Official Tournament Map Recommender for Osu!
Chord bot is an IRC bot that responds to the user's query by supplying them an offical tournament map based on MMR and the filters provided.
- !r (mmr)
- Example: "!r 1500" .
- !r (mmr) stars=(1-10) bpm=(50-300) mod=(hardrock, hidden, doubletime, freemod, nomod)
- Example: "!r 1500 mod=hardrock stars=4.52 bpm=93" . Selects a pool with that mmr and recommends a song
This text you see here is *actually- written in Markdown! To get a feel for Markdown's syntax, type some text into the left window and watch the results in the right.
Create a .env file in the root directory with the following key value pairs
touch .env
and use the irc values for your account to have the bot running locally.
You can then install the node modules and run the bot locally.
npm i
npm run dev
Priority | Task | Explanation |
1 | Spam Filter for User | Have a spam filter that uses a database and time stamps to limit each user request. |
2 | Better Filters | Ability to filter MMR, star rating, and BPM by range. (Example: bpm>20<10 would search between 10 and 20) |
User/Name | Osu Profile |
Chord | |