diff --git a/specs/Modal.events.spec.js b/specs/Modal.events.spec.js
index bc02c9f7..5e223288 100644
--- a/specs/Modal.events.spec.js
+++ b/specs/Modal.events.spec.js
@@ -11,74 +11,71 @@ import {
- renderModal,
- emptyDOM,
- unmountModal
+ withModal
} from "./helper";
export default () => {
- afterEach("Unmount modal", emptyDOM);
it("should trigger the onAfterOpen callback", () => {
const afterOpenCallback = sinon.spy();
- renderModal({ isOpen: true, onAfterOpen: afterOpenCallback });
+ const props = { isOpen: true, onAfterOpen: afterOpenCallback };
+ withModal(props, null, () => {});
it("should call onAfterOpen with overlay and content references", () => {
const afterOpenCallback = sinon.spy();
- const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, onAfterOpen: afterOpenCallback });
- sinon.assert.calledWith(afterOpenCallback, {
- overlayEl: modal.portal.overlay,
- contentEl: modal.portal.content
+ const props = { isOpen: true, onAfterOpen: afterOpenCallback };
+ withModal(props, null, modal => {
+ sinon.assert.calledWith(afterOpenCallback, {
+ overlayEl: modal.portal.overlay,
+ contentEl: modal.portal.content
+ });
it("should trigger the onAfterClose callback", () => {
const onAfterCloseCallback = sinon.spy();
- const modal = renderModal({
+ withModal({
isOpen: true,
onAfterClose: onAfterCloseCallback
- modal.portal.close();
it("should not trigger onAfterClose callback when unmounting a closed modal", () => {
const onAfterCloseCallback = sinon.spy();
- renderModal({ isOpen: false, onAfterClose: onAfterCloseCallback });
- unmountModal();
+ withModal({ isOpen: false, onAfterClose: onAfterCloseCallback });
it("should trigger onAfterClose callback when unmounting an opened modal", () => {
const onAfterCloseCallback = sinon.spy();
- renderModal({ isOpen: true, onAfterClose: onAfterCloseCallback });
- unmountModal();
+ withModal({ isOpen: true, onAfterClose: onAfterCloseCallback });
it("keeps focus inside the modal when child has no tabbable elements", () => {
let tabPrevented = false;
- const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true }, "hello");
- const content = mcontent(modal);
- document.activeElement.should.be.eql(content);
- tabKeyDown(content, {
- preventDefault() {
- tabPrevented = true;
- }
+ const props = { isOpen: true };
+ withModal(props, "hello", modal => {
+ const content = mcontent(modal);
+ document.activeElement.should.be.eql(content);
+ tabKeyDown(content, {
+ preventDefault() {
+ tabPrevented = true;
+ }
+ });
+ tabPrevented.should.be.eql(true);
- tabPrevented.should.be.eql(true);
it("handles case when child has no tabbable elements", () => {
- const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true }, "hello");
- const content = mcontent(modal);
- tabKeyDown(content);
- document.activeElement.should.be.eql(content);
+ const props = { isOpen: true };
+ withModal(props, "hello", modal => {
+ const content = mcontent(modal);
+ tabKeyDown(content);
+ document.activeElement.should.be.eql(content);
+ });
it("traps tab in the modal on shift + tab", () => {
@@ -90,39 +87,48 @@ export default () => {
- const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true }, modalContent);
- const content = mcontent(modal);
- tabKeyDown(content, { shiftKey: true });
- document.activeElement.textContent.should.be.eql("bottom");
+ const props = { isOpen: true };
+ withModal(props, modalContent, modal => {
+ const content = mcontent(modal);
+ tabKeyDown(content, { shiftKey: true });
+ document.activeElement.textContent.should.be.eql("bottom");
+ });
describe("shouldCloseOnEsc", () => {
context("when true", () => {
it("should close on Esc key event", () => {
const requestCloseCallback = sinon.spy();
- const modal = renderModal({
- isOpen: true,
- shouldCloseOnEsc: true,
- onRequestClose: requestCloseCallback
- });
- escKeyDown(mcontent(modal));
- requestCloseCallback.called.should.be.ok();
- // Check if event is passed to onRequestClose callback.
- const event = requestCloseCallback.getCall(0).args[0];
- event.should.be.ok();
+ withModal(
+ {
+ isOpen: true,
+ shouldCloseOnEsc: true,
+ onRequestClose: requestCloseCallback
+ },
+ null,
+ modal => {
+ escKeyDown(mcontent(modal));
+ requestCloseCallback.called.should.be.ok();
+ // Check if event is passed to onRequestClose callback.
+ const event = requestCloseCallback.getCall(0).args[0];
+ event.should.be.ok();
+ }
+ );
context("when false", () => {
it("should not close on Esc key event", () => {
const requestCloseCallback = sinon.spy();
- const modal = renderModal({
+ const props = {
isOpen: true,
shouldCloseOnEsc: false,
onRequestClose: requestCloseCallback
+ };
+ withModal(props, null, modal => {
+ escKeyDown(mcontent(modal));
+ requestCloseCallback.called.should.be.false;
- escKeyDown(mcontent(modal));
- requestCloseCallback.called.should.be.false;
@@ -130,80 +136,93 @@ export default () => {
describe("shouldCloseOnoverlayClick", () => {
it("when false, click on overlay should not close", () => {
const requestCloseCallback = sinon.spy();
- const modal = renderModal({
+ const props = {
isOpen: true,
shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: false
+ };
+ withModal(props, null, modal => {
+ const overlay = moverlay(modal);
+ clickAt(overlay);
+ requestCloseCallback.called.should.not.be.ok();
- const overlay = moverlay(modal);
- clickAt(overlay);
- requestCloseCallback.called.should.not.be.ok();
it("when true, click on overlay must close", () => {
const requestCloseCallback = sinon.spy();
- const modal = renderModal({
+ const props = {
isOpen: true,
shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: true,
onRequestClose: requestCloseCallback
+ };
+ withModal(props, null, modal => {
+ clickAt(moverlay(modal));
+ requestCloseCallback.called.should.be.ok();
- clickAt(moverlay(modal));
- requestCloseCallback.called.should.be.ok();
it("overlay mouse down and content mouse up, should not close", () => {
const requestCloseCallback = sinon.spy();
- const modal = renderModal({
+ const props = {
isOpen: true,
shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: true,
onRequestClose: requestCloseCallback
+ };
+ withModal(props, null, modal => {
+ mouseDownAt(moverlay(modal));
+ mouseUpAt(mcontent(modal));
+ requestCloseCallback.called.should.not.be.ok();
- mouseDownAt(moverlay(modal));
- mouseUpAt(mcontent(modal));
- requestCloseCallback.called.should.not.be.ok();
it("content mouse down and overlay mouse up, should not close", () => {
const requestCloseCallback = sinon.spy();
- const modal = renderModal({
+ const props = {
isOpen: true,
shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: true,
onRequestClose: requestCloseCallback
+ };
+ withModal(props, null, modal => {
+ mouseDownAt(mcontent(modal));
+ mouseUpAt(moverlay(modal));
+ requestCloseCallback.called.should.not.be.ok();
- mouseDownAt(mcontent(modal));
- mouseUpAt(moverlay(modal));
- requestCloseCallback.called.should.not.be.ok();
it("should not stop event propagation", () => {
let hasPropagated = false;
- const modal = renderModal({
+ const props = {
isOpen: true,
shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: true
+ };
+ withModal(props, null, modal => {
+ const propagated = () => (hasPropagated = true);
+ window.addEventListener("click", propagated);
+ const event = new MouseEvent("click", { bubbles: true });
+ moverlay(modal).dispatchEvent(event);
+ hasPropagated.should.be.ok();
+ window.removeEventListener("click", propagated);
- window.addEventListener("click", () => {
- hasPropagated = true;
- });
- moverlay(modal).dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click", { bubbles: true }));
- hasPropagated.should.be.ok();
it("verify event passing on overlay click", () => {
const requestCloseCallback = sinon.spy();
- const modal = renderModal({
+ const props = {
isOpen: true,
shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: true,
onRequestClose: requestCloseCallback
+ };
+ withModal(props, null, modal => {
+ // click the overlay
+ clickAt(moverlay(modal), {
+ // Used to test that this was the event received
+ fakeData: "ABC"
+ });
+ requestCloseCallback.called.should.be.ok();
+ // Check if event is passed to onRequestClose callback.
+ const event = requestCloseCallback.getCall(0).args[0];
+ event.should.be.ok();
- // click the overlay
- clickAt(moverlay(modal), {
- // Used to test that this was the event received
- fakeData: "ABC"
- });
- requestCloseCallback.called.should.be.ok();
- // Check if event is passed to onRequestClose callback.
- const event = requestCloseCallback.getCall(0).args[0];
- event.should.be.ok();
it("on nested modals, only the topmost should handle ESC key.", () => {
@@ -214,7 +233,7 @@ export default () => {
innerModal = ref;
- renderModal(
+ withModal(
isOpen: true,
onRequestClose: requestCloseCallback
@@ -225,12 +244,13 @@ export default () => {
+ ,
+ () => {
+ const content = mcontent(innerModal);
+ escKeyDown(content);
+ innerRequestCloseCallback.called.should.be.ok();
+ requestCloseCallback.called.should.not.be.ok();
+ }
- const content = mcontent(innerModal);
- escKeyDown(content);
- innerRequestCloseCallback.called.should.be.ok();
- requestCloseCallback.called.should.not.be.ok();
diff --git a/specs/Modal.spec.js b/specs/Modal.spec.js
index 6131db84..47c25482 100644
--- a/specs/Modal.spec.js
+++ b/specs/Modal.spec.js
@@ -3,207 +3,210 @@ import should from "should";
import React, { Component } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Modal from "react-modal";
-import * as ariaAppHider from "react-modal/helpers/ariaAppHider";
import {
- isBodyWithReactModalOpenClass,
+ setElement as ariaAppSetElement,
+ resetState as ariaAppHiderResetState
+} from "react-modal/helpers/ariaAppHider";
+import { resetState as bodyTrapReset } from "react-modal/helpers/bodyTrap";
+import { resetState as classListReset } from "react-modal/helpers/classList";
+import { resetState as focusManagerReset } from "react-modal/helpers/focusManager";
+import { resetState as portalInstancesReset } from "react-modal/helpers/portalOpenInstances";
+import {
+ log,
+ isDocumentWithReactModalOpenClass,
- renderModal,
- unmountModal,
- emptyDOM,
- documentBodyClassList
+ withModal,
+ documentClassList,
+ withElementCollector,
+ createHTMLElement
} from "./helper";
-export default () => {
- afterEach("cleaned up all rendered modals", emptyDOM);
- it("scopes tab navigation to the modal");
- it("focuses the last focused element when tabbing in from browser chrome");
- it("renders children [tested indirectly]");
+export default () => {
+ beforeEach("check for leaks", () => log("before"));
+ afterEach("clean up", () => (
+ log("after", true),
+ bodyTrapReset(),
+ classListReset(),
+ focusManagerReset(),
+ portalInstancesReset(),
+ ariaAppHiderResetState()
+ ));
it("can be open initially", () => {
- const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true }, "hello");
- mcontent(modal).should.be.ok();
+ const props = { isOpen: true };
+ withModal(props, "hello", modal => {
+ mcontent(modal).should.be.ok();
+ });
it("can be closed initially", () => {
- const modal = renderModal({}, "hello");
- should(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(mcontent(modal))).not.be.ok();
+ const props = {};
+ withModal(props, "hello", modal => {
+ should(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(mcontent(modal))).not.be.ok();
+ });
it("doesn't render the portal if modal is closed", () => {
- const modal = renderModal({}, "hello");
- should(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(modal.portal)).not.be.ok();
+ const props = {};
+ withModal(props, "hello", modal => {
+ should(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(modal.portal)).not.be.ok();
+ });
it("has default props", () => {
- const node = document.createElement("div");
- Modal.setAppElement(document.createElement("div"));
- // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-render-return-value
- const modal = ReactDOM.render(