speclight is a simple JavaScript BDD framework for Jasmine
Look at the Tests project for examples:
`In order to know how much money I can save
As a Math Idiot
I want to add two numbers`,
() => {
let a: number;
let b: number;
let actual: number;
given`I enter ${5}`(input => a = input);
and`I enter ${6}`(input => b = input);
when`I press add`(() => actual = add(a, b));
then`The result should be ${11}`(expected => expect(expected).toBe(actual));
/* Output with jasmine-spec-reporter:
In order to know how much money I can save
As a Math Idiot
I want to add two numbers
√ Given I enter 5
√ And I enter 6
√ When I press add
√ Then The result should be 11