This project defines all the base interfaces and classes for RIOT. Riot uses composite pattern to form the base interfaces and classes. Refer to other projects to use and extend the base classes.
The library implements RIOT clients for some IO devices/sensors such as DC motor, servo, DHT, and ultrasonic sensors.
The Riot.Phone provides smartphone's sensor data via Riot web service. It also supports some actions that can be posted to the service to perform on the phone.
The Riot.Pi wraps the Raspberry Pi's system and gpio in simple RIOT HTTP protocol. Riot.Pi contains the data and nodes for Raspberry Pi's system and gpio.
The Riot.SmartPlug implements the client to access/control smart plugs through web service using RIOT HTTP protocol. Currently, only the Kasa HS1xx smart plugs are supported. It includes followings.
The RiotDevices is a simple Android app to monitor and control the followings:
- Monitor the phone's sensors and device info
- Start a web service on the phone to provide senor data remotely and some remote actions such as text to speech and vibrate
- Monitor Raspberry Pi's CPU amd memory status.
- Send system commands, like reboot and shutdown, it can also posted custom commands to the Pi.
- View Kasa smart plugs (model HS1xx) status and control on/off of the switch, reboot the plug, and set led-off status.
- Control robotic PiCar (Adeept Mars PiCar)
- Video streaming via HTTP.
This project implements a simple command line to get cpu/memory data from Raspberry Pi. This also serves as an example of using the RIOT packages. Sample command: pi -a user:password
The EntityLib class library provides a simple PropertyBag and base Entity class. PropertyBag is a dictionary based object - all properties are stored in dictionary and can be acesses via the property name. Entity adds Id and Type properties on top of PropertyBag.
This library provides simple utilities for client to send http request and for server to handle http request.
LogLib provides logging utilities in a static class. Custom logging can be implemented via ILog. The default log is to the console.
SettingsLib provides simple text based settings stored in local storage. Settings can be defined in a group that can be used like an object. See RiotDevices on how to use SettingGroup.
PlatformLib encapsulates the platform specifics. For now, only storage is supported.