Object Oriented Linear Algebra Library in JavaScript.
All class methods have parameter checks to ensure type-safety. Sensible error messages are thrown if the user tries to provide methods with invalid arguments, or assign properties with erroneous values. For WebGL compatibility, all classes provide an array-property, which holds a Float32Array.
linal.Vec2 - 2D Vector class
- Functions:
- add(value), accepting a scalar number or Vec2 as value
- assign(xScalarOrVec2, y)
- distance(vec2)
- divide(value), accepting a scalar number or Vec2 as value
- dot(vec2)
- maximize(vec2)
- minimize(vec2)
- multiply(value), accepting a scalar number or Vec2 as value
- normalize()
- rotate(radians)
- subtract(value), accepting a scalar number or Vec2 as value
- swap(vec2)
- toString()
- Properties:
- array - returns a Float32Array with the vector values
- copy - returns a copy of the vector
- length - returns the length of the vector
- normalized - returns a normalized version of the vector
- x - returns the x value (first element) of the vector
- y - returns the y value (second element) of the vector
- Functions:
linal.Vec3 - 3D Vector class
- Functions:
- add(value), accepting a scalar number or Vec3 as value
- angle(vec3)
- assign(xScalarOrVec3, y, z)
- cross(vec3)
- distance(vec3)
- divide(value), accepting a scalar number, Vec3, Mat33 or Mat44 as value
- dot(vec3)
- maximize(vec3)
- minimize(vec3)
- multiply(value), accepting a scalar number, Vec3, Mat33 or Mat44 as value
- normalize()
- rotateX(radians)
- rotateY(radians)
- rotateZ(radians)
- subtract(value), accepting a scalar number or Vec3 as value
- swap(vec3)
- toString()
- Properties:
- array - returns a Float32Array with the vector values
- copy - returns a copy of the vector
- length - returns the length of the vector
- normalized - returns a normalized version of the vector
- x - returns the x value (first element) of the vector
- xy - returns a Vec2 instance of x and y
- xz - returns a Vec2 instance of x and z
- y - returns the y value (second element) of the vector
- yz - returns a Vec2 instance of y and z
- z - returns the z value (third element) of the vector
- Functions:
linal.Vec4 - 4D Vector class
- Functions:
- add(value), accepting a scalar number or Vec4 as value
- assign(xScalarOrVec, y, z, w)
- divide(value), accepting a scalar number, Vec4 or Mat44 as value
- dot(vec4)
- maximize(vec4)
- minimize(vec4)
- multiply(value), accepting a scalar number, Vec4 or Mat44 as value
- normalize()
- subtract(value), accepting a scalar number or Vec4 as value
- swap(vec4)
- toString()
- Properties:
- array - returns a Float32Array with the vector values
- copy - returns a copy of the vector
- length - returns the length of the vector
- normalized - returns a normalized version of the vector
- x - returns the x value (first element) of the vector
- xy - returns a Vec2 instance of x and y
- xyz - returns a Vec3 instance of x, y and z
- xyw - returns a Vec3 instance of x, y and w
- xz - returns a Vec2 instance of x and z
- xzw - returns a Vec3 instance of x, z and w
- xw - returns a Vec2 instance of x and w
- y - returns the y value (second element) of the vector
- yz - returns a Vec2 instance of y and z
- yzw - returns a Vec3 instance of y, z and w
- yw - returns a Vec2 instance of y and w
- z - returns the z value (third element) of the vector
- zw - returns a Vec2 instance of z and w
- w - returns the w value (fourth element) of the vector
- Functions:
linal.Mat33 - 3x3 Matrix class
- Functions:
- assign(value), accepting a scalar number, Mat33, Mat44 or array[9] as value
- assignIdentity()
- element(colOrIndex, row)
- invert()
- multiply(value), accepting a scalar number, Mat33 or Mat44 as value
- toString()
- transpose()
- Properties:
- array - returns a Float32Array with the matrix values
- copy - returns a copy of the matrix
- determinant - returns the determinant of the matrix
- inverse - returns the inverse version of the matrix
- transposed - returns the transposed version of the matrix
- Functions:
linal.Mat44 - 4x4 Matrix class
- Functions:
- assign(value), accepting a scalar number, Mat33, mat44 or array[16] as value
- assignIdentity()
- element(colOrIndex, row)
- frustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)
- invert()
- multiply(value), accepting a scalar number, Mat33 or Mat44 as value
- ortho(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)
- perspective(verticalViewAngle, aspectRatio, near, far)
- rotate(radians, xOrVec3, y, z)
- scale(xOrVec3, y, z)
- toString()
- translate(xOrVec3, y, z)
- transpose()
- Properties:
- array - returns a Float32Array with the matrix values
- copy - returns a copy of the matrix
- determinant - returns the determinant of the matrix
- inverse - returns the inverse version of the matrix
- translation - returns a Vec3 instance of the matrix translation
- transposed - returns the transposed version of the matrix
- Functions:
Basic Vector usage:
var a = new linal.Vec3(1, 2, 3); // Create a new Vec3 instance with values 1, 2, 3
var b = new linal.Vec3(1.5, 2.5, 3.5); // Create a new Vec3 instance with values 1.5, 2.5, 3.5
a.add(0.5); // Add scalar value 0.5 to a
a.multiply(b); // Multiplies a with b
a.toString(); // Yields (2.25, 6.25, 12.25)
var c = b.xy; // Creates a new Vec2 instance with values 1.5, 2.5 (from b)
c.subtract(0.5).normalized.length; // Subtracts 0.5 from c, and yields the normalized length
Basic Matrix usage:
var a = new linal.Mat44(); // Create a new Mat44 instance (defaults to identity matrix)
var b = new linal.Vec3(0, 1, 0); // Create a new Vec3 instance with values 0, 1, 0
a.translate(4, 0, 0).scale(2, 2, 2); // Translates a 4 units along the x axis, and scales by 2
a.inverse.rotate(Math.PI, 0, 1, 0); // Yields the inverse of a, rotated by PI around the y axis
a.copy.invert().rotate(Math.PI, b); // Yields the same result as the previous operation
a.invert(); // Inverts a (the previous operation did not modify a)
To initialize the build environment, and install the required node modules:
npm install
To run JavaScript validation, and build the linal.min.js minimized version:
- Add Quaternion class, Quat
- Write tests for all classes