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All AUR packages ignored #700

jakebailey opened this issue May 19, 2017 · 4 comments

All AUR packages ignored #700

jakebailey opened this issue May 19, 2017 · 4 comments


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Read me first: Bug reports

AND FOR GODS SAKE, do not ask support questions on the bug tracker. I'm not here to fix your freaking INCOMPETENCE. For paying support, see Paypal link in man page.


pacaur -v


When updating, all AUR packages are ignored. I've provided an example of a non-devel package that has an update, but the same applies to devel packages when using -S to update any number of packages, or to install a completely new one. Commenting out IgnorePkg in pacman.conf prevents the error. My IgnorePkg is:

IgnorePkg   =  ttf-ms-win10 ttf-ms-win10-japanese ttf-ms-win10-korean ttf-ms-win10-other ttf-ms-win10-sea ttf-ms-win10-thai ttf-ms-win10-zh_cn ttf-ms-win10-zh_tw linux-nvme linux-nvme-headers

Changing the whitespace around the = doesn't change anything. If you'd like the output of -Syu --devel --needed, I can provide it, though I believe it will be quite large.

I believe this is related to #693, so forgive if this is the current behavior until the boxes are checked (though that doesn't sound right).


pacaur -S keybase-bin

:: Package keybase-bin not found in repositories, trying AUR...
:: keybase-bin is in IgnorePkg/IgnoreGroup. Install anyway? [Y/n] 

:: resolving dependencies...
:: looking for inter-conflicts...

AUR Packages  (1)  Old Version                      New Version                    

aur/keybase-bin    1.0.23_20170517160116+aa0e681-1  1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1               

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
Debug output

bash -x pacaur -S keybase-bin

+ version=
+ unset aur cleancache devel edit info installpkg foreign needed noconfirm nodeps noedit
+ unset operation pac pacQ pacS quiet rebuild refresh repo search selective upgrade
+ TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ configdir=/etc/xdg/pacaur
+ userconfigdir=/home/jake/.config/pacaur
+ userpacmandir=/home/jake/.config/pacman
+ usercachedir=/home/jake/.cache/pacaur
+ tmpdir=/run/user/1000
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -r '' ]]
+ source /etc/makepkg.conf
++ DLAGENTS=('ftp::/usr/bin/curl -fC - --ftp-pasv --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u' 'http::/usr/bin/curl -fLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u' 'https::/usr/bin/curl -fLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u' 'rsync::/usr/bin/rsync --no-motd -z %u %o' 'scp::/usr/bin/scp -C %u %o')
++ VCSCLIENTS=('bzr::bzr' 'git::git' 'hg::mercurial' 'svn::subversion')
++ CARCH=x86_64
++ CHOST=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
++ CFLAGS='-march=native -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong'
++ CXXFLAGS='-march=native -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong'
++ LDFLAGS=-Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro
++ DEBUG_CFLAGS='-g -fvar-tracking-assignments'
++ DEBUG_CXXFLAGS='-g -fvar-tracking-assignments'
++ BUILDENV=(!distcc color ccache check !sign)
++ OPTIONS=(strip docs !libtool !staticlibs emptydirs zipman purge !optipng !upx !debug)
++ STRIP_BINARIES=--strip-all
++ STRIP_SHARED=--strip-unneeded
++ STRIP_STATIC=--strip-debug
++ MAN_DIRS=({usr{,/local}{,/share},opt/*}/{man,info})
++ DOC_DIRS=(usr/{,local/}{,share/}{doc,gtk-doc} opt/*/{doc,gtk-doc})
++ PURGE_TARGETS=(usr/{,share}/info/dir .packlist *.pod)
++ COMPRESSGZ=(gzip -c -f -n)
++ COMPRESSBZ2=(bzip2 -c -f)
++ COMPRESSXZ=(xz -c -z - --threads=0)
++ COMPRESSLRZ=(lrzip -q)
++ COMPRESSLZO=(lzop -q)
++ COMPRESSZ=(compress -c -f)
++ PKGEXT=.pkg.tar
++ SRCEXT=.src.tar.gz
+ [[ -r /home/jake/.config/pacman/makepkg.conf ]]
+ [[ -r /home/jake/.makepkg.conf ]]
+ PKGEXT=.pkg.tar
+ SRCEXT=.src.tar.gz
+ CARCH=x86_64
+ editor=vim
+ displaybuildfiles=diff
+ fallback=true
+ silent=false
+ sortby=popularity
+ sortorder=descending
+ sudoloop=true
+ pacmanbin=pacman
+ clonedir=/home/jake/.cache/pacaur
+ aurrpc='/rpc/?type=info&v=5'
+ source /etc/xdg/pacaur/config
+ [[ -r /home/jake/.config/pacaur/config ]]
+ [[ ! -d /home/jake/.cache/pacaur ]]
+ declare -A jsoncache
+ trap Cancel INT
+ args=($@)
+ for i in "${args[@]}"
+ [[ -S =~ ^-[a-zA-Z0-9] ]]
+ opts+=($i)
+ for i in "${args[@]}"
+ [[ keybase-bin =~ ^-[a-zA-Z0-9] ]]
+ count=0
+ [[ -n -S ]]
+ getopts sidmykufecqrahvxVDFQRSTUbglnoptw-: OPT
+ pacmanarg+=("-$OPT")
+ case "$OPT" in
+ pacS=1
+ operation=sync
+ [[ -S =~ w ]]
+ installpkg=true
+ [[ -S =~ g ]]
+ [[ -S =~ l ]]
+ [[ -S =~ p ]]
+ getopts sidmykufecqrahvxVDFQRSTUbglnoptw-: OPT
+ [[ -z keybase-bin ]]
+ pkgs+=("${!OPTIND}")
+ shift 2
+ [[ -n '' ]]
++ grep '^Color' /etc/pacman.conf
+ [[ -n Color ]]
+ [[ '' != \n\e\v\e\r ]]
+ [[ '' = \a\l\w\a\y\s ]]
+ coweropts+=("--color=auto")
+ reset='\e[0m'
+ colorR='\e[1;31m'
+ colorG='\e[1;32m'
+ colorY='\e[1;33m'
+ colorB='\e[1;34m'
+ colorM='\e[1;35m'
+ colorC='\e[1;36m'
+ colorW='\e[1;39m'
+ pacmanarg=(${pacmanarg[@]/--/})
+ pacmanarg=(${pacmanarg[@]/-r/})
+ pacmanarg=(${pacmanarg[@]/-a/})
+ [[ sync = sync ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ 1000 -eq 0 ]]
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ pacmanarg=(${pacmanarg[@]/-e/})
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
++ command -v vim
+ [[ ! -n /usr/bin/vim ]]
+ [[ ! -w /home/jake/.cache/pacaur ]]
+ [[ -z keybase-bin ]]
+ [[ -z keybase-bin ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ case $operation in
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -z keybase-bin ]]
+ ClassifyPkgs keybase-bin
+ local noaurpkgs norepopkgs
+ [[ true = true ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ unset noaurpkgs
+ for i in "${pkgs[@]}"
+ [[ keybase-bin == aur/* ]]
+ noaurpkgs+=($i)
+ [[ -n keybase-bin ]]
+ norepopkgs=($(LANG=C $pacmanbin -Sp ${noaurpkgs[@]} 2>&1 >/dev/null | awk '{print $NF}'))
++ pacman -Sp keybase-bin
++ awk '{print $NF}'
+ for i in "${norepopkgs[@]}"
+ [[ !  keybase-bin  =~ [a-zA-Z0-9.+-]+/keybase-bin[^a-zA-Z0-9.+-] ]]
+ aurpkgs+=($i)
+ repopkgs=($(grep -xvf <(printf '%s\n' "${aurpkgs[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${noaurpkgs[@]}")))
++ grep -xvf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' keybase-bin
+++ printf '%s\n' keybase-bin
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n keybase-bin ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ true = true ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ 1 -gt 1 ]]
+ Note w 'Package \e[1;39mkeybase-bin\e[0m not found in repositories, trying \e[1;35mAUR\e[0m...'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;33m::\e[0m Package \e[1;39mkeybase-bin\e[0m not found in repositories, trying \e[1;35mAUR\e[0m...'
:: Package keybase-bin not found in repositories, trying AUR...
+ Core
+ GetIgnoredPkgs
+ ignoredpkgs+=($(grep '^IgnorePkg' '/etc/pacman.conf' | awk -F '=' '{print $NF}' | tr -d "'\""))
++ grep '^IgnorePkg' /etc/pacman.conf
++ awk -F = '{print $NF}'
++ tr -d ''\''"'
+ [[ -e /home/jake/.config/cower/config ]]
+ ignoredpkgs=(${ignoredpkgs[@]//,/ })
+ GetIgnoredGrps
+ ignoredgrps+=($(grep '^IgnoreGroup' '/etc/pacman.conf' | awk -F '=' '{print $NF}' | tr -d "'\""))
++ grep '^IgnoreGroup' /etc/pacman.conf
++ awk -F = '{print $NF}'
++ tr -d ''\''"'
+ ignoredgrps=(${ignoredgrps[@]//,/ })
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ IgnoreChecks
+ local checkaurpkgs checkaurpkgsAver checkaurpkgsAgrp checkaurpkgsQver i json
+ [[ -z ttf-ms-win10 ttf-ms-win10-japanese ttf-ms-win10-korean ttf-ms-win10-other ttf-ms-win10-sea ttf-ms-win10-thai ttf-ms-win10-zh_cn ttf-ms-win10-zh_tw linux-nvme linux-nvme-headers ]]
+ for i in "${!aurpkgs[@]}"
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ aurpkgsnover[$i]=keybase-bin
+ SetJson keybase-bin
+ [[ 1 -eq 0 ]]
+ [[ -z '' ]]
++ DownloadJson keybase-bin
++ local urlencodedpkgs urlargs urlcurl urlarg urlmax j
++ urlencodedpkgs=($(sed 's/+/%2b/g;s/@/%40/g' <<< $@))
+++ sed 's/+/%2b/g;s/@/%40/g'
++ urlarg='&arg[]='
+++ printf '&arg[]=%s' keybase-bin
++ urlargs='&arg[]=keybase-bin'
++ urlmax=4400
++ [[ 18 -lt 4400 ]]
++ curl -sfg --compressed -C 0 '[]=keybase-bin'
+ jsoncache[$@]='{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}'
+ json='{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}'
+ checkaurpkgs=($(GetJson "var" "$json" "Name"))
++ GetJson var '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Name
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d '", '
++ grep -Po 'Name:.*'
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
++ sed -r s/Name:/Name#/g
+ errdeps+=($(grep -xvf <(printf '%s\n' "${aurpkgsnover[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${checkaurpkgs[@]}")))
++ grep -xvf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' keybase-bin
+++ printf '%s\n' keybase-bin
+ errdeps+=($(grep -xvf <(printf '%s\n' "${checkaurpkgs[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${aurpkgsnover[@]}")))
+++ printf '%s\n' keybase-bin
++ grep -xvf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' keybase-bin
+ unset aurpkgsnover
+ checkaurpkgsAver=($(GetJson "var" "$json" "Version"))
++ GetJson var '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Version
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d '", '
++ grep -Po 'Version:.*'
++ sed -r s/Version:/Version#/g
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
+ checkaurpkgsQver=($(expac -Q '%v' "${checkaurpkgs[@]}"))
++ expac -Q %v keybase-bin
+ for i in "${!checkaurpkgs[@]}"
++ grep -E '\-(cvs|svn|git|hg|bzr|darcs|nightly.*)$'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ for i in "${!checkaurpkgs[@]}"
+ unset checkaurpkgsAgrp
+ checkaurpkgsAgrp=($(GetJson "arrayvar" "$json" "Groups" "${checkaurpkgs[$i]}"))
++ GetJson arrayvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Groups keybase-bin
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/"Name":"keybase-bin"/,/}/!d'
++ sed -e '/^"Groups"/,/]/!d'
++ tr -d '[]'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ tr -d '\"'
+ [[  ttf-ms-win10 ttf-ms-win10-japanese ttf-ms-win10-korean ttf-ms-win10-other ttf-ms-win10-sea ttf-ms-win10-thai ttf-ms-win10-zh_cn ttf-ms-win10-zh_tw linux-nvme linux-nvme-headers  =~  keybase-bin  ]]
+ [[    =~    ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ Proceed y 'keybase-bin is in IgnorePkg/IgnoreGroup. Install anyway?'
+ local Y y N n answer
++ gettext pacman Y
+ Y=Y
+ y=y
++ gettext pacman N
+ N=N
+ n=n
+ case "$1" in
+ printf '\e[1;34m%s\e[0m \e[1;39m%s\e[0m' :: 'keybase-bin is in IgnorePkg/IgnoreGroup. Install anyway? [Y/n] '
:: keybase-bin is in IgnorePkg/IgnoreGroup. Install anyway? [Y/n] + [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ case "$TERM" in
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ read -r -n 1 answer

+ echo

+ case $answer in
+ return 0
+ aurpkgsnover+=(${checkaurpkgs[$i]})
+ aurpkgs=(${aurpkgsnover[@]})
+ NothingToDo keybase-bin
+ [[ -z keybase-bin ]]
+ return 0
+ DepsSolver
+ local i aurpkgsname aurpkgsver aurpkgsaurver aurpkgsconflicts
+ Note i 'resolving dependencies...'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;34m::\e[0m resolving dependencies...'
:: resolving dependencies...
+ for i in "${!aurpkgs[@]}"
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ aurpkgsnover[$i]=keybase-bin
+ SetJson keybase-bin
+ [[ 1 -eq 0 ]]
+ [[ -z {"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]} ]]
+ json='{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}'
+ aurpkgsproviders=(${aurpkgsnover[@]})
+ aurpkgsproviders+=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "Provides"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Provides
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/^"Provides"/,/]/!d'
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
++ tr -d '\"'
++ tr -d '\n'
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
+ for i in "${!aurpkgsproviders[@]}"
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ aurpkgsproviders[$i]=keybase-bin
+ aurpkgsconflicts=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "Conflicts"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Conflicts
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/^"Conflicts"/,/]/!d'
++ tr -d '\"'
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ tr -d '\n'
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
+ [[ -n keybase keybase-release keybase-git ]]
+ for i in "${!aurpkgsconflicts[@]}"
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ aurpkgsconflicts[$i]=keybase
+ for i in "${!aurpkgsconflicts[@]}"
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ aurpkgsconflicts[$i]=keybase-release
+ for i in "${!aurpkgsconflicts[@]}"
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ aurpkgsconflicts[$i]=keybase-git
+ aurpkgsconflicts=($(grep -xf <(printf '%s\n' "${aurpkgsproviders[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${aurpkgsconflicts[@]}")))
++ grep -xf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' keybase-bin
+++ printf '%s\n' keybase keybase-release keybase-git
+ aurpkgsconflicts=($(tr ' ' '\n' <<< ${aurpkgsconflicts[@]} | LC_COLLATE=C sort -u))
++ tr ' ' '\n'
++ sort -u
+ deps=(${aurpkgsnover[@]})
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ foreignpkgs=($($pacmanbin -Qmq))
++ pacman -Qmq
+ FindDepsAur keybase-bin
+ local depspkgs depspkgstmp depspkgsaurtmp repodepstmp builtpkg vcsdepspkgs assumedepspkgs
+ local aurversionpkgs aurversionpkgsname aurversionpkgsver aurversionpkgsaurver i j json
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ unset aurversionpkgs
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ SetJson keybase-bin
+ [[ 1 -eq 0 ]]
+ [[ -z {"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]} ]]
+ json='{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}'
+ aurversionpkgs=(${aurpkgs[@]})
+ [[ -n keybase-bin ]]
+ for i in "${!aurversionpkgs[@]}"
+ unset aurversionpkgsname aurversionpkgsver aurversionpkgsaurver
+ aurversionpkgsname=keybase-bin
+ aurversionpkgsname=keybase-bin
+ aurversionpkgsname=keybase-bin
+ aurversionpkgsver=keybase-bin
+ aurversionpkgsver=keybase-bin
+ aurversionpkgsver=keybase-bin
++ GetJson varvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Version keybase-bin
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/"Name":"keybase-bin"/,/}/!d'
++ tr -d '"'
++ grep -Po 'Version:.*'
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
++ sed -r s/Version:/Version#/g
+ aurversionpkgsaurver=1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1
+ [[ ! -n 1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1 ]]
+ case "${aurversionpkgs[$i]}" in
+ continue
+ depspkgs=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "Depends"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Depends
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/^"Depends"/,/]/!d'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ tr -d '\"'
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ tr -d '\n'
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ depspkgs+=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "MakeDepends"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' MakeDepends
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/^"MakeDepends"/,/]/!d'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ tr -d '\"'
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ tr -d '\n'
++ tr '\n' ' '
+ depspkgs+=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "CheckDepends"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' CheckDepends
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ tr -d '\"'
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ sed -e '/^"CheckDepends"/,/]/!d'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
++ tr -d '\n'
+ [[ -n keybase-bin ]]
+ depspkgs=($(grep -xvf <(printf '%s\n' "${aurpkgsproviders[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${depspkgs[@]}")))
+++ printf '%s\n' keybase-bin
++ grep -xvf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' fuse gconf
+ [[ x86_64 == \i\6\8\6 ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ depspkgs=($($pacmanbin -T ${depspkgs[@]} | sort -u))
++ pacman -T fuse gconf
++ sort -u
+ unset depspkgsaur
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ unset depspkgs
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ deps=($(grep -xvf <(printf '%s\n' "${aurdepspkgs[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${deps[@]}")))
+++ printf '%s\n'
++ grep -xvf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' keybase-bin
+ deps+=(${aurdepspkgs[@]})
+ SetJson keybase-bin
+ [[ 1 -eq 0 ]]
+ [[ -z {"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]} ]]
+ json='{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}'
+ SortDepsAur keybase-bin
+ local i j sortaurpkgs sortdepspkgs sortdepspkgsaur
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ sortaurpkgs=(${aurpkgs[@]})
+ unset checkedsortdepspkgsaur
+ for i in "${!sortaurpkgs[@]}"
+ unset sortdepspkgs sortdepspkgsaur
+ sortdepspkgs+=($(GetJson "arrayvar" "$json" "Depends" "${sortaurpkgs[$i]}"))
++ GetJson arrayvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Depends keybase-bin
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/"Name":"keybase-bin"/,/}/!d'
++ tr -d '[]'
++ sed -e '/^"Depends"/,/]/!d'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ tr -d '\"'
++ tr '\n' ' '
+ sortdepspkgs+=($(GetJson "arrayvar" "$json" "MakeDepends" "${sortaurpkgs[$i]}"))
++ GetJson arrayvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' MakeDepends keybase-bin
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/"Name":"keybase-bin"/,/}/!d'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ sed -e '/^"MakeDepends"/,/]/!d'
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ tr -d '[]'
++ tr -d '\"'
+ sortdepspkgs+=($(GetJson "arrayvar" "$json" "CheckDepends" "${sortaurpkgs[$i]}"))
++ GetJson arrayvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' CheckDepends keybase-bin
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/"Name":"keybase-bin"/,/}/!d'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ tr -d '\"'
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ tr -d '[]'
++ sed -e '/^"CheckDepends"/,/]/!d'
+ for j in "${!sortdepspkgs[@]}"
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ sortdepspkgs[$j]=fuse
+ sortdepspkgsaur+=($(GetJson "varvar" "$json" "Name" "${sortdepspkgs[$j]}"))
++ GetJson varvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Name fuse
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/"Name":"fuse"/,/}/!d'
++ tr -d '"'
++ sed -r s/Name:/Name#/g
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
++ grep -Po 'Name:.*'
+ [[    =~  fuse  ]]
+ for j in "${!sortdepspkgs[@]}"
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ sortdepspkgs[$j]=gconf
+ sortdepspkgsaur+=($(GetJson "varvar" "$json" "Name" "${sortdepspkgs[$j]}"))
++ GetJson varvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Name gconf
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/"Name":"gconf"/,/}/!d'
++ grep -Po 'Name:.*'
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
++ sed -r s/Name:/Name#/g
++ tr -d '"'
+ [[    =~  gconf  ]]
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ tsortdeps+=("${sortaurpkgs[$i]} ${sortaurpkgs[$i]}")
+ sortdepspkgsaur=($(grep -xvf <(printf '%s\n' "${allcheckedsortdepspkgsaur[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${sortdepspkgsaur[@]}")))
++ grep -xvf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n'
+++ printf '%s\n'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ deps=($(tsort <<< ${tsortdeps[@]}))
++ tsort
+ (( 0 > 0 ))
+ depsAname=($(GetJson "var" "$json" "Name"))
++ GetJson var '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Name
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d '", '
++ grep -Po 'Name:.*'
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
++ sed -r s/Name:/Name#/g
+ depsAver=($(GetJson "var" "$json" "Version"))
++ GetJson var '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Version
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d '", '
++ grep -Po 'Version:.*'
++ sed -r s/Version:/Version#/g
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
+ depsAood=($(GetJson "var" "$json" "OutOfDate"))
++ GetJson var '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' OutOfDate
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d '", '
++ grep -Po 'OutOfDate:.*'
++ sed -r s/OutOfDate:/OutOfDate#/g
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
+ depsAmain=($(GetJson "var" "$json" "Maintainer"))
++ GetJson var '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Maintainer
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d '", '
++ sed -r s/Maintainer:/Maintainer#/g
++ grep -Po 'Maintainer:.*'
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
+ for i in "${!depsAname[@]}"
++ expac -Qs %v '^keybase-bin$'
+ depsQver[$i]=1.0.23_20170517160116+aa0e681-1
+ [[ -z 1.0.23_20170517160116+aa0e681-1 ]]
++ grep -E '\-(cvs|svn|git|hg|bzr|darcs|nightly.*)$'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ FindDepsRepo
+ local allrepopkgs providersrepopkgs providersrepopkgsrm i j
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ return
+ IgnoreDepsChecks
+ local i
+ [[ -z ttf-ms-win10 ttf-ms-win10-japanese ttf-ms-win10-korean ttf-ms-win10-other ttf-ms-win10-sea ttf-ms-win10-thai ttf-ms-win10-zh_cn ttf-ms-win10-zh_tw linux-nvme linux-nvme-headers ]]
+ deps=(${aurpkgs[@]})
+ ProviderChecks
+ local allproviders providersdeps providers repodepspkgsprovided providerspkgs provided nb providersnb rmproviderpkgs providerpkgsrm
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ return
+ ConflictChecks
+ local allQprovides allQconflicts Aprovides Aconflicts aurconflicts aurAconflicts Qrequires i j k
+ local repodepsprovides repodepsconflicts checkedrepodepsconflicts repodepsconflictsname repodepsconflictsver localver repoconflictingpkgs
+ Note i 'looking for inter-conflicts...'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;34m::\e[0m looking for inter-conflicts...'
:: looking for inter-conflicts...
+ allQprovides=($(expac -Q '%n'))
++ expac -Q %n
+ allQprovides+=($(expac -Q '%S'))
++ expac -Q %S
+ allQconflicts=($(expac -Q '%C'))
++ expac -Q %C
+ Aprovides=(${depsAname[@]})
+ Aprovides+=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "Provides"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Provides
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/^"Provides"/,/]/!d'
++ tr -d '\"'
++ tr -d '\n'
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ tr -d '[]"'
+ Aconflicts=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "Conflicts"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":412317,"Name":"keybase-bin","PackageBaseID":112716,"PackageBase":"keybase-bin","Version":"1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1","Description":"the Keybase Go client, filesystem, and GUI","URL":"https:\/\/","NumVotes":47,"Popularity":6.262735,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"oconnor663","FirstSubmitted":1466614345,"LastModified":1495217115,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/keybase-bin.tar.gz","Depends":["fuse","gconf"],"Conflicts":["keybase","keybase-release","keybase-git"],"License":["BSD"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Conflicts
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/^"Conflicts"/,/]/!d'
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ tr -d '\"'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
++ tr -d '\n'
++ tr '\n' ' '
+ for i in "${!Aprovides[@]}"
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ Aprovides[$i]=keybase-bin
+ for i in "${!Aconflicts[@]}"
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ Aconflicts[$i]=keybase
+ for i in "${!Aconflicts[@]}"
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ Aconflicts[$i]=keybase-release
+ for i in "${!Aconflicts[@]}"
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ Aconflicts[$i]=keybase-git
+ aurconflicts=($(grep -xf <(printf '%s\n' "${Aprovides[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${allQconflicts[@]}")))
+++ printf '%s\n' keybase-bin
++ grep -xf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' xfsacl acpi_call xorg-xbacklight xfsattr bc-readline binutils-multilib obexd-client obexd-server bluez-hcidump btrfs-progs-unstable ca-certificates-java clang-analyzer foomatic-filters libdbus libdjvu hd2u dropbox-experimental glut fuse gimp-devel dirmngr gnupg2 gdisk gtk3-nocsd iproute netkit-base arping netkit-tftpd jack-audio-connection-kit java-common vlock keybase keybase-release keybase-git module-init-tools latexila-git lib32-libdbus lib32-glut lib32-libappindicator lib32-elfutils lib32-systemd lib32-libindicator lib32-libjpeg lib32-turbojpeg lib32-libjpeg6 lib32-libtool lib32-pulseaudio lib32-libudev0 lib32-tcp_wrappers-libs lib32-ati-dri lib32-intel-dri lib32-nouveau-dri lib32-mesa-dri lib32-mesa-libgl libappindicator libdvbpsi4 libdvbpsi5 lxshortcut libindicator libjpeg turbojpeg libjpeg6 nghttp2 libreoffice-still cyrus-sasl-plugins libsigc++2.0 libltdl libtool-multilib libudev0 libusbx usbmuxd tcp_wrappers-libs libx264 linux-firmware-git kernel26-firmware ar9170-fw iwlwifi-1000-ucode iwlwifi-3945-ucode iwlwifi-4965-ucode iwlwifi-5000-ucode iwlwifi-5150-ucode iwlwifi-6000-ucode rt2870usb-fw rt2x00-rt61-fw rt2x00-rt71w-fw amd-ucode lvm mkinitcpio man mkinitcpio ati-dri intel-dri nouveau-dri svga-dri mesa-dri mesa-libgl libnm-gtk ntfsprogs nvme-cli-git libcl pacaur pacman-contrib papirus-icon-theme papirus-gtk-icon-theme papirus-gtk-icon-theme-git papirus-icon-theme-gtk papirus-icon-theme-gtk-git papirus-icon-theme-kde papirus-icon-theme-kde-git pcmcia-cs pkgconfig poppler-qt3 postgresql-client procps sysvinit-tools pycharm pycharm-community python-logilab-astng dbus-python python3-numpy python3-olefileio python-pexpect virtualenv python pycairo pycrypto dbus-python python-notify python-pyinstall virtualenv qt qtchooser rust cargo mailx mailx-heirloom heirloom-mailx kde-dev-scripts nss-myhostname systemd-tools udev sysvinit terminator tetex texlive-latex3 pdfjam texlive-langafrican texlive-langarab texlive-langarabic texlive-langarmenian texlive-langcroatian texlive-langhebrew texlive-langindic texlive-langmongolian texlive-langtibetan texlive-langvietnamese laptop-mode-tools pm-utils adobe-source-code-pro-fonts adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts googlefontdirectory jsmath-fonts lohit-fonts noto-fonts oldstand-font openarch_fonts otf-bitter otf-goudy ttf-andika ttf-anonymous-pro ttf-cantarell ttf-cardo ttf-chromeos-fonts ttf-comfortaa ttf-croscore ttf-droid ttf-fira-mono ttf-fira-sans ttf-google-fonts-hg ttf-google-webfonts ttf-google-webfonts-git ttf-google-webfonts-hg ttf-inconsolata ttf-kimberly_geswein_print ttf-lato ttf-lekton ttf-medievalsharp ttf-merriweather ttf-merriweather-sans ttf-noto ttf-nova ttf-oldstandard ttf-opensans ttf-oswald ttf-overpass ttf-oxygen ttf-oxygen-git ttf-pt-mono ttf-pt-sans ttf-ptsans ttf-quintessential ttf-roboto ttf-roboto-mono ttf-signika ttf-sil-fonts ttf-sortsmillgoudy ttf-source-code-pro ttf-source-sans-pro ttf-ubuntu-font-family ttf-vollkorn ttf-vista-fonts ttf-tahoma ttf-ms-fonts ttf-ms-win8 ttf-win7-fonts ttf-vista-fonts ttf-ms-win8-japanese ttf-win7-fonts-japanese ttf-vista-fonts ttf-ms-win8-korean ttf-win7-fonts-korean ttf-vista-fonts ttf-ms-win8-other ttf-win7-fonts-other ttf-vista-fonts ttf-ms-win8-sea ttf-win7-fonts-sea ttf-vista-fonts ttf-ms-win8-thai ttf-win7-fonts-thai ttf-vista-fonts ttf-ms-win8-zh_cn ttf-win7-fonts-zh_cn ttf-vista-fonts ttf-ms-win8-zh_tw ttf-win7-fonts-zh_tw unclutter unclutter-patched util-linux-ng eject zramctl libv4l vertex-themes gvim vim-minimal vim-python3 virtualbox-ose virtualbox-additions virtualbox-iso-additions virtualbox-source virtualbox-host-source vlc-plugin bin32-wine wine-wow64 xorg-server X-ABI-XINPUT_VERSION X-ABI-XINPUT_VERSION xkbdata font-util font-misc-ethiopic font-misc-meltho nvidia-utils glamor-egl xf86-video-modesetting xournalpp xss-lock
+ aurconflicts+=($(grep -xf <(printf '%s\n' "${Aconflicts[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${allQprovides[@]}")))
++ grep -xf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' keybase keybase-release keybase-git
+++ printf '%s\n' a52dec aalib accountsservice acl acpi_call-dkms acpid acpilight adwaita-icon-theme alsa-lib alsa-plugins alsa-utils android-tools android-udev ansible apr apr-util arandr arch-audit archlinux-keyring aria2 asp aspell astyle at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core atk atkmm atool attr audit autoconf automake autopep8 avahi babl bash bash-completion bc binutils bison blas bluez bluez-libs bluez-utils boost-libs bridge-utils btrfs-progs bzip2 bzr c-ares ca-certificates ca-certificates-cacert ca-certificates-mozilla ca-certificates-utils cabextract cairo cairomm cantarell-fonts cblas ccache cdparanoia cifs-utils clang cloc clucene cmake colord compositeproto compton confuse coreutils cower cracklib crashplan crda cross-mipsel-linux-gnu-binutils cross-mipsel-linux-gnu-gcc cryptsetup cups cups-filters cups-pdf curl damageproto db dbus dbus-glib dcadec dconf desktop-file-utils device-mapper dhcpcd diffutils discord djvulibre dkms dmenu dnsmasq dnssec-anchors docker dos2unix dosfstools dropbox e2fsprogs elfutils emacs enchant eog ethtool evince exempi expac expat faad2 fakeroot feh ffmpeg ffmpeg2.8 fftw file file-roller filesystem findutils firefox fixesproto flac flex fontconfig fontsproto freeglut freetype2 fribidi fuse-common fuse2 fvextra gawk gc gcc gcc-libs gconf gcr gd gdb gdb-common gdbm gdk-pixbuf2 gedit gegl02 geoclue2 gettext ghostscript giblib giflib gimp git gksu glew glew1.10 glib-networking glib2 glibc glibmm glu gmp gnome-desktop gnome-keyring gnome-themes-standard gnu-netcat gnupg gnutls go go-tools gobject-introspection-runtime google-chrome gpgme gpm gptfdisk graphite graphviz grep groff gscreenshot gsettings-desktop-schemas gsfonts gsm gspell gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-base-libs gst-plugins-good gstreamer gtef gtk-engine-murrine gtk-update-icon-cache gtk2 gtk3 gtk3-nocsd-git gtk3-print-backends gtkmm3 gtksourceview3 gtkwave gts guile guile2.0 gvfs gvfs-mtp gzip handbrake harfbuzz harfbuzz-icu hdf5 hdparm hicolor-icon-theme hspell htop hunspell hunspell-en hunspell-en_GB hunspell-en_US hwids hyphen i3-wm i3lock i3status iana-etc icu ijs ilmbase imagemagick imlib2 inetutils inotify-tools inputproto intel-ucode iotop iproute2 iptables iputils ipython iso-codes iverilog iw jack jansson jasper java-environment-common java-runtime-common jbig2dec jdk jfsutils jq js json-glib jsoncpp jupyter jupyter-nbformat jupyter-notebook jupyter-widgetsnbextension jupyter_console kbd kbproto keybase-bin keyutils kmod krb5 lame lapack latexila lcms lcms2 ldb ldns less lib32-acl lib32-alsa-lib lib32-alsa-plugins lib32-atk lib32-attr lib32-bzip2 lib32-cairo lib32-cracklib lib32-curl lib32-dbus lib32-dbus-glib lib32-e2fsprogs lib32-expat lib32-flac lib32-fontconfig lib32-freeglut lib32-freetype2 lib32-gcc-libs lib32-gconf lib32-gdk-pixbuf2 lib32-gettext lib32-giflib lib32-glew1.10 lib32-glib2 lib32-glibc lib32-glu lib32-gmp lib32-gnutls lib32-gtk2 lib32-harfbuzz lib32-icu lib32-imlib2 lib32-keyutils lib32-krb5 lib32-lcms2 lib32-libappindicator-gtk2 lib32-libasyncns lib32-libcaca lib32-libcanberra lib32-libcanberra-pulse lib32-libcap lib32-libcups lib32-libcurl-compat lib32-libcurl-gnutls lib32-libdatrie lib32-libdbusmenu-glib lib32-libdbusmenu-gtk2 lib32-libdrm lib32-libelf lib32-libffi lib32-libgcrypt lib32-libgcrypt15 lib32-libglvnd lib32-libgpg-error lib32-libgudev lib32-libice lib32-libid3tag lib32-libidn lib32-libindicator-gtk2 lib32-libjpeg-turbo lib32-libjpeg6-turbo lib32-libldap lib32-libltdl lib32-libmikmod lib32-libmodplug lib32-libnl lib32-libnm-glib lib32-libogg lib32-libpcap lib32-libpciaccess lib32-libpng lib32-libpng12 lib32-libpsl lib32-libpulse lib32-librtmp0 lib32-libsm lib32-libsndfile lib32-libssh2 lib32-libtasn1 lib32-libthai lib32-libtheora lib32-libtiff lib32-libtiff4 lib32-libtirpc lib32-libtxc_dxtn lib32-libudev0-shim lib32-libusb lib32-libva lib32-libva-intel-driver lib32-libvorbis lib32-libvpx1.3 lib32-libwebp lib32-libwrap lib32-libx11 lib32-libxau lib32-libxcb lib32-libxcomposite lib32-libxcursor lib32-libxdamage lib32-libxdmcp lib32-libxext lib32-libxfixes lib32-libxft lib32-libxi lib32-libxinerama lib32-libxml2 lib32-libxmu lib32-libxrandr lib32-libxrender lib32-libxshmfence lib32-libxss lib32-libxt lib32-libxtst lib32-libxxf86vm lib32-llvm-libs lib32-mesa lib32-mpg123 lib32-ncurses lib32-nettle lib32-nspr lib32-nss lib32-openal lib32-openssl lib32-p11-kit lib32-pam lib32-pango lib32-pcre lib32-pixman lib32-polkit lib32-readline lib32-sdl lib32-sdl2 lib32-sdl2_image lib32-sdl2_mixer lib32-sdl2_ttf lib32-sdl_image lib32-sdl_mixer lib32-sdl_ttf lib32-smpeg lib32-smpeg2 lib32-sqlite lib32-systemd lib32-tdb lib32-util-linux lib32-wayland lib32-xz lib32-zlib libabw libaio libappindicator-gtk2 libarchive libass libassuan libasyncns libatasmart libatomic_ops libavc1394 libbluray libbsd libcaca libcanberra libcanberra-pulse libcap libcap-ng libcddb libcdio libcdio-paranoia libcdr libcmis libconfig libcroco libcups libcurl-compat libcurl-gnutls libdaemon libdatrie libdbusmenu-glib libdbusmenu-gtk2 libdca libdrm libdv libdvbpsi libdvdnav libdvdread libe-book libebml libedit libelf libepoxy libetonyek libev libevdev libevent libexif libexttextcat libfbclient libffi libfm libfm-extra libfm-gtk2 libfontenc libgcrypt libgcrypt15 libgee libgksu libglade libglvnd libgnome-keyring libgpg-error libgtop libgudev libgusb libgxps libical libice libid3tag libidn libiec61883 libimobiledevice libindicator-gtk2 libinput libixion libjpeg-turbo libjpeg6-turbo libkate libkeybinder3 libksba liblangtag libldap liblouis liblqr libmad libmatroska libmikmod libmm-glib libmng libmnl libmodplug libmpc libmpcdec libmpeg2 libmspub libmtp libmwaw libndp libnetfilter_conntrack libnewt libnfnetlink libnftnl libnghttp2 libnl libnm libnm-glib libnotify libodfgen libogg libomxil-bellagio liborcus libotf libpagemaker libpaper libpcap libpciaccess libpeas libpgm libpipeline libplist libpng libpng12 libproxy libpsl libpulse libraw1394 libreoffice-fresh librevenge librsvg librtmp0 libsamplerate libsasl libseccomp libsecret libshout libsigc++ libsigsegv libsm libsndfile libsodium libsoup libsoxr libspectre libspiro libssh libssh2 libsynctex libsystemd libtar libtasn1 libteam libthai libtheora libtiff libtiff4 libtiger libtirpc libtommath libtool libtxc_dxtn libudev0-shim libunistring libunwind libupnp libusb libusbmuxd libutempter libutil-linux libuv libva libva-intel-driver libvdpau libvisio libvisual libvoikko libvorbis libvpx libvpx1.3 libwacom libwbclient libwebp libwmf libwpd libwpg libwps libwrap libx11 libx264 libxau libxaw libxcb libxcomposite libxcursor libxdamage libxdmcp libxext libxfce4ui libxfce4util libxfixes libxfont libxfont2 libxft libxi libxinerama libxkbcommon libxkbcommon-x11 libxkbfile libxklavier libxml2 libxmu libxpm libxrandr libxrender libxshmfence libxslt libxss libxt libxtst libxv libxxf86vm libyaml libzmf licenses lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter linux linux-api-headers linux-firmware linux-headers linux-nvme linux-nvme-headers llvm llvm-libs lm_sensors logrotate lpsolve lua lua52 lvm2 lxmenu-data lz4 lzo m17n-db m17n-lib m4 make man-db man-pages mathjax mcelog mdadm menu-cache mercurial mesa mime-types minted mkinitcpio mkinitcpio-busybox mlocate mobile-broadband-provider-info mozilla-common mpfr mpg123 mpv mtdev nano ncdu ncurses neon netcdf netctl nettle network-manager-applet networkmanager networkmanager-openconnect networkmanager-openvpn ninja nm-connection-editor nmap npth nspr nss ntfs-3g numactl nvme-cli obs-studio ocl-icd oniguruma openal openconnect opencore-amr openexr openjpeg openjpeg2 openresolv openssh openssl openssl-1.0 openvpn opus orc p11-kit p7zip pacaur-git pacgraph pacman pacman-mirrorlist pam pambase pango pangomm papirus-icon-theme-git patch pavucontrol pciutils pcmanfm pcmciautils pcre pcre2 pcsclite perf perl perl-algorithm-diff perl-error perl-file-which perl-regexp-common perl-term-readkey pinentry pixman pkcs11-helper pkg-config pkgfile polkit polkit-gnome poppler poppler-glib popt postgresql-libs potrace preload procps-ng psmisc pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-bluetooth pycharm-professional pygmentize pygobject-devel pygobject2-devel pygtk pyqt5-common python python-appdirs python-astroid python-cairo python-chardet python-crypto python-cycler python-dateutil python-dbus python-dbus-common python-decorator python-gobject python-ipykernel python-ipywidgets python-isort python-jinja python-jsonschema python-jupyter_client python-jupyter_core python-lazy-object-proxy python-lxml python-markupsafe python-matplotlib python-mccabe python-mistune python-numpy python-olefile python-packaging python-pandas python-pexpect python-pickleshare python-pillow python-pip python-prompt_toolkit python-ptyprocess python-pycodestyle python-pycountry python-pycups python-pycurl python-pygments python-pylint python-pyparsing python-pyqt5 python-pysmbc python-pytz python-pyzmq python-requests python-scipy python-setuptools python-sip python-six python-terminado python-tornado python-traitlets python-urllib3 python-virtualenv python-wcwidth python-wrapt python2 python2-appdirs python2-asn1crypto python2-cairo python2-cffi python2-crypto python2-cryptography python2-dbus python2-enum34 python2-gobject python2-gobject2 python2-idna python2-ipaddress python2-jinja python2-markupsafe python2-notify python2-packaging python2-paramiko python2-pip python2-ply python2-psutil python2-pyasn1 python2-pycparser python2-pyparsing python2-setuptools python2-six python2-virtualenv python2-yaml qpdf qt4 qt5-base qt5-x11extras r randrproto raptor rasqal readline recordproto redland reflector reiserfsprogs renderproto rest rfkill ripgrep rtkit rtmpdump rubberband run-parts rustfmt rustup s-nail sbc schroedinger scrnsaverproto scrot sdl sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf sed serf shadow shared-mime-info sip slang sloccount slop smartmontools smbclient smpeg smpeg2 snapper sound-theme-freedesktop speex speexdsp sqlite sshfs startup-notification steam steam-native-runtime stow streamlink subversion sudo svn-clean sysfsutils system-config-printer systemd systemd-boot-pacman-hook systemd-sysvcompat t1lib taglib talloc tar tcl tdb terminator-gtk3-bzr tevent texinfo texlive-bibtexextra texlive-bin texlive-core texlive-fontsextra texlive-formatsextra texlive-games texlive-genericextra texlive-htmlxml texlive-humanities texlive-langchinese texlive-langcyrillic texlive-langextra texlive-langgreek texlive-langjapanese texlive-langkorean texlive-latexextra texlive-music texlive-pictures texlive-plainextra texlive-pstricks texlive-publishers texlive-science thermald thin-provisioning-tools tk tlp tmux transmission-gtk tree tslib ttf-dejavu ttf-google-fonts-git ttf-hack ttf-ms-win10 ttf-ms-win10-japanese ttf-ms-win10-korean ttf-ms-win10-other ttf-ms-win10-sea ttf-ms-win10-thai ttf-ms-win10-zh_cn ttf-ms-win10-zh_tw ttf-vlgothic tzdata uchardet ucl udisks2 unclutter-xfixes-git unrar unzip upower upx usbmuxd usbutils util-linux v4l-utils vagrant vagrant-substrate valgrind vamp-plugin-sdk vertex-themes-git vi vid.stab videoproto vim vim-runtime virtualbox virtualbox-ext-oracle virtualbox-guest-iso virtualbox-host-dkms visual-studio-code vlc vpnc vte-common vte3 vulkan-icd-loader vulkan-intel wavpack wayland wayland-protocols webkit2gtk webrtc-audio-processing wget which wine wine-mono wine_gecko winetricks wireless-regdb wireless_tools wpa_supplicant x265 x86_energy_perf_policy xcb-proto xcb-util xcb-util-cursor xcb-util-image xcb-util-keysyms xcb-util-renderutil xcb-util-wm xcb-util-xrm xclip xdg-utils xextproto xf86-input-libinput xf86vidmodeproto xfce4-notifyd xfconf xfsprogs xineramaproto xkeyboard-config xorg-bdftopcf xorg-font-util xorg-font-utils xorg-fonts-alias xorg-fonts-encodings xorg-fonts-misc xorg-mkfontdir xorg-mkfontscale xorg-server xorg-server-common xorg-setxkbmap xorg-xauth xorg-xinput xorg-xkbcomp xorg-xmessage xorg-xrandr xorg-xset xournalpp-git xproto xss-lock-git xvidcore xz yajl zenity zeromq zip zita-alsa-pcmi zita-resampler zlib zsh zsh-completions zvbi zziplib xfsacl acpi_call xorg-xbacklight python2-ansible xfsattr sh bluez-hcidump btrfs-progs-unstable ca-certificates ca-certificates-java cairo-xcb clang-analyzer foomatic-filters libdbus dhcp-client libdjvu glut fuse awk git-core netcat dirmngr gnupg2 gdisk gtef iproute jack-audio-connection-kit java-runtime java-runtime-headless java-web-start java-environment java-runtime-jre java-runtime-headless-jre java-web-start-jre java-environment-jdk java-openjfx vlock module-init-tools latexila lib32-libdbus lib32-glut lib32-libappindicator lib32-elfutils lib32-libgl lib32-libegl lib32-libgles lib32-libindicator lib32-libjpeg lib32-turbojpeg lib32-libjpeg6 lib32-libtool lib32-pulseaudio lib32-libudev0 lib32-libusbx lib32-tcp_wrappers-libs lib32-ati-dri lib32-intel-dri lib32-nouveau-dri lib32-mesa-dri lib32-mesa-libgl lib32-opengl-driver libappindicator libdts libtextcat lxshortcut libgl libegl libgles libindicator libjpeg turbojpeg libjpeg6 mpeg2dec libreoffice libreoffice-en-US libsigc++2.0 libltdl libtool-multilib libudev0 libusbx tcp_wrappers-libs libx264-8bit man ati-dri intel-dri nouveau-dri svga-dri mesa-dri mesa-libgl opengl-driver libnm-gtk libnma ntfsprogs opencl-icd-loader resolvconf pacaur pacman-contrib papirus-icon-theme perl-archive-tar perl-attribute-handlers perl-autodie perl-autoloader perl-autouse perl-b-debug perl-base perl-bignum perl-carp perl-compress-raw-bzip2 perl-compress-raw-zlib perl-config-perl-v perl-constant perl-cpan-meta-requirements perl-cpan-meta-yaml perl-cpan-meta perl-cpan perl-data-dumper perl-db_file perl-devel-ppport perl-devel-selfstubber perl-digest-md5 perl-digest-sha perl-digest perl-dumpvalue perl-encode perl-encoding-warnings perl-env perl-experimental perl-exporter perl-extutils-cbuilder perl-extutils-constant perl-extutils-install perl-extutils-makemaker perl-extutils-manifest perl-extutils-parsexs perl-file-fetch perl-file-path perl-file-temp perl-filter-simple perl-filter-util-call perl-getopt-long perl-http-tiny perl-i18n-collate perl-i18n-langtags perl-if perl-io-compress perl-io-socket-ip perl-io-zlib perl-io perl-ipc-cmd perl-ipc-sysv perl-json-pp perl-lib perl-libnet perl-locale-codes perl-locale-maketext-simple perl-locale-maketext perl-math-bigint-fastcalc perl-math-bigint perl-math-bigrat perl-math-complex perl-memoize perl-mime-base64 perl-module-corelist perl-module-load-conditional perl-module-load perl-module-loaded perl-module-metadata perl-net-ping perl-params-check perl-parent perl-parse-cpan-meta perl-pathtools perl-perl-ostype perl-perlfaq perl-perlio-via-quotedprint perl-pod-checker perl-pod-escapes perl-pod-parser perl-pod-perldoc perl-pod-simple perl-pod-usage perl-podlators perl-safe perl-scalar-list-utils perl-search-dict perl-selfloader perl-socket perl-storable perl-sys-syslog perl-term-ansicolor perl-term-cap perl-term-complete perl-term-readline perl-test-harness perl-test-simple perl-test perl-text-abbrev perl-text-balanced perl-text-parsewords perl-text-tabs perl-thread-queue perl-thread-semaphore perl-threads-shared perl-threads perl-tie-file perl-tie-refhash perl-time-hires perl-time-local perl-time-piece perl-unicode-collate perl-unicode-normalize perl-version perl-xsloader pkgconfig postgresql-client procps sysvinit-tools pycharm python3 python3-numpy python3-scipy scipy python-distribute pycairo pycrypto dbus-python pygobject pyasn1 python2-distribute rust cargo rust-nightly cargo-nightly mailx mailx-heirloom heirloom-mailx sqlite3 svn nss-myhostname systemd-tools udev lcdf-typetools kpathsea xindy tetex texlive-latex3 pdfjam texlive-langafrican texlive-langarabic texlive-langarmenian texlive-langarmenian texlive-langcroatian texlive-langhebrew texlive-langindic texlive-langmongolian texlive-langtibetan texlive-langvietnamese ttf-font adobe-source-code-pro-fonts adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts googlefontdirectory jsmath-fonts lohit-fonts noto-fonts oldstand-font openarch_fonts otf-bitter otf-goudy ttf-andika ttf-anonymous-pro ttf-cantarell ttf-cardo ttf-chromeos-fonts ttf-comfortaa ttf-croscore ttf-droid ttf-fira-mono ttf-fira-sans ttf-google-fonts-hg ttf-google-webfonts ttf-google-webfonts-git ttf-google-webfonts-hg ttf-inconsolata ttf-kimberly_geswein_print ttf-lato ttf-lekton ttf-medievalsharp ttf-merriweather ttf-merriweather-sans ttf-noto ttf-nova ttf-oldstandard ttf-opensans ttf-oswald ttf-overpass ttf-oxygen ttf-oxygen-git ttf-pt-mono ttf-pt-sans ttf-ptsans ttf-quintessential ttf-roboto ttf-roboto-mono ttf-signika ttf-sil-fonts ttf-sortsmillgoudy ttf-source-code-pro ttf-source-sans-pro ttf-ubuntu-font-family ttf-vollkorn ttf-font ttf-font ttf-tahoma ttf-ms-fonts ttf-font ttf-font ttf-font ttf-font ttf-font ttf-font ttf-font unclutter util-linux-ng eject zramctl libv4l vertex-themes xxd vim-minimal vim-python3 VIRTUALBOX-HOST-MODULES vscode,visualstudiocode vulkan-driver bin32-wine wine-wow64 notification-daemon xkbdata font-util font-misc-ethiopic font-misc-meltho X-ABI-VIDEODRV_VERSION X-ABI-XINPUT_VERSION X-ABI-EXTENSION_VERSION x-server xournal xournal-dmgerman xss-lock
+ aurconflicts=($(tr ' ' '\n' <<< ${aurconflicts[@]} | LC_COLLATE=C sort -u))
++ tr ' ' '\n'
++ sort -u
+ NothingToDo keybase-bin
+ [[ -z keybase-bin ]]
+ return 0
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ ReinstallChecks
+ local i depsAtmp
+ depsAtmp=(${depsAname[@]})
+ for i in "${!depsAtmp[@]}"
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ !  keybase-bin  =~  keybase-bin  ]]
+ [[    =~  keybase-bin  ]]
+ [[ -z 1.0.23_20170517160116+aa0e681-1 ]]
+ [[ 1.0.23_20170517160116+aa0e681-1 = \# ]]
++ vercmp 1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1 1.0.23_20170517160116+aa0e681-1
+ [[ 1 -gt 0 ]]
+ continue
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ NothingToDo keybase-bin
+ [[ -z keybase-bin ]]
+ return 0
+ OutofdateChecks
+ local i
+ for i in "${!depsAname[@]}"
+ [[ null -gt 0 ]]
+ OrphanChecks
+ local i
+ for i in "${!depsAname[@]}"
+ [[ oconnor663 == \n\u\l\l ]]
+ Prompt
+ local i binaryksize sumk summ builtpkg cachedpkgs strname stroldver strnewver strsize action
+ local depsver repodepspkgsver strrepodlsize strrepoinsize strsumk strsumm lreposizelabel lreposize
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ for i in "${!depsAname[@]}"
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ break
++ grep '^VerbosePkgLists' /etc/pacman.conf
+ [[ -n VerbosePkgLists ]]
+ straurname='AUR Packages  (1)'
+ strreponame='Repo Packages (0)'
+ stroldver='Old Version'
+ strnewver='New Version'
+ strsize='Download Size'
+ depsArepo=(${depsAname[@]/#/aur/})
++ GetLength aur/keybase-bin 'AUR Packages  (1)' 'Repo Packages (0)'
++ local length=0 i
++ for i in "$@"
++ x=15
++ [[ 15 -gt 0 ]]
++ length=15
++ for i in "$@"
++ x=17
++ [[ 17 -gt 15 ]]
++ length=17
++ for i in "$@"
++ x=17
++ [[ 17 -gt 17 ]]
++ echo 17
+ lname=17
++ GetLength 1.0.23_20170517160116+aa0e681-1 1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1 'Old Version' 'New Version'
++ local length=0 i
++ for i in "$@"
++ x=31
++ [[ 31 -gt 0 ]]
++ length=31
++ for i in "$@"
++ x=31
++ [[ 31 -gt 31 ]]
++ for i in "$@"
++ x=11
++ [[ 11 -gt 31 ]]
++ for i in "$@"
++ x=11
++ [[ 11 -gt 31 ]]
++ echo 31
+ lver=31
++ GetLength 'Download Size'
++ local length=0 i
++ for i in "$@"
++ x=13
++ [[ 13 -gt 0 ]]
++ length=13
++ echo 13
+ lsize=13
+ for i in "${!deps[@]}"
+ [[ 1.0.23_20170517160116+aa0e681-1 =~ # ]]
+ printf '\n\e[1;39m%-17s  %-31s  %-31s\e[0m\n\n' 'AUR Packages  (1)' 'Old Version' 'New Version'

AUR Packages  (1)  Old Version                      New Version                    

+ for i in "${!deps[@]}"
+ printf '%-17s  \e[1;31m%-31s\e[0m  \e[1;32m%-31s\e[0m  %13s\n' aur/keybase-bin 1.0.23_20170517160116+aa0e681-1 1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1 ''
aur/keybase-bin    1.0.23_20170517160116+aa0e681-1  1.0.23_20170519175207+d6c5e9e-1               
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo

+ [[ -n true ]]
+ action=installation
+ Proceed y 'Proceed with installation?'
+ local Y y N n answer
++ gettext pacman Y
+ Y=Y
+ y=y
++ gettext pacman N
+ N=N
+ n=n
+ case "$1" in
+ printf '\e[1;34m%s\e[0m \e[1;39m%s\e[0m' :: 'Proceed with installation? [Y/n] '
:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] + [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ case "$TERM" in
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ read -r -n 1 answer
^C++ Cancel
++ echo

++ [[ -e /run/user/1000/ ]]
++ [[ -e /run/user/1000/pacaur.sudov.lck ]]
++ exit

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Can you reproduce with the stable version? #693 isn't fully implemented/debugged yet.

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No, it works fine there. I'll switch to that for the time being, but I guess I wasn't expecting the git version to remain broken for more than a short period (first saw the issue when those ignore commits got added but waited).

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Thanks for the feedback.

I'm actually very short on time, so I'm introducing that feature gradually. I did basic testing before pushing and did not expect any major breakage, but seems something broke anyway. Well, that is what the git version is for :)

@rmarquis rmarquis added the bug label May 20, 2017
@rmarquis rmarquis added this to the 4.7.x - maintenance milestone May 20, 2017
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rmarquis commented May 20, 2017

Fixed in 2130f83, as a more global fix for #693.

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