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Lesson 2

In this course we will define what are neurons and neural networks and how to train them.


A neuron is a computation system that takes multiple inputs x1,x2, ..., xn and outputs a single value y.

Threshold neuron

A neuron can be seen as a small machine learning model. In the previous figure the inputs or features are x1,...,x6, the parameters or weights of the neuron are w1,...,w6 and the output or prediction of the model is y.

A is called the activation function of the neuron, in the previous figure we see a very simple threshold activation function. If its input is negative it outputs 0, if its input is positive is outputs 1. This component is there to mimic the behavior of biological neurons firing or not depending on the electrical current of their incoming synapses. The activation functions used in neural networks are non linear in order to allow neural networks to approximate non linear functions.

However, there is a problem with the previous definition. As we will see later, we want to use some sort of gradient descent algorithm to train our neural networks. These algorithms requires the function we are trying to optimize to be differentiable according to the parameters of the model. The thresholding activation function that we saw is not differentiable so we need to replace it by something else.

Differentiable neuron

Here, A is the sigmoid function. It approximates the behavior of the thresholding activation while being differentiable.

There are many different activation functions that can be used when building neural networks, the sigmoid function being only one example.

Neural networks

Now that we have defined what neurons are, let's see how to assemble them together to form a neural network.

Neural network 1

The previous figure shows what we call a Fully Connected neural Network (FCN) or MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP). In this section, we will describe each of its component.

Neural network 2

Each of the node in the previous graph is a neuron. All the incoming connections are its inputs (the xs in the previous section). All the outgoing connections are copies of its output (copies of y in the previous section). We can see that the outputs of neurons on the left hand size of the network are used as inputs of neurons on the right hand side.

A column of neurons is called a layer. In the example of this network all the layers are linear or fully connected as every output of the layer t is used as input for every neuron of the layer t + 1. There are multiple kinds of neural network layers that we will see later.

Neural network 3

When we use a neural network as a predictive model, we feed it our inputs on the leftmost layer, the input layer. Let's say we build a neural network predicts whether an image depicts a cat or a dog, we would feed the pixel values of the image to the input layer.

Neural network 4

To read the prediction or output of the neural network, we look at the values it outputs on the rightmost layer, the output layer. In our previous cat and dog image classifier example, each neuron would contain a value that represents the confidence of the model that the image contains a cat or dog. If we had 3 classes of image, we would have 3 neurons in the output layer.

The input and output layers are what the user of the model has access to. The user plugs its data as input on the input layer and get the prediction on the output layer.

Neural network 5

The third type of layer contains neurons in the middle of the network, these are hidden layers. These layers are used by the network to refine its understanding of the input and analyze the hierarchical structure of the data.

The "deep" word in "deep learning" comes from "deep neural networks", neural networks with many hidden layers.

Now that we have defined what a neural network is, let's build one that computes a simple function. The network will be composed of a single neuron and we want to make it compute the binary AND function.

Neural network AND exercise

We want to find w1, w2 and b such that

Neural AND equation

The solution to this exercise is available here.

Softmax activation

In order to apply the classification loss that we will see in the next section, we need a way to convert a list of outputs from a neural network into a probability distribution. To do this, we will use an activation function called the softmax function.

The softmax is defined as follows:

Softmax formula

where k is the number of classes of our problem and z is the list of k values that we want to normalize.

Let's apply the softmax function to a vector to get a sense of how it works.

>>> model_output = torch.tensor([0.3, -16.2, 5.3, 0.7])
>>> model_output
tensor([  0.3000, -16.2000,   5.3000,   0.7000])

>>> model_output_exp = model_output.exp()
>>> model_output_exp
tensor([1.3499e+00, 9.2136e-08, 2.0034e+02, 2.0138e+00])

>>> model_output_softmax = model_output_exp / model_output_exp.sum()
>>> print(*[f'{value:5.3f}' for value in model_output_softmax], sep = ', ')
0.007, 0.000, 0.983, 0.010

We see that the softmax values sum to 1 with one being much larger than the others.

The softmax function gives us a differentiable way to convert our model outputs into something we can use to compute the cross entropy loss. It quantifies the confidences the network associates to each of the class relatively to all the others.

Cross entropy loss

In the previous lesson, we saw the MSE loss as a way to evaluate the quality of our model approximations on a regression task. This loss is not suitable for classification problems. To evaluate and train models on classification tasks, we use the cross entropy loss:

Cross entropy formula

The cross entropy quantifies the difference between two probability distributions p and q. An in-depth explanation of the information theory underlying concepts can be found in the Stanford CS231n course. As with the MSE loss, the ideal value for the cross entropy loss is 0.

Let's try this formula on an example to get more familiar with it. Let's say we have a classifier that tries to predict what animal is in a picture, the classes are cat, dog and snake. We want to compute the loss value for a specific sample that contains a snake. Our target probability p is defined as follow:

Cross example 01

We know that the image contains a snake the probability of the snake class is 1 and the probabilities for the other classes are 0

When working with classification problems, neural networks attribute a probability value for each class of the problem. We note this probability distribution q.

Cross example 02

In this first example, the model have a 50% confidence that the image contains a cat, 30% that it contains a dog and 20% that is contains a snake. Let's now compute the value of the cross entropy between p and q.

Cross example 03

The value of the cross entropy is 0.669. In this case, the model was wrong: the highest confidence was on cat although the image contained a snake. Let's try again with another model output.

Cross example 04

Now the model prediction is correct as the highest confidence is on snake. Let's compute the cross entropy.

Cross example 05

The value of the cross entropy is 0.097 which is much lower than in the previous case. We can also see that, even though the model prediction was correct, the loss value is not 0. The model could have improved the loss value even further by being more confident in its prediction.

When performing a training step on a batch of samples, the value that we are trying to optimize is the mean cross entropy loss between the model predictions and correct labels.

PyTorch neural network example

Let's now see how to define and train a neural network using PyTorch. There is still a few tools missing to understand the whole process that we will get to study in the following courses. The complete runnable code for the example described in this section is available here with a lot of commentaries.

The task we want to learn in this example is really simple, we want to determine whether a point (x, y) with -1 <= x, y < 1 is in a disk. Visually, we want to discriminate between red and violet point in the following figure.

Disk classification

This problem is a classification task, we want the model to output 1 for points inside the disk and 0 for points outside. We will set the radius of the disk in order to have as many points inside than outside in our dataset.

First let's write a function that will generate our dataset.

def generate_data(n_samples):
    # We randomly generate points (x, y) with -1 <= x, y < 1
    X              = torch.rand(n_samples, 2) * 2 - 1
    # We compute the Euclidean distance between the origin (0, 0) and
    # each sample
    dist_to_origin = (X ** 2).sum(axis = 1).sqrt()
    # radius value in order to have as many samples inside than
    # outside
    radius         = math.sqrt(2 / math.pi)
    # label is 1 for samples inside the disk and 0 for samples outside
    y              = (dist_to_origin < radius).long()

    return X, y

Now let's create our neural network.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class SimpleLinearNetwork(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(SimpleLinearNetwork, self).__init__()
        self.input_layer  = nn.Linear(2, 64)
        self.hidden_layer = nn.Linear(64, 64)
        self.output_layer = nn.Linear(64, 2)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.input_layer(x)
        x = F.relu(x)
        x = self.hidden_layer(x)
        x = F.relu(x)
        x = self.output_layer(x)
        x = torch.log_softmax(x, dim = 1)

        return x

In PyTorch, neural networks inherit from nn.Module, this automatically enables mechanisms that we will see later like parameter registering with the optimizer and automatic differentiation.

In the __init__ method, we call the parent object (nn.Module) __init__ method to initialize our network module. We then declare the layers of our neural network. In this case we use will three layers:

  • one input layer with two inputs (the coordinates of our points) and 64 outputs (the size of our hidden layer).
  • one hidden layer with 64 inputs and 64 outputs
  • one output layer with 64 inputs (the size of our hidden layer) and 2 outputs (the number of classes of our problem, inside or outside the disk).

In this method, we just declare the list of layers that we will use, how we use them will be declared in the forward method.

The forward method takes x as parameter, x is a batch of samples. As our samples are two dimensional, x will be of shape [batch size, 2]. It is much faster to perform computations on batches of samples rather than one by one. In this method we will make the information flow through the network by sequentially applying our layer computations. Let's take a look at the first layer application.

x = self.input_layer(x)
x = F.relu(x)

x = self.input_layer(x) will compute the activation of all the 64 neurons of our input layer for each sample of the batch. After this line, the shape of x will be [batch size, 64], for each element of the batch, we have the result of the computation for each of the 64 neurons. In PyTorch, applying the activation is done after performing the layer computations. Here we apply a Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation. The activation does not change the shape of our tensor.

x = self.hidden_layer(x)
x = F.relu(x)

Similarly, we compute the result of the application of our hidden layer. As our hidden layer takes 64 inputs and outputs 64 values, the shape of x does not change, it is still [batch size, 64].

x = self.output_layer(x)
x = torch.log_softmax(x, dim = 1)

We now take the output of our hidden layer and pass it through our output layer. After x = self.output_layer(x), x is of shape [batch size, 2] = [batch size, number of class]. In order to compute the cross entropy to evaluate the performance of our model, we need to normalize the output of the model using a softmax activation. Just as when we compute the sum along the lines of a 2D tensor, we have to precise along which dimension we want to perform the sum operation of the softmax function. After the line x = torch.log_softmax(x, dim = 1) the shape of x is [batch size, 2] with the sum of values being 1 along the lines of the tensor. The first column corresponds to the confidence of the model in the class 0 (outside the disk) and the second column corresponds to the confidence of the model in the class 1 (inside the disk). Notice that we compute the log of the softmax values instead of simply the softmax, this is because we will use the Negative Log Likelihood Loss (NLLLoss) of PyTorch that requires this type of normalized inputs.

Let's write the main function of our project.

from import TensorDataset
import torch.optim as optim

def main():
    n_samples     = 3000
    epochs        = 300
    batch_size    = 32
    learning_rate = 1e-3
    X, y          = generate_data(n_samples)
    dataset       = TensorDataset(X, y)
    model         = SimpleLinearNetwork()
    criterion     = nn.NLLLoss()
    optimizer     = optim.SGD(
        params = model.parameters(),
        lr     = learning_rate
    train(model, criterion, optimizer, dataset, epochs, batch_size)

The beginning of the function is explicit enough, we generate our dataset and set the epochs (number of times that we will use the whole dataset to perform parameters update during training), learning_rate and batch_size hyperparameters.

dataset = TensorDataset(X, y) wraps our dataset into the PyTorch Dataset interface. It will later provide us a very simple way to generate random batches of samples.

We then instantiate our neural network with model = SimpleLinearNetwork(). It is at this point that the weights of all the neurons will be initialized according to the algorithm specified in the documentation.

We then create the loss function that we will use to evaluate and train our model with criterion = nn.NLLLoss(). The negative log likelihood loss corresponds to the cross entropy loss that we have seen in the previous section.

After this, we create our optimizer. Here we choose to use a simple Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) algorithm, there are many more available in the optim module of PyTorch. The first argument params = model.parameters() declares the list of parameters that the optimizer will be allowed to modify to lower the loss. During the creation of our network, all the weights of the linear layers have been registered as its parameters. The lr = learning_rate parameter defines the size of the steps the optimizer will take in the direction of the gradient.

Once everything is setup, we can call our training function. Let's define it.

from import DataLoader

def train(model, criterion, optimizer, dataset, epochs, batch_size):
    dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size = batch_size, shuffle = True)

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for X, y in dataloader:
            y_pred = model(X)
            loss   = criterion(y_pred, y)

First we create our batch generator. PyTorch provides us with the DataLoader class to create batches of data from a PyTorch Dataset. It is a very powerful tools that is almost always used to write training or evaluation loops. When using shuffle = True the elements of the dataset will be shuffle every time we create an iterator on the DataLoader (here, at every epoch).

The first loop for epoch in range(epochs) defines the number of times we will iterate over the dataset.

The second loop for X, y in dataloader iterates over batches of the dataset. Typically, the input X will be of shape [batch size, 2] = [32, 2] and the corresponding output y will be of shape [32]. The batch size may not be respected for the last batch if the size of the dataset is not a multiple of the batch size.

The first step of the training loop is to compute the model predictions on a batch of sample with y_pred = model(X). When using model(X) the forward method of the network is called. y_pred will be of shape [batch size, 2] with each column corresponding in the confidence in each of the classes.

Now that we have the model's predictions, we can compute the loss between these predictions y_pred and the target y with loss = criterion(y_pred, y). loss will be a single value, the average cross entropy loss for all the samples in the batch.

Now that we have the loss value on the batch, we want to perform a weight update using gradient descent. To do this, we need the gradient of the loss function with respect to the parameters of the neural network. This is done with loss.backward(). This computation is done using the Backpropagation algorithm that we will study later in the course. For now let's just assume that this computation is done and the gradients are stored in the neural networks right next their corresponding parameters values.

To perform a parameter update using the gradient descent algorithm and the gradients that we have just computed, we use optimizer.step(). The optimizer already knows what it is allowed to modify as we have precised the params argument during its creation and, as we just explained, the gradients computed using the backward method are stored next to the parameters their correspond to.

The last step of the training loop is to clean the gradient computations that we have just done in order to perform the next optimization step independently of this one. In very specific cases we do not want to clear the gradients after the end of the loop but this kind of use is beyond the scope of this course.

Now that we have the training loop for our model, we would like to evaluate it to know the proportion of correct answer that it outputs.

def evaluate(model, dataset, batch_size):
    dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size = batch_size, shuffle = False)

    correct_pred = 0
    total_pred   = 0
    with torch.no_grad():
        for X, y in dataloader:
            y_pred        = model(X)
            y_pred_class  = y_pred.argmax(dim = 1)
            correct_pred += (y_pred_class == y).sum().item()
            total_pred   += len(y)

    return correct_pred / total_pred

This function looks very similar to the training loop as we are also iterating over batches to evaluate our model performances. We use the context torch.no_grad() to specify that we will not compute the gradients in this block, because of the backpropagation algorithm this speeds up the computation and reduce the memory consumption.

y_pred       = model(X)
y_pred_class = y_pred.argmax(dim = 1)

With these two lines, we compute the network predicted class for each sample of the batch. argmax returns the index of the maximum along the dimension 1, the index of the class with the greatest confidence.

With (y_pred_class == y).sum().item() we get the number of times the model prediction corresponds to the label y. We use .item() to extract the result from the PyTorch tensor into a simple Python int. We also compute the total number of prediction done by the model with total_pred += len(y). The accuracy of the model is the proportion of correct predictions it makes, correct_pred / total_pred.

If we launch the program containing all this code with a call to the evaluation function every 10 epochs we get the following output.

> python
Initial accuracy 49.033%
  0 -> 49.033% accuracy
 10 -> 75.767% accuracy
 20 -> 67.400% accuracy
 30 -> 68.900% accuracy
 40 -> 72.367% accuracy
 50 -> 76.267% accuracy
 60 -> 78.933% accuracy
 70 -> 81.567% accuracy
 80 -> 83.767% accuracy
 90 -> 85.600% accuracy
100 -> 87.267% accuracy
110 -> 88.033% accuracy
120 -> 89.267% accuracy
130 -> 90.000% accuracy
140 -> 91.067% accuracy
150 -> 91.967% accuracy
160 -> 93.200% accuracy
170 -> 94.000% accuracy
180 -> 94.667% accuracy
190 -> 95.167% accuracy
200 -> 95.567% accuracy
210 -> 95.900% accuracy
220 -> 96.267% accuracy
230 -> 96.633% accuracy
240 -> 96.967% accuracy
250 -> 97.033% accuracy
260 -> 97.433% accuracy
270 -> 97.467% accuracy
280 -> 97.533% accuracy
290 -> 97.800% accuracy