This is an example of using the OpenAI API in a python application. The python application is a web application hosted in streamlit.
In order to get your local environment set up, you will need to have the following installed:
- Homebrew: Installing Homebrew
- Python 3.11.4: I recommend using pyenv
- Poetry: Installing Poetry
Once you have your local environment set up, you will need to setup an OpenAI developer accouint and obtain an OpenAI API key. Once you have your API key, you will need to set it as an environment variable. You can do this by editing your .zshrc
file or by running the following command:
export OPENAI_ORG_ID="your_organization_id_here"
export OPENAI_API_KEY="your_api_key_here"
In order to run the app locally, you will need to install the dependencies. You can do this by running the following command:
poetry install
Then, you can run the app locally by running the following command:
poetry run streamlit run
This will start the streamlit application on your local machine. You can access it by going to http://localhost:8501/ in your web browser.