add a default graphql text to show how mongoke queries work -
add an introduction on how to install docker compose
remove plurals and use the Nodes postfix instead
exceptions are returned asServer got an error
, use an error withcoerce_value
to return e better message -
empty variables search gets nothing -
option to allow only some origins in cors, default is *
when a type is in a relation but not in the types section, KeyError is thrown at launch
Enum and Scalar values are not searchable in where -
dont lowercase the first letter of query fields -
make smaller docker image
remove hard limit of resolved nodes, pass the limit in the configuration -
use graphql to define the schema -
publish the docker image (after tartiflette devs fix extend type issue) -
resolve issue connection nodes must all have an _id field because it is default cursor field -
integration tests for all the resolver types
integration tests for the relations
add pipelines feature to all resolvers (adding a custom find and find_one made with aggregate) -
add the $ to the where input fields inside resolvers (in must be $in, ...) -
remove strip_nones after asserting v1 works
Low priority
config field, add verify the jwt with the secret if providedadd schema validation to the configuration- subscriptions
to make connection type be relay compliantbetter performance of connection_resolver removing the $skip and $count- add a dataloader for single connections