MulensModel is developed as an open-source code with contributions from many individuals. These contributions are of various kinds and we would like to thank and give credit to all those people.
Main contributors:
People who have written parts of the code:
- Lawrence Peirson - point and binary lens models with shear and convergence
- Keto Zhang - PyPI installation, Extensions etc.
- Mateusz Mroz - YAML output in example 16
- Raphael A. P. Oliveira - small updates in various places
- Hariharan Srinivasulu - for helping with development of FitData class
- Justyna Wojtczak - github actions
The code would not be in the state it is without modules that are imported by MulensModel. Special thanks to:
- Valerio Bozza - for VBBL
- Jan Skowron - for Skowron & Gould root solver
- Andrew Gould - for Skowron & Gould root solver
- Martin Dominik - for AdaptiveContouring
- Dan Foreman-Mackey - for EMCEE
- AstroPy Team - for AstroPy
We also thank those who have not directly contributed to the code, but their suggestions and comments helped in code development. We thus thank (random order):
- Kasia Kruszynska
- David Specht
- Demitri Muna - for giving excellent suggestions just before the code was born
- Zoey Samples
- Jan Skowron - for spotting bugs and letting us know about them
- Jason Eastman
- Samson Johnson - for requesting improvements in FSPL calculations
- Adrian Hernandez
- Przemek Mroz
- Geoff Bryden - for early discussions about the code