Intended use case is mainly for React when you need to iterate over items in a list and apply a soft, linear gradient to them, i.e. buttons or dashboard items.
Install the package:
npm i material-gradient-generator --save
Import the gradient genetator:
import { materialGradientGenerator } from "material-gradient-generator";
Use the generator! 🔥
const colourGen = new materialGradientGenerator(false, 500, 200, 2);
const nextColour = colourGen.NextColour();
// excludeRed?: boolean
// darkShade?: number
// lightShade?: number
// _step?: number
const colourGen = new materialGradientGenerator(false, 500, 200, 2);
const nextColour = colourGen.NextColour();
<button className='btn btn-light' style={{ margin: "5px", backgroundImage: `${nextColour}` }}
<i className='fa fa-free-code-camp'></i>
<button className='btn btn-light' style={{ margin: "5px", backgroundImage: `${nextColour}` }}
<i className='fa fa-diamond'></i>
<button className='btn btn-light' style={{ margin: "5px", backgroundImage: `${nextColour}` }}
<i className='fa fa-paper-plane'></i>