// Create an account with an initial balance Account myAccount = new Account("John Doe", 1000.0);
// Deposit funds into the account myAccount.deposit(500.0);
// Withdraw funds from the account myAccount.withdraw(200.0);
// Check the current balance double balance = myAccount.getBalance(); System.out.println("Current Balance: $" + balance); Polygon Class Description The Polygon class is designed to model a generic polygon. It includes properties like the number of sides, the length of each side, and methods to calculate the area and perimeter.
Usage Example java Copy code // Create a polygon with 5 sides of length 8 units each Polygon pentagon = new Polygon(5, 8.0);
// Calculate and display the area of the pentagon double area = pentagon.calculateArea(); System.out.println("Area of Pentagon: " + area);
// Calculate and display the perimeter of the pentagon double perimeter = pentagon.calculatePerimeter(); System.out.println("Perimeter of Pentagon: " + perimeter); How to Use Clone the repository to your local machine:
bash Copy code git clone https://github.com/your-username/java-account-polygon.git Open the project in your preferred Java development environment (e.g., Eclipse, IntelliJ).
Explore and run the example code in the Main class to see the functionalities of the Account and Polygon classes.
Contributing If you have any suggestions for improvements or additional features, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request.