{camtrapmonitoring} is an R package for camera trap monitoring and estimating wildlife density.
- Candidate camera trap locations are sampled in a region of interest
- Spatial layers are used to evaluate characteristics and deployment feasibility of locations
- Candidate locations are ordered and selected by user criteria
- Grids are optionally established around focal locations
- (Soon) density estimation methods
You can install the development version of camtrapmonitoring with:
# r-universe
install.packages('camtrapmonitoring', repos = c('https://robitalec.r-universe.dev', 'https://cloud.r-project.org'))
# Or {remotes}
This package depends on {sf}, {terra}, and {distanceto}.
More details on installation here:
This package was previously named {wildcam} but renamed to {camtrapmonitoring} to reflect broadened scope of package from planning camera trap surveys to community based monitoring of wildlife and density estimation, and to avoid confusion with other projects using camera traps named wildcam or similar.