Crud using es6 , webpack, sass, cloudnary,babel and small js engine
$ git clone
$ npm install
Create your account on cloudinary and then make sure you did the following steps:
go to there :
get cloud name on Account Details and you can use upload without api key. Just go to settings click in upload and go to Upload presets. Now you have to enable Unsigned uploading after you do that there is a name. get it.
Those information you will replace on src/utils/cloudnary
at line 9 upload preset and cloud name at line 5
After That you can Run the dev mode:
npm run dev
if you are running on windows
First you need add a custom host in C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc into host file
On webpack config you can see on dev-server settings:
host: ""
So to it works on windows you need add:
if there is some issue with node-sass use
npm rebuild node-sass
- webpack setup
- hot reload
- dist folder organization
- use html template
- Add new user
- Cloudnary integration
- image update
- tooltip help/info
- input animation (css)
- auto prefix webpack setup (css)
- Edit action
- Use promise
- Sha1 using ES6
- mask CPF
- validation CPF
- mask phone
- validation phone
- localStorage Class
- selector class
- event Handle to queryselector
- Google places integrated on "Endereço" field
- Js engine to create virtualDOM
- Jsx syntax running
- Delete action
- Mocha and Chai installation
- Mocha web interface see tests
- Unit test
- behavior test
- CSS Regression test (possible tool to use backstop.js)
- Acceptance test
- optimize event function
- Bower integration with webpack
to unit test :
npm run test
to Behavior test :
npm run testb
The behavior test generate a report inside features/reports
you can open on your browser to see graphical representation.