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QReddit Analysis

This repository contains the code behind the analysis in the "Characterizing Reddit Participation of Users who Engage in the QAnon Conspiracy Theories" paper (CSCW '22). The data are located here.

File locations

  • Input data can be found in the inputFiles folder.
  • Output files can be found in the outputFiles folder.

Repository set up

pip install -r requirements.txt

Input data


Key Stats

2,099,875 unique submissions
  from 13,182 unique Q-users
50,002 unique subreddits
  from October 28. 2016 to January 23rd, 2021
  using the Pushshift API (psaw)

Column Information

Column Data Type Definition
subreddit object subreddit name where submission is located
id object submission id
score int64 number of upvotes for submission
numReplies int64 count of comments
author object submission author's Reddit username
title object submission title
text object submission selftext, if no text then link post
is_self bool indication of text-only submission
domain object url link domain, if no url then submission permalink domain
url object full url link for submission, if no url then submission permalink
permalink object submission permalink
date_created datetime64[ns] submission creation date-time group (UTC)
type object submission or comment


subreddit id score numReplies author title text is_self domain url permalink upvote_ratio date_created
0 greatawakening 8xuv4i 1 14 879f283b831c13474e219e88663d95b0763cca9b I’ve been writing “Trump Lives Here” on my $20’s after seeing the stamp idea advertised, but seeing this posted again gave me a better idea...going to start writing #QANON or #GreatAwakening on all my bills now! nan False /r/greatawakening/comments/8xuv4i/ive_been_writing_trump_lives_here_on_my_20s_after/ -1 2018-07-11 00:27:24
1 greatawakening 8ydw3e 1 13 879f283b831c13474e219e88663d95b0763cca9b Trying to take him seriously but... nan False /r/greatawakening/comments/8ydw3e/trying_to_take_him_seriously_but/ -1 2018-07-12 21:26:32


Key Stats

10,831,922 unique comments
  from 11,210 unique Q-users
36,947 unique subreddits
  from October 28. 2016 to January 23rd, 2021
  using the Pushshift API (psaw)

Column Information

Column Data Type Definition
id object comment id
link_id object submission id the comment is in response to
parent_id object parent comment id
author object comment author's Reddit username
subreddit object subreddit name where comment is located
body object body of the comment
date_created datetime64[ns] comment creation date-time group (UTC)


id link_id parent_id author subreddit body date_created
0 e0mztbn t3_8qy7gp t3_8qy7gp 182c774799aac38a84f5117fc59cde99b0df19af greatawakening My account is new because i lost my password to my last account 2018-06-14 02:17:37
1 e0n0e9q t3_8qy9wy t3_8qy9wy 182c774799aac38a84f5117fc59cde99b0df19af greatawakening new account only because i lost the password to my old account. you can see my post history at JaM0k3 if you doubt my authenticity and genuine concern 2018-06-14 02:28:21


Key Stats

13,182 users
  QAnon-enthusiastic = 3,506 users
  QAnon-interested = 9,676 users

User status:
  Active = 11,014 users
  DNE = 1,624 users
  Is_suspended = 544 users

Column Information

Column Data Type Definition
QAuthor object Q-users (authors of submissions in the 19 identified subreddits from the 2018 QAnon ban
isUQ int64 0 = QAnon-interested, 1 = QAnon-enthusiastic
status object Active, DNE, Is_suspended = user account status derived from Reddit API Metadata (as of June, 2021)


QAuthor isUQ status
0 aa65b7dd5d5fa660d058e094669f884bf7d52299 0 Active
1 2b1505f289338751829dfa129c0b52d145c9eceb 1 Active


Key Stats

12,987 unique subreddits

Column Information

Column Data Type Definition
subreddit object subreddit name that contains 2+ QAnon-enthusiastic (excludes user profile wikis)
numSubscribers float64 count of subreddit subscribers (as of June, 2021 or earlier loss of unrestricted subreddit access)
status object subreddit access: unrestricted, quarantined, or private, and banned (as of June, 2021)
allModNames object moderator Reddit usernames (as of June, 2021)
allMods int64 count of moderators (as of June, 2021)
qModNames object Q-user moderator Reddit usernames (as of June, 2021)
qMods float64 count of Q-user moderators (as of June, 2021)
top_qModNames object QAnon-enthusiastic moderator Reddit usernames (as of June, 2021)
top_qMods float64 count of QAnon-enthusiastic moderators (as of June, 2021)
firstPostSubmission object date_created for earliest submission
lastPostSubmission object date_created for latest submission
firstPostComment object date_created for earliest comment
lastPostComment object date_created for latest comment
qModsRatio float64 qMods / allMods (as of June, 2021)
top_qModsRatio float64 top_qMods / allMods (as of June, 2021)
activePreBanOnly int64 1 = subreddit's last submission or comment is 2018-09-12 or earlier, 0 = active post-2018 QAnon ban
activePreQ int64 1 = subreddit's first submission or comment is before 2017-10-28, 0 = not active pre- first Q drop
activePostBan int64 1 = subreddit's last submission or comment is after 2018-09-12, 0 = acrtive pre-2018 QAnon ban
qAuth int64 count of Q-user submission authors
top_qAuth int64 count of QAnon-enthusiastic submission authors
qSubmissions int64 count of Q-user submissions
top_qSubmissions int64 count of QAnon-enthusiastic submissions
nonTop_qSubmissions int64 count of QAnon-interested submissions
qComments float64 count of Q-user comments
top_qComments float64 count of QAnon-enthusiastic comments
nonTop_qComments float64 count of QAnon-interested comments
top_qPercent float64 (top_qAuth / 3506) * 100)
qPercent float64 (qAuth / 13182 * 100)
Monthly Average Total Authors float64 average number of total subreddit submission authors per month (between 2018-03-12 and 2019-03-12)
Monthly Average Total Submissions float64 average number of total subreddit submissions per month (between 2018-03-12 and 2019-03-12)
Monthly Average UQ Authors float64 average number of QAnon-enthusiastic subreddit submission authors per month (between 2018-03-12 and 2019-03-12)
Monthly Average UQ Submissions float64 average number of QAnon-enthusiastic subreddit submissions per month (between 2018-03-12 and 2019-03-12)
Monthly Average QAnon Authors float64 average number of Q-user subreddit submission authors per month (between 2018-03-12 and 2019-03-12)
Monthly Average QAnon Submissions float64 average number of Q-user subreddit submissions per month (between 2018-03-12 and 2019-03-12)
% UQ Submissions float64 (Monthly Average UQ Submissions / Monthly Average Total Submissions) * 100
% UQ Authors float64 (Monthly Average UQ Authors / Monthly Average Total Authors) * 100
% QAnon Submissions float64 (Monthly Average QAnon Submissions / Monthly Average Total Submissions) * 100
% QAnon Authors float64 (Monthly Average QAnon Authors / Monthly Average Total Authors) * 100


subreddit numSubscribers status allModNames allMods qModNames qMods top_qModNames top_qMods firstPostSubmission lastPostSubmission firstPostComment lastPostComment qModsRatio top_qModsRatio activePreBanOnly activePreQ activePostBan qAuth top_qAuth qSubmissions top_qSubmissions nonTop_qSubmissions qComments top_qComments nonTop_qComments top_qPercent qPercent Monthly Average Total Authors Monthly Average Total Submissions Monthly Average UQ Authors Monthly Average UQ Submissions Monthly Average QAnon Authors Monthly Average QAnon Submissions % UQ Submissions % UQ Authors % QAnon Submissions % QAnon Authors
0 Watches 1.52524e+06 public ['f1c355408b78fd88ebc13aade4c9a7924005c2ab','e8ba168935c0aaf4c836f754134ab7ce2af1cb78','3d24107f83da2c1b164f9ef6056534c411a014c5','4761651055cbc095f958408c130db085207d94f0','2f3685e3246480acf62db4fa47134136abb72fa8','e91b7152b521a4c2ee38d40b4269db6ed3a4a864','733a3079682a418d3ac0a0082a1c73c82426ab64','f07a25e26c9be732c6a8e0baeb259de0012db9c0','5324eebc18306707d97d9a20cf7ab0d333a852f6','1a2ab94f2a57af66faaf6c6cc1c2aedfbf7adeaf','1bfb0b9d4f7209ceeb0fd8a41032dc03dc270d55','beb0c1ef7acd0d2c116eb53afe5e9c6466268087','b6b4b8c71fbbf8e56cbffdaa2909cbe4d23c6e25'] 13 [] 0 [] 0 2016-12-07 03:21:16 2020-11-27 19:24:49 2016-11-26 13:24:54 2021-01-22 18:22:43 0 0 0 1 1 58 10 219 99 120 1681 244 1437 0.29 0.44 2881.38 5911.85 1.2 2.4 3.75 6 0.0405965 0.0416466 0.101491 0.130146
1 MMA 1.51845e+06 public ['69e403df92bb49af60d5046c0be60f1a46bfd53d','db2bc6d4901d4b045b6106f6d8fa05d39d7299bc','e6a27fb7e49c024a93e255f6aebf7d050286d555','662214643ba4236170bdd0930c3960aec957eccc','346dc08bbb0aba36e747eed2c60f71ed2421b801','42af3024c512b1570e9b18d14e489ea1aabc5289','ad60ae7a9dd74661af165743cc541e9a643d5653','9e165e1ea288ea76cc543606b60158297f53189c','8b1895f2ab3dd2937e57df3dfbd0a0f2722d22a6','a811e14d7aca9db33a0741e9b3ac224674a3678d','814f2b241069c14efd6505e3e6608fd6bd0e5837','20753b7f572e0d6a003037e751fc755fc2a69e7b','9ad716f0c5f5346b6bd5f9d25028f581a202f5d6','86294814dcd22c5c6ec366f986261825204f7d3b','e735ba8c261225c06427c4141ae52e3ccd63d069','64c14242cc4aba563a93ad72c2d27caa94c3f5d4','5c547518bd4db19ca4d04acbf7801e2d803bf3eb','19ec300a4b3eb3a65a7091dfec4618fe02a53caa','67d7a0de2ae09727ef61f0720e40125e555dd56a','8955818d50a9bcc9bca0877413fb030ba9452e3a'] 20 [] 0 [] 0 2016-11-01 05:51:55 2021-01-03 00:43:44 2016-10-28 00:39:15 2021-01-23 08:16:57 0 0 0 1 1 97 29 371 99 272 18910 2808 16102 0.83 0.74 1840.46 4953.46 2.91667 4.75 6.38462 9.92308 0.0958925 0.158475 0.200326 0.346903


Key Stats

915 unique sampled subreddits

Column Information

Column Data Type Definition
subreddit object sampled subreddit name
Codes object qualitative codes for listed subreddit (n of 24)
Final Topic Clusters object label common theme for listed subreddit (n of 9)
Final Relation Clusters object label of relationship to QAnon narrative (n of 6)


subreddit Codes Final Topic Clusters Final Relation Clusters
0 2070vids ['unrelated'] ['unrelated'] ['unrelated']
1 3Dprinting ['unrelated'] ['unrelated'] ['unrelated']

RQ3_LabellingResults (folder)

RQ3_Labelling Results_RQ3-Submission Labelling Results - QAnon-QAnon narrative.csv
RQ3_Labelling Results_RQ3-Submission Labelling Results - related-aligned-the unseen or unknown (1).csv
RQ3_Labelling Results_RQ3-Submission Labelling Results - related-aligned-unconstricted behavior.csv
RQ3_Labelling Results_RQ3-Submission Labelling Results - related-misaligned-constricted behavior.csv
RQ3_Labelling Results_RQ3-Submission Labelling Results - related-misaligned-politics - Trump opposing.csv
RQ3_Labelling Results_RQ3-Submission Labelling Results - related-neutral-current events.csv
RQ3_Labelling Results_RQ3-Submission Labelling Results - related-neutral-politics - Trump alignment unknown.csv
RQ3_Labelling Results_RQ3-Submission Labelling Results - sympathetic-politics - Trump supporting.csv
RQ3_Labelling Results_RQ3-Submission Labelling Results - sympathetic-the unseen or unknown.csv
RQ3_Labelling Results_RQ3-Submission Labelling Results - sympathetic-unconstricted behavior.csv
RQ3_Labelling Results_RQ3-Submission Labelling Results - unrelated-unrelated.csv

Key Stats

1,571 unique sampled submissions
  across 11 combinations of 6 relation labels and 9 topic labels
  coding for 7 harmful content labels

Column Information

Column Data Type Definition
subreddit object sampled subreddit name
title object submission title
text object submission selftext
date_created object submission creation date-time group (UTC)
url object full url link for submission, if no url then submission permalink
Reconcile Code1 object qualitative codes for listed submission (n of 7)
Reconcile Code2 object qualitative codes for listed submission (n of 7)
Reconcile Code3 object qualitative codes for listed submission (n of 7)
Reconcile Code4 object qualitative codes for listed submission (n of 7)
Source object if applicable: Source inaccessible, Youtube news commentary, Mischaracterization of fact


subreddit title text date_created url Reconcile Code1 Reconcile Code2 Reconcile Code3 Reconcile Code4 Source
0 tulsi "Why I’m asking Tom Perez to resign Under the leadership of Tom Perez, the DNC has kowtowed to billionaires, caused a debacle in Iowa, and undermined the voter’s trust in our elections. The American people are understandably feeling confused and disheartened by a process that should be empowering" 2020-02-09 22:36:14 Negative Interaction nan nan nan Source inaccessible
1 JusticeVsGOP Trump’s alleged attempts to force Ukraine to meddle in 2020 election being investigated nan 2019-09-09 23:14:30 Unrelated Low-quality Source nan nan nan