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Lesson 3


In this section, we will study the backpropagation algorithm used to compute the gradients during the training process of neural networks. The following explanation and pictures are largely based on the content of Stanford CS231n course, for more detailed explanations please refer to it.

First let's recall the chain rule formula used to compute the derivative of a composite function.

Chain rule

This formula can be written in another form using the Leibniz's notation. In the following equation, z depends on the variable y which itself depends on the variable x. z, via the intermediate variable of y depends on x as well. The chain rule states that:

Chain rule with Leibniz's notation

Intuitively, it tells us that the impact of x on the value of z is the product of the impact of x on y and of y on z.

The backpropagation is algorithm used to compute gradients in neural network by applying the chain rule in a clever way. It is important to note that the output of the backpropagation is not the formal expression of the gradients but their values.

We will run the algorithm on a toy example in order to get an intuitive understanding of the way it works but it works exactly the same way on neural networks which are simply huge differentiable functions.

Let's define the function that we are going to work with.

Backpropagation function example

f is a function of three variables x, y, z but can also be seen as a composite function in the second line. We will mostly use this second version in the following explanation.

Now let's write the gradient of f, which is a vector of all the partial derivatives of f for each of its variable x, y, z.

Backpropagation function gradient

The first line of the previous formula is the definition of the gradient. The second line is obtained using the chain rule. Let's take the first gradient component df/dx, the second line tells us that the impact of x on f is the product of the impact of x on q and the impact of q on f as x is used in q which is itself used in f.

In the example we are going to detail, x = -2, y = 5 and z = -4.

The first step of the algorithm is to compute the result of the function by creating its computation graph which is just a fancy term for a visualization of how we get our result. We compute the result of the innermost function first.

Backpropagation figure 1

In this picture the two leaves correspond to our input variables x and y and contain their respective values -2 and 5. Our internal node correspond to q and contain its value 3. We also remember that the value of the internal node has been obtained by adding two values.

We then go on to the next computation

Backpropagation figure 2

Similarly, we create a new internal node that corresponds to the result of our computation f. This node is obtained by multiplying our intermediate result q by a new input variable z.

We have computed the value of our function for specific values of its input variable. To do this, we have made the values of the computations propagate forward (from left to right in our computation graph representation). This process is called the forward pass, it is what we do when we perform a neural network inference.

We are now ready to perform the backward pass in which we propagate the gradients backward from the result of the function to its input variables. We will perform this process from right to left in our representation.

Backpropagation figure 3

The derivative of f according to f is 1, nothing to compute there.

The computation graph tells us that f has been obtained by a product. To compute the gradients for q and z we have to use the formula that tells us how to differentiate of a product of two variables.

Product derivation formula

By using this formula, we know that the derivative of f according to q is the value of z and the derivative of f according to z is the value of q.

Backpropagation figure 4

Now we want to backpropagate the gradients to x and y. The computation graph tells us that q has been obtained by an addition. To compute the derivative of q according to x and y, we have to use the formula that tells us how to differentiate a sum.

Sum derivation formula

This formula tells us the following:

Sum derivation formula

Now to compute the derivative of f according to x and y we have to use the chain rule. As we have seen earlier, it tells us the following:

Sum derivation formula

"Luckily" for us, the value of derivative of f according to q is right there in the graph for us to use.

Backpropagation figure 5

We now have finished our computation and the gradient vector is [-4, -4, 3].

One thing that is important to notice is that during the computation of the forward and the backward pass, we have only used very local values stored on the computation graph. It is this point that makes the backpropagation such an efficient algorithm.

Let's now see how we access this algorithm in PyTorch. First we define our input variables

>>> x = torch.tensor(-2., requires_grad = True)
>>> y = torch.tensor(5. , requires_grad = True)
>>> z = torch.tensor(-4., requires_grad = True)
>>> x, y, z
(tensor(-2., requires_grad=True), tensor(5., requires_grad=True), tensor(-4., requires_grad=True))

While defining each tensor, we precise requires_grad = True to inform PyTorch that we will be computing gradients using this variables. To allow gradient computation, PyTorch will now create the computation graph while we are using our variables in computations. This type of behavior is called the define-by-run methodology, we define our computation graph as we run our computations. Historically this was an advantage of PyTorch over TensorFlow which used to use the define-then-run methodology in which you had to generate your whole computation graph before starting computing your forward pass. Since then a define-by-run mode has been introduced to TensorFlow.

Now that we have our base variables, let's compute our function f.

>>> q = x + y
>>> f = q * z
>>> q, f
(tensor(3., grad_fn=<AddBackward0>), tensor(-12., grad_fn=<MulBackward0>))

We see that PyTorch memorized that q has been obtained by adding values and the function that should be used to compute the gradients is AddBackward0. Similarly, f has been obtained by multiplying two values and the function that should be used to compute the gradients is MulBackward0.

Now that we have our result f, we can apply the backpropagation algorithm to compute backpropagate the gradients to all the leaf tensors which have requires_grad = True.

>>> f.backward()
>>> x.grad, y.grad, z.grad
(tensor(-4.), tensor(-4.), tensor(3.))

As explained in the previous course, the gradient values are stored in the tensors, right next to their values. This allows the optimizers to know where to find them.

When defining a neural network all the parameters of the layers (its weights) are defined as tensors with requires_grad = True. This is how PyTorch knows what tensors to compute the gradients of.

>>> import torch.nn as nn
>>> lin = nn.Linear(3, 5)
>>> lin.weight
Parameter containing:
tensor([[-0.0033,  0.5535,  0.1779],
        [ 0.3713, -0.0790,  0.1122],
        [-0.0505,  0.1339, -0.5534],
        [ 0.3604,  0.5361,  0.1966],
        [-0.1884, -0.4768,  0.0522]], requires_grad=True)

>>> lin.bias
Parameter containing:
tensor([-0.0224,  0.2585,  0.4717,  0.1976, -0.4478], requires_grad=True)

This is also why with we use the torch.no_grad context when we know we will not use backpropagation. It sets the requires_grad of every tensor to False.

Now that we have everything we need to understanding the way neural networks computes their function and are trained, let's see some other types of layer.

Convolution layer

Until now, we have only seen one type of layer, the linear or fully connected layer. Although the universal approximation theorem tells us that a neural network with a single hidden linear layer containing a finite number of neurons is able to approximate most functions that could be interesting to us it has multiple caveats:

  • It does not give a bound on the number of neurons necessary
  • It does not take into account the generalization potential of the model
  • It does take into account the number of training steps required to reach the parameter set necessary for the approximation or whether it is even possible using learning algorithms such as Gradient Descent.

To remedy these problems, deep learning practitioners use other kind of layers in order to "help" the neural network be able to learn the target function.

One of these is the Convolution layer. Neural networks that use convolution layers are called Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).

A convolution is a mathematical operation that consists in taking a convolution filter or kernel and applying it to some input. In the following figure, we have a 3x3 convolution kernel that we apply to a 2D array of shape [7, 7]. The figure only presents the computation of 1 value of the result.

Convolution kernel example

(image from here)

To compute the whole result, we will make the convolution filter "slide" across our image. This operation is illustrated in the following animation.

Sliding convolution kernel

(This animation is from this page which is a brilliant resource to get your head around convolution operations)

At the bottom of the previous animation, you have the input of the convolution operation. At the top you have the result of the convolution. This animation shows, for each cell of the output, which input pixels have been used in the computation.

As you can see, the shape of the output of the process is different from the shape of the input. We have applied what is called a strict convolution which consists in computing output values only at places for which the convolution kernel "fits" in the input. In this example, we loose a 1 pixel band on each side: top, bottom, left and right.

Before digging deeper into convolutions, let's try to get an intuition of what they are used for. Let's apply two different convolutions filters to the same image and take a look at the output.

Sobel operators example

These two convolutions are examples of Sobel operator, a classical technique in image processing and computer vision used to detect edges. We notice that each filter generates an output highlighting a specific piece of information about the input. The top and bottom outputs, emphasize respectively horizontal edges and vertical edges.

Generally, the goal of convolution filters is to extract a specific piece of information about their input. Historically, the weight and combination of filters used to detect something specific were created by researchers. In a way, this process corresponds to what we did when we found weights for the neural network to compute the AND boolean function.

Similarly to fully connected neural networks, we would prefer not to set the parameters ourselves but find good values using an optimization algorithm such as the stochastic gradient descent. In the convolution filter application that we described earlier, we have only used additions and multiplications which are differentiable operations. The parameters that we want to optimize are the values contained in the convolution filters.

The only point slightly different than before is that the same convolution filter value is used to compute every value of the output but that does not cause any problem to the backpropagation algorithm. The function that is computed by the convolution layer simply uses each of its parameters many times in its formula.

In all the convolution examples that we have seen until now, we only have considered cases in which the input had only 1 channel. Our data was two dimensional and we had for each cell of this 2D grid a single value. When working with color images, we will typically have a 3 values by pixel: a red, a green and a blue component. This data have 3 channels. When we apply convolution filters to multi-channel inputs, each channel will have its own weight matrix and we will simply add the convolution output for each channel. Take a look at the animation available here.

In order to consolidate these ideas, let's build a quick PyTorch example.

>>> img_batch = torch.randn(5, 3, 50, 50)
>>> img_batch.shape
torch.Size([5, 3, 50, 50])

This tensor represents a batch of data that we want to pass through a convolution layer. Let's study its shape: we have a batch of 5 images (or samples), with 3 channels and each image is of shape [50, 50]. This is the standard shape of image batches.

Now let's create our convolution.

>>> convolution = nn.Conv2d(
  in_channels = 3,
  out_channels = 7,
  kernel_size = (3, 3)
>>> convolution
Conv2d(3, 7, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1))

This convolution layer takes input with 3 channels and is composed of 7 kernels of shape (3, 3). The stride parameter specifies by how many pixels the kernel is shifted during the sliding operation.

There are a few things to notice with this layer. First, the number of in_channels is 3 which means that for each of the 7 kernels of the layer we will have 3 3x3 weight matrices as shown in the CS231n animation. Secondly, we see that we do not specify the shape of images that the layer will take as input, only their number of channels. This is a specificity of convolutions, the sliding operation does not depend on the size of the input. Only the shape of the output will depend on it.

>>> convolution_output = convolution(img_batch)
>>> convolution_output.shape
torch.Size([5, 7, 48, 48])

Now let's explain the shape of the output. Remember that we started with an input shape of [5, 3, 50, 50]. In the output, we still have 5 samples. Now each sample is a 3D tensor, as our convolution layer have 7 out_channels, we have computed for (almost) every input pixel (R, G, B) of the input image 7 different values, one for each kernel of the layer. In the previous sentence, we mentioned that we have performed computation for "almost" every input pixel because, as mentioned earlier, we are applying strict convolutions. This implies that we lose a "1 pixel band" around each image, explaining the [48, 48] output shape.

In order to fix the strict convolution behavior, we often use convolution padding.

Convolution padding animation

When performing convolution operations with padding, we simply perform our computations "as if" our input were bigger. The non-existent values are replaced by 0s.

>>> img_batch = torch.randn(5, 3, 50, 50)
>>> img_batch.shape
torch.Size([5, 3, 50, 50])

>>> convolution = nn.Conv2d(
  in_channels = 3,
  out_channels = 7,
  kernel_size = (3, 3),
  padding = (1, 1)
>>> convolution
Conv2d(3, 7, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1))

>>> convolution_output = convolution(img_batch)
>>> convolution_output.shape
torch.Size([5, 7, 50, 50])

As we can see in this code, the padding mechanism allows us to keep the last two dimensions of our input and output tensors identical.

Pooling layers

The last tool that we need to build convolutional neural networks is a pooling layer. A pooling layer is function that we use reduce the quantity of information (or down-sample) that goes through the network.

Max pooling

(image from Wikipedia)

In the previous figure, we have a 4x4 array on which we apply a 2x2 maximum pooling (max pooling for short) operation. It consists in diving the original array in 2x2 sections and replacing each section by its maximum. We effectively loose 75% of the information (3 values for each 2x2 square).

We use pooling layers for multiple reasons:

  • It greatly reduces the quantity of computation necessary to apply convolutions.
  • It improves the translation-invariance of the model. Intuitively, a translation-invariant neural network that tries to classify object pictures should output the same prediction wherever the object is located is the picture.

Let's write and study a max pooling example in PyTorch.

>>> import torch.nn.functional as F
>>> img_batch = torch.arange(16).float().view(1, 1, 4, 4)
>>> img_batch.requires_grad = True
>>> img_batch
tensor([[[[ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.],
          [ 4.,  5.,  6.,  7.],
          [ 8.,  9., 10., 11.],
          [12., 13., 14., 15.]]]], requires_grad=True)

>>> max_pooling_output = F.max_pool2d(img_batch, kernel_size = [2, 2])
>>> max_pooling_output
tensor([[[[ 5.,  7.],
          [13., 15.]]]], grad_fn=<MaxPool2DWithIndicesBackward>)

>>> max_pooling_output.shape
torch.Size([1, 1, 2, 2])

In this example img_batch is a batch of 1 image with 1 channel and the size of the image is 4x4.

We apply a max pooling operation using the max_pool2d function of the functional interface of PyTorch. This operation is also available as a nn.Module but a good habit to take is mainly use nn.Modules for object with parameters. As the max pooling operation does not have parameter, we use its functional version.

We can also see that the output of the max pooling operation has a grad_fn, which is important as it means it is differentiable.

The output contains 1 sample, with 1 channel and the size of the image is 2x2 as the pooling operation had a kernel size of [2, 2] just as in earlier figure.

CNN example

We now have all the tools required to deeply understand the state of the art model of 2014, VGG16 (a model with 16 layers from Oxford's Visual Geometry Group (VGG)).

VGG16 architecture

(Image from

Let's describe what we can see in this figure. The task that this model is solving is image classification. It takes 224x224 RGB pixel images (input shape of 224x224x3) as input and outputs a probability distribution over 1000 classes.

This model is composed of two blocks, a convolutional one and a fully connected one.

Let's take a look at the convolutional part. This figure illustrates a very common design choice for convolutional neural networks. The authors of the paper alternate sequences of convolution layers with pooling layers. The number of convolution layers along with their number of filters increases after each max pooling operation. This increases both the depth of hierarchical information captured by each filter (number of convolution layers) along with the variety of pattern recognized by the model (number of filter in each layer) while progressively loosing information of the specific location of each pattern occurrence.

At the end of the convolutional part of the model, the tensors are flattened (just as we did in the previous practical work) in order to be given as input to linear layers. The "job" of these linear layers is to decide what the picture depicts using the "list" of patterns detected by the convolution layers.