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AWX Operator

This is a repository for making the AWX upstream Kubernetes Operator easily consumable when using Operator Lifecycle Manager. Basically this repo is holding the steps for generating a bundle and adding a nice entry into the OLM catalog sources.

Just use it!

Create the CatalogSource within your OpenShift cluster:

$ oc create -f awx-operator-catalog-source.yml -n openshift-marketplace  

Wait for a yew seconds so that your MarketPlace integrates the new source definition. Now go back to the OperatorHub entry and search for AWX. You'll see there's a new Provider Type in here:


Install the Operator for all the cluster or within the namespace of your choice.

After installation succeed, you should be able to create new AWX custom resource for deploying a new instance. Check documentation reference to setup things.

On OpenShift, you'd want to put tower_ingress_type: route for having a Route exposed for accessing the instance.


After few minutes, the AWX installation should be up-and-running. You'll see on developer perspective below that a Route is available for accessing the Pod holding the web interface:


You'll now have access to the AWX console, using admin username and the password found in a Secret called <cr-name>-admin-password. Just login:


Tadam! 😉

Build it yourself

Of course, you'll have to replace in different commands and yaml files to suit your own registry/organization.

Build a registry image containing the operator manifests:

$ docker build -t -f registry.Dockerfile .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  39.42kB
Step 1/10 : FROM as builder
 ---> eb1b057fb7de
Step 2/10 : COPY manifests manifests
 ---> 2b8a7446376a
Step 3/10 : RUN ./bin/initializer -o ./bundles.db
 ---> Running in 983c28371c4e
time="2021-04-13T14:54:41Z" level=info msg="loading Bundles" dir=manifests
time="2021-04-13T14:54:41Z" level=info msg=directory dir=manifests file=manifests load=bundles
time="2021-04-13T14:54:41Z" level=info msg=directory dir=manifests file=awx-operator load=bundles
time="2021-04-13T14:54:41Z" level=info msg=directory dir=manifests file=0.0.1 load=bundles
time="2021-04-13T14:54:41Z" level=info msg="found csv, loading bundle" dir=manifests file=awx-operator.v0.0.1.clusterserviceversion.yaml load=bundles
time="2021-04-13T14:54:41Z" level=info msg="loading bundle file" dir=manifests/awx-operator/0.0.1 file=awx-operator.crd.yaml load=bundle name=awx-operator.v0.0.1
time="2021-04-13T14:54:41Z" level=info msg="loading bundle file" dir=manifests/awx-operator/0.0.1 file=awx-operator.v0.0.1.clusterserviceversion.yaml load=bundle name=awx-operator.v0.0.1
time="2021-04-13T14:54:41Z" level=info msg="loading Packages and Entries" dir=manifests
time="2021-04-13T14:54:41Z" level=info msg=directory dir=manifests file=manifests load=package
time="2021-04-13T14:54:41Z" level=info msg=directory dir=manifests file=awx-operator load=package
time="2021-04-13T14:54:41Z" level=info msg=directory dir=manifests file=0.0.1 load=package
Removing intermediate container 983c28371c4e
 ---> 27f11c57ba2c
Step 4/10 : FROM scratch
Step 5/10 : COPY --from=builder /bundles.db /bundles.db
 ---> c920dc3bd439
Step 6/10 : COPY --from=builder /bin/registry-server /registry-server
 ---> 468750d3265f
Step 7/10 : COPY --from=builder /bin/grpc_health_probe /bin/grpc_health_probe
 ---> f6b98ecd0e8c
Step 8/10 : EXPOSE 50051
 ---> Running in 8d5eb2c89992
Removing intermediate container 8d5eb2c89992
 ---> cf9cf007594a
Step 9/10 : ENTRYPOINT ["/registry-server"]
 ---> Running in d7972719ee5f
Removing intermediate container d7972719ee5f
 ---> c9e994b425b0
Step 10/10 : CMD ["--database", "bundles.db"]
 ---> Running in f66b124d8cf7
Removing intermediate container f66b124d8cf7
 ---> 12fb45253059
Successfully built 12fb45253059
Successfully tagged

Now push it to a central registry:

$ docker push

Create the CatalogSource within your OpenShift cluster:

$ oc create -f awx-operator-catalog-source.yml -n openshift-marketplace