Dnsmasq patch that adds options for filtering IPv6, HTTPS, SVCB and other unknown query types
Phazor / Cascade 1733
Please feel free to copy, distribute and change this program in any way you like.
This patch adds the following configuration options:
- filter-aaaa: filter all ipv6 queries
- filter-svcb: filter all svcb / query type 64 (patch for dnsmasq version 2.90)
- filter-https: filter all https / query type 65
- filter-unknown: filter all unknown query types
Further changes as well:
- increase ttl-floor-limit to 604800 (--min-cache-ttl)
- increase dnssec-min-ttl to 3600 (DNSKEY and DS records in cache last at least this long)
- conntrack
- dnssec
- no dumpfile
- no dhcp6
git clone git://thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq.git or download src from https://thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/
cd dnsmasq
git apply dnsmasq-2.XX-filter-aaaa+https+unknown.patch
cp src/dnsmaq to your server
Add following options to your dnsmasq.conf:
- filter-aaaa
- filter-svcb (patch for dnsmasq version 2.90)
- filter-https
- filter-unknown
Enjoy the silence!
Got inspiration from other coders and patches online.
Any suggestions?