Simple dramatiq starter app with Redis as broker, Flask web framework and with a docker-compose file for easy testing.
The Flask app runs a watcher (built on the watchdog library) that submitts filenames to a tasks. There is also the dramatiq_dashbord running under Flask. The workers are started by the simple dramatiq command: dramatiq application.tasks.
The full stack includes following docker instances:
- redis:latest
- nginx:latest - built with file: dockerfiles/Dockerfile.nginx
- dramatiq_worker - built with file: dockerfiles/Dockerfile.worker
- dramatiq_web - built with file: dockerfiles/Dockerfile.web
- prometheus
- grafana (optional)
You could also run a mini-version: flask-tasks, dramatiq-workers and redis. See below under installation.
Nginx acts as proxy for the following internal docker services:
- http://localhost:8080/esperanto/dashboard/ - for dramatiq_dashboard
- http://localhost:8080/esperanto/api/ - for flask main api
- http://localhost:8080/esperanto/prometheus/ - for prometheus dashboard
This program should work on any Linux system with Python 3.x.
Phazor / Cascade 1733
Got inspiration from other coders on Github.
Please feel free to copy, distribute and change this program in any way you like.
Method used is docker-compose, you could use Python virtualenv for testing just the flask app and dramatiq workers. Note that the application starts in debug mode. See configuartion for how to change that.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
running the mini version:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-mini.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose-mini.yml up
Note: the dramatiq dashbord is now found on: http://localhost:5000/dashboard/
running with grafana:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-grafana.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose-grafana.yml up
Note: the grafana dashbord is found on: http://localhost:3000/ You have to add prometheus as datasource and hit manage to activate dramatiq dashboard.
touch /tmp/testfile.csv
Note: for this to work you have to install redis first.
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements
cd dramatiq_flask
source venv/bin/activate
cd dramatiq_flask
touch /tmp/testfile.csv
and line:
change to:
export WATCHER_PATH=/what/ever/path
Note: the path has the be reached by both dramatiq_web and dramatiq_worker.
and lines:
- /tmp:/work
change to (for both dramatiq_worker and dramatiq_web):
- /what/ever/you/would/like:/work
or lines:
change to (for both dramatiq_worker and dramatiq_web):
WATCHER_PATH: /what/ever/you/would/like
edit following files:
- nginx/nginx.conf
- docker-compose.yml --> DASHBOARD_PREFIX ... (dramatiq_web)
- docker-compose.yml --> --web.external-url ... (prometheus)
No system logfiles are configured or created.
- apscheduler instead of watchdog?