steps}
+ )
diff --git a/src/components/tx/SignOrExecuteForm/TxChecks.tsx b/src/components/tx/SignOrExecuteForm/TxChecks.tsx
index d1fb2444fa..9ad3f069f0 100644
--- a/src/components/tx/SignOrExecuteForm/TxChecks.tsx
+++ b/src/components/tx/SignOrExecuteForm/TxChecks.tsx
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ import { Redefine, RedefineMessage } from '@/components/tx/security/redefine'
import css from './styles.module.css'
-const TxChecks = (): ReactElement => {
+const TxChecks = ({ isRecovery = false }: { isRecovery?: boolean }): ReactElement => {
const { safeTx } = useContext(SafeTxContext)
return (
Transaction checks
diff --git a/src/components/tx/security/tenderly/index.tsx b/src/components/tx/security/tenderly/index.tsx
index 4f1487205e..fa4ce7c6a3 100644
--- a/src/components/tx/security/tenderly/index.tsx
+++ b/src/components/tx/security/tenderly/index.tsx
@@ -23,12 +23,18 @@ export type TxSimulationProps = {
transactions?: SimulationTxParams['transactions']
gasLimit?: number
disabled: boolean
+ isRecovery?: boolean
// TODO: Investigate resetting on gasLimit change as we are not simulating with the gasLimit of the tx
// otherwise remove all usage of gasLimit in simulation. Note: this was previously being done.
// TODO: Test this component
-const TxSimulationBlock = ({ transactions, disabled, gasLimit }: TxSimulationProps): ReactElement => {
+const TxSimulationBlock = ({
+ transactions,
+ disabled,
+ gasLimit,
+ isRecovery = false,
+}: TxSimulationProps): ReactElement => {
const { safe } = useSafeInfo()
const wallet = useWallet()
const isDarkMode = useDarkMode()
@@ -45,7 +51,7 @@ const TxSimulationBlock = ({ transactions, disabled, gasLimit }: TxSimulationPro
- executionOwner: wallet.address,
+ executionOwner: isRecovery ? safe.owners[0].value : wallet.address,
} as SimulationTxParams)
diff --git a/src/services/exceptions/ErrorCodes.ts b/src/services/exceptions/ErrorCodes.ts
index 90993a46ef..8319df5f75 100644
--- a/src/services/exceptions/ErrorCodes.ts
+++ b/src/services/exceptions/ErrorCodes.ts
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ enum ErrorCodes {
_807 = '807: Failed to remove guard',
_808 = '808: Failed to get transaction origin',
_809 = '809: Failed decoding transaction',
+ _810 = '810: Error executing a recovery proposal transaction',
_900 = '900: Error loading Safe App',
_901 = '901: Error processing Safe Apps SDK request',
diff --git a/src/services/recovery/__tests__/transaction.test.ts b/src/services/recovery/__tests__/transaction.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faf447c8d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/recovery/__tests__/transaction.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker'
+import { Interface } from 'ethers/lib/utils'
+import { SENTINEL_ADDRESS } from '@safe-global/safe-core-sdk/dist/src/utils/constants'
+import { OperationType } from '@safe-global/safe-core-sdk-types'
+import * as deployments from '@safe-global/safe-deployments'
+import type { SafeInfo } from '@safe-global/safe-gateway-typescript-sdk'
+import { getRecoveryProposalTransaction, getRecoveryProposalTransactions } from '../transaction'
+describe('transaction', () => {
+ describe('getRecoveryTransactions', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ jest.clearAllMocks()
+ })
+ const encodeFunctionDataSpy = jest.spyOn(Interface.prototype, 'encodeFunctionData')
+ describe('when recovering with the same number of owner(s) as the current Safe owner(s)', () => {
+ describe('with unique owners', () => {
+ describe('should swap all owners when the threshold remains the same', () => {
+ it('for singular owners', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: newOwner1 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold: oldThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'swapOwner', [
+ oldOwner1,
+ newOwner1,
+ ])
+ })
+ it('for multiple owners', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 2
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: oldOwner2 }, { value: oldOwner3 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: newOwner1 }, { value: newOwner2 }, { value: newOwner3 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold: oldThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(3)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'swapOwner', [
+ oldOwner1,
+ newOwner1,
+ ])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'swapOwner', [oldOwner1, oldOwner2, newOwner2])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(3, 'swapOwner', [oldOwner2, oldOwner3, newOwner3])
+ })
+ })
+ it('should swap all owners and finally change the threshold if it changes', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 2
+ const newThreshold = oldThreshold + 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: oldOwner2 }, { value: oldOwner3 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: newOwner1 }, { value: newOwner2 }, { value: newOwner3 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(4)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'swapOwner', [
+ oldOwner1,
+ newOwner1,
+ ])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'swapOwner', [oldOwner1, oldOwner2, newOwner2])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(3, 'swapOwner', [oldOwner2, oldOwner3, newOwner3])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(4, 'changeThreshold', [newThreshold])
+ })
+ })
+ describe('with duplicate owners', () => {
+ describe('should swap all differing owners when the threshold remains the same', () => {
+ it('for singular owners it should return nothing', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: oldOwner1 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold: oldThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(0)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0)
+ })
+ it('for multiple owners', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner3 = oldOwner3
+ const oldThreshold = 2
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: oldOwner2 }, { value: oldOwner3 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: newOwner1 }, { value: newOwner2 }, { value: newOwner3 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold: oldThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(2)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'swapOwner', [
+ oldOwner1,
+ newOwner1,
+ ])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'swapOwner', [oldOwner1, oldOwner2, newOwner2])
+ })
+ })
+ it('should swap all differing owners and finally change the threshold if it changes', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 2
+ const newThreshold = oldThreshold + 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: oldOwner2 }, { value: oldOwner3 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: newOwner1 }, { value: newOwner2 }, { value: oldOwner3 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(3)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'swapOwner', [
+ oldOwner1,
+ newOwner1,
+ ])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'swapOwner', [oldOwner1, oldOwner2, newOwner2])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(3, 'changeThreshold', [newThreshold])
+ })
+ })
+ it('should change the threshold with the same owners', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 2
+ const newThreshold = 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: oldOwner2 }, { value: oldOwner3 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: oldOwner2 }, { value: oldOwner3 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'changeThreshold', [newThreshold])
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when recovering with more owner(s) than the current Safe owner(s)', () => {
+ describe('with unique owners', () => {
+ describe('should swap as many owners as possible then add the rest when the threshold remains the same', () => {
+ it('for singular owners', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: newOwner1 }, { value: newOwner2 }, { value: newOwner3 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold: oldThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(3)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'swapOwner', [
+ oldOwner1,
+ newOwner1,
+ ])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'addOwnerWithThreshold', [newOwner2, 1])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(3, 'addOwnerWithThreshold', [newOwner3, oldThreshold])
+ })
+ it('for multiple owners', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: oldOwner2 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: newOwner1 }, { value: newOwner2 }, { value: newOwner3 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold: oldThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(3)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'swapOwner', [
+ oldOwner1,
+ newOwner1,
+ ])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'swapOwner', [oldOwner1, oldOwner2, newOwner2])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(3, 'addOwnerWithThreshold', [newOwner3, oldThreshold])
+ })
+ })
+ it('should swap as many owners as possible then add the rest when with a final threshold change if the threshold changes', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 1
+ const newThreshold = oldThreshold + 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: oldOwner2 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: newOwner1 }, { value: newOwner2 }, { value: newOwner3 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(3)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'swapOwner', [
+ oldOwner1,
+ newOwner1,
+ ])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'swapOwner', [oldOwner1, oldOwner2, newOwner2])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(3, 'addOwnerWithThreshold', [newOwner3, newThreshold])
+ })
+ })
+ describe('with duplicates owners', () => {
+ it('should swap as many differing owners as possible then add the rest when the threshold remains the same', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 2
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: newOwner2 }, { value: newOwner3 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold: oldThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(2)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'addOwnerWithThreshold', [newOwner2, 1])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'addOwnerWithThreshold', [newOwner3, oldThreshold])
+ })
+ it('should swap as many differing owners as possible then add the rest when with a final threshold change if the threshold changes', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 2
+ const newThreshold = oldThreshold + 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: newOwner1 }, { value: newOwner2 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(2)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'addOwnerWithThreshold', [newOwner1, 1])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'addOwnerWithThreshold', [newOwner2, newThreshold])
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when recovering with less owner(s) than the current Safe owner(s)', () => {
+ describe('with unique owners', () => {
+ it('should swap as many owners as possible then remove the rest when the threshold remains the same', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: oldOwner2 }, { value: oldOwner3 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: newOwner1 }, { value: newOwner2 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({
+ safe,
+ newThreshold: oldThreshold,
+ newOwners,
+ })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(3)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'swapOwner', [
+ oldOwner1,
+ newOwner1,
+ ])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'swapOwner', [oldOwner1, oldOwner2, newOwner2])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(3, 'removeOwner', [oldOwner2, oldOwner3, oldThreshold])
+ })
+ it('should swap as many owners as possible then remove the rest when with a final threshold change if the threshold changes', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 1
+ const newThreshold = oldThreshold + 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: oldOwner2 }, { value: oldOwner3 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: newOwner1 }, { value: newOwner2 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(3)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'swapOwner', [
+ oldOwner1,
+ newOwner1,
+ ])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'swapOwner', [oldOwner1, oldOwner2, newOwner2])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(3, 'removeOwner', [oldOwner2, oldOwner3, newThreshold])
+ })
+ })
+ describe('with duplicates owners', () => {
+ it('should swap as many differing owners as possible then remove the rest when the threshold remains the same', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: oldOwner2 }, { value: oldOwner3 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: newOwner1 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold: oldThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(2)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'swapOwner', [oldOwner1, oldOwner2, newOwner1])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'removeOwner', [oldOwner2, oldOwner3, oldThreshold])
+ })
+ it('should swap as many differing owners as possible then remove the rest when with a final threshold change if the threshold changes', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 2
+ const newThreshold = 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: oldOwner2 }, { value: oldOwner3 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: newOwner1 }]
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold, newOwners })
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(2)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'swapOwner', [oldOwner1, oldOwner2, newOwner1])
+ expect(encodeFunctionDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'removeOwner', [oldOwner2, oldOwner3, newThreshold])
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ describe('getRecoveryProposalTransaction', () => {
+ it('should throw an error when no recovery transactions are found', () => {
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: faker.finance.ethereumAddress() },
+ owners: [{ value: faker.finance.ethereumAddress() }],
+ threshold: 1,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ expect(() =>
+ getRecoveryProposalTransaction({
+ safe,
+ newThreshold: safe.threshold,
+ newOwners: safe.owners,
+ }),
+ ).toThrow('No recovery transactions found')
+ })
+ it('should return the transaction when a single recovery transaction is found', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: newOwner1 }]
+ const transaction = getRecoveryProposalTransaction({
+ safe,
+ newThreshold: oldThreshold,
+ newOwners,
+ })
+ expect(transaction).toEqual({
+ to: safeAddresss,
+ value: '0',
+ data: expect.any(String),
+ operation: OperationType.Call,
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when multiple recovery transactions are found', () => {
+ it('should return a MetaTransactionData object ', () => {
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 2
+ const newThreshold = oldThreshold + 1
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: oldOwner2 }, { value: oldOwner3 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const multiSendDeployment = deployments.getMultiSendCallOnlyDeployment()!
+ const newOwners = [{ value: newOwner1 }, { value: newOwner2 }, { value: newOwner3 }]
+ const transaction = getRecoveryProposalTransaction({
+ safe,
+ newThreshold,
+ newOwners,
+ })
+ expect(transaction).toEqual({
+ to: multiSendDeployment.defaultAddress,
+ value: '0',
+ data: expect.any(String),
+ operation: OperationType.Call,
+ })
+ })
+ it('should throw an error when MultiSend deployment is not found', () => {
+ jest.spyOn(deployments, 'getMultiSendCallOnlyDeployment').mockReturnValue(undefined)
+ const safeAddresss = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner1 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner2 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const newOwner3 = faker.finance.ethereumAddress()
+ const oldThreshold = 2
+ const safe = {
+ address: { value: safeAddresss },
+ owners: [{ value: oldOwner1 }, { value: oldOwner2 }],
+ threshold: oldThreshold,
+ } as SafeInfo
+ const newOwners = [{ value: newOwner1 }, { value: newOwner2 }, { value: newOwner3 }]
+ expect(() =>
+ getRecoveryProposalTransaction({
+ safe,
+ newThreshold: oldThreshold,
+ newOwners,
+ }),
+ ).toThrow('MultiSend deployment not found')
+ })
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/src/services/recovery/transaction.ts b/src/services/recovery/transaction.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83e6786904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/recovery/transaction.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+import { Interface } from 'ethers/lib/utils'
+import { getMultiSendCallOnlyDeployment, getSafeSingletonDeployment } from '@safe-global/safe-deployments'
+import { SENTINEL_ADDRESS } from '@safe-global/safe-core-sdk/dist/src/utils/constants'
+import { encodeMultiSendData } from '@safe-global/safe-core-sdk/dist/src/utils/transactions/utils'
+import { OperationType } from '@safe-global/safe-core-sdk-types'
+import type { MetaTransactionData } from '@safe-global/safe-core-sdk-types'
+import type { AddressEx, SafeInfo } from '@safe-global/safe-gateway-typescript-sdk'
+import { sameAddress } from '@/utils/addresses'
+export function getRecoveryProposalTransactions({
+ safe,
+ newThreshold,
+ newOwners,
+}: {
+ safe: SafeInfo
+ newThreshold: number
+ newOwners: Array
+}): Array {
+ const safeDeployment = getSafeSingletonDeployment({ network: safe.chainId, version: safe.version ?? undefined })
+ if (!safeDeployment) {
+ throw new Error('Safe deployment not found')
+ }
+ const safeInterface = new Interface(safeDeployment.abi)
+ // Cache owner changes to determine prevOwner
+ let _owners = [...safe.owners]
+ // Don't add/remove same owners
+ const ownersToAdd = newOwners.filter(
+ (newOwner) => !_owners.some((oldOwner) => sameAddress(oldOwner.value, newOwner.value)),
+ )
+ const ownersToRemove = safe.owners.filter(
+ (oldOwner) => !newOwners.some((newOwner) => sameAddress(newOwner.value, oldOwner.value)),
+ )
+ // Check whether threshold should be changed after owner management
+ let changeThreshold = newThreshold !== safe.threshold
+ const txData: Array = []
+ const length = Math.max(ownersToAdd.length, ownersToRemove.length)
+ for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+ const ownerToAdd = ownersToAdd[index]?.value
+ const ownerToRemove = ownersToRemove[index]?.value
+ const ownerIndex = _owners.findIndex((owner) => sameAddress(owner.value, ownerToRemove))
+ const prevOwner = ownerIndex === 0 ? SENTINEL_ADDRESS : _owners[ownerIndex - 1]?.value
+ // Swap owner if possible
+ if (ownerToRemove && ownerToAdd) {
+ txData.push(safeInterface.encodeFunctionData('swapOwner', [prevOwner, ownerToRemove, ownerToAdd]))
+ // Update cache to reflect swap
+ _owners = _owners.map((owner) => {
+ if (sameAddress(owner.value, ownerToRemove)) {
+ return ownersToAdd[index]
+ }
+ return owner
+ })
+ continue
+ }
+ // Add or remove owner, finally setting threshold (intermediary value prevents threshold > owner length)
+ const threshold = index === length - 1 ? newThreshold : INTERMEDIARY_THRESHOLD
+ if (!ownerToRemove) {
+ txData.push(safeInterface.encodeFunctionData('addOwnerWithThreshold', [ownerToAdd, threshold]))
+ // Update cache to reflect addition
+ _owners.push(ownersToAdd[index])
+ } else {
+ txData.push(safeInterface.encodeFunctionData('removeOwner', [prevOwner, ownerToRemove, threshold]))
+ // Update cache to reflect removal
+ _owners = _owners.filter((owner) => !sameAddress(owner.value, ownerToRemove))
+ }
+ changeThreshold = false
+ }
+ // If only swapOwners exist but there is a threshold change, changeThreshold
+ if (changeThreshold) {
+ txData.push(safeInterface.encodeFunctionData('changeThreshold', [newThreshold]))
+ }
+ return txData.map((data) => ({
+ to: safe.address.value,
+ value: '0',
+ operation: OperationType.Call,
+ data,
+ }))
+export function getRecoveryProposalTransaction({
+ safe,
+ newThreshold,
+ newOwners,
+}: {
+ safe: SafeInfo
+ newThreshold: number
+ newOwners: Array
+}): MetaTransactionData {
+ const transactions = getRecoveryProposalTransactions({ safe, newThreshold, newOwners })
+ if (transactions.length === 0) {
+ throw new Error('No recovery transactions found')
+ }
+ if (transactions.length === 1) {
+ return transactions[0]
+ }
+ const multiSendDeployment = getMultiSendCallOnlyDeployment({
+ network: safe.chainId,
+ version: safe.version ?? undefined,
+ })
+ if (!multiSendDeployment) {
+ throw new Error('MultiSend deployment not found')
+ }
+ return {
+ to: multiSendDeployment.networkAddresses[safe.chainId] ?? multiSendDeployment.defaultAddress,
+ value: '0',
+ operation: OperationType.Call,
+ data: encodeMultiSendData(transactions),
+ }
diff --git a/src/services/tx/tx-sender/dispatch.ts b/src/services/tx/tx-sender/dispatch.ts
index 570aa0e0ea..98b9ce244c 100644
--- a/src/services/tx/tx-sender/dispatch.ts
+++ b/src/services/tx/tx-sender/dispatch.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-import type { SafeInfo, TransactionDetails } from '@safe-global/safe-gateway-typescript-sdk'
+import type { AddressEx, SafeInfo, TransactionDetails } from '@safe-global/safe-gateway-typescript-sdk'
+import { OperationType } from '@safe-global/safe-core-sdk-types'
import type { SafeTransaction, TransactionOptions, TransactionResult } from '@safe-global/safe-core-sdk-types'
import type { EthersError } from '@/utils/ethers-utils'
import { didReprice, didRevert } from '@/utils/ethers-utils'
@@ -22,6 +23,8 @@ import {
import { createWeb3 } from '@/hooks/wallets/web3'
import { type OnboardAPI } from '@web3-onboard/core'
import { asError } from '@/services/exceptions/utils'
+import { getRecoveryProposalTransaction } from '@/services/recovery/transaction'
+import { getModuleInstance, KnownContracts } from '@gnosis.pm/zodiac'
* Propose a transaction
@@ -400,3 +403,31 @@ export const dispatchBatchExecutionRelay = async (
+export async function dispatchRecoveryProposal({
+ onboard,
+ safe,
+ newThreshold,
+ newOwners,
+ delayModifierAddress,
+}: {
+ onboard: OnboardAPI
+ safe: SafeInfo
+ newThreshold: number
+ newOwners: Array
+ delayModifierAddress: string
+}) {
+ const wallet = await assertWalletChain(onboard, safe.chainId)
+ const provider = createWeb3(wallet.provider)
+ const { to, value, data } = getRecoveryProposalTransaction({
+ safe,
+ newThreshold,
+ newOwners,
+ })
+ const delayModifier = getModuleInstance(KnownContracts.DELAY, delayModifierAddress, provider)
+ const signer = provider.getSigner()
+ await delayModifier.connect(signer).execTransactionFromModule(to, value, data, OperationType.Call)
diff --git a/src/store/recoverySlice.ts b/src/store/recoverySlice.ts
index 1755799cf3..855bc2da0b 100644
--- a/src/store/recoverySlice.ts
+++ b/src/store/recoverySlice.ts
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import type { TransactionAddedEvent } from '@gnosis.pm/zodiac/dist/cjs/types/Del
import type { BigNumber } from 'ethers'
import { makeLoadableSlice } from './common'
+import { sameAddress } from '@/utils/addresses'
+import type { RootState } from '.'
export type RecoveryQueueItem = TransactionAddedEvent & {
timestamp: number
@@ -26,4 +28,11 @@ const { slice, selector } = makeLoadableSlice('recovery', initialState)
export const recoverySlice = slice
-export const selectRecovery = createSelector(selector, (recovery) => recovery.data)
+const selectRecovery = createSelector(selector, (recovery) => recovery.data)
+export const selectRecoveryByGuardian = createSelector(
+ [selectRecovery, (_: RootState, walletAddress: string) => walletAddress],
+ (recovery, walletAddress) => {
+ return recovery.find(({ modules }) => modules.some((module) => sameAddress(module, walletAddress)))
+ },