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Machine Learning Specialization : Advanced Learning Algorithms

2. Advanced Learning Algorithms

Table Of Contents

1. What is Neural Networks

  • A neural network is built from layers of neurons.
  • Each layer takes a vector of inputs and applies a logistic regression unit to each input, producing a vector of outputs.
  • The output of one layer becomes the input for the next layer.
  • A neural network can have multiple hidden layers and one output layer.
  • Superscripts in square brackets denote the layer associated with a quantity (e.g., w^[2] is a parameter in layer 2).
  • Activation functions like sigmoid are used to introduce non-linearity.
  • Forward propagation is an algorithm to compute the output of a neural network for a given input.

2. Decision Making

  • Choose the number of layers and neurons based on the complexity of the problem.
  • Define the activation function (e.g., sigmoid, tanh).
  • Initialize the weights and biases randomly.

3. Procedure

  • For each layer (except the first):
    • Multiply the input vector by the weight matrix of the current layer.
    • Add the bias vector for the current layer.
    • Apply the activation function to each element of the resulting vector.
  • The output of the final layer is the prediction of the neural network.

4. Learnings

  • Neural networks are powerful models for complex tasks.
  • Understanding the forward propagation algorithm is crucial for using neural networks.
  • Notation can be complex but helps with understanding the computations.

5. Additional Notes

  • Backward propagation is used to train the neural network by adjusting the weights and biases.
  • Hyperparameter tuning involves adjusting parameters like the learning rate.
  • Regularization techniques can help prevent overfitting.

6. Resources

DeepLearning.AI: Stanford Online: Andrew Ng:

7. Projects

7.1 Coffee Roasting at Home

This lab demonstrates how to build a small neural network using Tensorflow to classify coffee roasting data based on temperature and duration features1. DataSet

The lab uses a dataset of 200 examples of coffee roasting with labels indicating good or bad roasts. The data is normalized and tiled to increase the training set size and reduce the number of training epochs2. Tensorflow Model

The lab shows how to create a sequential model with two dense layers and sigmoid activations. The model is compiled with binary crossentropy loss and Adam optimizer. The model is fitted to the data using 10 epochs and the weights are updated. Layer Functions

The lab visualizes the output of each layer and unit in the network and explains their role in the decision making process. The lab also shows how to make predictions using the trained model and apply a threshold to obtain binary decisions.

This lab teaches how to build a small neural network using Numpy. The network has two layers with sigmoid activations and is trained to classify coffee roasting data. DataSet

The data set contains two features: temperature and duration of roasting. The label is whether the roast is good or not. The data is normalized before feeding to the network. Numpy Model

The lab shows how to implement a dense layer and a sequential model using Numpy. The model takes the input, applies the weights and biases, and computes the activations for each layer. Predictions

The lab shows how to use the trained model to make predictions on new examples. The predictions are probabilities of a good roast. A threshold of 0.5 is used to make binary decisions. Network Function

The lab plots the output of the network as a function of the input features. The plot shows the regions where the network predicts a good or a bad roast. The plot is identical to the one obtained using Tensorflow in the previous lab.

7.2 Binary Classification

This project was a hands-on introduction to using a neural network to recognize the hand-written digits zero and one.

7.2.1 Code Base

7.2.2 Key Points

  • Uses a 3-layer neural network with sigmoid activations to distinguish handwritten digits '0' and '1'.
  • TensorFlow and NumPy code examples demonstrate model implementation and prediction.

7.2.3 Decision Making

  • Decisions on model architecture, the activation function, the loss function, the optimizer, and the metrics based on the characteristics of the binary classification task and the data set(1000 20x20 grayscale images).
  • Random seed ensures result reproducibility.

7.2.4 Procedure

  • Load and visualize the data set, which contains 1000 examples of 20x20 grayscale images of digits zero and one3.
  • Define the model using TensorFlow’s Sequential and Dense classes, specifying the input shape, the number of units, and the activation function for each layer.
  • Compile the model using TensorFlow’s compile method, specifying the loss function, the optimizer, and the metrics to track.
  • Train the model using TensorFlow’s fit method, specifying the number of epochs, the batch size, and the validation split.
  • Test the model using TensorFlow’s evaluate and predict methods, comparing the predictions with the labels and calculating the accuracy.
  • Implement the same model using NumPy, defining custom functions for the dense layer, the sigmoid activation, and the forward propagation.
  • Compare the predictions from the TensorFlow and NumPy models, verifying that they are identical.

7.2.5 Learnings

  • Building and evaluating neural networks for binary classification tasks.
  • Implementing and testing models using TensorFlow and NumPy.
  • Comparing different model implementations.

7.2.6 Additional Tips

  • Optional lectures on vectorization and broadcasting for code efficiency and readability.
  • Links to external resources for further learning.

7.3 Multiclass Classification

This project was a hands-on introduction to using a neural network to recognize the hand-written digits from zero and nine.

7.3.1 Code Base

7.3.2 Key Points

  • Multi-class classification involves predicting one out of multiple possible output labels, unlike binary classification which only has two options.
  • Handwritten digit recognition with 10 digits is an example of multi-class classification.
  • Softmax regression generalizes logistic regression to handle multiple output classes. It calculates the probability of each class for a given input, using a function that outputs values between 0 and 1 and sums to 1.
  • A neural network can be used for multi-class classification by adding a softmax output layer with one unit per class. The output layer calculates the probability of each class for an input.
  • The cost function for softmax regression uses negative log-likelihood to penalize the model for incorrect predictions. This encourages the model to output higher probabilities for the correct class.
  • There are two ways to implement softmax in TensorFlow: the original way from the video and a more numerically stable way recommended for better accuracy.
  • Multi-label classification is different from multi-class classification. In multi-label, each input can have multiple labels associated with it, while in multi-class, each input has only one label.

7.3.3 Decision Making

  • Choose multi-class classification if your problem involves predicting one out of several possible categories.
  • Use softmax regression and a neural network with a softmax output layer to build a model for multi-class classification.
  • Use the recommended numerically stable implementation of softmax in TensorFlow for better accuracy.
  • Consider multi-label classification if your problem involves predicting multiple labels for each input.

7.3.4 Procedure

  • Define the problem as multi-class classification and identify the number of possible output classes.
  • Prepare your data set labeled with the corresponding class for each input.
  • Choose a neural network architecture with a softmax output layer and one unit per class.
  • Train the network using the softmax cost function and backpropagation algorithm.
  • Evaluate the model's performance on a separate test set.

7.3.5 Learnings

  • Softmax regression is a powerful tool for multi-class classification.
  • Neural networks can be effectively used for multi-class classification with a softmax output layer.
  • Numerical stability is important when implementing softmax in TensorFlow.
  • Multi-label classification is a distinct problem with different modeling approaches.

7.3.6 Additional Tips

  • This summary covers the main points from the videos on multi-class and multi-label classification.
  • There are additional details and variations not included here.
  • Consider watching the full videos for a more comprehensive understanding.