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Speed Dial Button

Ryan Bishop Mayobre edited this page Jun 24, 2020 · 2 revisions

Speed Dial Button

A FAB that expands into a series of mini FABs with different options per button. The main FAB in this button is to display all the mini FABs as the multiple options for a user to select from.

Kotlin Functions

Hide and Show SpeedDial button

  • show(): Unit - If SpeedDial is hidden, this will reveal it.

  • hide(): Unit - Hide the SpeedDial button.

  • setShowAnimation(animation: Animation, listener: Animation.AnimationListener? = null) - Set a custom animation for revealing a hidden SpeedDial button.

  • setHideAnimation(animation: Animation, listener: Animation.AnimationListener? = null) - Set a custom animation for hiding a SpeedDial button.

Registering SpeedDialActions to SpeedDial

  • addAction(action: SpeedDialAction): Boolean - Register a SpeedDialAction to the SpeedDial button.

  • removeAction(action: SpeedDialAction): Boolean - Remove a SpeedDialAction from the SpeedDial button.

Setting an Icon

Setting an icon is very flexible. You can set one Icon to always appear, or you can set two icons; one that appears when the SpeedDial is expanded, and another when the SpeedDial is collapsed. You can also animate the collapse and expansion.

fun setIcon(
    @DrawableRes collapseIconRes: Int,
    @DrawableRes expandIconRes: Int? = null,
    @AnimRes collapseAnimRes: Int? = null,
    @AnimRes expandAnimRes: Int? = null

Function above will set icons and animations by resource IDs.

fun setIcon(
    collapseIconDrawable: Drawable,
    expandIconDrawable: Drawable? = null,
    collapseAnim: Animation? = null,
    expandAnim: Animation? = null

Function above will set icons and animations by Drawable and Animation objects.

Other Functions

  • setScaleType(type: ImageView.ScaleType) - Set the ImageView ScaleType for the main button of the SpeedDial.

  • setFabColor(@ColorRes color: Int) - Set the color of the main button.

  • setOverlayColor(@ColorRes color: Int) - Set the overlay color (works best if color has a transparency).

XML Attributes

  • app:fabColor - Set the color for the SpeedDial button.

  • app:overlayColor - Set the color for the overlay when the SpeedDial expands.

  • app:fabMargin - Set the margin for the button.

  • app:fabMarginTop - Set the top margin for the button.

  • app:fabMarginBottom - Set the bottom margin for the button.

  • app:fabMarginStart - Set the starting margin for the button.

  • app:fabMarginEnd - Set the ending margin for the button.

  • app:collapsedIcon - Set the icon for the collapsed button.

  • app:expandedIcon - Set the icon for the expanded button.

  • app:collapseAnim - Set the collapsing animation.

  • app:expandAnim - Set the Expanding animation.

  • app:showAnim - Set the show animation.

  • app:hideAnim - Set the hide animation.

  • app:scaleType - Set the scale type: matrix, fitXY, fitStart, fitCenter, fitEnd, center, centerCrop, ceneterInside.



XML Layout

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />






Speed Dial Actions

These are the mini FABs within a Speed Dial button. They are the multiple options to select from within a speed dial. Each action can optionally have a label next them to describe the button's purpose.


Construction for a SpeedDialAction follows a builder design. To construct an action, called SpeedDialAction.Builder(context: Context) and then call the build() function to construct a SpeedDialAction.

Builder Functions

  • setId(@IdRes id: Int) - Set an id for your action.

  • setImage(@DrawableRes imageId: Int) - Set a drawable resource as the icon.

  • setBackgroundColor(@ColorRes color: Int) - Set the background color of the action's button.

  • setTextColor(@ColorRes color: Int) - Set text for an action's label.

  • setTextBackgroundColor(@ColorRes color: Int) - Set the label's background color.

  • setLabel(label: String) - Set a label for the action.

  • setOnClickListener(listener: OnClickListener) - Set the listener for click events on the button.

  • setShowAnimation(@AnimRes id: Int) - Set the show animation for the action.

  • setShowAnimation(animation: Animation) - Set the show animation for the action.

  • setHideAnimation(@AnimRes id: Int) - Set the hide animation for the action.

  • setHideAnimation(animation: Animation) - Set the hide animation for the action.

  • setLabelShowAnimation(@AnimRes id: Int) - Set the show animation for the action's label.

  • setLabelShowAnimation(animation: Animation) - Set the show animation for the action's label.

  • setLabelHideAnimation(@AnimRes id: Int) - Set the hide animation for the action's label.

  • setLabelHideAnimation(animation: Animation) - Set the hide animation for the action's label.


val action: SpeedDialAction = SpeedDialAction.Builder(context)
    .setLabel("button 1")