const Foo = () => {
const [ resource ] = useResource(() => fetch(`/api/v1/employees`).then(r => {
if (!r.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${r.status}`);
return r.json();
return (
catch={(err) => <div>Error: {String(err)}</div>}
{(data) => <div>Resolved data: {data}</div>}
it works with any promise, and you don't have to use the Await component.
const Foo = () => {
const [ resource ] = useResource(
() => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(() => res(10), 1000))
return (
{ resource.loading ? (
) : resource.error ? (
<span>Some error {String(resource.error)}</span>
) : (
import axios, { isCancel } from 'axios';
const Foo = ({ id }: { id: number }) => {
const [ resource ] = useResource(
(id, { signal }) => axios.get(`/api/v1/employees/${encodeUriComponent(id)}`, undefined, { signal })
.catch((e: unknown) => {
// Notice, that axios CancelError is not the same as AbortError, so we need to catch and rethrow
// it, to avoid error flickering.
if (isCancel(e)) {
throw { name: "AbortError" };
throw e;
return "...";
import ky from 'ky';
const [ resource, { refetch: sendForm } ] = useResource(
(data, { signal }) =>`/api/v1/employee/${id}`, { signal, json: data }).json(),
[] as [ FormData ],
{ skip: true }
return (
<form onSubmit={(e) => {
const data = fooProcessor(e);
catch={<small>submit error</small>}
Data successfully send!
const Foo = ({ externalSignal }: { externalSignal: AbortSignal }) => {
const [ resource, { abort } ] = useResource(fooFetcher);
() => {
externalSignal?.addEventListener("abort", abort);
return () => externalSignal?.removeEventListener("abort", abort);
// `abort` is memoized, you can safely omit it from deps. Or you can add it, whatever
// ...