faas login
faas up
faas list
faas describe
faas deploy --update=true --replace=false
faas invoke --async
faas invoke
faas rm
faas store list/deploy/inspect
faas version
faas namespace
faas secret
faas logs
faas auth
- supported for Basic Authentication and OpenFaaS PRO with OIDC and Single-sign On.
Scale from and to zero is also supported. On a Dell XPS with a small, pre-pulled image unpausing an existing task took 0.19s and starting a task for a killed function took 0.39s. There may be further optimizations to be gained.
faasd suits certain use-cases as mentioned in the README file, for those who want a solution which can scale out horizontally with minimum effort, Kubernetes or K3s is a valid option.
Functions only support one replica, so cannot scale horizontally, but can scale vertically.
Workaround: deploy one uniquely named function per replica.
When scaling from zero there is no health check implemented, so the request may arrive before your HTTP server is ready to serve a request, and therefore give a non-200 code.
Workaround: Do not scale to zero, or have your client retry HTTP calls.
No clustering is available in faasd, however you can still apply fault-tolerance and high availability techniques.
Workaround: deploy multiple faasd instances and use a hardware or software load-balancer. Take regular VM/host snapshots or backups.
When running faas-cli deploy
, your old function is removed before the new one is started. This may cause a small amount of downtime, depending on the timeouts and grace periods you set.
Workaround: deploy uniquely named functions per version, and switch an Ingress or Reverse Proxy record to point at a new version once it is ready.
This issue appears to happen sporadically and only for some users.
If you get a non 200 HTTP code from the gateway, or caddy after installing faasd, check the logs of faasd:
sudo journalctl -u faasd
If you see the following error:
unable to dial to, error: dial tcp connect: no route to host
Restart the faasd service with:
sudo systemctl restart faasd
Should have:
- Offer a recommendation or implement a strategy for faasd replication/HA
- Monitor and restart any of the core components at runtime if the container stops
- Asynchronous function deletion instead of synchronous
- Asynchronous function start-up instead of synchronous
Nice to Have:
- Terraform for AWS (in-progress)
- Total memory limits - if a node has 1GB of RAM, don't allow more than 1000MB of RAM to be reserved via limits
- Offer live rolling-updates, with zero downtime - requires moving to IDs vs. names for function containers
- Multiple replicas per function
- Docs or examples on how to use the various event connectors (Yes in the eBook)
- Resolve core services from functions by populating/sharing
- Provide a cloud-init configuration for faasd bootstrap
- Configure core services from a docker-compose.yaml file
- Store and fetch logs from the journal
- Add support for using container images in third-party public registries
- Add support for using container images in private third-party registries
- Provide a cloud-config.txt file for automated deployments of
- Inject / manage IPs between core components for service to service communication - i.e. so Prometheus can scrape the OpenFaaS gateway - done via
mount - Add queue-worker and NATS
- Create faasd.service and faasd-provider.service
- Self-install / create systemd service via
faasd install
- Restart containers upon restart of faasd
- Clear / remove containers and tasks with SIGTERM / SIGINT
- Determine armhf/arm64 containers to run for gateway
- Configure
to protect the OpenFaaS gateway and faasd-provider HTTP API - Setup custom working directory for faasd
- Use CNI to create network namespaces and adapters
- Optionally expose core services from the docker-compose.yaml file, locally or to all adapters.
containerd can't pull image from Github Docker Package Registryghcr.io support - Provide simple Caddyfile example in the README showing how to expose the faasd proxy on port 80/443 with TLS
- Annotation support
- Hard memory limits for functions
- Terraform for DigitalOcean
- Store and retrieve annotations in function spec - in progress
- An installer for faasd and dependencies - runc, containerd