Start your project with this template.
yarn create next-app -e
npm install
npm dev
yarn dev
npm run build
yarn build
npm test
yarn test
This is your source code tree:
|-- common
|-- assets
|-- helpers
|-- mocks
|-- styles
|-- utils
|-- components
|-- config
|-- hooks
|-- app
|-- lib
|-- registry
|-- head.tsx
|-- layout.tsx
|-- page.tsx
|-- services
This is your component structure:
|-- YourComponent
|-- YourComponent.tsx
|-- YourComponent.spec.ts
|-- YourComponent.stories.tsx
|-- interfaces.ts
|-- styles.ts
|-- index.tsx
These are the folders and their functions:
Here are all the project assets that will be used by the application such as global styles, images, fonts, mocks, reusable functions, among others
Components are presentational only elements, grouping UI items
Configs are our application's global settings files
Hooks are functions that allow you to “plug in” to React's state and lifecycle features from functional components
App is a new pages folder are mapped in routes and have all the containers needed to implement a functionality
Contains all the files responsible for consuming external services, such as the axios configuration file for consuming RestFul APIs.
Find and fix Javascrit and TypeScript problems according to pre-defined rules
npm run lint
yarn lint
The project is already configured with:
- React
- Typescript
- Jest
- Eslint
- Prettier
- Styled
- Husky
- Storybook