- SpecHelper.php is now the default bootstrap
- Fixed loading from configuration
- Fixed for broken custom matchers
- Added Junit Formatter
- Added haveKey matcher
- Added the bootstrap option
- Fixed predicate always passing
- Added ArrayVal as an interceptor
- Fixed #30 passing array to spec triggers autoloader
- Updated Japanese version of documentation
- Using DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant to take care of OS differences
- Missing put function in the Html formatter sends the output to the StdOut
- Restored predicates
- Restored ability to intercept properties
- Included the case where spec description may have more than one digit together
- Added the RSpec MIT license in the HTML formatter template
- Fixed backtrace with phpspec file not being printed even if the -b flag was pass
- Fixed -c creating ansii colour on html formatter
- Fixed example runner not displaying group names with -e
- Added -e, --example to the usage/help message
- Added the --example|-e EXAMPLE flag to run single examples
- Added filter and validate utils
- Moved from phing to ant
- Remove phpspec.bat temporarially. Needs fix
- Using Symfony UniversalAutoloader in phpspec script
- Moved Zend context to phpspec-zend repository
- Moved tests from PHPUnit to PHPSpec
- Added the --fail-fast to stop on first failure/error/exception
- Added the --fail-fast to stop on first failure/error/exception
- Added the --formater|-f [h]tml flag and the HTML formatter
- Added Zend controller context matchers: redirect and redirectTo
- Added the --backtrace|-b flag to display full backtrace
- Removed autospec option from usage
- Document formatter supports namespaces
- Added support for .specignore
- Used the same export method from throwException for beAnInstanceOf to replace double backslash for one when printing
- Fixed cyclomatic complexity in class loader