MulensModel incorporates many algorithms from other work, which deserve acknowledgement in scientific publications (see Muna et al. 2016). When writing a paper that is based on MulensModel please cite MulensModel paper and also the papers for the relevant algorithms:
OR finite_source_uniform_Gould94_direct
Gould 1994 ApJ, 421L, 71
Witt and Mao 1994 ApJ, 430, 505
Witt and Mao 1994 ApJ, 430, 505 and
Bozza et al. 2018 MNRAS 479, 5157
OR finite_source_LD_Yoo04_direct
Yoo et al. 2004 ApJ, 603, 139
OR finite_source_LD_Lee09
Lee et al. 2009 ApJ, 695, 200
Chang and Refsdal 1979 Nature, 282, 561
For all binary models (root solver): Skowron & Gould 2012 ASCL arXiv:1203.1034 and Bozza 2010 MNRAS, 408, 2188
For binary models with external shear: Peirson et al. 2022 and Vedantham et al. 2017 ApJ 845, 89
quadrupole approximation: Gould 2008 ApJ, 681, 1593 and Pejcha & Heyrovsky 2009 ApJ, 690, 1772
hexadecapole approximation: Gould 2008 ApJ, 681, 1593 and Pejcha & Heyrovsky 2009 ApJ, 690, 1772
VBBL: Bozza 2010 MNRAS, 408, 2188 and Bozza et al. 2018 MNRAS 479, 5157
Adaptive Contouring: Dominik 2007 MNRAS, 377, 1679
Cassan08: Cassan 2008 A&A, 491, 587
Peirson et al. 2022 ApJ, 927, 24
Our examples use EMCEE and pyMultiNest for parameter estimation. If your code uses them, then please cite the papers that presented them:
EMCEE: Foreman-Mackey, Hogg, Lang & Goodman 2013 PASP 125, 306
pyMultiNest: Buchner et al. 2014 A&A 564, 125. Note that algorithms and implementation for underlying fortran code were presented by: Feroz & Hobson 2008 MNRAS 384, 449, Feroz, Hobson & Bridges 2009 MNRAS 298, 1601, and Feroz, Hobson, Cameron & Pettitt 2019 Open Journal of Astrophysics 2, 10.
For microlensing parallax calculations MulensModel calls Astropy package: The Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013 A&A 558, 33 and The Astropy Collaboration et al. 2018 AJ 156, 123