1.21.0 (2024-08-09)
- locals.tf: update GPU size for virtual machine to support larger models and improve performance (6657460)
- terraform: implement separate VNets for each AKS cluster as a best practice (3d8658d)
- locals.tf: comment out unsupported GPU size for the current Azure Linux distribution (6657460)
1.20.0 (2024-07-30)
1.19.3 (2024-06-09)
- adding kubernetes (05065d8)
1.19.2 (2024-04-15)
- create-github-secrets.sh: change script file name from create-github-secrets.sh to create-github-secrets-v2.sh to avoid overwriting the original file. (0d0b1b4)
1.19.1 (2024-04-14)
- terraform: modify the Terraform configuration to create a new network interface named "ubuntu_dmz_network_interface" and update the security group association accordingly. This change is intended to improve the security posture of the Ubuntu VM by placing it in a DMZ network. (15bb93b)
1.19.0 (2024-04-02)
- devcontainer.json: add support for various dev container features, including AWS CLI, GitHub CLI, Terraform CLI, Azure CLI persistence and shell history. (5233b7b)
- devcontainer.json: update image and initializeCommand references to use Docker Hub instead of GitHub Container Registry (2d68e98)
1.18.6 (2024-03-30)
- devcontainer.json: update runArgs array elements to use equals sign instead of commas for name value assignment (9123368)
1.18.5 (2024-02-16)
- adding dast fortidevsec workflow (d7a0304)
- adding dast fortidevsec workflow (ffd3e71)
- adding dast fortidevsec workflow (ee21f96)
- adding dast fortidevsec workflow (66d0a92)
1.18.4 (2024-02-15)
- adding dast fortidevsec workflow (b22cb34)
1.18.3 (2024-02-02)
- trigger fortidevsec (5fd90ab)
1.18.2 (2024-01-29)
- make release please work (a6b7d0b)
- make terraform-docs work (b8cc8be)
- removing devskim (9f7778f)
- removing devskim (1fc0d5f)
- updating devskim (f20960e)
- updating terraform (a2fe4b6)
- updating terraform (a4046e5)
- updating terraform (7fb2c6d)
1.18.1 (2024-01-23)
- updating terraform (82c596f)
1.18.0 (2023-12-05)
- add screenshots (38df5b9)
- add screenshots (4bd4879)
- add screenshots (9e9648f)
- add screenshots (b691bb0)
- add screenshots to README (bff9d31)
- new screenshot for azure cloud shell (f79bc44)
- tree.sh: fix tree.sh (6637e9d)
1.17.2 (2023-12-04)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry property for better screenshot positioning (9e64559)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry value for better screenshot positioning (5850ac6)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry values for better screenshot positioning (d5e5410)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry values for better screenshot positioning (6b1f0ce)
- screenshots.json: adjust pointerangle and geometry values for better screenshot positioning (a8f250c)
1.17.1 (2023-12-04)
- README.md: correct the link of FortiDevSec SAST scanner badge (ec3e20d)
1.17.0 (2023-12-04)
- docs: add custom favicon and update social icon in mkdocs.yml (92af7b2)
- mkdocs.yml: remove personal website link from social icons (1ecb950)
1.16.2 (2023-12-04)
- mkdocs.yml: update GitHub icon reference from 'github-octocat-logo-svg-vector' to 'github-mark' (0e75872)
1.16.1 (2023-12-04)
- mkdocs.yml: update social link and icon for GitHub (00b5fb4)
1.16.0 (2023-12-03)
- add create-favicon workflow and refactor create-logo workflow (624e8bd)
- create-logo.yml: add dependencies and Google Fonts installation steps (0928a4f)
- create-logo.yml: add GitHub workflow to generate logos dynamically (eaece6a)
- enable azurerm backend (5f5a316)
- enable azurerm backend (eb9b454)
- favicon.json: update AI role description and user content for favicon generation (50bae60)
- workflows/create-logo.yml: replace icon.json with favicon.json in matrix file (7cc2128)
- create-logo.yml: remove unused svg-to-ico conversion step (ebcdd5e)
- create-logo.yml: replace imagemagick convert command with svg-to-ico npm package for favicon conversion (d50b003)
- favicon.json: correct typo in favicon size specification (d21f46e)
- favicon.json: simplify system message and update user content (95c57fa)
- favicon.json: update favicon content from "MC" to "8" horizontally (024b85d)
- logo.json: clarify border instruction in logo design content (4a5e2fc)
- logo.json: remove requirement for bright color letter in logo text (fcf1b80)
- logo.json: update model from 'gpt-4' to 'gpt-3.5-turbo-1106' (444f03f)
1.15.0 (2023-12-01)
- create-article.yml: add command to display content of generated markdown file (e54a6f3)
- create-article.yml: add process-article step to remove code blocks from articles (91e6e96)
- create-article.yml: add self to paths to trigger workflow on changes (b278491)
- create-article.yml: add condition to remove markdown code block syntax only if present (e6ce303)
- create-article.yml: modify egrep command to use -q flag for silent mode (d9c57cf)
- create-article.yml: remove unnecessary backticks in awk command (6162acc)
- create-article.yml: simplify code block detection in markdown files (7af8119)
- mkdocs-build-test.yml: swap order of github.workflow and github.ref in concurrency group (113965b)
- source-control-management.json: update seed value from 999 to 1000 (d59005b)
1.14.0 (2023-12-01)
- .github/workflows: add create-article workflow to automate article creation from JSON files (380a428)
- create-article.yml: add ref and fetch-depth to checkout action for complete history (9058bea)
- workflows: modify triggers and add Python installation and docs build steps in create-article.yml (3218163)
- create-article.yml: correct matrix variable assignment in Set matrix step (73921b5)
- create-article.yml: correct the curl command to use matrix.manifest instead of needs.list-manifests.outputs.matrix (f5fd788)
1.13.0 (2023-11-29)
- .gitignore: remove *.tfvars from gitignore to track terraform variable files (b775a63)
- Add Terraform workflow and update related documentation (402371d)
- screenshots.yml: add branch filter to pull_request event to limit workflow runs (1b86556)
- screenshots.yml: add paths filter to pull_request trigger for screenshots.json (2a50f67)
- screenshots.yml: add self to paths to trigger workflow on changes (adea5ec)
- screenshots.yml: disable git rebase on pull to avoid potential conflicts (80db09d)
- terraform.yml: add path parameter to download-artifact action in GitHub workflow (878fe48)
- openai-pr-description.yml: add github_token to workflow and remove openai_model and max_tokens (7cd771c)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry property for better screenshot positioning (72d0ec8)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry value for better screenshot positioning (c59bcd2)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry value for better screenshot positioning (857f080)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry value for better screenshot positioning (6228ffb)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry values for azure-cloud-shell.png (bde05b2)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry values for better screenshot positioning (e9f0000)
- screenshots.yml: change git push to git push --force-with-lease to prevent accidental overwrites (8987568)
- screenshots.yml: pull from the correct branch during screenshot processing (c3e6576)
- screenshots.yml: reduce border size in image conversion from 28 to 18 (8b24fe2)
- screenshots.yml: remove commented out push paths and branches-ignore (dd439c6)
- terraform.yml: change path of tfplan from 'tfplan' to 'terraform/tfplan' (a02425a)
1.12.0 (2023-11-28)
- screenshots.json: add new screenshot configuration for azure-cloud-shell-select-storage-advanced.png (6f19259)
- screenshots.json: add new screenshot configuration for azure-cloud-shell.png (48c3689)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry values for better screenshot positioning (bb88887)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry values for better screenshot positioning (0202174)
1.11.0 (2023-11-28)
- .github/workflows: add create-screenshots.yml to automate screenshot creation (80a26d5)
- create-screenshots.yml: add git pull command to ensure latest changes are fetched before committing (acd84a2)
- create-screenshots.yml: disable fail-fast strategy in GitHub Actions workflow (6a55a24)
- docs: add new Fork.md and Profile.md files, remove github-profile.md (057e6c7)
- screenshots.yml: add rounded-corners step to add rounded corners to images (58ce5c1)
- create-pointer.sh: adjust arrow image size and position for better visibility (869c9b3)
- puppeteer.js: replace dynamic window size with fixed values in puppeteer launch options (740fe38)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry values for better screenshot positioning (177bd8d)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry values for better screenshot positioning (e654b23)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry values for better screenshot positioning (49a6159)
- screenshots.json: adjust geometry values for better screenshot positioning (9b93339)
- screenshots.json: replace dynamic repository owner with static username (264ac48)
- screenshots.yml: add condition to skip screenshot action if url is empty (7661260)
- screenshots.yml: change rounded-corners color from transparent to black (3594807)
- screenshots.yml: change xc:black to xc:none in rounded-corners command to remove black corners (5bbf862)
- screenshots.yml: change xc:none to xc:transparent for rounded-corners (b25143c)
- screenshots.yml: remove temporary image files after use (4230194)
- screenshots.yml: update overlay-arrow images for better visual guidance (1ee0a38)
1.10.3 (2023-11-27)
- remove unused images (fb3ae77)
1.10.2 (2023-11-27)
- adjust pointer size (dd0f067)
- adjusting pointer (ce4071f)
- adjusting pointer size (e9a894e)
- cleanup old files (2da175a)
- getting drop shadows working (79a3377)
- getting drop shadows working (b19acb0)
- make pointer have transparent background (348714e)
- making pointer smaller (b3edb4c)
- move pointer to the correct position (bb8ba47)
- pointer overlay (6d75513)
- tweaking pointer position (00e804e)
1.10.1 (2023-11-26)
- adding drop shadow to pointer (af514f8)
- adding drop shadow to pointers (64ff4fb)
- adding drop shadows (4448d75)
- arrow over screenshots (e29b9fa)
- arrows over screenshots (4342e54)
- screenshot arrow overlay update (09662b9)
- screenshot arrows (158e147)
- updating arrow overlay for screenshots (f5d5618)
- updating pointer for screenshots (7f6f5a9)
1.10.0 (2023-11-26)
- adding bevel (b9b2eda)
- adding bevel arrow to screenshot (26b103a)
- adding bevel to screenshot arrow (02bcbfe)
- adding border to arrow (8d1960a)
- adding css to fix screenshots (018cff0)
- fixing style (d448379)
- updating css (3fe1e12)
1.9.0 (2023-11-26)
- screenshots (2906f5b)
1.8.0 (2023-11-26)
- screenshots (391e384)
1.7.0 (2023-11-26)
- screenshots (ee3e940)
1.6.0 (2023-11-26)
1.5.0 (2023-11-26)
- adding drop shadows to screenshots (021e89f)
- fixing screenshots (398e50e)
- fixing screenshots (62e7341)
- getting screenshots to work (824606b)
- screenshots working (6d4c2c8)
- remove some of these files (f9da0b8)
1.4.0 (2023-11-25)
1.3.0 (2023-11-25)
- improving screenshots (c0dae5b)
1.2.10 (2023-11-25)
- clean up some unused files (2064aae)
1.2.9 (2023-11-25)
- nav-item.html: remove extra site label (a4b5efb)
1.2.8 (2023-11-25)
- mkdocs.yml: new order (e56d4e0)
1.2.7 (2023-11-25)
- mkdocs.yml: resetting the menu system (a9562ef)
1.2.6 (2023-11-25)
- mkdocs.yml: updating the mkdocs config (6b9a87c)
1.2.5 (2023-11-21)
- updating screenshot workflow (d5b3541)
1.2.4 (2023-11-21)
- updating screenshot workflow (bc738fc)
1.2.3 (2023-11-21)
- updating screenshot workflow (e5aa2d5)
- updating screenshot workflow (b745567)
- updating screenshot workflow (cffdbcf)
- updating screenshot workflow (f70c14f)
- updating screenshot workflow (8a7bf95)
- updating screenshot workflow (eb8c432)
- updating screenshot workflow (f38ffa0)
- updating screenshot workflow (bf3c95f)
- updating screenshot workflow (5e8c255)
- updating screenshot workflow (149b217)
- updating screenshot workflow (766c9b1)
1.2.2 (2023-11-20)
- update screenshot workflow" (0739293)
1.2.1 (2023-11-19)
- screenshots.yml: replace 'git commit -a' with 'git add .' and 'git commit' (bb95496)
1.2.0 (2023-11-19)
- docs: add new GitHub profile documentation (83642f8)
1.1.1 (2023-11-19)
- puppeteer.js: modify screenshot path to be relative (522f2f7)
1.1.0 (2023-11-19)
- workflows: add init job to check OPENAI_API_KEY existence in openai-pr-description.yml (a037f87)
- release-please.yml: remove token and path parameters from release-please action (d08cf0d)