This bundle provides you the possibility to add themes to each bundle. In your
bundle directory it will look under Resources/themes/<themename>
or fall back
to the normal Resources/views if no matching file was found.
Installation is a quick (I promise!) 4 step process:
- Download LiipThemeBundle
- Configure the Autoloader
- Enable the Bundle
- Import LiipThemeBundle routing
Ultimately, the LiipThemeBundle files should be downloaded to the
This can be done in several ways, depending on your preference. The first method is the standard Symfony2 method.
Using the vendors script (symfony 2.0 method)
Add the following lines in your deps
Now, run the vendors script to download the bundle:
$ php bin/vendors install
Using submodules
If you prefer instead to use git submodules, the run the following:
$ git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/Liip/ThemeBundle
$ git submodule update --init
Using the composer (symfony 2.1 method)
Now, run the following composer require command:
$ php composer.phar require liip/theme-bundle:dev-master
Add the Liip
namespace to your autoloader:
// app/autoload.php
// ...
'Liip' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Liip\ThemeBundle\LiipThemeBundle(),
Now that you have activated and configured the bundle, all that is left to do is import the LiipThemeBundle routing files.
# app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@LiipThemeBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"
prefix: /theme
Or if you prefer XML:
<!-- app/config/routing.xml -->
<import resource="@LiipThemeBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml" prefix="/theme" />
You will have to set your possible themes and the currently active theme. It is required that the active theme is part of the themes list.
# app/config/config.yml
themes: ['web', 'tablet', 'phone']
active_theme: 'web'
If you want to select the active theme based on a cookie you can add:
# app/config/config.yml
name: NameOfTheCookie
lifetime: 31536000 # 1 year in seconds
path: /
domain: ~
secure: false
http_only: false
It is also possible to automate setting the theme based on the user agent:
# app/config/config.yml
autodetect_theme: true
Optionally autodetect_theme
can also be set to a DIC service id that implements
the Liip\ThemeBundle\Helper\DeviceDetectionInterface
If your application doesnt't allow the user to switch theme, you can desactivate the controller shipped with the bundle:
# app/config/config.yml
load_controllers: false
The following order is applied when checking for templates that live in a bundle, for example @BundleName/Resources/template.html.twig
with theme name phone
is located at:
- Override themes directory:
- Override view directory:
- Bundle theme directory:
- Bundle view directory:
For example, if you want to integrate some TwigBundle custom error pages regarding your theme
architecture, you will have to use this directory structure :
The following order is applied when checking for application-wide base templates, for example ::template.html.twig
with theme name phone
is located at:
- Override themes directory:
- Override view directory:
You able change cascading order via configurations directives: path_patterns.app_resource
, path_patterns.bundle_resource
, path_patterns.bundle_resource_dir
. For example:
# app/config/config.yml
- %%app_path%%/themes/%%current_theme%%/%%template%%
- %%app_path%%/themes/fallback_theme/%%template%%
- %%app_path%%/views/%%template%%
- %%bundle_path%%/Resources/themes/%%current_theme%%/%%template%%
- %%bundle_path%%/Resources/themes/fallback_theme/%%template%%
- %%dir%%/themes/%%current_theme%%/%%bundle_name%%/%%template%%
- %%dir%%/themes/fallback_theme/%%bundle_name%%/%%template%%
- %%dir%%/%%bundle_name%%/%%override_path%%
Placeholder | Representation | Example |
%app_path% |
Path where application located | app |
%bundle_path% |
Path where bundle located, for example | src/Vendor/CoolBundle/VendorCoolBundle |
%bundle_name% |
Name of the bundle | VendorCoolBundle |
%dir% |
Directory, where resource should looking first | |
%current_theme% |
Name of the current active theme | |
%template% |
Template name | view.html.twig |
%override_path% |
Like template, but with views directory | views/list.html.twig |
For that matter have a look at the ThemeRequestListener.
If you are early in the request cycle and no template has been rendered you can still change the theme without problems. For this the theme service exists at:
$activeTheme = $container->get('liip_theme.active_theme');
echo $activeTheme->getName();
When dumping assets, with assetic:dump command, assetic check just in the Resources/views directory for asset to be generated. It does not check Resources/{theme}/views directory
The simplest current workaround : The Problem is that assetic doesn't scan the theme folders. This can be solved by putting the assetic block into a template that is in Bundle/Ressources/views and include this from the theme template.
Active contribution and patches are very welcome. To keep things in shape we have quite a bunch of unit tests. If you're submitting pull requests please make sure that they are still passing and if you add functionality please take a look at the coverage as well it should be pretty high :)
First initial vendors:
php vendor/vendors.php
This will give you proper results:
phpunit --coverage-html reports