i3tree is a program I wrote to help myself adjust to version 4 of the i3 tiling window manager. It displays the containers your windows are children of and what layout those containers are using.
i3tree requires an installation of the i3 window manager, perl, and the following perl module.
- AnyEvent::I3
Just run it.
$ i3tree
Workspace 1 (horizontal)
Window foo@bar: ~
Split (vertical)
Window foo@bar: ~
Window foo@bar: ~
Workspace 2 (vertical)
Window foo@bar: ~
Window foo@bar: ~
You could either start i3tree from a running terminal, or launch it inside a floating window. Here's the configuration needed:
for_window [title="^i3tree$"] floating enable
bindsym $mod+t exec xterm -hold -title i3tree -e ~/path/to/i3tree
i3tree shows containers from all workspaces. It could be useful to optionally limit this to only the current workspace.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to i3.