- Create a service account in the google console for the project. Make sure it has permissions to read the registry
- Download the json key for the service account store it as
- Make sure you are in the correct namespace (e.g. appNs)
kubectl create secret docker-registry gcr-pull-secret --docker-server=eu.gcr.io --docker-username=_json_key [email protected] --docker-password="$(cat image-pull-sa-key.json)"
** Note that this only works in bash
as powershell doesn't treat the cat
command well
Patch the default service account adding the pull secrets to the default service account of the namespace
kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "gcr-pull-secret"}]}'
Create a Google service account that is allowed to write files to the google storage bucket you specify in the setup make sure it has the storage admin
kubectl create secret generic google-storage --from-file=key.json=google-storage-sa-key.json
just make sure that the google-storage
secret is mounted properly into your pods for access