diff --git a/OpenUtau.Plugin.Builtin/ChineseCVVPlusPhonemizer.cs b/OpenUtau.Plugin.Builtin/ChineseCVVPlusPhonemizer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6e3ee21f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenUtau.Plugin.Builtin/ChineseCVVPlusPhonemizer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using OpenUtau.Api;
+using OpenUtau.Core;
+using OpenUtau.Core.Ustx;
+using YamlDotNet.Core;
+using YamlDotNet.Serialization;
+using YamlDotNet.Serialization.EventEmitters;
+using Serilog;
+namespace OpenUtau.Plugin.Builtin {
+ ///
+ /// zhcvvplus.yaml class
+ ///
+ [Serializable]
+ public class ChineseCVVPlusConfigYaml {
+ ///
+ /// Prefix of affix vowel. Default value is "_"
+ ///
+ public string VowelTailPrefix = "_";
+ ///
+ /// Whether to use a long Nasal Vowel without a tail vowel
+ ///
+ public bool UseSingleNasalVowel = false;
+ ///
+ /// Whether to use a long Multiple Vowel without a tail vowel
+ ///
+ public bool UseSingleMultipleVowel = false;
+ ///
+ /// Whether to use retan. If set to True, "- " is added to the first note's lyrics.
+ ///
+ public bool UseRetan = false;
+ ///
+ /// Types of End Breath. Multiple types can be used.
+ ///
+ public string[] SupportedTailBreath = { "-" };
+ ///
+ /// Specify the Consonant. Separated into yaml for customization in case additional consonants are needed.
+ ///
+ public string[] ConsonantDict = { "zh", "ch", "sh", "b", "p", "m", "f", "d", "t", "n", "l", "z", "c", "s", "r", "j", "q", "x", "g", "k", "h" };
+ ///
+ /// Specify the Vowel. Separated into yaml for the same reason as above.
+ ///
+ public string[] SingleVowelDict = { "a", "o", "e", "i", "u", "v", "er" };
+ ///
+ /// Specify the Nasal Vowel. Separated into yaml for the same reason as above.
+ ///
+ public string[] NasalVowelDict = { "an", "en", "ang", "eng", "ong", "ian", "iang", "ing", "iong", "uan", "uen", "un", "uang", "ueng", "van", "vn" };
+ ///
+ /// Specify the Multiple Vowel. Separated into yaml for the same reason as above.
+ ///
+ public string[] MultipleVowelDict = { "ai", "ei", "ao", "ou", "ia", "iao", "ie", "iou", "ua", "uo", "uai", "uei", "ui", "ve" };
+ ///
+ /// Position of fast tail vowel (in ticks).
+ ///
+ public int FastTailVowelTimingTick = 100;
+ ///
+ /// The criterion for determining single usage when UseSingleNasalVowel or UseSingleMultipleVowel is set to True (in ticks).
+ ///
+ public int SingleVowelsReferenceTimimgTick = 480;
+ ///
+ /// Fast Multiple Vowel. If a fast Nasal Vowel is not needed, leave this empty and move everything to SlowTailVowelDict.
+ ///
+ public Dictionary FastTailVowelDict = new Dictionary() {
+ {"ia", "ia"},
+ {"ie", "ie"},
+ {"ua", "ua"},
+ {"uo", "uo"},
+ {"ve", "ve"},
+ };
+ ///
+ /// Slow Multiple Vowel. The position of the slow Multiple Vowel is calculated as 1/3 of the note.
+ ///
+ /// {"Basic form of the vowel": "Representation excluding the prefix of the tail vowel"}
+ ///
+ public Dictionary SlowTailVowelDict = new Dictionary()
+ {
+ {"ai", "ai"},
+ {"ei", "ei"},
+ {"ao", "ao"},
+ {"ou", "ou"},
+ {"an", "an"},
+ {"en", "en"},
+ {"ang", "ang"},
+ {"eng", "eng"},
+ {"ong", "ong"},
+ {"iao", "ao"},
+ {"iu", "ou"},
+ {"iou", "ou"},
+ {"ian", "ian"},
+ {"in", "in"},
+ {"iang", "ang"},
+ {"ing", "ing"},
+ {"iong", "ong"},
+ {"uai", "ai"},
+ {"ui", "ei"},
+ {"uei", "ei"},
+ {"uan", "an"},
+ {"un", "uen"},
+ {"uang", "ang"},
+ {"ueng", "eng"},
+ {"van", "en"},
+ {"vn", "vn"},
+ };
+ [YamlIgnore]
+ public Dictionary TailVowels {
+ get {
+ return FastTailVowelDict.Concat(SlowTailVowelDict).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Value);
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlIgnore]
+ public string[] Consonants {
+ get {
+ return ConsonantDict.OrderByDescending(c => c.Length).ToArray();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Custom event to make arrays in inline style when serializing yaml
+ ///
+ class FlowStyleIntegerSequences : ChainedEventEmitter {
+ public FlowStyleIntegerSequences(IEventEmitter nextEmitter)
+ : base(nextEmitter) { }
+ public override void Emit(SequenceStartEventInfo eventInfo, IEmitter emitter) {
+ eventInfo = new SequenceStartEventInfo(eventInfo.Source) {
+ Style = YamlDotNet.Core.Events.SequenceStyle.Flow
+ };
+ nextEmitter.Emit(eventInfo, emitter);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Phonemizer
+ ///
+ [Phonemizer("Chinese CVV Plus Phonemizer", "ZH CVV+", "2xxbin", language: "ZH")]
+ public class ChineseCVVPlusPhonemizer : BaseChinesePhonemizer {
+ private USinger? singer;
+ ///
+ /// Variable containing zhcvvplus.yaml
+ ///
+ ChineseCVVPlusConfigYaml Config;
+ public override void SetSinger(USinger singer) {
+ if (singer == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Specify the path of zhcvvplus.yaml
+ var configPath = Path.Join(singer.Location, "zhcvvplus.yaml");
+ // If it doesn't exist, create and add it
+ if (!File.Exists(configPath)) {
+ CreateConfigChineseCVVPlus(configPath);
+ }
+ // Read zhcvvplus.yaml
+ try {
+ var configContent = File.ReadAllText(configPath);
+ var deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder().Build();
+ Config = deserializer.Deserialize(configContent);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Log.Error(e, $"Failed to load zhcvvplus.yaml (configPath: '{configPath}')");
+ try {
+ CreateConfigChineseCVVPlus(configPath);
+ } catch (Exception e2) {
+ Log.Error(e2, "Failed to create zhcvvplus.yaml");
+ }
+ }
+ // Specify the singer
+ this.singer = singer;
+ if (Config == null) {
+ Log.Error("Failed to load zhcvvplus.yaml, using default settings.");
+ Config = new ChineseCVVPlusConfigYaml();
+ }
+ }
+ // Method that takes the lyrics of a note and returns the vowel.
+ private string GetLyricVowel(string lyric) {
+ string initialPrefix = string.Empty;
+ // Handle the case that first character is not an alphabet(e.g "- qian") - remove it until the first alphabet apears, otherwise GetLyricVowel will return its lyric as it is.
+ while (!char.IsLetter(lyric.First())) {
+ initialPrefix += lyric.First();
+ lyric = lyric.Remove(0, 1);
+ if (lyric.Length == 0) {
+ return lyric;
+ }
+ }
+ // Split the first two characters of the lyrics to prevent the issue of removing vowels, not just consonants (e.g., ian -> ia)
+ string prefix = lyric.Substring(0, Math.Min(2, lyric.Length));
+ string suffix = lyric.Length > 2 ? lyric.Substring(2) : string.Empty;
+ // Iterate through the consonant list in order and replace them.
+ foreach (var consonant in Config.Consonants) {
+ if (prefix.StartsWith(consonant)) {
+ prefix = prefix.Replace(consonant, string.Empty);
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert vowel notation to the standard form
+ return $"{initialPrefix}{(prefix + suffix).Replace("yu", "v").Replace("y", "i").Replace("w", "u").Trim()}";
+ }
+ // Method to check if the alias exists in oto.ini.
+ public static bool isExistPhonemeInOto(USinger singer, string phoneme, Note note) {
+ var attr = note.phonemeAttributes?.FirstOrDefault(attr => attr.index == 0) ?? default;
+ string color = attr.voiceColor ?? string.Empty;
+ var toneShift = 0;
+ int? alt = null;
+ if (phoneme.Equals(string.Empty)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (singer.TryGetMappedOto(phoneme + alt, note.tone + toneShift, color, out var otoAlt)) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (singer.TryGetMappedOto(phoneme, note.tone + toneShift, color, out var oto)) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (singer.TryGetMappedOto(phoneme, note.tone, color, out oto)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static string GetOtoAlias(USinger singer, string phoneme, Note note) {
+ var attr = note.phonemeAttributes?.FirstOrDefault(attr => attr.index == 0) ?? default;
+ string color = attr.voiceColor ?? string.Empty;
+ int? alt = attr.alternate;
+ var toneShift = attr.toneShift;
+ if (singer.TryGetMappedOto(phoneme + alt, note.tone + toneShift, color, out var otoAlt)) {
+ return otoAlt.Alias;
+ } else if (singer.TryGetMappedOto(phoneme, note.tone + toneShift, color, out var oto)) {
+ return oto.Alias;
+ } else if (singer.TryGetMappedOto(phoneme, note.tone, color, out oto)) {
+ return oto.Alias;
+ }
+ return phoneme;
+ }
+ void CreateConfigChineseCVVPlus(string configPath) {
+ Log.Information("Cannot Find zhcvvplus.yaml, creating a new one...");
+ var serializer = new SerializerBuilder().WithEventEmitter(next => new FlowStyleIntegerSequences(next)).Build();
+ var configContent = serializer.Serialize(new ChineseCVVPlusConfigYaml { });
+ File.WriteAllText(configPath, configContent);
+ Log.Information("New zhcvvplus.yaml created with default values.");
+ }
+ public override Result Process(Note[] notes, Note? prev, Note? next, Note? prevNeighbour, Note? nextNeighbour, Note[] prevNeighbours) {
+ try {
+ int totalDuration = notes.Sum(n => n.duration);
+ string phoneme = notes[0].lyric;
+ string? lryicVowel = GetLyricVowel(notes[0].lyric);
+ // If a phonetic hint exists.
+ if (notes[0].phoneticHint != null) {
+ // Phonetic hints are separated by commas.
+ var phoneticHints = notes[0].phoneticHint.Split(",");
+ var phonemes = new Phoneme[phoneticHints.Length];
+ foreach (var phoneticHint in phoneticHints.Select((hint, index) => (hint, index))) {
+ phonemes[phoneticHint.index] = new Phoneme {
+ phoneme = GetOtoAlias(singer, phoneticHint.hint.Trim(), notes[0]) ,
+ // The position is evenly divided into n parts.
+ position = totalDuration - ((totalDuration / phoneticHints.Length) * (phoneticHints.Length - phoneticHint.index)),
+ };
+ }
+ return new Result {
+ phonemes = phonemes,
+ };
+ }
+ // If the note is an End Breath note
+ if (Config.SupportedTailBreath.Contains(phoneme) && prev != null) {
+ phoneme = GetOtoAlias(singer, $"{GetLyricVowel(prev?.lyric)} {phoneme}", notes[0]);
+ return new Result {
+ // Output in the form "Basic vowel shape + End Breath written with lyrics"
+ phonemes = new Phoneme[] { new Phoneme { phoneme = phoneme } }
+ };
+ }
+ // If retan is set to True in zhcvvplus.yaml, there is no previous note, and the "- lyrics" alias exists in oto.ini
+ if (Config.UseRetan && prev == null && isExistPhonemeInOto(singer, $"- {phoneme}", notes[0])) {
+ // 가사를 "- 가사"로 변경
+ phoneme = $"- {phoneme}";
+ phoneme = GetOtoAlias(singer, phoneme, notes[0]);
+ }
+ // If the lyrics require a tail vowel
+ if (Config.TailVowels.ContainsKey(lryicVowel)) {
+ // Declare the lyrics for the connecting note
+ var tailPhoneme = $"{Config.VowelTailPrefix}{Config.TailVowels[lryicVowel]}";
+ // 1. When the length of the note is less than or equal to the judgment tick in zhcvvplus.yaml
+ // 1-1. The lyrics are a Nasal Vowel, and the single use of Nasal Vowel in zhcvvplus.yaml is set to True, or
+ // 1-2. The lyrics are a Multiple Vowel, and the single use of Multiple Vowel in zhcvvplus.yaml is set to True
+ // 2. Or when the single use of Nasal Vowel in zhcvvplus.yaml is set to False, and the lyrics are a Nasal Vowel
+ // 3. Or when the single use of Multiple Vowel in zhcvvplus.yaml is set to False, and the lyrics are a Multiple Vowel
+ if ((totalDuration <= Config.SingleVowelsReferenceTimimgTick &&
+ (Config.UseSingleNasalVowel && Config.NasalVowelDict.Contains(lryicVowel)
+ || Config.UseSingleMultipleVowel && Config.MultipleVowelDict.Contains(lryicVowel)) ||
+ (!Config.UseSingleNasalVowel && Config.NasalVowelDict.Contains(lryicVowel)) ||
+ (!Config.UseSingleMultipleVowel && Config.MultipleVowelDict.Contains(lryicVowel)))) {
+ // To ensure naturalness, the position of the tail vowel is set to 1/3 of the note.
+ var tailVowelPosition = totalDuration - totalDuration / 3;
+ // If it is a fast tail vowel,
+ if (Config.FastTailVowelDict.ContainsKey(lryicVowel)) {
+ // Change to the position specified in zhcvvplus.yaml.
+ tailVowelPosition = Config.FastTailVowelTimingTick;
+ }
+ phoneme = GetOtoAlias(singer, phoneme, notes[0]);
+ tailPhoneme = GetOtoAlias(singer, tailPhoneme, notes[0]);
+ return new Result() {
+ phonemes = new Phoneme[] {
+ new Phoneme { phoneme = phoneme }, // Original note lyrics
+ new Phoneme { phoneme = tailPhoneme, position = tailVowelPosition}, // Tail vowel
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ // If it does not match any of the above if statements,
+ return new Result {
+ phonemes = new Phoneme[] {
+ new Phoneme() {
+ phoneme = phoneme, // Output the entered lyrics.
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Log.Error(e, "An error occurred during the phoneme processing in zh cvv+ module."); // Logging
+ return new Result {
+ phonemes = new Phoneme[] {
+ new Phoneme() {
+ phoneme = "ERROR",
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }