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Developing Spring Boot Web Application Supports Login by Microsoft Entra Account and Access Resource Server
This sample demonstrates how to develop a Spring Boot web application supports login by Microsoft Entra account and access REST API protected by Microsoft Entra ID.

Developing Spring Boot Web Application Supports Login by Microsoft Entra Account and Access Resource Server

What You Need

Provision Azure Resources Required to Run This Sample

Authenticate Using the Azure CLI

Terraform must authenticate to Azure to create infrastructure.

In your terminal, use the Azure CLI tool to setup your account permissions locally.

az login --tenant  [your-tenant] --allow-no-subscriptions

Your browser window will open and you will be prompted to enter your Azure login credentials. After successful authentication, your terminal will display your subscription information. You do not need to save this output as it is saved in your system for Terraform to use.

You have logged in. Now let us find all the subscriptions to which you have access...

    "cloudName": "AzureCloud",
    "homeTenantId": "home-Tenant-Id",
    "id": "subscription-id",
    "isDefault": true,
    "managedByTenants": [],
    "name": "Subscription-Name",
    "state": "Enabled",
    "tenantId": "0envbwi39-TenantId",
    "user": {
      "name": "[email protected]",
      "type": "user"

Provision the Resources

After login Azure CLI with your account, now you can use the terraform script to create Azure Resources.

Run with Bash

# Into the directory of web-client-access-resource-server
# Initialize your Terraform configuration
terraform -chdir=./terraform init

# Apply your Terraform Configuration
terraform -chdir=./terraform apply -auto-approve

Run with Powershell

# In the root directory of the sample
# Initialize your Terraform configuration
terraform -chdir=terraform init

# Apply your Terraform Configuration
terraform -chdir=terraform apply -auto-approve

It may take a few minutes to run the script. After successful running, you will see prompt information like below:

Apply complete! Resources: * added, * changed, * destroyed.

You can go to Azure portal in your web browser to check the resources you created.

Export Output to Your Local Environment

Running the command below to export environment values:

Run with Bash

source ./terraform/

Run with Powershell

. terraform\setup_env.ps1

Run Locally

In your current terminal:

Run with Bash


Run with Powershell


Clean Up Resources

After running the sample, if you don't want to run the sample, remember to destroy the Azure resources you created to avoid unnecessary billing.

The terraform destroy command terminates resources managed by your Terraform project.
To destroy the resources you created.

Run with Bash

terraform -chdir=./terraform destroy -auto-approve

Run with Powershell

terraform -chdir=terraform destroy -auto-approve

Deploy to Azure Spring Apps

Now that you have the Spring Boot application running locally, it's time to move it to production. Azure Spring Apps makes it easy to deploy Spring Boot applications to Azure without any code changes. The service manages the infrastructure of Spring applications so developers can focus on their code. Azure Spring Apps provides lifecycle management using comprehensive monitoring and diagnostics, configuration management, service discovery, CI/CD integration, blue-green deployments, and more. To deploy your application to Azure Spring Apps, see Deploy your first application to Azure Spring Apps.