A PostgreSQL extension to allow converting letters to PostGIS geometries
This extension comes packaged with one set of fonts kankin. http://fontfabric.com/kankin-free-font/ which was converted to SVG using Batik and then converted to postgis geometry. Many thanks to Bruce Rindahl for providing the prebuilt font geometries.
- PostgreSQL 9.1+
- PostGIS 2.0+
- Posix shell for building (e.g. Linux/Unix/mingw/cygwin) This is only needed to rebuild the .sql files in sql folder
make all
- copy the contents of sql folder to your PostgreSQL share/extension folder
- If you installed PostGIS without extension on 9.1 (because you did not compile with raster) just take out the requires line in postgis_letters.control
- in database you want to use it in at psql prompt type
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_letters;
Test by running these queries: or queries in article: http://www.postgresonline.com/article_pfriendly/302.html
- Simple just puts circle centered about ST_Point(0,0) and 100 units in height
SELECT ST_LettersAsGeometry('Circle', 'kankin');
- More complex inscribes circle in a circle rotated -
- requires PostGIS 2.0+
WITH cte As (
SELECT ST_LettersAsGeometry('Postgres+PostGIS=cewl'
, 'kankin', 0, 150, ST_Point(10,2)) As geom)
SELECT i, ST_rotate(geom,pi()/4*i, ST_Point(10,2))
FROM cte cross join generate_series(1,8) i
SELECT 9, ST_Boundary(ST_Buffer(ST_Point(10,2), 1000));