diff --git a/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/config.js b/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/config.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6a4c93ea3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+const { getMappingConfig } = require('../../../../v0/util');
+const ConfigCategories = {
+  TRACK: {
+    type: 'track',
+    name: 'propertiesMapping',
+  },
+const mappingConfig = getMappingConfig(ConfigCategories, __dirname);
+// Following contains the keys at item level mapping where key can be considered as destkey and value can be considered as sourcekey
+const productProperties = {
+  skulist: 'sku',
+  qlist: 'quantity',
+  namelist: 'name',
+  brandlist: 'brand',
+  couponlist: 'coupon',
+  catidlist: 'categoryId',
+  catlist: 'category',
+  disamtlist: 'discountAmount',
+  distypelist: 'discountType',
+  isclearancelist: 'isClearance',
+  ismarketplacelist: 'isMarketPlace',
+  issalelist: 'isSale',
+  itmstatuslist: 'itmStatus',
+  marginlist: 'margin',
+  markdownlist: 'markdown',
+  shipidlist: 'shipId',
+  shipbylist: 'shipBy',
+  taxexemptlist: 'taxExempt',
+  sequencelist: 'sequence',
+// list of all properties that are required
+const requiredProductProperties = ['skulist', 'qlist', 'namelist'];
+module.exports = { ConfigCategories, mappingConfig, productProperties, requiredProductProperties };
diff --git a/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/data/propertiesMapping.json b/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/data/propertiesMapping.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e04765faede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/data/propertiesMapping.json
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": "properties.orderId",
+    "required": true,
+    "destKey": "ord"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": ["properties.tr", "properties.ranSiteID"],
+    "required": true,
+    "destKey": "tr"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": ["properties.land", "properties.landTime"],
+    "required": true,
+    "destKey": "land"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": ["properties.date", "properties.orderCompletedTime"],
+    "destKey": "date"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": ["properties.altord", "properties.alterOrderId"],
+    "destKey": "altord"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": "properties.currency",
+    "destKey": "cur"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": "properties.creditCardType",
+    "destKey": "cc"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": "properties.commReason",
+    "destKey": "commreason"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": "properties.isComm",
+    "destKey": "iscomm"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": "properties.consumed",
+    "destKey": "consumed"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": "properties.coupon",
+    "destKey": "coupon"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": ["properties.custId", "properties.customerId", "properties.userId"],
+    "destKey": "custid"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": ["properties.custScore", "properties.customerScore"],
+    "destKey": "custscore"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": ["properties.custStatus", "properties.customerStatus"],
+    "destKey": "custstatus"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": ["properties.dId", "properties.advertisingId"],
+    "destKey": "did"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": ["properties.disamt", "properties.discountAmout"],
+    "destKey": "disamt"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": ["properties.ordStatus", "properties.orderStatus"],
+    "destKey": "ordstatus"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": "properties.segment",
+    "destKey": "segment"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": "properties.shipcountry",
+    "destKey": "shipcountry"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": "properties.shipped",
+    "destKey": "shipped"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": ["properties.sitename", "properties.url", "context.page.url"],
+    "destKey": "sitename"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": "properties.storeId",
+    "destKey": "storeid"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": ["properties.storecat", "properties.storeCategory"],
+    "destKey": "storecat"
+  },
+  {
+    "sourceKeys": "properties.currency",
+    "destKey": "cur"
+  }
diff --git a/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/procWorkflow.yaml b/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/procWorkflow.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9ee9b5c03a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/procWorkflow.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  - name: EventType
+    path: ../../../../constants
+  - path: ../../bindings/jsontemplate
+  - name: defaultRequestConfig
+    path: ../../../../v0/util
+  - name: removeUndefinedAndNullValues
+    path: ../../../../v0/util
+  - path: ./utils
+  - name: messageType
+    template: |
+      .message.type.toLowerCase();
+  - name: validateInput
+    template: |
+      let messageType = $.outputs.messageType;
+      $.assert(messageType, "message Type is not present. Aborting");
+      $.assert(messageType in {{$.EventType.([.TRACK])}}, "message type " + messageType + " is not supported");
+      $.assertConfig(.destination.Config.mid, "Merchant ID is not present. Aborting");
+  - name: prepareTrackPayload
+    condition: $.outputs.messageType === {{$.EventType.TRACK}}
+    template: |
+      const properties = $.constructProperties(.message);
+      const lineItems = $.constructLineItems(.message.properties)
+      $.context.payload = {...properties,...lineItems,xml:1, mid:.destination.Config.mid}
+      $.context.payload = $.removeUndefinedAndNullValues($.context.payload);
+  - name: buildResponse
+    template: |
+      const response = $.defaultRequestConfig();
+      response.params = $.context.payload;
+      response.method = "GET";
+      response.endpoint = "https://track.linksynergy.com/ep";
+      response.headers = {
+        "accept": "application/json",
+        "content-type": "application/json"
+      };
+      response
diff --git a/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/utils.js b/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/utils.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fe37455a572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+const { InstrumentationError } = require('@rudderstack/integrations-lib');
+const { isDefinedAndNotNull } = require('rudder-transformer-cdk/build/utils');
+const {
+  mappingConfig,
+  ConfigCategories,
+  productProperties,
+  requiredProductProperties,
+} = require('./config');
+const { constructPayload } = require('../../../../v0/util');
+ * This fucntion constructs payloads based upon mappingConfig for Track call type
+ * @param {*} message
+ * @returns
+ */
+const constructProperties = (message) => {
+  const payload = constructPayload(message, mappingConfig[ConfigCategories.TRACK.name]);
+  return payload;
+ * This fucntion build the item level list
+ * @param {*} properties
+ * @returns
+ */
+const constructLineItems = (properties) => {
+  // Validate the existence and non-emptiness of the 'products' array in 'properties'
+  if (!Array.isArray(properties?.products) || properties.products.length === 0) {
+    throw new InstrumentationError('Either properties.product is not an array or is empty');
+  }
+  const { products } = properties;
+  const productList = {};
+  // Iterate over product properties to construct the payload
+  Object.keys(productProperties).forEach((property) => {
+    const propertyKey = productProperties[property];
+    // Extract values for the current property from the 'products' array
+    const values = products.map((product) =>
+      isDefinedAndNotNull(product?.[propertyKey]) ? product[propertyKey] : '',
+    );
+    // Validate if a required property is missing
+    if (requiredProductProperties.includes(property) && values.includes('')) {
+      throw new InstrumentationError(`${propertyKey} is a required field. Aborting`);
+    }
+    // Include property in the payload if values are non-empty
+    if (values.some((element) => element !== '')) {
+      productList[property] = values.join('|');
+    }
+  });
+  // Map 'amountList' by evaluating 'amount' or deriving it from 'price' and 'quantity'
+  const amountList = products.map((product) => {
+    if (!product?.amount && !product?.price) {
+      throw new InstrumentationError('Either amount or price is required for every product');
+    }
+    if (product.price) {
+        return product.quantity * product.price * 100;
+    }
+    return product.amount * 100;
+  });
+  productList.amtlist = amountList.join('|');
+  return productList;
+module.exports = { constructProperties, constructLineItems };
diff --git a/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/utils.test.js b/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/utils.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9cc7f5fd4cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdk/v2/destinations/rakuten/utils.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+const { constructLineItems } = require('./utils');
+describe('constructLineItems', () => {
+  it('should return a non-empty object when given a valid properties object with at least one product', () => {
+    const properties = {
+      products: [
+        {
+          name: 'Product 1',
+          sku: 'sku_1',
+          price: 10,
+          quantity: 2,
+          amount: 20,
+        },
+      ],
+    };
+    const result = constructLineItems(properties);
+    const expectedObj = {
+      namelist: 'Product 1',
+      skulist: 'sku_1',
+      qlist: '2',
+      amtlist: '2000',
+    };
+    expect(result).toEqual(expectedObj);
+  });
+  it('should include all mapped properties in the returned object when present in at least one product', () => {
+    const properties = {
+      products: [
+        {
+          name: 'Product 1',
+          category: 'Category 1',
+          sku: 'sku_1',
+          brand: 'Brand 1',
+          price: 10,
+          quantity: 2,
+          amount: 20,
+        },
+      ],
+    };
+    const result = constructLineItems(properties);
+    const expectedObj = {
+      namelist: 'Product 1',
+      catlist: 'Category 1',
+      skulist: 'sku_1',
+      brandlist: 'Brand 1',
+      qlist: '2',
+      amtlist: '2000',
+    };
+    expect(result).toEqual(expectedObj);
+  });
+  it('should include amtlist property in the returned object with calculated values', () => {
+    const properties = {
+      products: [
+        {
+          name: 'Product 1',
+          sku: 'sku_1',
+          price: 10,
+          quantity: 2,
+        },
+        {
+          name: 'Product 2',
+          sku: 'sku_2',
+          price: 5,
+          quantity: 3,
+        },
+      ],
+    };
+    const result = constructLineItems(properties);
+    expect(result).toHaveProperty('amtlist');
+    expect(result.amtlist).toBe('2000|1500');
+  });
+  it('should throw an InstrumentationError when properties object is missing or has an empty products array', () => {
+    const properties = {};
+    expect(() => constructLineItems(properties)).toThrow(
+      'Either properties.product is not an array or is empty',
+    );
+    properties.products = [];
+    expect(() => constructLineItems(properties)).toThrow(
+      'Either properties.product is not an array or is empty',
+    );
+  });
+  it('should throw an InstrumentationError when a product is missing quantity property', () => {
+    const properties = {
+      products: [
+        {
+          name: 'Product 1',
+          sku: 'sku_1',
+          amount: '1234',
+        },
+      ],
+    };
+    expect(() => constructLineItems(properties)).toThrow('quantity is a required field. Aborting');
+  });
+  it('should throw an InstrumentationError when a product is missing both amount and price properties', () => {
+    const properties = {
+      products: [
+        {
+          name: 'Product 1',
+          sku: 'sku_1',
+          quantity: 2,
+        },
+      ],
+    };
+    expect(() => constructLineItems(properties)).toThrow(
+      'Either amount or price is required for every product',
+    );
+  });
diff --git a/src/v0/destinations/rakuten/networkHandler.js b/src/v0/destinations/rakuten/networkHandler.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1b16bd55389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/v0/destinations/rakuten/networkHandler.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+const { NetworkError } = require('@rudderstack/integrations-lib');
+const { httpSend } = require('../../../adapters/network');
+const {
+  processAxiosResponse,
+  getDynamicErrorType,
+} = require('../../../adapters/utils/networkUtils');
+const { TAG_NAMES } = require('../../util/tags');
+const { HTTP_STATUS_CODES } = require('../../util/constant');
+const prepareProxyRequest = (request) => request;
+const proxyRequest = async (request, destType) => {
+  const { endpoint, data, method, params, headers } = prepareProxyRequest(request);
+  const requestOptions = {
+    url: endpoint,
+    data,
+    params,
+    headers,
+    method,
+  };
+  const response = await httpSend(requestOptions, { feature: 'proxy', destType });
+  return response;
+const extractContent = (xmlPayload, tagName) => {
+  const pattern = new RegExp(`<${tagName}>(.*?)</${tagName}>`);
+  const match = xmlPayload.match(pattern);
+  return match ? match[1] : null;
+const responseHandler = (destinationResponse) => {
+  const msg = `[${DESTINATION} Response Handler] - Request Processed Successfully`;
+  const { response, status } = destinationResponse;
+  if (status === 400) {
+    throw new NetworkError(
+      `Request failed with status: ${status} due to invalid Marketing Id`,
+      400,
+      {
+        [TAG_NAMES.ERROR_TYPE]: getDynamicErrorType(status),
+      },
+      destinationResponse,
+    );
+  }
+  // Extract errors, good and bad between different tags
+  const badRecords = extractContent(response, 'bad');
+  const errors = extractContent(response, 'error');
+  // For access denied for a mid rakuten sends status code 200 with response as <response> <error> Access denied </error> </response>
+  if (errors) {
+    throw new NetworkError(
+      `Request failed with status: ${status} due to ${errors}. Can you try to enable pixel tracking for this mid.`,
+      400,
+      {
+        // status would be 200 but since no error type for this status code hence it will take it as aborted
+        [TAG_NAMES.ERROR_TYPE]: getDynamicErrorType(status),
+      },
+      destinationResponse,
+    );
+  }
+  if (parseInt(badRecords, 10)) {
+    throw new NetworkError(
+      `Request failed with status: ${status} with number of bad records ${badRecords}`,
+      400,
+      {
+        // status would be 200 but since no error type for this status code hence it will take it as aborted
+        [TAG_NAMES.ERROR_TYPE]: getDynamicErrorType(status),
+      },
+      destinationResponse,
+    );
+  }
+  /* just puttting it here for 429 and 500's we dont have documentation for these two 
+  neither we have any sample response but just in case if we recoeve non 2xx status
+  */
+  if (status !== 200) {
+    throw new NetworkError(
+      `Request failed with status: ${status}`,
+      status,
+      {
+        [TAG_NAMES.ERROR_TYPE]: getDynamicErrorType(status),
+      },
+      destinationResponse,
+    );
+  }
+  // if no error or bad record is found and status is 200 the request is successfull
+  return {
+    status: HTTP_STATUS_CODES.OK,
+    message: msg,
+    destinationResponse,
+  };
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+class networkHandler {
+  constructor() {
+    this.responseHandler = responseHandler;
+    this.proxy = proxyRequest;
+    this.prepareProxy = prepareProxyRequest;
+    this.processAxiosResponse = processAxiosResponse;
+  }
+module.exports = {
+  networkHandler,
+  responseHandler
diff --git a/src/v0/destinations/rakuten/networkHandler.test.js b/src/v0/destinations/rakuten/networkHandler.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..70461c86c17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/v0/destinations/rakuten/networkHandler.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+const { responseHandler } = require('./networkHandler');
+// Generated by CodiumAI
+describe('responseHandler', () => {
+  it('should return a success message with status code 200 when the request is successful and no bad records or errors are found', () => {
+    const destinationResponse = {
+      response: '<response></response>',
+      status: 200,
+    };
+    const result = responseHandler(destinationResponse);
+    expect(result.status).toBe(200);
+    expect(result.message).toBe('[RAKUTEN Response Handler] - Request Processed Successfully');
+    expect(result.destinationResponse).toEqual(destinationResponse);
+  });
+  it('should throw a NetworkError with status code 400 and error message when the response status is 400 due to invalid Marketing Id', () => {
+    const destinationResponse = {
+      response: '<response>Invalid marketing id</response>',
+      status: 400,
+    };
+    expect(() => {
+      responseHandler(destinationResponse);
+    }).toThrow('Request failed with status: 400 due to invalid Marketing Id');
+  });
+  it('should throw a NetworkError with status code 400 and error message when the response contains errors', () => {
+    const destinationResponse = {
+      response: '<response><error>Access denied</error></response>',
+      status: 200,
+    };
+    expect(() => {
+      responseHandler(destinationResponse);
+    }).toThrow(
+      'Request failed with status: 200 due to Access denied. Can you try to enable pixel tracking for this mid.',
+    );
+  });
+  it('should return a success message with status code 200 when the response status is 200 and no bad records or errors are found', () => {
+    const destinationResponse = {
+      response: '<response></response>',
+      status: 200,
+    };
+    const result = responseHandler(destinationResponse);
+    expect(result.status).toBe(200);
+    expect(result.message).toBe('[RAKUTEN Response Handler] - Request Processed Successfully');
+    expect(result.destinationResponse).toEqual(destinationResponse);
+  });
+  it('should throw a NetworkError with status code 400 and error message when the response status is 200 and the response contains only bad records', () => {
+    const destinationResponse = {
+      response: '<response><bad>1</bad></response>',
+      status: 200,
+    };
+    expect(() => {
+      responseHandler(destinationResponse);
+    }).toThrow('Request failed with status: 200 with number of bad records 1');
+  });
diff --git a/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/dataDelivery/data.ts b/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/dataDelivery/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d2b00a5e4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/dataDelivery/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+import { endpoint, commonOutputHeaders } from '../processor/commonConfig';
+const commonParams = {
+  xml: 1,
+  amtlist: '12500|12500',
+  qlist: '|5',
+  ord: 'SampleOrderId',
+  tr: 'SampleRanSiteID',
+  land: '20240129_1200',
+export const data = [
+  {
+    name: 'rakuten',
+    description: 'Test 0: Failure response from rakuten for invalid mid',
+    feature: 'dataDelivery',
+    module: 'destination',
+    scenario: 'Framework',
+    version: 'v0',
+    input: {
+      request: {
+        body: {
+          method: 'GET',
+          endpoint,
+          headers: commonOutputHeaders,
+          params: {
+            mid: 'invalid_mid',
+            ...commonParams,
+          },
+          userId: '',
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    output: {
+      response: {
+        status: 400,
+        statTags: {
+          errorCategory: 'network',
+          errorType: 'configuration',
+          destType: 'RAKUTEN',
+          module: 'destination',
+          implementation: 'native',
+          feature: 'dataDelivery',
+          destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+          workspaceId: 'dummyWorkspaceId',
+        },
+        destinationResponse: {
+          response:
+            '<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><title>HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request</title></head><body><h1>HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request</h1></body></html>',
+          status: 400,
+          rudderJobMetadata: [
+            {
+              jobId: 2,
+              attemptNum: 0,
+              userId: '',
+              sourceId: 'dummySourceId',
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              workspaceId: 'dummyWorkspaceId',
+            },
+          ],
+        },
+        authErrorCategory: '',
+        message: 'Request failed with status: 400 due to invalid Marketing Id',
+      },
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'rakuten',
+    description: 'Test 1: Failure response from rakuten for access denied for rakuten mid',
+    feature: 'dataDelivery',
+    scenario: 'Framework',
+    module: 'destination',
+    version: 'v0',
+    input: {
+      request: {
+        body: {
+          method: 'GET',
+          endpoint,
+          headers: commonOutputHeaders,
+          params: {
+            mid: 'access_denied_for_mid',
+            ...commonParams,
+          },
+          userId: '',
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    output: {
+      response: {
+        status: 400,
+        statTags: {
+          errorCategory: 'network',
+          errorType: 'configuration',
+          destType: 'RAKUTEN',
+          module: 'destination',
+          implementation: 'native',
+          feature: 'dataDelivery',
+          destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+          workspaceId: 'dummyWorkspaceId',
+        },
+        destinationResponse: {
+          response: '<response><error>Access denied</error></response>',
+          status: 200,
+          rudderJobMetadata: [
+            {
+              jobId: 2,
+              attemptNum: 0,
+              userId: '',
+              sourceId: 'dummySourceId',
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              workspaceId: 'dummyWorkspaceId',
+            },
+          ],
+        },
+        authErrorCategory: '',
+        message:
+          'Request failed with status: 200 due to Access denied. Can you try to enable pixel tracking for this mid.',
+      },
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'rakuten',
+    description: 'Test 2: Failure response from rakuten for bad records>0',
+    feature: 'dataDelivery',
+    scenario: 'Framework',
+    module: 'destination',
+    version: 'v0',
+    input: {
+      request: {
+        body: {
+          method: 'GET',
+          endpoint,
+          headers: commonOutputHeaders,
+          params: {
+            mid: 'valid_mid_with_bad_records',
+            ...commonParams,
+          },
+          userId: '',
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    output: {
+      response: {
+        status: 400,
+        statTags: {
+          errorCategory: 'network',
+          errorType: 'aborted',
+          destType: 'RAKUTEN',
+          module: 'destination',
+          implementation: 'native',
+          feature: 'dataDelivery',
+          destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+          workspaceId: 'dummyWorkspaceId',
+        },
+        destinationResponse: {
+          response:
+            '<response><unique_id>143407391431</unique_id><summary><transactions><good>0</good><bad>3</bad></transactions></summary></response>',
+          status: 200,
+          rudderJobMetadata: [
+            {
+              jobId: 2,
+              attemptNum: 0,
+              userId: '',
+              sourceId: 'dummySourceId',
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              workspaceId: 'dummyWorkspaceId',
+            },
+          ],
+        },
+        authErrorCategory: '',
+        message: 'Request failed with status: 200 with number of bad records 3',
+      },
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'rakuten',
+    description: 'Test 3: Success response from rakuten with good records > 0',
+    feature: 'dataDelivery',
+    scenario: 'Framework',
+    module: 'destination',
+    version: 'v0',
+    input: {
+      request: {
+        body: {
+          method: 'GET',
+          endpoint,
+          headers: commonOutputHeaders,
+          params: {
+            mid: 'valid_mid_with_good_records',
+            ...commonParams,
+          },
+          userId: '',
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    output: {
+      response: {
+        status: 200,
+        destinationResponse:
+          '<response><unique_id>uniqueId</unique_id><summary><transactions><good>3</good><bad>0</bad></transactions></summary></response>',
+        message: '[RAKUTEN Response Handler] - Request Processed Successfully',
+      },
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/network.ts b/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/network.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9633ee54a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/network.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+export const networkCallsData = [
+  {
+    description: 'When mid is invalid',
+    httpReq: {
+      url: 'https://track.linksynergy.com/ep',
+      params: {
+        mid: 'invalid_mid',
+        xml: 1,
+        amtlist: '12500|12500',
+        qlist: '|5',
+        ord: 'SampleOrderId',
+        tr: 'SampleRanSiteID',
+        land: '20240129_1200',
+      },
+      headers: {
+        Accept: 'application/json',
+        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+      },
+      method: 'GET',
+    },
+    httpRes: {
+      status: 400,
+      data: '<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><title>HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request</title></head><body><h1>HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request</h1></body></html>',
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    description: 'When mid is valid but there is no access',
+    httpReq: {
+      url: 'https://track.linksynergy.com/ep',
+      params: {
+        mid: 'access_denied_for_mid',
+        xml: 1,
+        amtlist: '12500|12500',
+        qlist: '|5',
+        ord: 'SampleOrderId',
+        tr: 'SampleRanSiteID',
+        land: '20240129_1200',
+      },
+      headers: {
+        Accept: 'application/json',
+        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+      },
+      method: 'GET',
+    },
+    httpRes: {
+      status: 200,
+      data: '<response><error>Access denied</error></response>',
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    description: 'When record along with mid is valid',
+    httpReq: {
+      url: 'https://track.linksynergy.com/ep',
+      params: {
+        mid: 'valid_mid_with_good_records',
+        xml: 1,
+        amtlist: '12500|12500',
+        qlist: '|5',
+        ord: 'SampleOrderId',
+        tr: 'SampleRanSiteID',
+        land: '20240129_1200',
+      },
+      headers: {
+        Accept: 'application/json',
+        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+      },
+      method: 'GET',
+    },
+    httpRes: {
+      status: 200,
+      data: '<response><unique_id>uniqueId</unique_id><summary><transactions><good>3</good><bad>0</bad></transactions></summary></response>',
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    description: 'When records are invalid and mid is valid',
+    httpReq: {
+      url: 'https://track.linksynergy.com/ep',
+      params: {
+        mid: 'valid_mid_with_bad_records',
+        xml: 1,
+        amtlist: '12500|12500',
+        qlist: '|5',
+        ord: 'SampleOrderId',
+        tr: 'SampleRanSiteID',
+        land: '20240129_1200',
+      },
+      headers: {
+        Accept: 'application/json',
+        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+      },
+      method: 'GET',
+    },
+    httpRes: {
+      status: 200,
+      data: '<response><unique_id>uniqueId</unique_id><summary><transactions><good>0</good><bad>3</bad></transactions></summary></response>',
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/processor/commonConfig.ts b/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/processor/commonConfig.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e7e2af7fbd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/processor/commonConfig.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+export const destination = {
+  ID: 'random_id',
+  Name: 'rakuten',
+  DestinationDefinition: {
+    Config: {
+      cdkV2Enabled: true,
+    },
+  },
+  Config: {
+    mid: 'dummyMarketingId',
+  },
+export const endpoint = 'https://track.linksynergy.com/ep';
+export const commonOutputHeaders = {
+  accept: 'application/json',
+  'content-type': 'application/json',
+export const singleProductWithAllProperties = {
+  sku: 'ABC123',
+  amount: 20,
+  quantity: 5,
+  name: 'SampleProduct',
+  brand: 'SampleBrand',
+  coupon: 'SALE20',
+  categoryId: '12345',
+  category: 'Electronics',
+  discountAmount: 10.5,
+  discountType: 'Percentage',
+  isClearance: 'Y',
+  isMarketPlace: 'N',
+  isSale: 'Y',
+  itmStatus: 'In Stock',
+  margin: 0.15,
+  markdown: 5.0,
+  shipId: 'SHIP123',
+  shipBy: 'Express',
+  taxExempt: 'N',
+  sequence: '123',
+  isComm: 'Y',
+export const commonProperties = {
+  orderId: 'SampleOrderId',
+  tr: 'SampleRanSiteID',
+  landTime: '20240129_1200',
+  date: '20240129_1300',
+  altord: 'SampleAlternateOrderId',
+  currency: 'INR',
+  creditCardType: 'Visa',
+  commReason: 'SampleCommReason',
+  isComm: 'Y',
+  consumed: '20240129_1400',
+  coupon: 'SampleCoupon',
+  custId: 'SampleCustomerId',
+  custScore: 'A',
+  custStatus: 'New',
+  dId: 'SampleDeviceId',
+  disamt: '50.00',
+  ordStatus: 'Pending',
+  segment: 'SampleSegment',
+  shipcountry: 'USA',
+  shipped: '20240129_1500',
+  sitename: 'SampleSiteName',
+  storeId: '12345',
+  storecat: 'Electronics',
diff --git a/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/processor/data.ts b/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/processor/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bdce4e850ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/processor/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import { transformationFailures } from './transformationFailure';
+import { trackSuccess } from './track';
+export const data = [...trackSuccess, ...transformationFailures];
diff --git a/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/processor/track.ts b/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/processor/track.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..78a76e42632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/processor/track.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+import {
+  destination,
+  commonOutputHeaders,
+  commonProperties,
+  endpoint,
+  singleProductWithAllProperties,
+} from './commonConfig';
+import { transformResultBuilder } from '../../../testUtils';
+export const trackSuccess = [
+  {
+    id: 'rakuten-test-track-success-1',
+    name: 'rakuten',
+    description:
+      'Track call with properties.products with all properties in payload and one product containing all product properties and other containg some',
+    scenario: 'Business',
+    successCriteria:
+      'Response should contain only properties and product payload and status code should be 200',
+    feature: 'processor',
+    module: 'destination',
+    version: 'v0',
+    input: {
+      request: {
+        body: [
+          {
+            destination,
+            message: {
+              type: 'track',
+              event: 'product purchased',
+              sentAt: '2021-01-25T16:12:02.048Z',
+              userId: 'sajal12',
+              channel: 'mobile',
+              rudderId: 'b7b24f86-f7bf-46d8-b2b4-ccafc080239c',
+              messageId: '1611588776408-ee5a3212-fbf9-4cbb-bbad-3ed0f7c6a2ce',
+              properties: {
+                ...commonProperties,
+                products: [
+                  { ...singleProductWithAllProperties },
+                  {
+                    sku: 'custom sku 1',
+                    quantity: 5,
+                    amount: 25,
+                    name: 'name_1',
+                  },
+                  {
+                    sku: 'custom sku 2',
+                    name: 'SampleProduct',
+                    quantity: 1,
+                    amount: 30,
+                    coupon: 'SALE50',
+                  },
+                ],
+              },
+              anonymousId: '9c6bd77ea9da3e68',
+              integrations: {
+                All: true,
+              },
+              originalTimestamp: '2021-01-25T15:32:56.409Z',
+            },
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+    output: {
+      response: {
+        status: 200,
+        body: [
+          {
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+            output: transformResultBuilder({
+              method: 'GET',
+              endpoint,
+              headers: commonOutputHeaders,
+              params: {
+                mid: 'dummyMarketingId',
+                xml: 1,
+                amtlist: '2000|2500|3000',
+                brandlist: 'SampleBrand||',
+                catidlist: '12345||',
+                catlist: 'Electronics||',
+                couponlist: 'SALE20||SALE50',
+                disamtlist: '10.5||',
+                distypelist: 'Percentage||',
+                ismarketplacelist: 'N||',
+                sequencelist: '123||',
+                shipbylist: 'Express||',
+                shipidlist: 'SHIP123||',
+                qlist: '5|5|1',
+                marginlist: '0.15||',
+                markdownlist: '5||',
+                taxexemptlist: 'N||',
+                namelist: 'SampleProduct|name_1|SampleProduct',
+                skulist: 'ABC123|custom sku 1|custom sku 2',
+                issalelist: 'Y||',
+                itmstatuslist: 'In Stock||',
+                isclearancelist: 'Y||',
+                ord: 'SampleOrderId',
+                tr: 'SampleRanSiteID',
+                land: '20240129_1200',
+                date: '20240129_1300',
+                altord: 'SampleAlternateOrderId',
+                cur: 'INR',
+                cc: 'Visa',
+                commreason: 'SampleCommReason',
+                iscomm: 'Y',
+                consumed: '20240129_1400',
+                coupon: 'SampleCoupon',
+                custid: 'SampleCustomerId',
+                custscore: 'A',
+                custstatus: 'New',
+                did: 'SampleDeviceId',
+                disamt: '50.00',
+                ordstatus: 'Pending',
+                segment: 'SampleSegment',
+                shipcountry: 'USA',
+                shipped: '20240129_1500',
+                sitename: 'SampleSiteName',
+                storeid: '12345',
+                storecat: 'Electronics',
+              },
+              userId: '',
+            }),
+            statusCode: 200,
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'rakuten-test-track-success-2',
+    name: 'rakuten',
+    description:
+      'Track call with properties.products and no event in payload and products containing amount,price and quantity',
+    scenario: 'Business+Framework',
+    successCriteria:
+      'Response should contain only properties and product payload and amount to be calculated from price*quantity where amount is not present and quantity taken as 1 by default and status code should be 200',
+    feature: 'processor',
+    module: 'destination',
+    version: 'v0',
+    input: {
+      request: {
+        body: [
+          {
+            destination,
+            message: {
+              type: 'track',
+              sentAt: '2021-01-25T16:12:02.048Z',
+              userId: 'sajal12',
+              channel: 'mobile',
+              rudderId: 'b7b24f86-f7bf-46d8-b2b4-ccafc080239c',
+              messageId: '1611588776408-ee5a3212-fbf9-4cbb-bbad-3ed0f7c6a2ce',
+              properties: {
+                ...commonProperties,
+                products: [
+                  {
+                    sku: 'custom sku 0',
+                    amount: '125',
+                    quantity: 1,
+                    name: 'name_1',
+                  },
+                  {
+                    sku: 'custom sku 1',
+                    quantity: 5,
+                    price: 25,
+                    name: 'name_2',
+                  },
+                  {
+                    sku: 'custom sku 2',
+                    name: 'SampleProduct',
+                    price: 30,
+                    quantity: 1,
+                    coupon: 'SALE50',
+                  },
+                ],
+              },
+              anonymousId: '9c6bd77ea9da3e68',
+              integrations: {
+                All: true,
+              },
+              originalTimestamp: '2021-01-25T15:32:56.409Z',
+            },
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+    output: {
+      response: {
+        status: 200,
+        body: [
+          {
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+            output: transformResultBuilder({
+              method: 'GET',
+              endpoint,
+              headers: commonOutputHeaders,
+              params: {
+                mid: 'dummyMarketingId',
+                xml: 1,
+                amtlist: '12500|12500|3000',
+                couponlist: '||SALE50',
+                namelist: 'name_1|name_2|SampleProduct',
+                skulist: 'custom sku 0|custom sku 1|custom sku 2',
+                qlist: '1|5|1',
+                ord: 'SampleOrderId',
+                tr: 'SampleRanSiteID',
+                land: '20240129_1200',
+                date: '20240129_1300',
+                altord: 'SampleAlternateOrderId',
+                cur: 'INR',
+                cc: 'Visa',
+                commreason: 'SampleCommReason',
+                iscomm: 'Y',
+                consumed: '20240129_1400',
+                coupon: 'SampleCoupon',
+                custid: 'SampleCustomerId',
+                custscore: 'A',
+                custstatus: 'New',
+                did: 'SampleDeviceId',
+                disamt: '50.00',
+                ordstatus: 'Pending',
+                segment: 'SampleSegment',
+                shipcountry: 'USA',
+                shipped: '20240129_1500',
+                sitename: 'SampleSiteName',
+                storeid: '12345',
+                storecat: 'Electronics',
+              },
+              userId: '',
+            }),
+            statusCode: 200,
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'rakuten-test-track-success-3',
+    name: 'rakuten',
+    description:
+      'Track call for products return or cancelled products containing amount,price and quantity where price is negative',
+    scenario: 'Business',
+    successCriteria:
+      'Response should contain only properties and product payload and amount to be calculated from price*quantity where amount is negative and status code should be 200',
+    feature: 'processor',
+    module: 'destination',
+    version: 'v0',
+    input: {
+      request: {
+        body: [
+          {
+            destination,
+            message: {
+              type: 'track',
+              sentAt: '2021-01-25T16:12:02.048Z',
+              userId: 'sajal12',
+              channel: 'mobile',
+              rudderId: 'b7b24f86-f7bf-46d8-b2b4-ccafc080239c',
+              messageId: '1611588776408-ee5a3212-fbf9-4cbb-bbad-3ed0f7c6a2ce',
+              properties: {
+                ...commonProperties,
+                products: [
+                  {
+                    sku: 'custom sku 0',
+                    quantity: 1,
+                    amount: '-125',
+                    name: 'name_1',
+                  },
+                  {
+                    sku: 'custom sku 1',
+                    quantity: 5,
+                    price: -25,
+                    name: 'name_2',
+                  },
+                ],
+              },
+              anonymousId: '9c6bd77ea9da3e68',
+              integrations: {
+                All: true,
+              },
+              originalTimestamp: '2021-01-25T15:32:56.409Z',
+            },
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+    output: {
+      response: {
+        status: 200,
+        body: [
+          {
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+            output: transformResultBuilder({
+              method: 'GET',
+              endpoint,
+              headers: commonOutputHeaders,
+              params: {
+                mid: 'dummyMarketingId',
+                xml: 1,
+                amtlist: '-12500|-12500',
+                skulist: 'custom sku 0|custom sku 1',
+                qlist: '1|5',
+                ord: 'SampleOrderId',
+                namelist: 'name_1|name_2',
+                tr: 'SampleRanSiteID',
+                land: '20240129_1200',
+                date: '20240129_1300',
+                altord: 'SampleAlternateOrderId',
+                cur: 'INR',
+                cc: 'Visa',
+                commreason: 'SampleCommReason',
+                iscomm: 'Y',
+                consumed: '20240129_1400',
+                coupon: 'SampleCoupon',
+                custid: 'SampleCustomerId',
+                custscore: 'A',
+                custstatus: 'New',
+                did: 'SampleDeviceId',
+                disamt: '50.00',
+                ordstatus: 'Pending',
+                segment: 'SampleSegment',
+                shipcountry: 'USA',
+                shipped: '20240129_1500',
+                sitename: 'SampleSiteName',
+                storeid: '12345',
+                storecat: 'Electronics',
+              },
+              userId: '',
+            }),
+            statusCode: 200,
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'rakuten-test-track-success-4',
+    name: 'rakuten',
+    description: 'Track call for Discount event ',
+    scenario: 'Business',
+    successCriteria:
+      'Response should have last item of skulist as "Discount", qlist as 0 and amtlist as negative and status code should be 200',
+    feature: 'processor',
+    module: 'destination',
+    version: 'v0',
+    input: {
+      request: {
+        body: [
+          {
+            destination,
+            message: {
+              type: 'track',
+              sentAt: '2021-01-25T16:12:02.048Z',
+              userId: 'sajal12',
+              channel: 'mobile',
+              rudderId: 'b7b24f86-f7bf-46d8-b2b4-ccafc080239c',
+              messageId: '1611588776408-ee5a3212-fbf9-4cbb-bbad-3ed0f7c6a2ce',
+              properties: {
+                orderId: 'SampleOrderId',
+                tr: 'SampleRanSiteID',
+                landTime: '20240129_1200',
+                products: [
+                  {
+                    sku: 'custom sku 0',
+                    quantity: 5,
+                    amount: '125',
+                    name: 'name_1',
+                  },
+                  {
+                    sku: 'custom sku 1',
+                    quantity: 5,
+                    price: 25,
+                    name: 'name_2',
+                  },
+                  {
+                    sku: 'Discount',
+                    quantity: 0,
+                    amount: -500,
+                    name: 'Discount',
+                  },
+                ],
+              },
+              anonymousId: '9c6bd77ea9da3e68',
+              integrations: {
+                All: true,
+              },
+              originalTimestamp: '2021-01-25T15:32:56.409Z',
+            },
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+    output: {
+      response: {
+        status: 200,
+        body: [
+          {
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+            output: transformResultBuilder({
+              method: 'GET',
+              endpoint,
+              headers: commonOutputHeaders,
+              params: {
+                mid: 'dummyMarketingId',
+                xml: 1,
+                namelist: 'name_1|name_2|Discount',
+                amtlist: '12500|12500|-50000',
+                skulist: 'custom sku 0|custom sku 1|Discount',
+                qlist: '5|5|0',
+                ord: 'SampleOrderId',
+                tr: 'SampleRanSiteID',
+                land: '20240129_1200',
+              },
+              userId: '',
+            }),
+            statusCode: 200,
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/processor/transformationFailure.ts b/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/processor/transformationFailure.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..906ddafd6ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integrations/destinations/rakuten/processor/transformationFailure.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+import { destination } from './commonConfig';
+export const transformationFailures = [
+  {
+    id: 'rakuten-test-2',
+    name: 'rakuten',
+    description: 'Required field orderId not present',
+    scenario: 'Framework',
+    successCriteria: 'Transformationn Error for orderId not present',
+    feature: 'processor',
+    module: 'destination',
+    version: 'v0',
+    input: {
+      request: {
+        body: [
+          {
+            destination,
+            message: {
+              type: 'track',
+              event: 'product purchased',
+              sentAt: '2021-01-25T16:12:02.048Z',
+              userId: 'sajal12',
+              channel: 'mobile',
+              rudderId: 'b7b24f86-f7bf-46d8-b2b4-ccafc080239c',
+              messageId: '1611588776408-ee5a3212-fbf9-4cbb-bbad-3ed0f7c6a2ce',
+              properties: {
+                products: [{}],
+              },
+              anonymousId: '9c6bd77ea9da3e68',
+              integrations: {
+                All: true,
+              },
+              originalTimestamp: '2021-01-25T15:32:56.409Z',
+            },
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+    output: {
+      response: {
+        status: 200,
+        body: [
+          {
+            error:
+              'Missing required value from "properties.orderId": Workflow: procWorkflow, Step: prepareTrackPayload, ChildStep: undefined, OriginalError: Missing required value from "properties.orderId"',
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+            statTags: {
+              destType: 'RAKUTEN',
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              errorCategory: 'dataValidation',
+              errorType: 'instrumentation',
+              feature: 'processor',
+              implementation: 'cdkV2',
+              module: 'destination',
+            },
+            statusCode: 400,
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'rakuten-test-3',
+    name: 'rakuten',
+    description: 'No products available in products array to send',
+    scenario: 'Framework',
+    successCriteria: 'Transformationn Error for no products present to send',
+    feature: 'processor',
+    module: 'destination',
+    version: 'v0',
+    input: {
+      request: {
+        body: [
+          {
+            destination,
+            message: {
+              type: 'track',
+              event: 'product purchased',
+              sentAt: '2021-01-25T16:12:02.048Z',
+              userId: 'sajal12',
+              channel: 'mobile',
+              rudderId: 'b7b24f86-f7bf-46d8-b2b4-ccafc080239c',
+              messageId: '1611588776408-ee5a3212-fbf9-4cbb-bbad-3ed0f7c6a2ce',
+              properties: {
+                land: '20230406_2342',
+                tr: 'txnId',
+                orderId: 'ord 123',
+                products: [],
+              },
+              anonymousId: '9c6bd77ea9da3e68',
+              integrations: {
+                All: true,
+              },
+              originalTimestamp: '2021-01-25T15:32:56.409Z',
+            },
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+    output: {
+      response: {
+        status: 200,
+        body: [
+          {
+            error:
+              'Either properties.product is not an array or is empty: Workflow: procWorkflow, Step: prepareTrackPayload, ChildStep: undefined, OriginalError: Either properties.product is not an array or is empty',
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+            statTags: {
+              destType: 'RAKUTEN',
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              errorCategory: 'dataValidation',
+              errorType: 'instrumentation',
+              feature: 'processor',
+              implementation: 'cdkV2',
+              module: 'destination',
+            },
+            statusCode: 400,
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'rakuten-test-4',
+    name: 'rakuten',
+    description: 'Unsupported message type -> Identify',
+    scenario: 'Framework',
+    successCriteria: 'Transformationn Error for Unsupported message type',
+    feature: 'processor',
+    module: 'destination',
+    version: 'v0',
+    input: {
+      request: {
+        body: [
+          {
+            destination,
+            message: {
+              type: 'identify',
+              sentAt: '2021-01-25T16:12:02.048Z',
+              userId: 'sajal12',
+              channel: 'mobile',
+              rudderId: 'b7b24f86-f7bf-46d8-b2b4-ccafc080239c',
+              messageId: '1611588776408-ee5a3212-fbf9-4cbb-bbad-3ed0f7c6a2ce',
+              traits: {
+                orderId: 'ord 123',
+                products: [],
+              },
+              anonymousId: '9c6bd77ea9da3e68',
+              integrations: {
+                All: true,
+              },
+              originalTimestamp: '2021-01-25T15:32:56.409Z',
+            },
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+    output: {
+      response: {
+        status: 200,
+        body: [
+          {
+            error:
+              'message type identify is not supported: Workflow: procWorkflow, Step: validateInput, ChildStep: undefined, OriginalError: message type identify is not supported',
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+            statTags: {
+              destType: 'RAKUTEN',
+              errorCategory: 'dataValidation',
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              errorType: 'instrumentation',
+              feature: 'processor',
+              implementation: 'cdkV2',
+              module: 'destination',
+            },
+            statusCode: 400,
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'rakuten-test-5',
+    name: 'rakuten',
+    description: 'No eligible property available for required field tr present',
+    scenario: 'Framework',
+    successCriteria: 'Transformationn Error for required field tr not present',
+    feature: 'processor',
+    module: 'destination',
+    version: 'v0',
+    input: {
+      request: {
+        body: [
+          {
+            destination,
+            message: {
+              type: 'track',
+              event: 'product purchased',
+              sentAt: '2021-01-25T16:12:02.048Z',
+              userId: 'sajal12',
+              channel: 'mobile',
+              rudderId: 'b7b24f86-f7bf-46d8-b2b4-ccafc080239c',
+              messageId: '1611588776408-ee5a3212-fbf9-4cbb-bbad-3ed0f7c6a2ce',
+              properties: {
+                orderId: 'ord 123',
+                products: [],
+              },
+              anonymousId: '9c6bd77ea9da3e68',
+              integrations: {
+                All: true,
+              },
+              originalTimestamp: '2021-01-25T15:32:56.409Z',
+            },
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+    output: {
+      response: {
+        status: 200,
+        body: [
+          {
+            error:
+              'Missing required value from ["properties.tr","properties.ranSiteID"]: Workflow: procWorkflow, Step: prepareTrackPayload, ChildStep: undefined, OriginalError: Missing required value from ["properties.tr","properties.ranSiteID"]',
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+            statTags: {
+              destType: 'RAKUTEN',
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              errorCategory: 'dataValidation',
+              errorType: 'instrumentation',
+              feature: 'processor',
+              implementation: 'cdkV2',
+              module: 'destination',
+            },
+            statusCode: 400,
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'rakuten-test-6',
+    name: 'rakuten',
+    description: 'No eligible property available for required field land present',
+    scenario: 'Framework',
+    successCriteria: 'Transformationn Error for required field land not present',
+    feature: 'processor',
+    module: 'destination',
+    version: 'v0',
+    input: {
+      request: {
+        body: [
+          {
+            destination,
+            message: {
+              type: 'track',
+              event: 'product purchased',
+              sentAt: '2021-01-25T16:12:02.048Z',
+              userId: 'sajal12',
+              channel: 'mobile',
+              rudderId: 'b7b24f86-f7bf-46d8-b2b4-ccafc080239c',
+              messageId: '1611588776408-ee5a3212-fbf9-4cbb-bbad-3ed0f7c6a2ce',
+              properties: {
+                tr: 'txnId',
+                orderId: 'ord 123',
+                products: [],
+              },
+              anonymousId: '9c6bd77ea9da3e68',
+              integrations: {
+                All: true,
+              },
+              originalTimestamp: '2021-01-25T15:32:56.409Z',
+            },
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+    output: {
+      response: {
+        status: 200,
+        body: [
+          {
+            error:
+              'Missing required value from ["properties.land","properties.landTime"]: Workflow: procWorkflow, Step: prepareTrackPayload, ChildStep: undefined, OriginalError: Missing required value from ["properties.land","properties.landTime"]',
+            metadata: {
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              jobId: '1',
+            },
+            statTags: {
+              destType: 'RAKUTEN',
+              destinationId: 'dummyDestId',
+              errorCategory: 'dataValidation',
+              errorType: 'instrumentation',
+              feature: 'processor',
+              implementation: 'cdkV2',
+              module: 'destination',
+            },
+            statusCode: 400,
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/test/integrations/testUtils.ts b/test/integrations/testUtils.ts
index 09f3a82d40b..1eb1f692aa5 100644
--- a/test/integrations/testUtils.ts
+++ b/test/integrations/testUtils.ts
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export const getAllTestMockDataFilePaths = (dirPath: string, destination: string
 export const addMock = (mock: MockAdapter, axiosMock: MockHttpCallsData) => {
-  const { url, method, data: reqData, ...opts } = axiosMock.httpReq;
+  const { url, method, data: reqData, params, ...opts } = axiosMock.httpReq;
   const { data, headers, status } = axiosMock.httpRes;
   const headersAsymMatch = {
@@ -49,8 +49,10 @@ export const addMock = (mock: MockAdapter, axiosMock: MockHttpCallsData) => {
   switch (method.toLowerCase()) {
     case 'get':
+      // We are accepting parameters exclusively for mocking purposes and do not require a request body, 
+      // particularly for GET requests where it is typically unnecessary
       // @ts-ignore
-      mock.onGet(url, reqData, headersAsymMatch).reply(status, data, headers);
+      mock.onGet(url, { params }, headersAsymMatch).reply(status, data, headers);
     case 'delete':
       // @ts-ignore