- Finalize next hackathon organisation
- Lisbon Workshop: ideas for interactive session
- Input for the UNECE Workshop
- D2.1 (Guidelines) and Cookbook, final in M27.
- Communication deliverable, draft in M27
- Deploy the services on the platform before M27
- Determine exactly how much money is needed for GCP
- Make a video on PXWeb with the questions provided by WP4
- Organize a deployathon
- D1.5: guidelines and best practise, organize a discussion to move forward
- Complete documentation on Relais
- Make Relais architecture evolve (client with VueJS, Spring cloud data flow)
- Improvement of ARC and Relais integration
France and Italy
- Make a tutorial for the developers on VTL
- Make a video on ARC
- Security audits
- Finish the flyer on ARC
- Organize the october meeting
France and Portugal
- Send a list of questions to Norway for the video on PXWeb
- Make a flyer on VTL
- Send a list of questions to France for the video on ARC
- Linagora summarize the interviews on " multi-organisation opensource "
- Analyse the code, provides a general organisation scenario