diff --git a/booster/library/Booster/JsonRpc.hs b/booster/library/Booster/JsonRpc.hs
index 48dafb6cf2..a6654c141c 100644
--- a/booster/library/Booster/JsonRpc.hs
+++ b/booster/library/Booster/JsonRpc.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (catchE, except, runExcept, runExceptT, throwE, withExceptT)
import Crypto.Hash (SHA256 (..), hashWith)
-import Data.Bifunctor (second)
+import Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List (singleton)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import GHC.Records
import Numeric.Natural
import Booster.CLOptions (RewriteOptions (..))
-import Booster.Definition.Attributes.Base (UniqueId, getUniqueId, uniqueId)
+import Booster.Definition.Attributes.Base (getUniqueId, uniqueId)
import Booster.Definition.Base (KoreDefinition (..))
import Booster.Definition.Base qualified as Definition (RewriteRule (..))
import Booster.LLVM as LLVM (API)
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import Booster.Pattern.Base qualified as Pattern
import Booster.Pattern.Implies (runImplies)
import Booster.Pattern.Pretty
import Booster.Pattern.Rewrite (
+ AppliedRuleMetadata (..),
RewriteConfig (..),
RewriteFailed (..),
RewriteResult (..),
@@ -57,7 +58,9 @@ import Booster.Pattern.Rewrite (
import Booster.Pattern.Substitution qualified as Substitution
import Booster.Pattern.Util (
+ externaliseRuleMarker,
+ modifyVarName,
@@ -479,11 +482,13 @@ execResponse req (d, traces, rr) unsupported = case rr of
{ reason = RpcTypes.Branching
, depth
, logs
- , state = toExecState p unsupported Nothing
+ , state = toExecState p Nothing unsupported
, nextStates =
- Just $
- map (\(_, muid, p') -> toExecState p' unsupported (Just muid)) $
- toList nexts
+ Just
+ $ map
+ ( \(rewritten, ruleMetadata) -> toExecState rewritten (Just ruleMetadata) unsupported
+ )
+ $ toList nexts
, rule = Nothing
, unknownPredicate = Nothing
@@ -494,7 +499,7 @@ execResponse req (d, traces, rr) unsupported = case rr of
{ reason = RpcTypes.Stuck
, depth
, logs
- , state = toExecState p unsupported Nothing
+ , state = toExecState p Nothing unsupported
, nextStates = Nothing
, rule = Nothing
, unknownPredicate = Nothing
@@ -506,7 +511,7 @@ execResponse req (d, traces, rr) unsupported = case rr of
{ reason = RpcTypes.Vacuous
, depth
, logs
- , state = toExecState p unsupported Nothing
+ , state = toExecState p Nothing unsupported
, nextStates = Nothing
, rule = Nothing
, unknownPredicate = Nothing
@@ -518,8 +523,8 @@ execResponse req (d, traces, rr) unsupported = case rr of
{ reason = RpcTypes.CutPointRule
, depth
, logs
- , state = toExecState p unsupported Nothing
- , nextStates = Just [toExecState next unsupported Nothing]
+ , state = toExecState p Nothing unsupported
+ , nextStates = Just [toExecState next Nothing unsupported]
, rule = Just lbl
, unknownPredicate = Nothing
@@ -530,7 +535,7 @@ execResponse req (d, traces, rr) unsupported = case rr of
{ reason = RpcTypes.TerminalRule
, depth
, logs
- , state = toExecState p unsupported Nothing
+ , state = toExecState p Nothing unsupported
, nextStates = Nothing
, rule = Just lbl
, unknownPredicate = Nothing
@@ -542,7 +547,7 @@ execResponse req (d, traces, rr) unsupported = case rr of
{ reason = RpcTypes.DepthBound
, depth
, logs
- , state = toExecState p unsupported Nothing
+ , state = toExecState p Nothing unsupported
, nextStates = Nothing
, rule = Nothing
, unknownPredicate = Nothing
@@ -559,7 +564,7 @@ execResponse req (d, traces, rr) unsupported = case rr of
(logSuccessfulRewrites, logFailedRewrites)
(RewriteStepFailed failure)
in logs <|> abortRewriteLog
- , state = toExecState p unsupported Nothing
+ , state = toExecState p Nothing unsupported
, nextStates = Nothing
, rule = Nothing
, unknownPredicate = Nothing
@@ -582,23 +587,37 @@ execResponse req (d, traces, rr) unsupported = case rr of
xs@(_ : _) -> Just xs
toExecState ::
- Pattern -> [Syntax.KorePattern] -> Maybe UniqueId -> RpcTypes.ExecuteState
-toExecState pat unsupported muid =
+ Pattern ->
+ Maybe AppliedRuleMetadata ->
+ [Syntax.KorePattern] ->
- { term = addHeader t
- , predicate = addHeader <$> addUnsupported p
- , substitution = addHeader <$> s
- , ruleSubstitution = Nothing
- , rulePredicate = Nothing
- , ruleId = getUniqueId <$> muid
- }
- where
- (t, p, s) = externalisePattern pat
- termSort = externaliseSort $ sortOfPattern pat
- allUnsupported = Syntax.KJAnd termSort unsupported
- addUnsupported
- | null unsupported = id
- | otherwise = maybe (Just allUnsupported) (Just . Syntax.KJAnd termSort . (: unsupported))
+ pat
+ mRuleMetadata
+ unsupported =
+ RpcTypes.ExecuteState
+ { term = addHeader t
+ , predicate = addHeader <$> addUnsupported p
+ , substitution = addHeader <$> s
+ , ruleSubstitution = addHeader <$> mruleSubstExt
+ , rulePredicate = addHeader <$> mrulePredExt
+ , ruleId = getUniqueId . ruleUniqueId <$> mRuleMetadata
+ }
+ where
+ mrulePredExt = externalisePredicate termSort . rulePredicate <$> mRuleMetadata
+ mruleSubstExt =
+ Syntax.KJAnd termSort
+ . map
+ (uncurry (externaliseSubstitution termSort) . first (modifyVarName externaliseRuleMarker))
+ . Map.toList
+ . ruleSubstitution
+ <$> mRuleMetadata
+ (t, p, s) = externalisePattern pat
+ termSort = externaliseSort $ sortOfPattern pat
+ allUnsupported = Syntax.KJAnd termSort unsupported
+ addUnsupported
+ | null unsupported = id
+ | otherwise = maybe (Just allUnsupported) (Just . Syntax.KJAnd termSort . (: unsupported))
mkLogRewriteTrace ::
(Bool, Bool) ->
@@ -639,6 +658,11 @@ mkLogRewriteTrace
{ reason = "Uncertain about a condition in rule"
, _ruleId = Just $ getUniqueId (uniqueId $ Definition.attributes r)
+ RewriteRemainderPredicate rs _ _ ->
+ Failure
+ { reason = "Uncertain about the remainder after applying a rule"
+ , _ruleId = Just $ getUniqueId (uniqueId $ Definition.attributes (head rs))
+ }
DefinednessUnclear r _ undefReasons ->
{ reason = "Uncertain about definedness of rule because of: " <> pack (show undefReasons)
diff --git a/booster/library/Booster/Pattern/Bool.hs b/booster/library/Booster/Pattern/Bool.hs
index a232a86239..c42d6a507c 100644
--- a/booster/library/Booster/Pattern/Bool.hs
+++ b/booster/library/Booster/Pattern/Bool.hs
@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ License : BSD-3-Clause
module Booster.Pattern.Bool (
+ isFalse,
+ collapseAndBools,
-- patterns
pattern TrueBool,
pattern FalseBool,
@@ -188,6 +190,11 @@ foldAndBool (x : xs) = AndBool x $ foldAndBool xs
isBottom :: Pattern -> Bool
isBottom = (Predicate FalseBool `elem`) . constraints
+isFalse :: Predicate -> Bool
+isFalse = \case
+ (Predicate FalseBool) -> True
+ _ -> False
{- | We want to break apart predicates of type `Y1 andBool ... Yn` apart, in case some of the `Y`s are abstract
which prevents the original expression from being fed to the LLVM simplifyBool function
@@ -205,3 +212,7 @@ splitAndBools :: Predicate -> [Predicate]
splitAndBools p@(Predicate t)
| AndBool l r <- t = concatMap (splitAndBools . Predicate) [l, r]
| otherwise = [p]
+-- | Inverse of splitAndBools
+collapseAndBools :: [Predicate] -> Predicate
+collapseAndBools = Predicate . foldAndBool . map (\(Predicate p) -> p)
diff --git a/booster/library/Booster/Pattern/Rewrite.hs b/booster/library/Booster/Pattern/Rewrite.hs
index 47c16b6321..68ab3a0b5d 100644
--- a/booster/library/Booster/Pattern/Rewrite.hs
+++ b/booster/library/Booster/Pattern/Rewrite.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
@@ -14,6 +13,7 @@ module Booster.Pattern.Rewrite (
RewriteConfig (..),
RewriteFailed (..),
RewriteResult (..),
+ AppliedRuleMetadata (..),
RewriteTrace (..),
pattern CollectRewriteTraces,
pattern NoCollectRewriteTraces,
@@ -44,7 +44,12 @@ import Data.Text as Text (Text, pack)
import Numeric.Natural
import Prettyprinter
-import Booster.Definition.Attributes.Base
+import Booster.Definition.Attributes.Base (
+ NotPreservesDefinednessReason (..),
+ Priority (..),
+ UniqueId (..),
+ )
+import Booster.Definition.Attributes.Base qualified as Attributes
import Booster.Definition.Base
import Booster.LLVM as LLVM (API)
import Booster.Log
@@ -70,16 +75,24 @@ import Booster.Pattern.Substitution
import Booster.Pattern.Util
import Booster.Prettyprinter
import Booster.SMT.Interface qualified as SMT
-import Booster.Syntax.Json.Externalise (externaliseTerm)
+import Booster.Syntax.Json.Externalise (externalisePredicate, externaliseSort, externaliseTerm)
import Booster.Syntax.Json.Internalise (extractSubstitution)
import Booster.Util (Flag (..))
+{- | The @'RewriteT'@ monad encapsulates the effects needed to make a single rewrite step.
+ See @'rewriteStep'@ and @'applyRule'@.
newtype RewriteT io a = RewriteT
{ unRewriteT ::
- ReaderT RewriteConfig (StateT SimplifierCache (ExceptT (RewriteFailed "Rewrite") io)) a
+ ReaderT RewriteConfig (StateT RewriteState (ExceptT (RewriteFailed "Rewrite") io)) a
deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)
+data RewriteState = RewriteState
+ { cache :: SimplifierCache
+ , remainderPredicates :: [Predicate]
+ }
data RewriteConfig = RewriteConfig
{ definition :: KoreDefinition
, llvmApi :: Maybe LLVM.API
@@ -109,9 +122,10 @@ runRewriteT ::
RewriteConfig ->
SimplifierCache ->
RewriteT io a ->
- io (Either (RewriteFailed "Rewrite") (a, SimplifierCache))
+ io (Either (RewriteFailed "Rewrite") (a, RewriteState))
runRewriteT rewriteConfig cache =
- runExceptT . flip runStateT cache . flip runReaderT rewriteConfig . unRewriteT
+ let initialRewriteState = RewriteState{cache, remainderPredicates = []}
+ in runExceptT . flip runStateT initialRewriteState . flip runReaderT rewriteConfig . unRewriteT
throw :: LoggerMIO io => RewriteFailed "Rewrite" -> RewriteT io a
throw = RewriteT . lift . lift . throwE
@@ -119,12 +133,33 @@ throw = RewriteT . lift . lift . throwE
getDefinition :: LoggerMIO io => RewriteT io KoreDefinition
getDefinition = RewriteT $ definition <$> ask
+getSolver :: Monad m => RewriteT m SMT.SMTContext
+getSolver = RewriteT $ (.smtSolver) <$> ask
+invalidateRewriterEquationsCache :: LoggerMIO io => RewriteT io ()
+invalidateRewriterEquationsCache =
+ RewriteT . lift . modify $ \s@RewriteState{} ->
+ s{cache = s.cache{equations = mempty}}
+updateRewriterCache :: LoggerMIO io => SimplifierCache -> RewriteT io ()
+updateRewriterCache cache = RewriteT . lift . modify $ \s@RewriteState{} -> s{cache}
{- | Performs a rewrite step (using suitable rewrite rules from the
The result can be a failure (providing some context for why it
failed), or a rewritten pattern with a new term and possibly new
additional constraints.
+ Note:
+ This function will only return @'RewriteBranch'@ if the remainder predicate of a rule priority group is unsatisfiable,
+ i.e. the group is complete. If the remainder is satisfiable, the rewriting is currently aborted.
+ A naive algorithm to compute the remainder conditions would be: after applying a group of rules,
+ take their substituted requires clauses, disjunct and negate. However, this yields a non-minimal
+ predicate that was not simplified and syntactically filtered, potentially making it harder
+ for the SMT solver to solve. Instead, we re-use the indeterminate results obtained while applying individual
+ rules and simplifying/checking their individual requires clauses. See @'applyRule'@ for more details.
rewriteStep ::
LoggerMIO io =>
@@ -148,132 +183,200 @@ rewriteStep cutLabels terminalLabels pat = do
-- process one priority group at a time (descending priority),
-- until a result is obtained or the entire rewrite fails.
- processGroups pat rules
+ logMessage
+ ( "Applicable rule groups (priority, count): "
+ <> (Text.pack . show $ zip (map ruleGroupPriority rules) (map length rules))
+ )
+ processGroups rules
processGroups ::
LoggerMIO io =>
- Pattern ->
[[RewriteRule "Rewrite"]] ->
RewriteT io (RewriteResult Pattern)
- processGroups pattr [] =
- pure $ RewriteStuck pattr
- processGroups pattr (rules : rest) = do
+ processGroups [] =
+ pure $ RewriteStuck pat
+ processGroups (rules : rest) = do
+ logMessage ("Trying rules with priority " <> (Text.pack . show $ ruleGroupPriority rules))
-- try all rules of the priority group. This will immediately
-- fail the rewrite if anything is uncertain (unification,
-- definedness, rule conditions)
- results <- filter (/= NotApplied) <$> mapM (applyRule pattr) rules
- -- simplify and filter out bottom states
- -- At the moment, there is no point in calling simplify on the conditions of the
- -- resulting patterns again, since we already pruned any rule applications
- -- which resulted in one of the conditions being bottom.
- -- Also, our current simplifier cannot deduce bottom from a combination of conditions,
- -- so unless the original pattern contained bottom, we won't gain anything from
- -- calling the simplifier on the original conditions which came with the term.
- let labelOf = fromMaybe "" . (.ruleLabel) . (.attributes)
- ruleLabelOrLocT = renderOneLineText . ruleLabelOrLoc
- uniqueId = (.uniqueId) . (.attributes)
+ results <- applyRuleGroup rules pat
case results of
- -- no rules in this group were applicable
- [] -> processGroups pattr rest
- _ -> case concatMap (\case Applied x -> [x]; _ -> []) results of
- [] ->
- -- all remaining branches are trivial, i.e. rules which did apply had an ensures condition which evaluated to false
- -- if, all the other groups only generate a not applicable or trivial rewrites,
- -- then we return a `RewriteTrivial`.
- processGroups pattr rest >>= \case
- RewriteStuck{} -> pure $ RewriteTrivial pat
- other -> pure other
- -- all branches but one were either not applied or trivial
- [(r, x)]
- | labelOf r `elem` cutLabels ->
- pure $ RewriteCutPoint (labelOf r) (uniqueId r) pat x
- | labelOf r `elem` terminalLabels ->
- pure $ RewriteTerminal (labelOf r) (uniqueId r) x
- | otherwise ->
- pure $ RewriteFinished (Just $ ruleLabelOrLocT r) (Just $ uniqueId r) x
- -- at this point, there were some Applied rules and potentially some Trivial ones.
- -- here, we just return all the applied rules in a `RewriteBranch`
- rxs ->
- pure $
- RewriteBranch pat $
- NE.fromList $
- map (\(r, p) -> (ruleLabelOrLocT r, uniqueId r, p)) rxs
+ OnlyTrivial ->
+ -- all branches in this priority group are trivial,
+ -- i.e. rules which did apply had an ensures condition which evaluated to false.
+ -- if all the other groups only generate a not applicable or trivial rewrites,
+ -- then we return a `RewriteTrivial`.
+ processGroups rest >>= \case
+ RewriteStuck{} -> pure $ RewriteTrivial pat
+ other -> pure other
+ AppliedRules (RewriteGroupApplicationData{ruleApplicationData = [], groupRemainderPredicate}) -> do
+ -- no applicable rules in this group, try other groups
+ -- defensively fail in the impossible case of non-empty remainder after applying 0 rules
+ unless (Set.null groupRemainderPredicate) $
+ throwRemainder [] (SMT.IsSat ()) groupRemainderPredicate
+ processGroups rest
+ AppliedRules
+ ( RewriteGroupApplicationData
+ { ruleApplicationData = [(rule, applied@RewriteRuleAppliedData{})]
+ , groupRemainderPredicate
+ }
+ ) -> do
+ -- a non-trivial remainder with a single applicable rule is
+ -- an indication if semantics incompleteness: abort
+ assertRemainderUnsat [rule] groupRemainderPredicate
+ -- only one rule applies, see if it's special and return an appropriate result
+ if
+ | labelOf rule `elem` cutLabels ->
+ pure $ RewriteCutPoint (labelOf rule) (uniqueId rule) pat applied.rewritten
+ | labelOf rule `elem` terminalLabels ->
+ pure $ RewriteTerminal (labelOf rule) (uniqueId rule) applied.rewritten
+ | otherwise ->
+ pure $ RewriteFinished (Just $ ruleLabelOrLocT rule) (Just $ uniqueId rule) applied.rewritten
+ AppliedRules
+ (RewriteGroupApplicationData{ruleApplicationData, groupRemainderPredicate}) -> do
+ -- multiple rules apply, analyse branching and remainders
+ isSatRemainder groupRemainderPredicate >>= \case
+ SMT.IsUnsat -> do
+ -- the remainder condition is unsatisfiable: no need to consider the remainder branch.
+ logRemainder (map fst ruleApplicationData) SMT.IsUnsat groupRemainderPredicate
+ pure $ mkBranch pat ruleApplicationData
+ satRes@(SMT.IsSat{}) -> do
+ -- the remainder condition is satisfiable.
+ -- To construct the "remainder pattern",
+ -- we add the remainder condition to the predicates of pat
+ -- TODO: construct the remainder branch and consider it.
+ throwRemainder (map fst ruleApplicationData) satRes groupRemainderPredicate
+ satRes@SMT.IsUnknown{} -> do
+ -- solver cannot solve the remainder
+ -- TODO: descend into the remainder branch anyway, same as in the satisfiable case
+ throwRemainder (map fst ruleApplicationData) satRes groupRemainderPredicate
+ labelOf = fromMaybe "" . (.ruleLabel) . (.attributes)
+ ruleLabelOrLocT = renderOneLineText . ruleLabelOrLoc
+ uniqueId = (.uniqueId) . (.attributes)
+ mkBranch ::
+ Pattern ->
+ [(RewriteRule "Rewrite", RewriteRuleAppliedData)] ->
+ RewriteResult Pattern
+ mkBranch base leafs =
+ RewriteBranch base $
+ NE.fromList $
+ map
+ ( \(rule, RewriteRuleAppliedData{rewritten, rulePredicate, ruleSubstitution}) ->
+ ( rewritten
+ , AppliedRuleMetadata
+ { ruleUniqueId = uniqueId rule
+ , ruleLabel = ruleLabelOrLocT rule
+ , rulePredicate = fromMaybe (Predicate TrueBool) rulePredicate
+ , ruleSubstitution
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ leafs
+ -- check the remainder predicate for satisfiablity. Do nothing if unsat, abort rewriting otherwise
+ assertRemainderUnsat ::
+ LoggerMIO io => [RewriteRule "Rewrite"] -> Set.Set Predicate -> RewriteT io ()
+ assertRemainderUnsat rules remainderPrediate = do
+ isSatRemainder remainderPrediate >>= \case
+ SMT.IsUnsat -> pure ()
+ otherSatRes -> throwRemainder rules otherSatRes remainderPrediate
+ -- check the remainder predicate for satisfiability under the pre-branch pattern's constraints.
+ isSatRemainder :: LoggerMIO io => Set.Set Predicate -> RewriteT io (SMT.IsSatResult ())
+ isSatRemainder remainderPredicate =
+ if any isFalse remainderPredicate
+ then pure SMT.IsUnsat
+ else do
+ solver <- getSolver
+ SMT.isSat solver (Set.toList $ pat.constraints <> remainderPredicate) pat.substitution
+ -- abort rewriting by throwing a remainder predicate as an exception, to be caught and processed in performRewrite
+ throwRemainder ::
+ LoggerMIO io => [RewriteRule "Rewrite"] -> SMT.IsSatResult () -> Set.Set Predicate -> RewriteT io a
+ throwRemainder rules satResult remainderPredicate =
+ throw $
+ RewriteRemainderPredicate rules satResult . collapseAndBools . Set.toList $
+ remainderPredicate
+ -- log a remainder predicate as an exception without aborting rewriting
+ logRemainder ::
+ LoggerMIO io => [RewriteRule "Rewrite"] -> SMT.IsSatResult () -> Set.Set Predicate -> RewriteT io ()
+ logRemainder rules satResult remainderPredicate = do
+ ModifiersRep (_ :: FromModifiersT mods => Proxy mods) <- getPrettyModifiers
+ let remainderForLogging = collapseAndBools . Set.toList $ remainderPredicate
+ withContext CtxRemainder . withContext CtxContinue
+ $ logMessage
+ $ WithJsonMessage
+ ( object
+ [ "remainder"
+ .= externalisePredicate (externaliseSort $ sortOfPattern pat) remainderForLogging
+ ]
+ )
+ $ renderOneLineText
+ $ pretty' @mods
+ ( RewriteRemainderPredicate
+ rules
+ satResult
+ remainderForLogging
+ )
+-- | Rewrite rule application transformer: may throw exceptions on non-applicable or trivial rule applications
+type RewriteRuleAppT m a = ExceptT RewriteRuleAppException m a
+data RewriteRuleAppException = RewriteRuleNotApplied | RewriteRuleTrivial deriving (Show, Eq)
+runRewriteRuleAppT :: Monad m => RewriteRuleAppT m a -> m (RewriteRuleAppResult a)
+runRewriteRuleAppT action =
+ runExceptT action >>= \case
+ Left RewriteRuleNotApplied -> pure NotApplied
+ Left RewriteRuleTrivial -> pure Trivial
+ Right result -> pure (Applied result)
+{- | Rewrite rule application result.
+ Note that we only really every need the payload to be @'RewriteRuleAppliedData'@,
+ but we make this type parametric so that it can be the result of @'runRewriteRuleAppT'@
data RewriteRuleAppResult a
= Applied a
| NotApplied
| Trivial
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
-newtype RewriteRuleAppT m a = RewriteRuleAppT {runRewriteRuleAppT :: m (RewriteRuleAppResult a)}
- deriving (Functor)
-instance Monad m => Applicative (RewriteRuleAppT m) where
- pure = RewriteRuleAppT . return . Applied
- {-# INLINE pure #-}
- mf <*> mx = RewriteRuleAppT $ do
- mb_f <- runRewriteRuleAppT mf
- case mb_f of
- NotApplied -> return NotApplied
- Trivial -> return Trivial
- Applied f -> do
- mb_x <- runRewriteRuleAppT mx
- case mb_x of
- NotApplied -> return NotApplied
- Trivial -> return Trivial
- Applied x -> return (Applied (f x))
- {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
- m *> k = m >> k
- {-# INLINE (*>) #-}
-instance Monad m => Monad (RewriteRuleAppT m) where
- return = pure
- {-# INLINE return #-}
- x >>= f = RewriteRuleAppT $ do
- v <- runRewriteRuleAppT x
- case v of
- Applied y -> runRewriteRuleAppT (f y)
- NotApplied -> return NotApplied
- Trivial -> return Trivial
- {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
-instance MonadTrans RewriteRuleAppT where
- lift :: Monad m => m a -> RewriteRuleAppT m a
- lift = RewriteRuleAppT . fmap Applied
- {-# INLINE lift #-}
-instance Monad m => MonadFail (RewriteRuleAppT m) where
- fail _ = RewriteRuleAppT (return NotApplied)
- {-# INLINE fail #-}
-instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (RewriteRuleAppT m) where
- liftIO = lift . liftIO
- {-# INLINE liftIO #-}
-instance LoggerMIO m => LoggerMIO (RewriteRuleAppT m) where
- withLogger l (RewriteRuleAppT m) = RewriteRuleAppT $ withLogger l m
+data RewriteRuleAppliedData = RewriteRuleAppliedData
+ { rewritten :: Pattern
+ , remainderPredicate :: Maybe Predicate
+ , ruleSubstitution :: Substitution
+ , rulePredicate :: Maybe Predicate
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+returnTrivial, returnNotApplied :: Monad m => RewriteRuleAppT m a
+returnTrivial = throwE RewriteRuleTrivial
+returnNotApplied = throwE RewriteRuleNotApplied
{- | Tries to apply one rewrite rule:
* Unifies the LHS term with the pattern term
* Ensures that the unification is a _match_ (one-sided substitution)
* prunes any rules that turn out to have trivially-false side conditions
- * returns the rule and the resulting pattern if successful, otherwise Nothing
+ * returns the resulting pattern if successful, otherwise Nothing
-If it cannot be determined whether the rule can be applied or not, an
-exception is thrown which indicates the exact reason why (this will
-abort the entire rewrite).
+If it cannot be determined whether the rule can be applied or not, the second component
+of the result will contain a non-trivial /remainder predicate/, i.e. the indeterminate
+subset of the rule's side condition.
applyRule ::
forall io.
LoggerMIO io =>
Pattern ->
RewriteRule "Rewrite" ->
- RewriteT io (RewriteRuleAppResult (RewriteRule "Rewrite", Pattern))
+ RewriteT io (RewriteRuleAppResult RewriteRuleAppliedData)
applyRule pat@Pattern{ceilConditions} rule =
withRuleContext rule $
runRewriteRuleAppT $
@@ -291,7 +394,7 @@ applyRule pat@Pattern{ceilConditions} rule =
failRewrite $ InternalMatchError $ renderText $ pretty' @mods err
MatchFailed reason -> do
withContext CtxFailure $ logPretty' @mods reason
- fail "Rule matching failed"
+ returnNotApplied
MatchIndeterminate remainder -> do
withContext CtxIndeterminate $
logMessage $
@@ -351,8 +454,9 @@ applyRule pat@Pattern{ceilConditions} rule =
- -- check required constraints from lhs: Stop if any is false, abort rewrite if indeterminate.
- checkRequires ruleSubstitution
+ -- check required constraints from lhs: Stop if any is false,
+ -- add as remainders if indeterminate.
+ unclearRequiresAfterSmt <- checkRequires ruleSubstitution
-- check ensures constraints (new) from rhs: stop and return `Trivial` if
-- any are false, remove all that are trivially true, return the rest
@@ -362,7 +466,7 @@ applyRule pat@Pattern{ceilConditions} rule =
unless (null ensuredConditions) $ do
withContextFor Equations . logMessage $
("New path condition ensured, invalidating cache" :: Text)
- lift . RewriteT . lift . modify $ \s -> s{equations = mempty}
+ lift invalidateRewriterEquationsCache
-- partition ensured constrains into substitution and predicates
let (newSubsitution, newConstraints) = extractSubstitution ensuredConditions
@@ -382,9 +486,32 @@ applyRule pat@Pattern{ceilConditions} rule =
(pat.constraints <> substitutedNewConstraints <> leftoverConstraints)
modifiedPatternSubst -- ruleSubstitution is not needed, do not attach it to the result
- withContext CtxSuccess $
- withPatternContext rewritten $
- return (rule, rewritten)
+ rulePredicate <- mkSimplifiedRulePredicate (modifiedPatternSubst `compose` ruleSubstitution)
+ withContext CtxSuccess $ do
+ case unclearRequiresAfterSmt of
+ [] ->
+ withPatternContext rewritten $
+ pure
+ RewriteRuleAppliedData
+ { rewritten
+ , remainderPredicate = Nothing
+ , ruleSubstitution = modifiedPatternSubst `compose` ruleSubstitution
+ , rulePredicate = Just rulePredicate
+ }
+ _ -> do
+ -- the requires clause was unclear:
+ -- - add it as an assumption to the pattern
+ -- - return it's negation as a rule remainder to construct
+ --- the remainder pattern in @rewriteStep@
+ let rewritten' = rewritten{constraints = rewritten.constraints <> Set.fromList unclearRequiresAfterSmt}
+ in withPatternContext rewritten' $
+ pure
+ RewriteRuleAppliedData
+ { rewritten = rewritten'
+ , remainderPredicate = Just . Predicate . NotBool . coerce $ collapseAndBools unclearRequiresAfterSmt
+ , ruleSubstitution = modifiedPatternSubst `compose` ruleSubstitution
+ , rulePredicate = Just rulePredicate
+ }
filterOutKnownConstraints :: Set.Set Predicate -> [Predicate] -> RewriteT io [Predicate]
filterOutKnownConstraints priorKnowledge constraitns = do
@@ -401,12 +528,6 @@ applyRule pat@Pattern{ceilConditions} rule =
failRewrite :: RewriteFailed "Rewrite" -> RewriteRuleAppT (RewriteT io) a
failRewrite = lift . (throw)
- notAppliedIfBottom :: RewriteRuleAppT (RewriteT io) a
- notAppliedIfBottom = RewriteRuleAppT $ pure NotApplied
- trivialIfBottom :: RewriteRuleAppT (RewriteT io) a
- trivialIfBottom = RewriteRuleAppT $ pure Trivial
checkConstraint ::
(Predicate -> a) ->
RewriteRuleAppT (RewriteT io) (Maybe a) ->
@@ -415,12 +536,12 @@ applyRule pat@Pattern{ceilConditions} rule =
RewriteRuleAppT (RewriteT io) (Maybe a)
checkConstraint onUnclear onBottom knownPredicates p = do
RewriteConfig{definition, llvmApi, smtSolver} <- lift $ RewriteT ask
- oldCache <- lift . RewriteT . lift $ get
+ RewriteState{cache = oldCache} <- lift . RewriteT . lift $ get
(simplified, cache) <-
withContext CtxConstraint $
simplifyConstraint definition llvmApi smtSolver oldCache knownPredicates p
-- update cache
- lift . RewriteT . lift . modify $ const cache
+ lift $ updateRewriterCache cache
case simplified of
Right (Predicate FalseBool) -> onBottom
Right (Predicate TrueBool) -> pure Nothing
@@ -429,12 +550,12 @@ applyRule pat@Pattern{ceilConditions} rule =
Left _ -> pure $ Just $ onUnclear p
checkRequires ::
- Substitution -> RewriteRuleAppT (RewriteT io) ()
+ Substitution -> RewriteRuleAppT (RewriteT io) [Predicate]
checkRequires matchingSubst = do
ModifiersRep (_ :: FromModifiersT mods => Proxy mods) <- getPrettyModifiers
-- apply substitution to rule requires
let ruleRequires =
- concatMap (splitBoolPredicates . coerce . substituteInTerm matchingSubst . coerce) rule.requires
+ concatMap (splitBoolPredicates . substituteInPredicate matchingSubst) rule.requires
knownConstraints = pat.constraints <> (Set.fromList . asEquations $ pat.substitution)
-- filter out any predicates known to be _syntactically_ present in the known prior
@@ -450,7 +571,7 @@ applyRule pat@Pattern{ceilConditions} rule =
<$> mapM
( checkConstraint
- notAppliedIfBottom
+ returnNotApplied
@@ -467,15 +588,20 @@ applyRule pat@Pattern{ceilConditions} rule =
solver <- lift $ RewriteT $ (.smtSolver) <$> ask
SMT.checkPredicates solver pat.constraints pat.substitution (Set.fromList stillUnclear) >>= \case
SMT.IsUnknown reason -> do
- -- abort rewrite if a solver result was Unknown
- withContext CtxAbort $ logMessage reason
- smtUnclear stillUnclear
+ withContext CtxWarn $ logMessage reason
+ -- return unclear rewrite rule condition if the condition is indeterminate
+ withContext CtxConstraint . withContext CtxWarn . logMessage $
+ WithJsonMessage (object ["conditions" .= (externaliseTerm . coerce <$> stillUnclear)]) $
+ renderOneLineText $
+ "Uncertain about condition(s) in a rule:"
+ <+> (hsep . punctuate comma . map (pretty' @mods) $ stillUnclear)
+ pure unclearRequires
SMT.IsInvalid -> do
-- requires is actually false given the prior
withContext CtxFailure $ logMessage ("Required clauses evaluated to #Bottom." :: Text)
- RewriteRuleAppT $ pure NotApplied
+ returnNotApplied
SMT.IsValid ->
- pure () -- can proceed
+ pure [] -- can proceed
checkEnsures ::
Substitution -> RewriteRuleAppT (RewriteT io) [Predicate]
checkEnsures matchingSubst = do
@@ -488,7 +614,7 @@ applyRule pat@Pattern{ceilConditions} rule =
<$> mapM
( checkConstraint
- trivialIfBottom
+ returnTrivial
@@ -500,10 +626,10 @@ applyRule pat@Pattern{ceilConditions} rule =
(lift $ SMT.checkPredicates solver pat.constraints pat.substitution (Set.fromList newConstraints)) >>= \case
SMT.IsInvalid -> do
withContext CtxSuccess $ logMessage ("New constraints evaluated to #Bottom." :: Text)
- RewriteRuleAppT $ pure Trivial
+ returnTrivial
SMT.IsUnknown SMT.InconsistentGroundTruth -> do
withContext CtxSuccess $ logMessage ("Ground truth is #Bottom." :: Text)
- RewriteRuleAppT $ pure Trivial
+ returnTrivial
SMT.IsUnknown SMT.ImplicationIndeterminate -> do
-- the new constraint is satisfiable, continue
pure ()
@@ -526,8 +652,87 @@ applyRule pat@Pattern{ceilConditions} rule =
"Uncertain about condition(s) in a rule:"
<+> (hsep . punctuate comma . map (pretty' @mods) $ predicates)
failRewrite $
- RuleConditionUnclear rule . coerce . foldl1 AndTerm $
- map coerce predicates
+ RuleConditionUnclear rule . collapseAndBools $
+ predicates
+ -- Instantiate the requires clause of the rule and simplify, but not prune.
+ -- Unfortunately this function may have to re-do work that was already done by checkRequires
+ mkSimplifiedRulePredicate :: Substitution -> RewriteRuleAppT (RewriteT io) Predicate
+ mkSimplifiedRulePredicate matchingSubst = do
+ -- apply substitution to rule requires
+ let ruleRequires =
+ concatMap (splitBoolPredicates . coerce . substituteInTerm matchingSubst . coerce) rule.requires
+ collapseAndBools . catMaybes
+ <$> mapM (checkConstraint id returnNotApplied pat.constraints) ruleRequires
+ruleGroupPriority :: [RewriteRule a] -> Maybe Priority
+ruleGroupPriority = \case
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (rule : _) -> Just rule.attributes.priority
+-- | Apply a group of rules to a pattern independently, producing several results when many rules apply
+applyRuleGroup ::
+ LoggerMIO io => [RewriteRule "Rewrite"] -> Pattern -> RewriteT io RuleGroupApplication
+applyRuleGroup rules pat =
+ postProcessGroupResults . zip rules
+ <$> mapM (applyRule pat) rules
+-- | The result of applying a group of rules independently to the same input pattern
+data RuleGroupApplication
+ = -- | all rule applications were trivial, which is not the same as no rules applied, i.e. 'AppliedRules []'
+ OnlyTrivial
+ | AppliedRules RewriteGroupApplicationData
+{- | The payload of @'RuleGroupApplication'@.
+ Note that @'RewriteRuleAppliedData'@a also has a 'remainderPrediate' field, and
+ all of them must be 'Nothing' at that point.
+ This invariant might be encoded in the types with something like Trees That Grow,
+ but we choose not too.
+data RewriteGroupApplicationData = RewriteGroupApplicationData
+ { ruleApplicationData :: [(RewriteRule "Rewrite", RewriteRuleAppliedData)]
+ -- ^ several applied rules with the rewritten term and metadata
+ , groupRemainderPredicate :: Set.Set Predicate
+ -- ^ the remainder predicate of the whole group
+ }
+{- | Given a list of rule application attempts, i.e. a result of applying a priority group of rules in parallel,
+ post-process them:
+ - filter-out trivial and failed applications
+ - extract (possibly trivial) remainder predicates of every rule
+ and return them as a set relating to the whole group.
+postProcessGroupResults ::
+ [(RewriteRule "Rewrite", RewriteRuleAppResult RewriteRuleAppliedData)] ->
+ RuleGroupApplication
+postProcessGroupResults = \case
+ [] ->
+ AppliedRules
+ (RewriteGroupApplicationData{ruleApplicationData = [], groupRemainderPredicate = mempty})
+ apps -> case filter ((/= NotApplied) . snd) apps of
+ [] ->
+ AppliedRules
+ (RewriteGroupApplicationData{ruleApplicationData = [], groupRemainderPredicate = mempty})
+ xs
+ | all ((== Trivial) . snd) xs -> OnlyTrivial
+ | otherwise ->
+ let (ruleApplicationData, groupRemainderPredicate) = go ([], mempty :: Set.Set Predicate) xs
+ in AppliedRules (RewriteGroupApplicationData{ruleApplicationData, groupRemainderPredicate})
+ where
+ go acc@(accPatterns, accRemainders) = \case
+ [] -> (reverse accPatterns, accRemainders)
+ ((rule, appRes) : xs) ->
+ case appRes of
+ Applied
+ appliedData ->
+ go
+ ( (rule, appliedData{remainderPredicate = Nothing}) : accPatterns
+ , (Set.singleton $ fromMaybe (Predicate FalseBool) appliedData.remainderPredicate) <> accRemainders
+ )
+ xs
+ NotApplied -> go acc xs
+ Trivial -> go acc xs
{- | Reason why a rewrite did not produce a result. Contains additional
information for logging what happened during the rewrite.
@@ -539,6 +744,8 @@ data RewriteFailed k
RuleApplicationUnclear (RewriteRule k) Term (NonEmpty (Term, Term))
| -- | A rule condition is indeterminate
RuleConditionUnclear (RewriteRule k) Predicate
+ | -- | After applying multiple rewrite rules there is a satisfiable or unknown remainder condition
+ RewriteRemainderPredicate [RewriteRule k] (SMT.IsSatResult ()) Predicate
| -- | A rewrite rule does not preserve definedness
DefinednessUnclear (RewriteRule k) Pattern [NotPreservesDefinednessReason]
| -- | A sort error was detected during m,atching
@@ -573,6 +780,17 @@ instance FromModifiersT mods => Pretty (PrettyWithModifiers mods (RewriteFailed
, ": "
, pretty' @mods predicate
+ RewriteRemainderPredicate rules satResult predicate ->
+ hsep
+ [ pretty (SMT.showIsSatResult satResult)
+ , "remainder predicate after applying"
+ , pretty (length rules)
+ , "rules at priority"
+ , pretty (show $ ruleGroupPriority rules)
+ , hsep $ punctuate comma $ map ruleLabelOrLoc rules
+ , ": "
+ , pretty' @mods predicate
+ ]
DefinednessUnclear rule _pat reasons ->
hsep $
[ "Uncertain about definedness of rule "
@@ -598,10 +816,19 @@ ruleLabelOrLoc rule =
fromMaybe "unknown rule" $
fmap pretty rule.attributes.ruleLabel <|> fmap pretty rule.attributes.location
+-- | Metadata of an applied rewrite rule
+data AppliedRuleMetadata = AppliedRuleMetadata
+ { ruleLabel :: Text
+ , ruleUniqueId :: UniqueId
+ , rulePredicate :: Predicate
+ , ruleSubstitution :: Substitution
+ }
+ deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-- | Different rewrite results (returned from RPC execute endpoint)
data RewriteResult pat
= -- | branch point
- RewriteBranch pat (NonEmpty (Text, UniqueId, pat))
+ RewriteBranch pat (NonEmpty (pat, AppliedRuleMetadata))
| -- | no rules could be applied, config is stuck
RewriteStuck pat
| -- | cut point rule, return current (lhs) and single next state
@@ -796,7 +1023,7 @@ performRewrite rewriteConfig pat = do
incrementCounter =
modify $ \rss@RewriteStepsState{counter} -> rss{counter = counter + 1}
- updateCache simplifierCache = modify $ \rss -> rss{simplifierCache}
+ updateCache simplifierCache = modify $ \rss -> (rss :: RewriteStepsState){simplifierCache}
simplifyP :: Pattern -> StateT RewriteStepsState io (Maybe Pattern)
simplifyP p = withContext CtxSimplify $ do
@@ -829,14 +1056,18 @@ performRewrite rewriteConfig pat = do
simplifyP p >>= \case
Nothing -> pure $ RewriteTrivial orig
Just p' -> do
- let simplifyP3rd (a, b, c) =
- fmap (a,b,) <$> simplifyP c
- nexts' <- catMaybes <$> mapM simplifyP3rd (toList nexts)
+ -- simplify the next-state pattern inside a branch payload
+ let simplifyRewritten (rewrittenPat, mRuleMetadata) = do
+ ( fmap @Maybe (,mRuleMetadata)
+ )
+ <$> simplifyP rewrittenPat
+ nexts' <- catMaybes <$> mapM simplifyRewritten (toList nexts)
pure $ case nexts' of
-- The `[]` case should be `Stuck` not `Trivial`, because `RewriteTrivial p'`
-- means the pattern `p'` is bottom, but we know that is not the case here.
[] -> RewriteStuck p'
- [(lbl, uId, n)] -> RewriteFinished (Just lbl) (Just uId) n
+ [(rewrittenPat, ruleMetadata)] ->
+ RewriteFinished (Just $ ruleLabel ruleMetadata) (Just $ ruleUniqueId ruleMetadata) rewrittenPat
ns -> RewriteBranch p' $ NE.fromList ns
r@RewriteStuck{} -> pure r
r@RewriteTrivial{} -> pure r
@@ -876,18 +1107,18 @@ performRewrite rewriteConfig pat = do
(withPatternContext pat' $ rewriteStep cutLabels terminalLabels pat')
>>= \case
- Right (RewriteFinished mlbl mUniqueId single, cache) -> do
+ Right (RewriteFinished mlbl mUniqueId single, RewriteState{cache}) -> do
whenJust mlbl $ \lbl ->
whenJust mUniqueId $ \uniqueId ->
emitRewriteTrace $ RewriteSingleStep lbl uniqueId pat' single
updateCache cache
doSteps False single
- Right (terminal@(RewriteTerminal lbl uniqueId single), _cache) -> withPatternContext pat' $ do
+ Right (terminal@(RewriteTerminal lbl uniqueId single), _rewriteState) -> withPatternContext pat' $ do
emitRewriteTrace $ RewriteSingleStep lbl uniqueId pat' single
simplifyResult pat' terminal
- Right (branching@RewriteBranch{}, cache) -> do
+ Right (branching@RewriteBranch{}, RewriteState{cache}) -> do
logMessage $ "Stopped due to branching after " <> showCounter counter
updateCache cache
simplified <- withPatternContext pat' $ simplifyResult pat' branching
@@ -906,7 +1137,15 @@ performRewrite rewriteConfig pat = do
doSteps False single
RewriteBranch pat'' branches -> withPatternContext pat' $ do
- emitRewriteTrace $ RewriteBranchingStep pat'' $ fmap (\(lbl, uid, _) -> (lbl, uid)) branches
+ emitRewriteTrace $
+ RewriteBranchingStep pat'' $
+ fmap
+ ( \(_, mRuleMetadata) ->
+ ( ruleLabel mRuleMetadata
+ , ruleUniqueId mRuleMetadata
+ )
+ )
+ branches
pure simplified
_other -> withPatternContext pat' $ error "simplifyResult: Unexpected return value"
Right (cutPoint@(RewriteCutPoint lbl _ _ _), _) -> withPatternContext pat' $ do
@@ -920,7 +1159,7 @@ performRewrite rewriteConfig pat = do
logMessage $ "Simplified to bottom after " <> showCounter counter
_other -> error "simplifyResult: Unexpected return value"
pure simplified
- Right (stuck@RewriteStuck{}, cache) -> do
+ Right (stuck@RewriteStuck{}, RewriteState{cache}) -> do
logMessage $ "Stopped after " <> showCounter counter
updateCache cache
emitRewriteTrace $ RewriteStepFailed $ NoApplicableRules pat'
@@ -956,6 +1195,20 @@ performRewrite rewriteConfig pat = do
emitRewriteTrace $ RewriteStepFailed failure
logMessage $ "Aborted after " <> showCounter counter
pure (RewriteAborted failure pat')
+ Left failure@(RewriteRemainderPredicate _rules _satResult remainderPredicate) -> do
+ emitRewriteTrace $ RewriteStepFailed failure
+ withPatternContext pat' . withContext CtxRemainder . withContext CtxAbort $
+ getPrettyModifiers >>= \case
+ ModifiersRep (_ :: FromModifiersT mods => Proxy mods) ->
+ logMessage
+ $ WithJsonMessage
+ ( object
+ ["remainder" .= externalisePredicate (externaliseSort $ sortOfPattern pat) remainderPredicate]
+ )
+ $ renderOneLineText
+ $ pretty' @mods failure
+ logMessage $ "Aborted after " <> showCounter counter
+ pure (RewriteAborted failure pat')
Left failure -> do
emitRewriteTrace $ RewriteStepFailed failure
let msg = "Aborted after " <> showCounter counter
diff --git a/booster/library/Booster/Pattern/Util.hs b/booster/library/Booster/Pattern/Util.hs
index 7f249d58ed..6e15748c13 100644
--- a/booster/library/Booster/Pattern/Util.hs
+++ b/booster/library/Booster/Pattern/Util.hs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Booster.Pattern.Util (
+ externaliseRuleMarker,
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ markAsExVar :: VarName -> VarName
markAsExVar = ("Ex#" <>)
{- | Strip variable provenance prefixes introduced using "markAsRuleVar" and "markAsExVar"
-in "Syntax.ParsedKore.Internalize"
+in Syntax.ParsedKore.Internalise"
stripMarker :: VarName -> VarName
stripMarker name =
@@ -105,6 +106,15 @@ stripMarker name =
noEx = BS.stripPrefix "Ex#" name
in fromMaybe name $ noRule <|> noEx
+{- | Strip # symbols from Booster's internal variables names.
+ Only used for constructing "rule-substitution" fields of execute responses.
+externaliseRuleMarker :: VarName -> VarName
+externaliseRuleMarker name =
+ let noRule = (fmap ("Rule" <>)) . BS.stripPrefix "Rule#" $ name
+ noEx = (fmap ("Ex" <>)) . BS.stripPrefix "Ex#" $ name
+ in fromMaybe name $ noRule <|> noEx
freshenVar :: Variable -> Set Variable -> Variable
freshenVar v@Variable{variableName = vn} vs
| v `Set.member` vs = freshenVar v{variableName = incrementNameCounter vn} vs
diff --git a/booster/library/Booster/SMT/Interface.hs b/booster/library/Booster/SMT/Interface.hs
index 962f3e5a1f..30b7ef2c4a 100644
--- a/booster/library/Booster/SMT/Interface.hs
+++ b/booster/library/Booster/SMT/Interface.hs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module Booster.SMT.Interface (
pattern IsUnknown,
+ showIsSatResult,
pattern IsSat,
pattern IsUnsat,
@@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ instance Log.ToLogFormat UnknownReason where
pattern IsUnknown :: UnknownReason -> Either UnknownReason b
pattern IsUnknown u = Left u
-newtype IsSat' a = IsSat' (Maybe a) deriving (Functor)
+newtype IsSat' a = IsSat' (Maybe a) deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)
type IsSatResult a = Either UnknownReason (IsSat' a)
@@ -227,6 +228,12 @@ pattern IsSat a = Right (IsSat' (Just a))
pattern IsUnsat :: IsSatResult a
pattern IsUnsat = Right (IsSat' Nothing)
+showIsSatResult :: IsSatResult a -> Text
+showIsSatResult = \case
+ IsSat{} -> "SAT"
+ IsUnsat -> "UNSAT"
+ IsUnknown reason -> "UNKNOWN " <> (Text.pack . show $ reason)
{-# COMPLETE IsSat, IsUnsat, IsUnknown #-}
{- | Check satisfiability of predicates and substitutions.
diff --git a/booster/test/rpc-integration/resources/3934-smt.kompile b/booster/test/rpc-integration/resources/3934-smt.kompile
index c78d522279..c93a05d3cd 100755
--- a/booster/test/rpc-integration/resources/3934-smt.kompile
+++ b/booster/test/rpc-integration/resources/3934-smt.kompile
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ set -eux
SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname $0)
if [ -z "$PLUGIN_DIR" ]; then
@@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ else
PLUGIN_CPP="${PLUGIN_DIR}/include/plugin-c/crypto.cpp ${PLUGIN_DIR}/include/plugin-c/plugin_util.cpp"
-SECP_OPTS="-I${SECP}/include -L${SECP}/lib"
NAME=$(basename ${0%.tar.gz.kompile})
NAMETGZ=$(basename ${0%.kompile})
@@ -42,7 +40,7 @@ esac
llvm-kompile 3934-smt.llvm.kore ./dt c -- \
-fPIC -std=c++17 -o interpreter \
- -lcrypto -lssl $LPROCPS ${SECP_OPTS}
+ -lcrypto -lssl $LPROCPS -lsecp256k1
mv interpreter.* 3934-smt.dylib
diff --git a/booster/test/rpc-integration/resources/remainder-predicates.k b/booster/test/rpc-integration/resources/remainder-predicates.k
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c00b3976c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/booster/test/rpc-integration/resources/remainder-predicates.k
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ imports INT
+ imports BOOL
+ syntax State ::= test1Init()
+ | test1State1()
+ | test1State2()
+ | test1State3()
+ | test2Init()
+ | test2State1()
+ | test2State2()
+ | test2State3()
+ | test3Init()
+ | test3State1()
+ | test3State2()
+ | test3State3()
+ | test3State4()
+ | test3State5()
+ | test4Init()
+ | test4State1()
+ | test4State2()
+ | test4State3()
+ | test4State4()
+ | test5Init()
+ | test5State1()
+ | test5State2()
+ | test5State3()
+ | test5State4()
+ | test5State5()
+ | test6Init()
+ | test6State1()
+ | test6State2()
+ | test6State3()
+ | test6State4()
+ | test6State5()
+ | test11Init()
+ | test11State1()
+ | test11State2()
+ | test11State3()
+ configuration $PGM:State ~> .K
+ 0:Int
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// two rules apply with UNSAT remainder predicate, no further rules apply. //
+ /// Results in 2 branches. //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ rule [test1-init]: test1Init() => test1State1() ...
+ _ => ?_X
+ rule [test1-1-2]: test1State1() => test1State2() ...
+ X
+ requires X ==Int 0
+ rule [test1-1-3]: test1State1() => test1State3() ...
+ X
+ requires X =/=Int 0
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// two rules apply with UNSAT remainder predicate, //
+ /// but only after function evaluation. No further rules apply. //
+ /// Results in 2 branches. //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ rule [test11-init]: test11Init() => test11State1() ...
+ _ => ?_X
+ rule [test11-1-2]: test11State1() => test11State2() ...
+ X
+ requires test11bool2Word(X ==Int 0) ==Int 1
+ rule [test11-1-3]: test11State1() => test11State3() ...
+ X
+ requires test11bool2Word(X =/=Int 0) ==Int 1
+ syntax Int ::= test11bool2Word ( Bool ) [symbol(bool2Word), function, total, injective, smtlib(bool2Word)]
+ rule [test11-b2w-eq-zero]: test11bool2Word(B) ==Int 0 => notBool B [simplification(30), comm]
+ rule [test11-b2w-eq-one]: test11bool2Word(B) ==Int 1 => B [simplification(30), comm]
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// two rules apply with SAT remainder predicate, //
+ /// have to consider the remainder branch where X ==Int 0, //
+ /// but there are no further rules to apply. //
+ /// Aborts with booster-dev; results in 3 branches in kore-rpc-booster. //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ rule [test2-init]: test2Init() => test2State1() ...
+ _ => ?_X
+ rule [test2-1-2]: test2State1() => test2State2() ...
+ X
+ requires X >Int 0
+ rule [test2-1-3]: test2State1() => test2State3() ...
+ X
+ requires X test3Init() => test3State1() ...
+ _ => ?_X
+ rule [test3-1-2]: test3State1() => test3State2() ...
+ X
+ requires X >Int 0
+ rule [test3-1-3]: test3State1() => test3State3() ...
+ X
+ requires X test3State4() => test3State5() ...
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// two hight-priorty rules apply with SAT remainder predicate, //
+ /// have to consider the remainder branch where X ==Int 0, //
+ /// one further regular rule applies, //
+ /// whose requires clause explicitly completes the space. //
+ /// Aborts with booster-dev; results in 3 branches in kore-rpc-booster. //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ rule [test4-init]: test4Init() => test4State1() ...
+ _ => ?_X
+ rule [test4-1-2]: test4State1() => test4State2() ...
+ X
+ requires X >Int 0
+ [priority(49)]
+ rule [test4-1-3]: test4State1() => test4State3() ...
+ X
+ requires X test4State1() => test4State4() ...
+ X
+ requires X ==Int 0
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// two hight-priorty rules apply with SAT remainder predicate, //
+ /// have to consider the remainder branch where X ==Int 0, //
+ /// one rule at a lower priority applies unconditionally, which means that //
+ /// that the remainder is False. Rule test5-1-5 is unreachable. //
+ /// Aborts with booster-dev; results in 3 branches in kore-rpc-booster. //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ rule [test5-init]: test5Init() => test5State1() ...
+ _ => ?_X
+ rule [test5-1-2]: test5State1() => test5State2() ...
+ X
+ requires X >Int 0 [priority(48)]
+ rule [test5-1-3]: test5State1() => test5State3() ...
+ X
+ requires X test5State1() => test5State4() ...
+ [priority(49)]
+ // this rule is intentionally unreachable
+ rule [test5-1-5]: test5State1() => test5State5() ...
+ X
+ requires X ==Int 0
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// two hight-priorty rules apply with SAT remainder predicate, //
+ /// have to consider the remainder branch where X ==Int 0, //
+ /// two rules of lower priority appliy unconditionally. //
+ /// Aborts with booster-dev; results in 4 branches in kore-rpc-booster. //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ rule [test6-init]: test6Init() => test6State1() ...
+ _ => ?_X
+ rule [test6-1-2]: test6State1() => test6State2() ...
+ X
+ requires X >Int 0 [priority(48)]
+ rule [test6-1-3]: test6State1() => test6State3() ...
+ X
+ requires X test6State1() => test6State4() ...
+ [priority(49)]
+ rule [test6-1-5]: test6State1() => test6State5() ...
+ [priority(49)]
+// to produce input state:
+// krun --output kore --depth 1 -cPGM='test1Init()' | kore-parser test-kompiled/definition.kore --module TEST --pattern /dev/stdin --print-pattern-json > state-test1Init.json
+// then edit state-test1Init.json to substitute test1State1() for test1Init()
diff --git a/booster/test/rpc-integration/resources/remainder-predicates.kompile b/booster/test/rpc-integration/resources/remainder-predicates.kompile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..9caac778f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/booster/test/rpc-integration/resources/remainder-predicates.kompile
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+echo "kompiling remainder-predicates.k"
+kompile --backend haskell remainder-predicates.k
+cp remainder-predicates-kompiled/definition.kore remainder-predicates.kore
+rm -r remainder-predicates-kompiled
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/booster/test/rpc-integration/resources/use-path-condition-in-equations.k b/booster/test/rpc-integration/resources/use-path-condition-in-equations.k
index c3b72a17bc..5b6e2215f8 100644
--- a/booster/test/rpc-integration/resources/use-path-condition-in-equations.k
+++ b/booster/test/rpc-integration/resources/use-path-condition-in-equations.k
@@ -10,17 +10,29 @@ module USE-PATH-CONDITION-IN-EQUATIONS
| test2State1()
| test2State2()
+ | test3Init()
+ | test3State1()
+ | test3State2()
+ | test4Init()
+ | test4State1()
+ | test4State2()
+ | test4State3()
syntax Int ::= test1F ( Int ) [function, total, no-evaluators]
| test2F ( Int ) [function, total, no-evaluators]
+ | test3F ( Int ) [function, total]
+ | test4F ( Int ) [function, total]
configuration $PGM:State ~> .K
// Here the simplification's side condition is syntactically present //
- // in the path condition and is not checked. //
- // Result: Stuck at depth 2 in state test1State2() //
- // after applying rules test1-init,test1-1-2 //
+ // in the path condition and is not checked. //
+ // Result kore-rpc-booster and booster-dev: //
+ // Stuck at depth 2 in state test1State2() //
+ // after applying rules test1-init,test1-1-2 //
rule [test1-init]: test1Init() => test1State1() ...
_ => ?X
@@ -33,10 +45,10 @@ module USE-PATH-CONDITION-IN-EQUATIONS
rule [test1F-simplify]: test1F(X:Int) => X requires X ==Int 42 [simplification]
- // Here the simplification's side condition is implied by the path condition, //
- // but we need an SMT solver to establish that. //
- // Result: Stuck at depth 2 in state test2State2(), //
- // after applying rules test2-init, test2-1-2. //
+ // Here the simplification's side condition is implied by the path condition. //
+ // Result kore-rpc-booster and booster-dev: //
+ // Stuck at depth 2 in state test2State2(), //
+ // after applying rules test2-init, test2-1-2. //
rule [test2-init]: test2Init() => test2State1() ...
_ => ?X
@@ -48,6 +60,47 @@ module USE-PATH-CONDITION-IN-EQUATIONS
rule [test2F-simplify]: test2F(X:Int) => X requires X >Int 0 [simplification]
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Exactly like test2, but the function now has actual evaluators, rather than //
+ // a simplification-based semantics. Using the SMT solver Booster determines //
+ // that the condition of rule test3-1-2 is False. //
+ // Result kore-rpc-booster and booster-dev: //
+ // Stuck at depth 1 in state test3State1() //
+ // after applying rules test3-init . //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ rule [test3-init]: test3Init() => test3State1() ...
+ _ => ?X
+ ensures ?X ==Int 42
+ rule [test3-1-2]: test3State1() => test3State2() ...
+ X
+ requires test3F(X) >Int 0
+ rule [test3F-zero-if-x-positive]: test3F(X:Int) => 0 requires X >Int 0
+ rule [test3F-one-if-not-x-nonpositive]: test3F(X:Int) => 1 requires X <=Int 0
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Similar to test3, but now there are two rules. Using the solver, Booster //
+ // determines that the condition of rule test4-1-2 is False. //
+ // Result kore-rpc-booster and booster-dev: //
+ // Stuck at depth 2 in state test2State3() //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ rule [test4-init]: test4Init() => test4State1() ...
+ _ => ?X
+ ensures ?X ==Int 42
+ rule [test4-1-2]: test4State1() => test4State2() ...
+ X
+ requires test4F(X) >Int 0
+ rule [test4-1-3]: test4State1() => test4State3() ...
+ X
+ requires test4F(X) <=Int 0
+ rule [test4F-zero-if-x-positive]: test4F(X:Int) => 0 requires X >Int 0
+ rule [test4F-one-if-not-x-nonpositive]: test4F(X:Int) => 1 requires X <=Int 0
// to produce input state:
// krun --output kore --depth 1 -cPGM='test1Init()' | kore-parser test-kompiled/definition.kore --module TEST --pattern /dev/stdin --print-pattern-json > state-test1Init.json
// then edit state-test1Init.json to substitute test1State1() for test1Init()
diff --git a/booster/test/rpc-integration/test-3934-smt/response-003.booster-dev b/booster/test/rpc-integration/test-3934-smt/response-003.booster-dev
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0a21b1928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/booster/test/rpc-integration/test-3934-smt/response-003.booster-dev
@@ -0,0 +1,2316 @@
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "id": 3,
+ "result": {
+ "valid": false,
+ "implication": {
+ "format": "KORE",
+ "version": 1,
+ "term": {
+ "tag": "Implies",
+ "sort": {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortGeneratedTopCell",
+ "args": []
+ },
+ "first": {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'generatedTop'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'kevm'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'k'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "kseq",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "inj",
+ "sorts": [
+ {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortInternalOp",
+ "args": []
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortKItem",
+ "args": []
+ }
+ ],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'UndsUndsUndsUnds'EVM'Unds'InternalOp'Unds'BinStackOp'Unds'Int'Unds'Int",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "LblJUMPI'Unds'EVM'Unds'BinStackOp",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": []
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "DV",
+ "sort": {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortInt",
+ "args": []
+ },
+ "value": "1569"
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lblbool2Word",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'UndsEqlsEqls'Int'Unds'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "EVar",
+ "name": "VarN",
+ "sort": {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortInt",
+ "args": []
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "DV",
+ "sort": {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortInt",
+ "args": []
+ },
+ "value": "0"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "kseq",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lblexecute",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": []
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "EVar",
+ "name": "VarK'Unds'CELL'Unds'de090c3b",
+ "sort": {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortK",
+ "args": []
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'exit-code'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "EVar",
+ "name": "VarEXITCODE'Unds'CELL",
+ "sort": {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortInt",
+ "args": []
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'mode'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "LblNORMAL",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": []
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'schedule'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "LblLONDON'Unds'EVM",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": []
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'useGas'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "DV",
+ "sort": {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortBool",
+ "args": []
+ },
+ "value": "true"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'ethereum'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'evm'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'output'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "EVar",
+ "name": "VarOUTPUT'Unds'CELL",
+ "sort": {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortBytes",
+ "args": []
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'statusCode'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "EVar",
+ "name": "VarSTATUSCODE'Unds'CELL",
+ "sort": {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortStatusCode",
+ "args": []
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'callStack'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "EVar",
+ "name": "VarCALLSTACK'Unds'CELL",
+ "sort": {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortList",
+ "args": []
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'interimStates'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "EVar",
+ "name": "VarINTERIMSTATES'Unds'CELL",
+ "sort": {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortList",
+ "args": []
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'touchedAccounts'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "EVar",
+ "sort": {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortSet",
+ "args": []
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'callState'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "App",
+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'program'-GT-'",
+ "sorts": [],
+ "args": [
+ {
+ "tag": "DV",
+ "sort": {
+ "tag": "SortApp",
+ "name": "SortBytes",
+ "args": []
+ },
+ "value": "``@R4\u0015a\u0000\u0010W`\u0000ý[P`\u00046\u0010a\u0001,W`\u00005`à\u001cc]â/\u0007\u0011a\u0000Wc¡\u0018á\u0002\u0011a\u0000qWc¡\u0018á\u0002\u0014a\u0002bWcºAO¦\u0014a\u0002uWcÓ\u0013\r\u0014a\u0002WcøÌ¿G\u0014a\u0002 Wcúv&Ô\u0014a\u0002³W`\u0000ý[c]â/\u0007\u0014a\u0002\u0003Wcm]9ß\u0014a\u0002\u0016Wc~#Ð\u0014a\u0002)Wc~OÛ\u0014a\u0002=`\u0000ý[PPPP`\u0000`\u0002`\u0001a\u0004a\u0013eV[a\u0004a\u0013}V[a\u0004£a\u00138V[P`\u0000a\u0004°a\u000c`V[Pa\u0003\u0014a\u000cV[`\u0000a\u0004Ça\rqV[P`\u0001`\u0000[Q\u0010\u0015a\u0004ÛWP[\u0015a\u0005\u0012WQ\u0010a\u0004òWa\u0004òa\u0013V[` \u0002` \u0001\u0001Q\u0010\u0015Pa\u0005\na\u0013LV[PPa\u0004ÎV[Pa\u0003\u0014a\tV[`\u0000a\u0003&`da\u0005V[`\u0000a\u00053a\rÐV[P`\u0001`\u0000[Q\u0010\u0015a\u0005GWP[\u0015a\u0005\u0012WQ\u0010a\u0005^Wa\u0005^a\u0013V[` \u0002` \u0001\u0001Q\u0010\u0015Pa\u0005va\u0013LV[PPa\u0005:V[`\u0000a\u0002Ëa\u000e.V[`@Qc&1ò±`á\u001bRf¸\u0017\u0002à\\\u000bo\u0011\u0015`\u0004\u0001R`\u0000sq\tpÏ©\u001aboóhö[\u001dÑ-cLcåb`$\u0001`\u0000`@Q\u0003`\u0000;\u0015\u0015a\u0005âW`\u0000ý[PZñ\u0015\u0015a\u0005öW=`\u0000>=`\u0000ý[PPPP`\u0000[\u0015a\u0006!Wa\u0006\ra\u0013eV[Pa\u0006\u001a`\u0001a\u0013!V[Pa\u0005ýV[PPV[`@Qc&1ò±`á\u001bR`d\u0011\u0015`\u0004\u0001Rsq\tpÏ©\u001aboóhö[\u001dÑ-cLcåb`$\u0001`\u0000`@Q\u0003`\u0000;\u0015\u0015a\u0006wW`\u0000ý[PZñ\u0015\u0015a\u0006W=`\u0000>=`\u0000ý[PPPP`\u0000`\u0002`\u0001a\u0006 a\u0013eV[a\u0006ªa\u0013}V[a\u0006´a\u00138V[P`\u0000a\u0004°a\u000eeV[`\u0000a\u0006Ìa\u000eV[P`\u0001[Q\u0010\u0015a\u0006ßWP[\u0015a\u0005\u0012WQ\u0010a\u0006öWa\u0006öa\u0013V[` \u0002` \u0001\u0001Q`\u0001a\u0007\u000ca\u0013!V[Q\u0010a\u0007\u001cWa\u0007\u001ca\u0013V[` \u0002` \u0001\u0001Q\u0011\u0015Pa\u00073a\u0013LV[PPa\u0006ÒV[`\u0000a\u0007Fa\u000e»V[P`\u0000\u0003a\u0007[Wa\u0003\u0014`\u0000a\u000cV[a\u0007ga\u0002Ýa\tJV[`\u0000a\u0007|a\u0007w`\u0001a\u0013!V[a\u000e»V[Pa\u0003\u0011\u0015a\u0007WP\u0010\u0015[a\u0002ÝWPa\u0007a\tJV[\u0015a\tV[`\u0000Ta\u0001\u0000\u0004`ÿ\u0016\u0015a\u0007ÅWP`\u0000Ta\u0001\u0000\u0004`ÿ\u0016V[`\u0000sq\tpÏ©\u001aboóhö[\u001dÑ-;\u0015a\u0008ËW`@Qsq\tpÏ©\u001aboóhö[\u001dÑ-` \u0001Re\u0019Z[\u0019Y`Ò\u001b\u0001RQ\u0003\u0001R``\u0001R`\u0000a\u0008SfpÊA\u001dpêÕ\r\\\"\u0007\r¯Ãj×_=Ï^r7²*ÞìÄ`\u0001a\u0013ÞV[`@Q`\u001f\u0019\u0003\u0001RRa\u0008ma\u0014\u000fV[`\u0000`@Q\u0003`\u0000ZñPP=`\u0000\u0014a\u0008ªW`@QP`\u001f\u0019`?=\u0001\u0016\u0001`@R=R=`\u0000` \u0001>a\u0008¯V[``P[PPP` \u0001Q\u0001a\u0008Ça\u0014+V[PP[PV[`\u0000a\u0008Ûa\u000eõV[P`\u0001[Q\u0010\u0015a\u0008îWP[\u0015a\u0005\u0012WQ\u0010a\t\u0005Wa\t\u0005a\u0013V[` \u0002` \u0001\u0001Q`\u0001a\t\u001ba\u0013!V[Q\u0010a\t+Wa\t+a\u0013V[` \u0002` \u0001\u0001Q\u0011\u0015Pa\tBa\u0013LV[PPa\u0008áV[`\u0000`\u0002\u0010\u0015a\t]WP`\u0000PV[`\u0002[\u0010\u0015a\tWa\tra\u0012÷V[\u0015a\tWP`\u0000PPV[a\ta\u0013LV[PPa\t`V[P`\u0001PPV[a\u0003£WA0O¬Ù2=u±\u001bÍÖ\tË8ïÿý°W\u0010÷Êðé±lmpP`@Qa\tÿ` R`\u0017\u0001RError: Assertion Failed\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000`@\u0001R``\u0001V[`@Q\u0003¡a\u0003£a\u000f\u0017V[`\u0000`\u0000\u0003a\n!WP`\u0000PV[[P`\u0002a\n3
a\u0010#V[a\n=a\u0013eV[a\nGa\u00138V[P\u0003a\n#W[PPV[`\u0000g\rඳ§d\u0000\u0000a\nm`\u0002a\u00138V[a\nwa\u0013}V[a\na\u0013eV[a\na\u00138V[PPPV[`\u0000`\u0002\u0010\u0015a\n¥WP`\u0000PV[`\u0002[a\n³`\u0002a\u00138V[\u0011a\tWa\nÃa\u0012÷V[\u0015a\nÑWP`\u0000PPV[a\nÛa\u0013LV[PPa\n¨V[\u0015\u0015\u0015\u0015\u0014a\u0004\u0006WA0O¬Ù2=u±\u001bÍÖ\tË8ïÿý°W\u0010÷Êðé±lmpP`@Qa\u000bX` R`\"\u0001RError: a == b not satisfied [boo`@\u0001Ral]`ð\u001b``\u0001R`\u0001V[`@Q\u0003¡(\u000fDF²\u0013rA}Úe0¹[)±*ÉÇóxS_)©zÏ5a\u000b©W`@Q`@\u0001`@R`\u0005R` \u0001dfalse`Ø\u001bRPa\u000bÇV[`@Q`@\u0001`@R`\u0004R` \u0001ctrue`à\u001bRP[`@Qa\u000bÔa\u0014yV[`@Q\u0003¡(\u000fDF²\u0013rA}Úe0¹[)±*ÉÇóxS_)©zÏ5a\u000c%W`@Q`@\u0001`@R`\u0005R` \u0001dfalse`Ø\u001bRPa\u000cCV[`@Q`@\u0001`@R`\u0004R` \u0001ctrue`à\u001bRP[`@Qa\u000cPa\u0014½V[`@Q\u0003¡a\u0004\u0006a\u000f\u0017V[`\u0000[\u0010\u0015a\u000cWa\u000cwa\u0013eV[Pa\u000ca\u0013LV[PPa\u000ceV[PPPV[\u0014a\u0004\u0006WA0O¬Ù2=u±\u001bÍÖ\tË8ïÿý°W\u0010÷Êðé±lmpP`@Qa\r\u0003` R`\"\u0001RError: a == b not satisfied [uin`@\u0001Rat]`ð\u001b``\u0001R`\u0001V[`@Q\u0003¡²Þ/¾\u001a\röÀËÝýD£Ä\u001dH @Ê5Ålï\u000fÊç!¨`@Qa\r:a\u0014çV[`@Q\u0003¡²Þ/¾\u001a\röÀËÝýD£Ä\u001dH @Ê5Ålï\u000fÊç!¨`@Qa\u000cPa\u0015\u001fV[`\u0000`\u0001[Q\u0010\u0015a\u000cWQ\u0010a\rWa\ra\u0013V[` \u0002` \u0001\u0001Q\u0011\u0015a\r¾WQ\u0010a\r³Wa\r³a\u0013V[` \u0002` \u0001\u0001QP[a\rÈa\u0013LV[PPa\rwV[`\u0000[Q\u0010\u0015a\u000cWQ\u0010a\rñWa\rña\u0013V[` \u0002` \u0001\u0001Q\u0011\u0015a\u000e\u001cWQ\u0010a\u000e\u0011Wa\u000e\u0011a\u0013V[` \u0002` \u0001\u0001QP[a\u000e&a\u0013LV[PPa\rÕV[`\u0000`\u0002[\u0010\u0015a\tWa\u000eEa\u0012÷V[\u0015a\u000eSWP`\u0000PPV[a\u000e]a\u0013LV[PPa\u000e3V[`\u0000[\u0011a\u000cWa\u000e{a\u0013eV[Pa\u000ea\u0013LV[PPa\u000ejV[```\u0001Q\u0011a\u000eWPV[a\u000e·`\u0000`\u0001
Qa\u000e²a\u0013!V[sq\tpÏ©\u001aboóhö[\u001dÑ-;\u0015a\u0010\u0012W`@Qsq\tpÏ©\u001aboóhö[\u001dÑ-` \u0001Re\u0019Z[\u0019Y`Ò\u001b\u0001R`\u0001``\u0001R`\u0000pÊ\u0010»ÐÛý ©ô±4\u0002Ál± p^\r\u001c\nê±\u000f£S®XoÄ`\u0001`@Q`\u001f\u0019\u0003\u0001RRa\u000f±` \u0001a\u0013ÞV[`@Q`\u001f\u0019\u0003\u0001RRa\u000fËa\u0014\u000fV[`\u0000`@Q\u0003`\u0000ZñPP=`\u0000\u0014a\u0010\u0008W`@QP`\u001f\u0019`?=\u0001\u0016\u0001`@R=R=`\u0000` \u0001>a\u0010\rV[``P[PPPP[`\u0000Taÿ\u0000\u0019\u0016a\u0001\u0000\u0017UV[`\u0000a\u00101`\u0002a\u00138V[a\nwg\rඳ§d\u0000\u0000a\u0013}V[\u0010a\u0010OWPPPV[`\u0000
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Qa\u000e²a\u0013!V[sq\tpÏ©\u001aboóhö[\u001dÑ-;\u0015a\u0010\u0012W`@Qsq\tpÏ©\u001aboóhö[\u001dÑ-` \u0001Re\u0019Z[\u0019Y`Ò\u001b\u0001R`\u0001``\u0001R`\u0000pÊ\u0010»ÐÛý ©ô±4\u0002Ál± p^\r\u001c\nê±\u000f£S®XoÄ`\u0001`@Q`\u001f\u0019\u0003\u0001RRa\u000f±` \u0001a\u0013ÞV[`@Q`\u001f\u0019\u0003\u0001RRa\u000fËa\u0014\u000fV[`\u0000`@Q\u0003`\u0000ZñPP=`\u0000\u0014a\u0010\u0008W`@QP`\u001f\u0019`?=\u0001\u0016\u0001`@R=R=`\u0000` \u0001>a\u0010\rV[``P[PPPP[`\u0000Taÿ\u0000\u0019\u0016a\u0001\u0000\u0017UV[`\u0000a\u00101`\u0002a\u00138V[a\nwg\rඳ§d\u0000\u0000a\u0013}V[\u0010a\u0010OWPPPV[`\u0000
a\u0013!V[a\u0010ja\u00138V[a\u0010ta\u0013eV[Q\u0010a\u0010Wa\u0010a\u0013V[` \u0002` \u0001\u0001QP[\u0011a\u0011¤W[Q\u0010a\u0010ªWa\u0010ªa\u0013V[` \u0002` \u0001\u0001Q\u0010\u0015a\u0010ÊWa\u0010Âa\u0013LV[PPa\u0010V[
Q\u0010a\u0010ÜWa\u0010Üa\u0013V[` \u0002` \u0001\u0001Q\u0010\u0015a\u0010òWP`\u0000\u0011[\u0015a\u0011\tWa\u0011\u0001a\u0015IV[PPa\u0010ÊV[\u0011a\u0011W
Q\u0010a\u0011\"Wa\u0011\"a\u0013V[` \u0002` \u0001\u0001QQ\u0010a\u0011=`+Wý[ó"
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+ }
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+ "name": "Lbl'-LT-'expectedEventAddress'-GT-'",
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\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/booster/test/rpc-integration/test-issue3764-vacuous-branch/response-branch-in-zero.booster-dev
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+ "id": 0,
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