Implementing "Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution" with FastAI framework. Apply hook (PyTorch mechanism) to calculate loss.
- fastai -- Extracting Intermediate Features Using Forward Hook
- fastai -- 06_cuda_cnn_hooks_init.ipynb, Deep Learning for Coder part 2 v3
- fastai -- documentation on what a callback can unpack from kwargs
- fastai2 -- another implementation on fast neural style transfer
- pytorch -- fast-neural-style
- cs231n -- total variation loss implementation
- tensorflow -- fast neural style transfer with a rich documentation
- arxiv -- Instance Normalization: The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization
- arxiv -- Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution
- medium -- Practical Techniques for getting Style Transfer to Work
- completed hooks callback and tensorboard callbacks
[08/04/2020] pending experiments:
- try transformer with "downsample-first-upsample-final" design (for speeding up inference, training)
- try total variation loss
- try globally reducing weight for all losses
- place test sets into validation dataloader (code refactoring)