diff --git a/Source/Mods/AncientUrbanRuins.cs b/Source/Mods/AncientUrbanRuins.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..904a438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Mods/AncientUrbanRuins.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Reflection.Emit;
+using HarmonyLib;
+using RimWorld.Planet;
+using Verse;
+namespace Multiplayer.Compat;
+/// Ancient urban ruins by MO
+public class AncientUrbanRuins
+ #region Main patch
+ public AncientUrbanRuins(ModContentPack mod)
+ {
+ // Mod uses 3 different assemblies, 2 of them use the same namespace.
+ MpCompatPatchLoader.LoadPatch(this);
+ #region RNG
+ {
+ var methods = new[]
+ {
+ "AncientMarket_Libraray.ACM_RandomUtility:ReplaceWallAndBreakThem",
+ "AncientMarket_Libraray.ACM_SketchResolver_ACM_Resturant:ResolveInt",
+ "AncientMarket_Libraray.ACM_SketchResolver_BuildingRoom:ResolveInt",
+ "AncientMarket_Libraray.ACM_SketchResolver_BuildingRoomWithNoForklift:ResolveInt",
+ "AncientMarket_Libraray.ACM_SketchResolver_ContainerRoom:ResolveInt",
+ "AncientMarket_Libraray.ACM_SketchResolver_HoboRoom:ResolveInt",
+ "AncientMarket_Libraray.ACM_SketchResolver_StoreRoom:ResolveInt",
+ "AncientMarket_Libraray.ACM_SketchResolver_UnderRoom:ResolveInt",
+ "AncientMarket_Libraray.ComplexThreatWorker_HangingPirates:SpawnThreatPawns",
+ };
+ PatchingUtilities.PatchUnityRand(methods);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Input
+ {
+ // Start trade
+ MpCompat.RegisterLambdaDelegate("AncientMarket_Libraray.BuildingTrader", nameof(Thing.GetFloatMenuOptions), 0);
+ // Start dialogue (seems unused/related feature is unfinished)
+ MpCompat.RegisterLambdaDelegate("AncientMarket_Libraray.CompDialogable", nameof(ThingComp.CompFloatMenuOptions), 0);
+ // Destroy site
+ LongEventHandler.ExecuteWhenFinished(() =>
+ MpCompat.RegisterLambdaMethod("AncientMarket_Libraray.CustomSite", nameof(WorldObject.GetGizmos), 1));
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Destroy site confirmation dialog
+ // If multiple players have the dialog open, close the dialog if one of
+ // the players confirmed it as there's no point in having it open.
+ // For some reason, this mod uses 2 different confirmation dialogs for
+ // different sites, the vanilla confirmation dialog and their own custom one.
+ [MpCompatPrefix("AncientMarket_Libraray.Dialog_Confirm", "DoWindowContents")]
+ private static void CloseDialogIfSiteDestroyed(Window __instance, Site ___Site)
+ {
+ if (___Site == null || ___Site.Destroyed)
+ __instance.Close();
+ }
+ // AncientMarket_Libraray.Dialog_Confirm calls WorldObject.Destroy. We could
+ // sync that method, but I'd prefer not to sync Vanilla methods
+ [MpCompatTranspiler("AncientMarket_Libraray.Dialog_Confirm", "DoWindowContents")]
+ private static IEnumerable ReplaceDestroyWithSyncedCall(IEnumerable instr)
+ {
+ var target = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(WorldObject), nameof(WorldObject.Destroy));
+ var replacement = MpMethodUtil.MethodOf(SyncedDestroySite);
+ foreach (var ci in instr)
+ {
+ if (ci.Calls(target))
+ {
+ ci.opcode = OpCodes.Call;
+ ci.operand = replacement;
+ }
+ yield return ci;
+ }
+ }
+ [MpCompatSyncMethod]
+ private static void SyncedDestroySite(WorldObject site)
+ {
+ // Make sure it's not already destroyed to prevent errors
+ if (!site.Destroyed)
+ site.Destroy();
+ }
+ #endregion
\ No newline at end of file