Addressable LEDs are beginning to supersede RGB LEDs for their flexibility and relative ease of use. With each individual element capable of displaying an entire spectrum of colors at very high speed, they can be used to create a variety of lighting effects.
At this time, Klipper supports most WS2812 compatible (Neopixels) and APA102 compatible (Dotstar) chips for LED Effects.
Neopixel type LEDs require one digital IO pin and a supply of power. Most are 5V but can be driven from a 3V source. Check manufacturer specifications to ensure they will work with your board. Each individual emitter has 4 pins. VCC, GND, Din, and Dout. Neopixel strips typically have 3 solder pads or a connector with 3 pins and arrows indicating the direction of the data. The D pins are unidirectional and cannot be reversed. When attaching them to your printer, the Din or D→ connection should be attached to an available digital IO pin on the MCU board. The VCC connection is attached to a supply voltages that is compatible with the LED strip. Neopixels will typically use 60mA of current per emitter at full brightness so depending on the power capabilities of your printer board, it is recommended that they be powered from a separate power source. It is important that a GND wire be run from the Neopixel chain back to the MCU board in addition to the GND to the power source. This will ensure the board can communicate with the strips.
The number of discrete emitters per IO pin is limited. It is possible to wire two strips to the same data pin and have them show the same colors. It is also possible to specify multiple LED chains on different IO pins in the LED Effects configuration settings.
APA102 Dotstar LEDs are similar to the Neopixel LEDs with the exception that Dotstar uses one-way SPI for communication. This requires the addition of a clock signal for the emitters. Multiple strips should be able to share the same clock pin but they each require their own data line.
In your config file, each strip or chain connected to an IO pin must have a definition. Each strips data pin (and clock pin if applicable) is defined along with the number of LEDs in the chain. The LED Effect instances are capable of using multiple strips of different types and color orders concurrently, but each strip must first be defined by its type.
[neopixel panel_ring]
pin: ar6
chain_count: 16
Effects are, in a more abstract sense, a state that the strips exist in. Effects can be comprised of 1 led or 100. There can be one effect layer or 10. It is all arbitrary and extensible. This means the only limit to how many layers and LEDs can be run concurrently is how much processing power the host OS is capable of handling. During initial testing, upwards of 100 LEDs and 12 effect layers were run concurrently on a Raspberry Pi 4 at 24 FPS.
For our example printer, there is one Neopixel ring with 16 LEDs that is situated on the front panel, and a short segment of Neopixel LEDs next to the hot end for illuminating the print.
There are also 5 Dotstar LEDs located underneath the bed. Pin numbers listed here are completely made-up.
[neopixel panel_ring]
pin: ar6
chain_count: 16
[neopixel tool_lights]
pin: ar15
chain_count: 6
[dotstar bed_lights]
data_pin: ar21
clock_pin ar22
chain_count: 5
We would like the ring to turn on a light shade of blue when the printer comes online, and we want the brightness to breathe in and out.
[led_effect panel_idle]
autostart: true
frame_rate: 24
breathing 10 1 top (.5,.5,1)
This has defined an effect called panel_idle
Effects can be active or inactive. Inactive effects don't output any color data, while active effects return color data, that is summed up for each LED they run on.
Our example effect can be activated by running the GCode command
. To stop all effects which are currently
running on the LEDs the new effect is using, set the REPLACE
parameter to 1:
Running the command SET_LED_EFFECT EFFECT=panel_idle STOP=1
deactivates this
particular effect again.
To deactivate all effects we can use the GCode command STOP_LED_EFFECTS
To only deactivate effects for certain LEDs we can specify the LEDS parameter:
STOP_LED_EFFECTS LEDS="neopixel:panel_ring"
You can also specify indeces (see
below): STOP_LED_EFFECTS LEDS="neopixel:panel_ring (1-7)"
. Only one
LED parameter can be specified at a time. To stop the effects for multiple LEDs
we have to run the command multiple times.
Effects can be faded in and out by specifying the FADETIME
fades the effect in during one
second. Running SET_LED_EFFECT EFFECT=panel_idle STOP=1 FADETIME=1.0
fades it
out in one second. We can also fade out all effects by running
. It is also possible to crossfade effects by
using the REPLACE
parameter with SET_LED_EFFECT
(see above):
When an effect is stopped and then started again, it resumes from the frame where
it last left off. To restart the effect from the beginning, specify the RESTART
parameter: SET_LED_EFFECT EFFECT=panel_idle RESTART=1
The effect layers are processed as (templates)[]. That means that they can contain the same control logic that Klipper macros do. However, processing layers can be computationally intensive, which may affect the performance of the Raspberry Pi host. Therefore, layers are only evaluated as templates on effect creation (when the config is read in).
If there is a need to evaluate the layers everytime the effect is activated,
set the recalculate
effect-level parameter to true
Setting the recalculate
setting to true
will also allow the effect to accept
parameters just like gcode_macro
. Parameters can be passed through the
The following is an example of a layer that accepts parameters:
[led_effect param_effect]
autostart: false
recalculate: true
blink {params.DURATION|default(1)|float} {params.CYCLE|default(0.5)|float} top (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
To activate the effect with different values for both the effect rate and cutoff, use the following commend:
It is important to note that because effects are pre-evaluated when they are
first processed, each parameter that is used in the layers
should have a
default value set. This is required because the initial evaluation of the effect
is not done in the context of a GCode command and, therefore, there is no way
to pass any parameters.
autostart: true
Starts the effect on startup
frame_rate: 24
Sets the frame rate in frames per second for the effect
run_on_error: true
(Needs patched MCU firmware. Currently not supported.)
recalculate: true
Enable layer template recalculation on effect activation.
<<<<<<< HEAD
Specifies the heater to use for a heater effect. Use extruder
for the
extruder and heater_bed
for the bed. For temperature fans or sensors add the
heater: heater_bed
Specifies the default heater to use for a heater effect. Use extruder
for the
extruder and heater_bed
for the bed. For temperature fans or sensors add the
5fcca98 (chore(docs): Render examples) type and use quotes. Example:
heater: "temperature_fan myfan"
Specifies the pin to use for effects using an analog signal.
Example: analog_pin: PA1
stepper: x
Specifies the axis to use for the stepper effect. Possible values are:
<<<<<<< HEAD
, y
and z
Example: stepper: x
, y
and z
5fcca98 (chore(docs): Render examples)
endstops: x, y
Specifies the endstops the homing effect triggers on. Multiple endstops can be
<<<<<<< HEAD
specified as a comma seperated list. Possible values are: x
, y
, z
and probe
Example: endstops: x, y
specified as a comma seprated list. Possible values are: x
, y
, z
and probe
5fcca98 (chore(docs): Render examples)
Specifies the pins the button effect trigger on. Multiple pins can be specified
as a comma seperated list. Then the effect will trigger on any of the buttons.
Using already assigned pins (such as endstop pins) is possible by using
(see Klipper documentation for details).
Example: button_pins: PC1, PC2
The leds:
section is a list of Neopixel or Dotstar strips that will
make up the effect. Both types can be used for the same effect. Each
strip is defined on a separate line and indented beneath the leds:
Additionally, one may decide to only have certain LEDs displaying the effect. This is accomplished by providing the index of the LEDs to be used after the strip name. The index can be a list or a range. The range can also be inversed to invert the effect. If the indices are omitted, the entire strip is used.
As well, if for some reason you needed to, the same strip can be used twice in an effect with different emitters being specified.
neopixel:panel_ring (1-7)
neopixel:panel_ring (16-9)
dotstar:bed_lights (1,3,5)
Effects are generated as frames. Each frame contains the number of pixels equal to the number of LEDs defined for the effect. So an effect with 22 LEDs specified would have 22 pixels per frame.
Each effect layer is generated as a frame. Each layer frame is blended with the next to generate the effect. Blending is cumulative and how colors are blended is defined by the blending mode of the top layer. Each effect layer is listed on its own line and each has its own settings.
Most effect layers such as breathing and gradient are pre-rendered when Klipper starts in order to save on computing them later. Others such as Fire and Twinkle are rendered on demand.
Each layer is defined with the following parameters
- Layer name
- Effect Rate
- Cutoff
- Blending mode
- Color palette
Each layer must be on a single line and each line must be indented.
Color palettes can be of unlimited length but may be compressed depending on the size of the frame or number of LEDs on a strip. Colors are defined as groups of Red, Green, Blue and (optional) White. The white channel is only used on RGBW LEDs and ignored on RGB LEDs. The range for each color is a decimal number from 0.0 to 1.0. So for yellow, you would use ( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ). For white you would use ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) on an RGB LED or ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) on an RGBW LED.
Colors are defined as groups of Red, Green, Blue and (optional) White. The white channel only used on RGBW LEDs and ignored on RGB LEDs.
Colors can be specified as decimals, hex-values (with $
instead of #
due to klipper's configuration parser) or rgbw values:
# White
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
rgb(255, 255, 255)
rgbw(255, 255, 255, 255)
A palette is a comma-separated list of colors, e.g.
(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
Some example palettes:
static 0 0 top (1.0, 0.0, 0.0),(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
static 0 0 top (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),(1.0, 1.0, 0.0),(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
static 0 0 top (0.8, 1.0, 1.0),(0.0, 0.8, 1.0),(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
For every effect that generates a gradient, the colorSpace used for creating the gradient can be specified. This can lead to more natural looking gradients, or avoid white-out transitions between colors.
static(colorSpace=rgb) top $0000FF, $00FF00, $FFFF00, $FF0000
static(colorSpace=hsl) top $0000FF, $00FF00, $FFFF00, $FF0000
static(colorSpace=lab) top $0000FF, $00FF00, $FFFF00, $FF0000
disables mixing and just repeats the palette evenly among the leds.
static(colorSpace=none) top $0000FF, $00FF00, $FFFF00, $FF0000
Effect Rate: Not used but must be provided
Cutoff: Not used but must be provided
Palette: Colors are blended evenly across the strip
A single color is displayed and it does not change. If a palette of multiple colors is provided, colors will be evenly blended along the LEDs based on difference in hue.
static 1 1 top $FF0000
static 1 1 top $FF0000, $00FF00, $0000FF
Effect Rate: 3 Duration of a complete cycle (`duration`)
Cutoff: 0 Not used but must be provided
Palette: Colors are cycled in order
LEDs fade through the colors. If a palette of multiple colors is provided, it will cycle through those colors in the order they are specified in the palette. The effect rate parameter controls how long it takes to go through all colors.
linearfade(duration=1) top $FF0000, $00FF00, $0000FF
Effect Rate: 3 Duration of a complete cycle (`duration`)
Cutoff: 0 Not used but must be provided
Palette: Colors are cycled in order
Colors fade in and out. If a palette of multiple colors is provided, it will cycle through those colors in the order they are specified in the palette. The effect rate parameter controls how long it takes to "breathe" one time.
breathing(duration=2) top $FF0000, $00FF00
Effect Rate: 1 Duration of a complete cycle (`duration`)
Cutoff: 0.5 Ratio of the time the LEDs are on (between 0 and 1) (`onRatio`)
Palette: Colors are cycled in order
LEDs are turned fully on and fully off based on the effect speed. If a palette of multiple colors is provided, it will cycle through those colors in order.
blink(duration=2,onRatio=0.2) add $00FF00, $0000FF
blink(duration=2,onRatio=0.2) top $FF0000, $0000FF
Effect Rate: 1 Number of times per second to strobe
Cutoff: 1.5 Determines decay rate. A higher number yields quicker decay
Palette: Colors are cycled in order
LEDs are turned fully on and then faded out over time with a decay. If a palette of multiple colors is provided, it will cycle through those colors in order. The effect rate controls how many times per second the lights will strobe. The cutoff parameter controls the decay rate. A good decay rate is 1.5.
strobe(frequency=0.5,decayRate=0.1) top $FF0000, $0000FF
Effect Rate: 1 Increases the probability that an LED will illuminate. (0 = never, 254 = always)
Cutoff: .25 Determines decay rate. A higher number yields quicker decay
Palette: Random color chosen
Random flashes of light with decay along a strip. If a palette is specified, a random color is chosen from the palette.
twinkle(probability=0.1,decayRate=0.01) top $00FF00
Effect Rate: 1 How fast to cycle through the gradient, negative values change direction.
Cutoff: 1 Number of gradients on chain
Palette: Linear gradient with even spacing.
Colors from the palette are blended into a linear gradient across the length of the strip. The effect rate parameter controls the speed at which the colors are cycled through. A negative value for the effect rate changes the direction the gradient cycles (right to left vs left to right). The Cutoff determines the length of the gradient in relation to the chain length. The bigger the value, the shorter the gradient (e.g. the value 2 means 2 gradients on the length of the chain)
gradient(speed=1,count=1) top $FF0000, $00FFFF
gradient(speed=1,count=1,colorSpace=hsl) top $FF0000, $00FFFF
gradient(speed=1,count=1,colorSpace=none) top $FF0000, $00FFFF
Effect Rate: 1 Time between pattern shifts
Cutoff: 1 How far the pattern gets shifted
Palette: The pattern to be shifted
The palette is applied as a recurring pattern on the chain and shifted along the chain. The effect rate determines the time between the shifts in seconds, the cutoff determines the amount of LED positions the pattern gets shifted.
pattern(duration=2,shift=1) top $FF0000, $00FFFF
Effect Rate: 1 How fast the comet moves, negative values change direction
Cutoff: 1 Length of tail (somewhat arbitrary)
Palette: Color of "head" and gradient of "tail"
A light moves through the LEDs with a decay trail. Direction can be controlled by using a negative effect rate value. The palette colors determine the color of the comet and the tail. The first color of the palette defines the color of the "head" of the comet and the remaining colors are blended into the "tail"
comet(speed=0.5,tailLength=5,colorSpace=hsl) top $FF6C11, $FF3864, $2DE2E6, $261447, $0D0221, $023788
Effect Rate: 1 How fast the comet moves, negative values change direction
Cutoff: 1 Length of tail (somewhat arbitrary)
Palette: Color of "head" and gradient of "tail"
Identical settings as Comet, but with multiple lights chasing each other.
chase(speed=0.5,tailLength=2,colorSpace=hsl) top $FF6C11, $FF3864, $2DE2E6, $261447, $0D0221, $023788
Effect Rate: 1 Minimum temperature to activate effect
Cutoff: 0 Disable effect once temp is reached
Palette: Color values to blend from Cold to Hot
This effect becomes active when the specified heater is active or the temperature is greater than the minimum specified temperature. For instance, if a heater is turned on and set to a target temperature, the LEDs will cycle through the gradient colors until the target temperature is met. Once it has been met, the last color of the gradient is used and the effect is essentially a static color until the Heater state changes. If the cutoff parameter is supplied, the effect will be disabled once the target temperature is met. If the heater is turned off, the colors will follow this pattern in reverse until the temperature falls below the minimum temperature specified in the config. This can be used to indicate the hotend or bed is in a safe state to touch.
heater(minTemp=10,disableOnceReached=1,heater=heater_bed) top (0.227,0.427,0.705),(0.113,1,0.168),(1,0.85,0.168),(1.00,0.47,0.00),(1,0.392,0.196),(1,0.313,0.156),(1,0.078,0.078),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)
Effect Rate: 20 Cold Temperature
Cutoff: 80 Hot Temperature
Palette: Color values to blend from "Cold" to "Hot"
The temperature of the configured heater determines the color in a gradient over the palette. When only one color is defined in the palette, the brightness of that color is defined by the temperature.
temperature(minTemp=10,maxTemp=60,heater=heater_bed) top (0.227,0.427,0.705),(0.113,1,0.168),(1,0.85,0.168),(1.00,0.47,0.00),(1,0.392,0.196),(1,0.313,0.156),(1,0.078,0.078),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)
Effect Rate: 50 Number of trailing LEDs
Cutoff: 0 Number of leading LEDs
Palette: Color values to blend from "Cold" to "Hot"
The temperature of the heater relative from 0 to its target is represented by the first color in the palette. The remaining colors in the gradient are blended and mirrored on either side. As the heater heats up to it's target temperature, the lights move up the strip. A negative value in effect rate will fill the entire strip leading up to the temperature position, a negative value in cutoff will fill the entire strip after the temperature position.
Effect Rate: 20 Cold Temperature
Cutoff: 80 Hot Temperature
Palette: Color values to blend
The temperature of the heater or temperature sensor relative from the cold temperature to the hot temperature its target is represented by the first color in the palette. The remaining colors form a gradient on the lower side of the strip.
Effect Rate: 45 Probability of "sparking"
Cutoff: 40 Rate of "cooling"
Palette: Color values to blend from "Cold" to "Hot"
The FastLED library for Arduino has a sample sketch called Fire2012WithPalette included with it. This effect is a port of that sketch. It simulates a flame by "sparking" an LED. The "heat" from that LED travels down the length of the LEDs where it gradually cools. A higher rate of sparking causes a greater amount of heat to accumulate at the base of the strip resulting a more intense flame. Changing the rate of cooling results in longer or shorter overall flames.
fire(sparkProbability=45,coolingRate=40) top $FF0000, $AA0000
Effect Rate: 1 Minimum temperature to activate effect
Cutoff: 0 Disable effect once temp is reached
Palette: Color values to blend from "Cold" to "Hot"
The fire effect but responsive to the temperature of the specified heater. The flame starts as a small ember and increases in intensity as the heater's target temperature is reached. If the cutoff parameter is set to 1, the effect will be disabled once the target temperature is reached, otherwise it will stay active until the heater is disabled.
heaterfire(minTemp=10,disableOnceReached=0) top $0000FF, $AA0000
Effect Rate: 10 Multiplier for input signal
Cutoff: 40 Minimum threshold to trigger effect
Palette: Color values to blend
This effect uses the value read from an analog pin to determine the color. If multiple colors are specified in the palette, it chooses one based on the value of the pin. If only one color is specified, the brightness is proportional to the pin value. An example usage would be attaching an analog potentiometer that controls the brightness of an LED strip. Internally, input voltage is measured as a percentage of voltage vs aref. Another use could be to attach the RPM wire from a fan if the fan has a tachometer. It must be used with care as too much current or too high a voltage can damage a pin or destroy a controller board.
Effect Rate: 4 Number of trailing LEDs
Cutoff: 4 Number of leading LEDs
Palette: Color values to blend
The position of the specified stepper motor is represented by the first color in the palette. The remaining colors in the gradient are blended and mirrored on either side. As the stepper position changes relative to the axis length, the lights move up and down the strip. It should be noted that the effect itself updates stepper position every half second based on the reported position of the stepper similar to the GET_POSITION gcode command. It will not be realtime. A negative value in effect rate will fill the entire strip leading up to the stepper position, a negative value in cutoff will fill the entire strip after the stepper position.
Effect Rate: 1 Scaling of position
Cutoff: 0 Offset of position
Palette: Color values to blend
The color of the LEDs are determined by the position of the stepper motor. The position is determined between 0 and 100 and is multiplied with the effect rate and the cutoff is added as offset. This then determines the value in the palette, that is calculated as a gradient over the specified color values.
Effect Rate: 4 Number of trailing LEDs
Cutoff: 4 Number of leading LEDs
Palette: Color values to blend
Exact same configuration as Stepper but instead of reporting stepper position, this layer reports print progress.
progress(trailingLedCount=2,leadingLedCount=2) top $0000FF, $AA0000
Effect Rate: 1 Determines decay rate. A higher number yields slower decay
Cutoff: 0 Not used, but must be provided
Palette: Colors are cycled in order
Needs an endstop defined. LEDs turn on during homing when the endstop is triggered and fade out again. The effect rate determines the time for the fade out. If a palette of multiple colors is provided, it will cycle through those colors in order.
Effect Rate: 1 Fade in time. Time until LEDs are on after button press
Cutoff: 1 Fade out time. Time until LEDs are off after button release
Palette: Colors are cycled in order
Needs a button_pin defined. LEDs turn on when the button is pressed and turn off when the button is released again. Each press cycles through the colors of the palette.
Effect Rate: 1 Fade in time. Time to fade in next color
Cutoff: 1 Fade out time. Time to fade out previous color
Palette: Colors are cycled in order
Needs a button_pin defined. Cycles through the colors with each button press. The transition times can be configured with the effect rate and cutoff parameters. Hint: Define (0,0,0) as a color if you want to toggle between on and off.
Effect Rate: 0.1 Fade in time. Time to fade in.
Cutoff: 1 Fade out time. Time to fade out.
Palette: Colors are cycled in order
Needs a button_pin defined. When the button is pressed the LEDs fade on in the defined time and fade off immediately afterwards. If a palette of multiple colors is provided, it will cycle through those colors in order with each button press.
If you have ever used image editing software you may be familiar with color blending between image layers. Several common color blending techniques have been added to blend LED layers together. Layers defined in the configuration are ordered top to bottom.
If there are 3 layers defined, the bottom layer is first blended with the middle layer. The resultant layer is then blended with the top. The bottom layer will never be blended with anything even if a blending mode is specified.
Layer blending is always evaluated from the bottom up.
Since values cannot exceed 100% brightness and 0% darkness, they are clamped to this range as a floating-point number ( 0.0 - 1.0 )
We'll blend the following colors to illustrate:
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
static 0 0 top (0, 0.5, 1)
No blending is done, the value from the color channel of the bottom layer is used.
static 0 0 bottom (0, 0.5, 1)
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
The bottom layer needs to be top
so that it is used at all
No blending is done, the value from the color channel of the top layer is used.
static 0 0 top (0, 0.5, 1)
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
( t + b )
Color channels (Red, Green, and Blue) are added to one another. This results in channels becoming brighter.
static 0 0 add (0, 0.5, 1)
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
( b - t )
The the top layer is subtracted from the bottom layer. This results in darkening similar colors.
static 0 0 subtract (0, 0.5, 1)
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
( t - b )
The the bottom layer is subtracted from the top layer. This results in darkening similar colors.
static 0 0 subtract_b (0, 0.5, 1)
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
( t - b ) or ( b - t )
The darker of the layers is subtracted from the brighter of the two
static 0 0 difference (0, 0.5, 1)
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
( t + b ) / 2
The average of the channels is taken
static 0 0 average (0, 0.5, 1)
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
( t * b )
The channels are multiplied together, this is useful to darken colors
static 0 0 multiply (0, 0.5, 1)
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
This is useful, e.g. if you want to create a pulsing animation of e.g. a heater:
linearfade 1 0 multiply (0.2,0.2,0.2),(1,1,1)
heater 0 0 top (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0)
( t / b )
The channels are divided, this results in brightening colors, often to white
static 0 0 divide (0, 0.5, 1)
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
( b / t )
Like divide, but bottom divided by top
static 0 0 divide_inv (0, 0.5, 1)
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
1 - ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - b )
The values are inverted, multiplied, and then inverted again. Similar to divide, it results in brighter colors
static 0 0 screen (0, 0.5, 1)
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
( t if t > b else b )
The brighter of the color channels is used
static 0 0 lighten (0, 0.5, 1)
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
( t if t < b else b )
The opposite of lighten, the darker of color channels is used
static 0 0 darken (0, 0.5, 1)
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
( 2ab if a > .5 else 1 - 2( 1 - a )( 1 - b ) )
Overlay is a combination of multiply and screen. This has a similar effect of increasing contrast.
static 0 0 overlay (0, 0.5, 1)
static 0 0 top (1, 0.5, 0)
In the event of critical error, all LED strips breath red in unison to provide a visible indicator of an error condition with the printer. This effect is disabled during normal operation and only starts when the MCU enters a shutdown state (currently not supported).
[led_effect critical_error]
strobe 1 1.5 add (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
breathing 2 0 difference (0.95, 0.0, 0.0)
static 1 0 top (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
autostart: false
frame_rate: 24
run_on_error: true
[led_effect bed_effects]
autostart: true
frame_rate: 24
heater: heater_bed
heater 50 0 add (1,1,0),(1,0,0)
static 0 0 top (1,0,0)
This is an example of how to combine the Analog Pin effect with layer blending so it controls the brightness of the lights. One could connect a potentiometer to a thermistor port and use the voltage reading from that pin to determine the amount of color to subtract from the base layers. The potentiometer would need to be wired so that when it is turned "down" the voltage on the analog pin is on full output and when it is turned up it is on minimum output. This way, when the potentiometer is "down", the color (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) (Full white) is being subtracted from the colors of the layer, resulting in (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) (Full Black). The effect rate and cutoff would need to be tuned to the specific potentiometer and board combination.
[led_effect bed_effects]
autostart: true
frame_rate: 24
analog_pin: ar52
analogpin 10 0 subtract (1,1,1)
static 0 0 top (1,1,1)
Using a single strip of LEDs, print progress is displayed as a light blue line over a dark blue background
[led_effect progress_bar]
autostart: true
frame_rate: 24
progress -1 0 add ( 0, 0, 1),( 0, 0.1, 0.6)
static 0 0 top ( 0, 0, 0.1)
This is usually due to some sort of signal issue. Most addressable LEDs have a specific protocol they use for communication. It typically involves sending bits of data at a specific interval followed by a reset latch to signal them to light up. They will stay the last color they were set until told to do something different.
With most implementations of addressable LEDs in printer firmware, the color data is sent once when the gcode command is executed and not sent again. As long as that initial signal is read, they will stay that color.
With this particular implementation, the color data is being updated at regular intervals determined by the effect frame rate. So 10 frames per second would result in 10 color updates to the LEDs per second.
The data lines are susceptible to electromagnetic interference from other electronics on the printer. When this interference is present, it can result in malformed data going to the LEDs.
To mitigate this, one can try insulating or isolating the data line from other wires. Try to keep the data lines as short as possible. This is especially problematic for 32 bit boards which typically output the data signal at 3.3V.
Signal integrity can also be deteriorated by ringing and reflections on the data line. Especially, when the cable to the first LED is rather long. This can be reduced by adding a 700 Ohm resistor in line to the data line directly in front of the first LED.
Another source of flickering is voltage drop. Addressable LEDs consume between 20 and 60mA of power each depending on how bright they are set. If they are being run on a supply that cannot supply enough power, such as the internal voltage regulator of a printer board, it could manifest as flickering or overall dimness with the strips.
This typically has to do with the LEDs at the ends of the strip not getting enough power compared to the LEDs at the beginning of the strip. The solution is to solder a VCC and GND wire to the end of the strip. These additional power lines will allow the LEDs at the ends to draw the power they need. This usually only occurs on very long strips or if the power supply is already at its limit. It is always recommended to power LEDs like this from a separate 5V source from the board.
Different chip manufacturers and chip styles use slightly different protocols for color data. Some specify the color order be Red, Green, then Blue others specify Green, Red, Blue. The configuration for the LED strip has an optional parameter that can be set in the 'neopixel' section to change the color order.
color_order: GRB
If you are unsure of the color order of your LEDs and want to test this, you can comment out or disable all of the effects you have configured and use a gcode command to set the color of the led strips directly.
This command should turn the entire strip red. If the strip turns green, then it uses a GRB color order.
Some LEDs, like the SK6812, also have a white channel. For that the color order can be set to:
color_order: GRBW