Releases: resquebundle/resque
Add auth to StartWorkerCommand
Cleanup Commands and use Attributes
Resolves Symfony compatibility moaning about use of $name
in constructors - so moved to PHP8 attributes for name/description of commands
PHP 7 fixes to allow job failure with Exception or Error throwables
Fully backward compatible changes.
New Series: PHP 8+ and Symfony 5.3.1+ only !
The 5.x series of this bundle is targeted at PHP 8 and Symfony 5.3 and should not be used on anything less than that.
Return correct exit codes in commands
This release is the backward compatible release, and correctly returns command exit codes for compatibility with Symfony 5.3
Adding Redis auth option
Thanks to @liavatias - Adding Redis auth option
"Ready for the future"
Deprecate kernel.root_dir in favour of kernel.project_dir
Now using Process::fromShellCommandline()
Drop Symfony 3.4, Fix deprecations with view to the future
Inject ParameterBagInterface instead of directly accessing container in commands and controller
Update Routing controller to use long syntax
Use @Bundle syntax for loading twig templates
Use correct Process function for max compatibility
Major version pushed for the following reasons:
force a minimum of Symfony 4.1.2 for critical security
Drop Symfony 3.4 support totally, sorry.
Deprecate kernel.root_dir in favour of kernel.project_dir
and more...
Process::fromShellCommandline() must be of the type string
quick fix for Process::fromShellCommandline() regression
Drop Symfony 3.4, Fix deprecations with view to the future
Inject ParameterBagInterface instead of directly accessing container in commands and controller
User kernel.project_dir instead of kernel.root_dir (possibly b/c break?)
Update Routing controller to use long syntax
Use @Bundle syntax for loading twig templates
Use correct Process function for max compatibility
Major version pushed for the following reasons:
force a minimum of Symfony 4.1.2 for critical security
Drop Symfony 3.4 support totally, sorry.