diff --git a/solarFlux/HiddenPhoton/HiddenPhoton_Flux_OShea_202306.N200f b/solarFlux/HiddenPhoton/HiddenPhoton_Flux_OShea_202306.N200f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7147ffc
Binary files /dev/null and b/solarFlux/HiddenPhoton/HiddenPhoton_Flux_OShea_202306.N200f differ
diff --git a/solarFlux/HiddenPhoton/HiddenPhoton_OmegaGamma_OShea_202306.N200f b/solarFlux/HiddenPhoton/HiddenPhoton_OmegaGamma_OShea_202306.N200f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34e29ae
Binary files /dev/null and b/solarFlux/HiddenPhoton/HiddenPhoton_OmegaGamma_OShea_202306.N200f differ
diff --git a/solarFlux/HiddenPhoton/HiddenPhoton_PlasmaFreq_OShea_202306.N1f b/solarFlux/HiddenPhoton/HiddenPhoton_PlasmaFreq_OShea_202306.N1f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a561724
Binary files /dev/null and b/solarFlux/HiddenPhoton/HiddenPhoton_PlasmaFreq_OShea_202306.N1f differ
diff --git a/solarFlux/HiddenPhoton/README.md b/solarFlux/HiddenPhoton/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ff5490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solarFlux/HiddenPhoton/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+## Description
+This data directory contains the description of different solar hidden photon flux tables that can be accessed using the `TRestAxionSolarFlux` object. To learn on how to use `TRestAxionSolarFlux` visit the [REST-for-Physics API](https://sultan.unizar.es/rest/).
+## Basic conventions
+- **File contents**: Each value inside the file corresponds to the calculated hidden photon flux on Earth for the average Sun-Earth distance.
+- **Filename**: hiddenPhoton_DATA_AUTHOR_YYYYMM.dat, where DATA stands for the contents of the file, which can be:
+ + `flux`: The solar hidden photon flux without the dependence on the mixing parameter chi, the hidden photon mass m, the plasma frequency wp and the resonance width wG. A function of solar radius and hidden photon energy.
+ + `plasmaFreq`: The solar plasma frequency as a function of solar radius.
+ + `omegaGamma`: The width of the solar hidden photon production resonance (at m ~ wp) as a function of solar radius and hidden photon energy.
+- The flux is then calculated using the formula `chi^2 x m^4 x wG x flux / ( (m^2 - wp^2)^2 + (wG)^2 )`.
+- We will find different file extensions, `.dat` files in text format and `.N200f` in binary format.
+ + `.dat` ASCII tables: The format of the tables is fixed to 1000 lines. Each line inside the file corresponds to one integrated solar ring, the first line corresponding to the inner ring (Rtop = 0.001 x Rsun), and the last line corresponding to the outer ring (Rbottom=0.999 x Rsun). Each column value corresponds to the integrated energy spectrum in steps of 100 eV. The first value in each row corresponds to the contribution to the solar axion flux from 0 to 100 eV. The energy range goes to 20 keV.
+ + `.N200f` binary tables: It is a float binary table with 200 columns. The format of the tables is fixed to 1000 rows. Each line inside the file corresponds to one integrated solar ring, the first line corresponding to the inner ring (Rtop = 0.001 x Rsun), and the last line corresponding to the outer ring (Rbottom=0.999 x Rsun). Each column value corresponds to the integrated energy spectrum in steps of 100 eV. The first value in each row corresponds to the contribution to the solar axion flux from 0 to 100 eV. The energy range goes to 20 keV.
+- **Units**:
+ + *Flux*: The solar flux given in the `.dat` and `.flux` tables will be measured in `cm-2 s-1 keV-1`.
+ + *Coupling*: The kinetic mixing parameter `chi` is dimensionless.
+ + *Mass*: The default units for hidden photon mass are `eV`.
+## List of solar flux tables available
+The original `.flux` files produced originally have been translated into tables (N200f,dat,spt) using the following recipe:
+TRestAxionSolarFlux flux("fluxes.rml", "FluxName");
+The resulting tables will found at `~/.rest/export/` directory. For additional details check the [TRestAxionSolarFlux documentation](https://sultan.unizar.es/rest/classTRestAxionSolarFlux.html).
+- `hiddenPhoton_*_OShea_202306.dat/.N200f` : Generated using [tomasoshea/darkphoton](https://github.com/tomasoshea/darkphoton). Credit: Tomas O'Shea
diff --git a/solarFlux/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.N200f b/solarFlux/QCD/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.N200f
similarity index 100%
rename from solarFlux/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.N200f
rename to solarFlux/QCD/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.N200f
diff --git a/solarFlux/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.dat b/solarFlux/QCD/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.dat
similarity index 100%
rename from solarFlux/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.dat
rename to solarFlux/QCD/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.dat
diff --git a/solarFlux/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.flux b/solarFlux/QCD/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.flux
similarity index 100%
rename from solarFlux/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.flux
rename to solarFlux/QCD/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.flux
diff --git a/solarFlux/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.spt b/solarFlux/QCD/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.spt
similarity index 100%
rename from solarFlux/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.spt
rename to solarFlux/QCD/ABC_LennertHoof_202203.spt
diff --git a/solarFlux/Dummy_Galan_202202.spt b/solarFlux/QCD/Dummy_Galan_202202.spt
similarity index 100%
rename from solarFlux/Dummy_Galan_202202.spt
rename to solarFlux/QCD/Dummy_Galan_202202.spt
diff --git a/solarFlux/Fe57_LennertHoof_202204.flux b/solarFlux/QCD/Fe57_LennertHoof_202204.flux
similarity index 100%
rename from solarFlux/Fe57_LennertHoof_202204.flux
rename to solarFlux/QCD/Fe57_LennertHoof_202204.flux
diff --git a/solarFlux/Fe57_LennertHoof_202204.spt b/solarFlux/QCD/Fe57_LennertHoof_202204.spt
similarity index 100%
rename from solarFlux/Fe57_LennertHoof_202204.spt
rename to solarFlux/QCD/Fe57_LennertHoof_202204.spt
diff --git a/solarFlux/Primakoff_Gianotti_201904.dat b/solarFlux/QCD/Primakoff_Gianotti_201904.dat
similarity index 100%
rename from solarFlux/Primakoff_Gianotti_201904.dat
rename to solarFlux/QCD/Primakoff_Gianotti_201904.dat
diff --git a/solarFlux/Primakoff_Gianotti_201904.flux b/solarFlux/QCD/Primakoff_Gianotti_201904.flux
similarity index 100%
rename from solarFlux/Primakoff_Gianotti_201904.flux
rename to solarFlux/QCD/Primakoff_Gianotti_201904.flux
diff --git a/solarFlux/Primakoff_LennertHoof_202203.dat b/solarFlux/QCD/Primakoff_LennertHoof_202203.dat
similarity index 100%
rename from solarFlux/Primakoff_LennertHoof_202203.dat
rename to solarFlux/QCD/Primakoff_LennertHoof_202203.dat
diff --git a/solarFlux/Primakoff_LennertHoof_202203.flux b/solarFlux/QCD/Primakoff_LennertHoof_202203.flux
similarity index 100%
rename from solarFlux/Primakoff_LennertHoof_202203.flux
rename to solarFlux/QCD/Primakoff_LennertHoof_202203.flux
diff --git a/solarFlux/QCD/README.md b/solarFlux/QCD/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f6b8ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solarFlux/QCD/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+## Description
+This data directory contains the description of different QCD solar axion flux tables that can be accessed using the `TRestAxionSolarFlux` object. To learn on how to use `TRestAxionSolarFlux` visit the [REST-for-Physics API](https://sultan.unizar.es/rest/).
+## Basic conventions
+- **File contents**: Each value inside the file corresponds to the calculated axion flux on Earth for the average Sun-Earth distance.
+- **Filename**: MODEL_AUTHOR_YYYYMM.dat, where MODEL stands for the solar axion production mechanism.
+- We will find different file extensions, the original `flux` files, the continuum `.dat` and `.N200f` files in text and binary format respectively, and the `spt` files containning the monocrohmatic lines flux as a function of the solar ring.
+ + `.flux` ASCII tables: It defines the original format using 3-columns (inner solar disk radius, energy and flux).
+ + `.dat` ASCII tables: The format of the tables is fixed to 100 lines. Each line inside the file corresponds to one integrated solar ring, the first line corresponding to the inner ring (Rtop = 0.01 x Rsun), and the last line corresponding to the outer ring (Rbottom=0.99 x Rsun). Each column value corresponds to the integrated energy spectrum in steps of 100 eV. The first value in each row corresponds to the contribution to the solar axion flux from 0 to 100 eV. The energy range goes to 20 keV.
+ + `.N200f` binary tables: It is a float binary table with 200 columns. The format of the tables is fixed to 100 rows. Each line inside the file corresponds to one integrated solar ring, the first line corresponding to the inner ring (Rtop = 0.01 x Rsun), and the last line corresponding to the outer ring (Rbottom=0.99 x Rsun). Each column value corresponds to the integrated energy spectrum in steps of 100 eV. The first value in each row corresponds to the contribution to the solar axion flux from 0 to 100 eV. The energy range goes to 20 keV.
+ + `.spt` tables: The format of the tables is fixed to 101 lines. The first line defines the energy of the monochromatic line in keV. Lines from 2 to 101 inside the file corresponds to the intensity of the spectral line integrated to a particular solar ring, the first line corresponding to the inner ring (Rtop = 0.01 x Rsun), and the last line corresponding to the outer ring (Rbottom=0.99 x Rsun). Any number of columns might be found inside the file in order to introduce a set of monochromatic lines including its solar radius dependency.
+- **Units**:
+ + *Flux*: The solar flux given in the `.dat` and `.flux` tables will be measured in `cm-2 s-1 keV-1`. The solar flux given in the `.spt` tables will be measured in `cm-2 s-1`.
+ + *Coupling*: The default units for `g_ag` coupling are `GeV-1`, `g_ae` coupling is adimensional. The coupling strength used in the table calculation will be defined as a parameter in the RML definition.
+## List of solar flux tables available
+The original `.flux` files produced originally have been translated into tables (N200f,dat,spt) using the following recipe:
+TRestAxionSolarFlux flux("fluxes.rml", "FluxName");
+The resulting tables will found at `~/.rest/export/` directory. For additional details check the [TRestAxionSolarFlux documentation](https://sultan.unizar.es/rest/classTRestAxionSolarFlux.html).
+### Continuum tables
+- `Primakoff_Gianotti_201904.dat`.
+- `Primakoff_LennertHoof_202203.dat` : Generated using [SolarAxionFlux](https://github.com/sebhoof/SolarAxionFlux) library. Calculated with newer BP04 solar model, includes electron degeneracy in comparison to `Primakoff_Gianotti_201904.dat`.
+- `ABC_LennertHoof_202203.dat/.N200f` : Generated using [SolarAxionFlux](https://github.com/sebhoof/SolarAxionFlux) library. Generated from original `ABC_LennertHoof_202204.flux`. Credit: Lennert Thormahlen.
+### Monochromatic tables
+- `Dummy_Galan_202202.spt` : It contains two monochromatic lines. A 3keV line emitted at about 0.25 solar radius, and a 5keV line emitted at 0.75 solar radius. Example for testing/demonstration.
+- `ABC_LennertHoof_202203.spt` : Generated using [SolarAxionFlux](https://github.com/sebhoof/SolarAxionFlux) library. Generated from original `ABC_LennertHoof_202204.flux`. Credit: Lennert Thormahlen.
+- `Fe57_LennertHoof_202204.spt` : Generated using [SolarAxionFlux](https://github.com/sebhoof/SolarAxionFlux) library. Generated from original `Fe57_LennertHoof_202204.flux`. Credit: Lennert Thormahlen.
diff --git a/solarFlux/README.md b/solarFlux/README.md
index 4532fc0..4191fc6 100644
--- a/solarFlux/README.md
+++ b/solarFlux/README.md
@@ -1,54 +1,10 @@
## Description
-This data directory contains the description of different solar axion flux tables that can be accessed using the `TRestAxionSolarFlux` object. To learn on how to use `TRestAxionSolarFlux` visit the [REST-for-Physics API](https://sultan.unizar.es/rest/).
+This data directory contains the description of different solar flux tables that can be accessed using the `TRestAxionSolarFlux` object. To learn on how to use `TRestAxionSolarFlux` visit the [REST-for-Physics API](https://sultan.unizar.es/rest/).
-Each axion solar table (due to different production mechanisms) provides the pre-integrated(+) solar disc axion flux as a function of the solar radius and energy.
+Each solar table (due to different production mechanisms or particle) provides the pre-integrated(+) solar disc flux as a function of the solar radius and energy.
-(+) The effective solar axion flux is integrated to the corresponding solar disk (ring) area.
+The **QCD** directory contains the solar QCD axion flux, and the **hiddenPhoton** directory contains the solar hidden photon flux.
-## Basic conventions
-- **File contents**: Each value inside the file corresponds to the calculated axion flux on Earth for the average Sun-Earth distance.
-- **Filename**: MODEL_AUTHOR_YYYYMM.dat, where MODEL stands for the solar axion production mechanism.
-- We will find different file extensions, the original `flux` files, the continuum `.dat` and `.N200f` files in text and binary format respectively, and the `spt` files containning the monocrohmatic lines flux as a function of the solar ring.
- + `.flux` ASCII tables: It defines the original format using 3-columns (inner solar disk radius, energy and flux).
- + `.dat` ASCII tables: The format of the tables is fixed to 100 lines. Each line inside the file corresponds to one integrated solar ring, the first line corresponding to the inner ring (Rtop = 0.01 x Rsun), and the last line corresponding to the outer ring (Rbottom=0.99 x Rsun). Each column value corresponds to the integrated energy spectrum in steps of 100 eV. The first value in each row corresponds to the contribution to the solar axion flux from 0 to 100 eV. The energy range goes to 20 keV.
- + `.N200f` binary tables: It is a float binary table with 200 columns. The format of the tables is fixed to 100 rows. Each line inside the file corresponds to one integrated solar ring, the first line corresponding to the inner ring (Rtop = 0.01 x Rsun), and the last line corresponding to the outer ring (Rbottom=0.99 x Rsun). Each column value corresponds to the integrated energy spectrum in steps of 100 eV. The first value in each row corresponds to the contribution to the solar axion flux from 0 to 100 eV. The energy range goes to 20 keV.
- + `.spt` tables: The format of the tables is fixed to 101 lines. The first line defines the energy of the monochromatic line in keV. Lines from 2 to 101 inside the file corresponds to the intensity of the spectral line integrated to a particular solar ring, the first line corresponding to the inner ring (Rtop = 0.01 x Rsun), and the last line corresponding to the outer ring (Rbottom=0.99 x Rsun). Any number of columns might be found inside the file in order to introduce a set of monochromatic lines including its solar radius dependency.
-- **Units**:
- + *Flux*: The solar flux given in the `.dat` and `.flux` tables will be measured in `cm-2 s-1 keV-1`. The solar flux given in the `.spt` tables will be measured in `cm-2 s-1`.
- + *Coupling*: The default units for `g_ag` coupling are `GeV-1`, `g_ae` coupling is adimensional. The coupling strength used in the table calculation will be defined as a parameter in the RML definition.
-## List of solar flux tables available
-The original `.flux` files produced originally have been translated into tables (N200f,dat,spt) using the following recipe:
-TRestAxionSolarFlux flux("fluxes.rml", "FluxName");
-The resulting tables will found at `~/.rest/export/` directory. For additional details check the [TRestAxionSolarFlux documentation](https://sultan.unizar.es/rest/classTRestAxionSolarFlux.html).
-### Continuum tables
-- `Primakoff_Gianotti_201904.dat`.
-- `Primakoff_LennertHoof_202203.dat` : Generated using [SolarAxionFlux](https://github.com/sebhoof/SolarAxionFlux) library. Calculated with newer BP04 solar model, includes electron degeneracy in comparison to `Primakoff_Gianotti_201904.dat`.
-- `ABC_LennertHoof_202203.dat/.N200f` : Generated using [SolarAxionFlux](https://github.com/sebhoof/SolarAxionFlux) library. Generated from original `ABC_LennertHoof_202204.flux`. Credit: Lennert Thormahlen.
-### Monochromatic tables
-- `Dummy_Galan_202202.spt` : It contains two monochromatic lines. A 3keV line emitted at about 0.25 solar radius, and a 5keV line emitted at 0.75 solar radius. Example for testing/demonstration.
-- `ABC_LennertHoof_202203.spt` : Generated using [SolarAxionFlux](https://github.com/sebhoof/SolarAxionFlux) library. Generated from original `ABC_LennertHoof_202204.flux`. Credit: Lennert Thormahlen.
-- `Fe57_LennertHoof_202204.spt` : Generated using [SolarAxionFlux](https://github.com/sebhoof/SolarAxionFlux) library. Generated from original `Fe57_LennertHoof_202204.flux`. Credit: Lennert Thormahlen.
+(+) The effective solar flux is integrated to the corresponding solar disk (ring) area.
diff --git a/solarFlux/fluxes.rml b/solarFlux/fluxes.rml
index bc27a78..ba8e4d4 100644
--- a/solarFlux/fluxes.rml
+++ b/solarFlux/fluxes.rml
@@ -87,5 +87,16 @@