diff --git a/src/macrofier/engine.mjs b/src/macrofier/engine.mjs
index 14c80927..fa2e6922 100644
--- a/src/macrofier/engine.mjs
+++ b/src/macrofier/engine.mjs
@@ -43,11 +43,6 @@ const _inspector = obj => {
-// getSchemaType(schema, module, options = { destination: 'file.txt', title: true })
-// getSchemaShape(schema, module, options = { name: 'Foo', destination: 'file.txt' })
-// getJsonType(schema, module, options = { name: 'Foo', prefix: '', descriptions: false, level: 0 })
-// getSchemaInstantiation(schema, module, options = {type: 'params' | 'result' | 'callback.params'| 'callback.result' | 'callback.response'})
let types = {
getSchemaShape: () => null,
getSchemaType: () => null
@@ -136,7 +131,7 @@ const getLinkForSchema = (schema, json) => {
const copySchemasIntoModules = config.copySchemasIntoModules
const definitions = json.definitions || json.components.schemas
- const type = types.getSchemaType(schema, json, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, destination: state.destination, section: state.section })
+ const type = types.getSchemaType(schema, json, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })
// local - insert a bogus link, that we'll update later based on final table-of-contents
if (definitions && definitions[type]) {
@@ -163,25 +158,6 @@ const getLinkForSchema = (schema, json) => {
return '#'
-// const getComponentExternalSchema = (json) => {
-// let refSchemas = []
-// if (json.components && json.components.schemas) {
-// Object.entries(json.components.schemas).forEach(([name, schema]) => {
-// let refs = getLinkedSchemaPaths(schema).map(path => getPathOr(null, path, schema))
-// refs.map(ref => {
-// let title = ''
-// if (ref.includes('x-schemas')) {
-// if (ref.split('/')[2] !== json.info.title) {
-// title = ref.split('/')[2]
-// }
-// }
-// title && !refSchemas.includes(title) ? refSchemas.push(title) : null
-// })
-// })
-// }
-// return (refSchemas)
-// }
// Maybe methods array of objects
const getMethods = compose(
@@ -950,7 +926,7 @@ function generateSchemas(json, templates, options) {
else {
content = content.replace(/\$\{if\.description\}(.*?)\{end\.if\.description\}/gms, '$1')
- const schemaShape = types.getSchemaShape(schema, json, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, destination: state.destination, section: options.section, primitive: config.primitives ? Object.keys(config.primitives).length > 0 : false })
+ const schemaShape = types.getSchemaShape(schema, json, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, destination: state.destination, section: options.section, primitive: config.primitives ? Object.keys(config.primitives).length > 0 : false, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })
content = content
.replace(/\$\{schema.title\}/, (schema.title || name))
@@ -1023,7 +999,7 @@ function getRelatedSchemaLinks(schema = {}, json = {}, templates = {}, options =
.filter(path => seen.hasOwnProperty(path) ? false : (seen[path] = true))
.map(ref => getReferencedSchema(ref, json))
.filter(schema => schema.title)
- .map(schema => '[' + types.getSchemaType(schema, json, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, destination: state.destination, section: state.section }) + '](' + getLinkForSchema(schema, json) + ')') // need full module here, not just the schema
+ .map(schema => '[' + types.getSchemaType(schema, json, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) + '](' + getLinkForSchema(schema, json) + ')') // need full module here, not just the schema
.filter(link => link)
@@ -1338,53 +1314,53 @@ function insertMethodMacros(template, methodObj, json, templates, type = '', exa
const pullsResult = (puller || pullsFor) ? localizeDependencies(pullsFor || methodObj, json).params[1].schema : null
const pullsParams = (puller || pullsFor) ? localizeDependencies(getPayloadFromEvent(puller || methodObj), json, null, { mergeAllOfs: true }).properties.parameters : null
- const pullsResultType = (pullsResult && (type === 'methods')) ? types.getSchemaShape(pullsResult, json, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, section: state.section }) : ''
- const pullsForType = pullsResult && types.getSchemaType(pullsResult, json, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, section: state.section })
- const pullsParamsType = (pullsParams && (type === 'methods')) ? types.getSchemaShape(pullsParams, json, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, section: state.section }) : ''
+ const pullsResultType = (pullsResult && (type === 'methods')) ? types.getSchemaShape(pullsResult, json, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, section: state.sectio, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
+ const pullsForType = pullsResult && types.getSchemaType(pullsResult, json, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, section: state.section, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })
+ const pullsParamsType = (pullsParams && (type === 'methods')) ? types.getSchemaShape(pullsParams, json, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, section: state.section, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
const pullsForParamTitle = pullsParams ? pullsParams.title.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + pullsParams.title.substring(1) : ''
const pullsForResultTitle = (pullsResult && pullsResult.title) ? pullsResult.title.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + pullsResult.title.substring(1) : ''
- const pullsResponseInit = (pullsParams && (type === 'methods')) ? types.getSchemaShape(pullsParams, json, { templateDir: 'result-initialization', property: pullsForParamTitle, required: pullsParams.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true }) : ''
- const pullsResponseInst = (pullsParams && (type === 'methods')) ? types.getSchemaShape(pullsParams, json, { templateDir: 'result-instantiation', property: pullsForParamTitle, required: pullsParams.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true }) : ''
- const pullsResultSerialize = (pullsResult && (type === 'methods')) ? types.getSchemaShape(pullsResult, json, { templateDir: 'parameter-serialization/sub-property', property: pullsForResultTitle, required: pullsResult.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true }) : ''
- const serializedParams = (type === 'methods') ? flattenedMethod.params.map(param => types.getSchemaShape(param.schema, json, { templateDir: 'parameter-serialization', property: param.name, required: param.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true })).join('\n') : ''
- const resultInst = (type === 'methods') ? types.getSchemaShape(flattenedMethod.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'result-instantiation', property: flattenedMethod.result.name, required: flattenedMethod.result.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true }) : '' // w/out primitive: true, getSchemaShape skips anonymous types, like primitives
- const resultInit = (type === 'methods') ? types.getSchemaShape(flattenedMethod.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'result-initialization', property: flattenedMethod.result.name, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true }) : '' // w/out primitive: true, getSchemaShape skips anonymous types, like primitives
- const serializedEventParams = event && (type === 'methods') ? flattenedMethod.params.filter(p => p.name !== 'listen').map(param => types.getSchemaShape(param.schema, json, {templateDir: 'parameter-serialization', property: param.name, required: param.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true })).join('\n') : ''
+ const pullsResponseInit = (pullsParams && (type === 'methods')) ? types.getSchemaShape(pullsParams, json, { templateDir: 'result-initialization', property: pullsForParamTitle, required: pullsParams.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
+ const pullsResponseInst = (pullsParams && (type === 'methods')) ? types.getSchemaShape(pullsParams, json, { templateDir: 'result-instantiation', property: pullsForParamTitle, required: pullsParams.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
+ const pullsResultSerialize = (pullsResult && (type === 'methods')) ? types.getSchemaShape(pullsResult, json, { templateDir: 'parameter-serialization/sub-property', property: pullsForResultTitle, required: pullsResult.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
+ const serializedParams = (type === 'methods') ? flattenedMethod.params.map(param => types.getSchemaShape(param.schema, json, { templateDir: 'parameter-serialization', property: param.name, required: param.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })).join('\n') : ''
+ const resultInst = (type === 'methods') ? types.getSchemaShape(flattenedMethod.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'result-instantiation', property: flattenedMethod.result.name, required: flattenedMethod.result.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : '' // w/out primitive: true, getSchemaShape skips anonymous types, like primitives
+ const resultInit = (type === 'methods') ? types.getSchemaShape(flattenedMethod.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'result-initialization', property: flattenedMethod.result.name, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : '' // w/out primitive: true, getSchemaShape skips anonymous types, like primitives
+ const serializedEventParams = event && (type === 'methods') ? flattenedMethod.params.filter(p => p.name !== 'listen').map(param => types.getSchemaShape(param.schema, json, {templateDir: 'parameter-serialization', property: param.name, required: param.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })).join('\n') : ''
// this was wrong... check when we merge if it was fixed
- const callbackSerializedList = event && (type === 'methods') ? types.getSchemaShape(event.result.schema, json, { templateDir: eventHasOptionalParam(event) && !event.tags.find(t => t.name === 'provider') ? 'callback-serialization' : 'callback-result-serialization', property: result.name, required: event.result.schema.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true }) : ''
- const callbackInitialization = event && (type === 'methods') ? (eventHasOptionalParam(event) && !event.tags.find(t => t.name === 'provider') ? (event.params.map(param => isOptionalParam(param) ? types.getSchemaShape(param.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-initialization-optional', property: param.name, required: param.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true }) : '').filter(param => param).join('\n') + '\n') : '' ) + (types.getSchemaShape(event.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-initialization', property: result.name, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true })) : ''
+ const callbackSerializedList = event && (type === 'methods') ? types.getSchemaShape(event.result.schema, json, { templateDir: eventHasOptionalParam(event) && !event.tags.find(t => t.name === 'provider') ? 'callback-serialization' : 'callback-result-serialization', property: result.name, required: event.result.schema.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
+ const callbackInitialization = event && (type === 'methods') ? (eventHasOptionalParam(event) && !event.tags.find(t => t.name === 'provider') ? (event.params.map(param => isOptionalParam(param) ? types.getSchemaShape(param.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-initialization-optional', property: param.name, required: param.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true }) : '').filter(param => param).join('\n') + '\n') : '' ) + (types.getSchemaShape(event.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-initialization', property: result.name, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })) : ''
let callbackInstantiation = ''
if (event) {
if (eventHasOptionalParam(event) && !event.tags.find(t => t.name === 'provider')) {
- callbackInstantiation = (type === 'methods') ? types.getSchemaShape(event.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-instantiation', property: result.name, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true }) : ''
- let paramInstantiation = (type === 'methods') ? event.params.map(param => isOptionalParam(param) ? types.getSchemaShape(param.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-context-instantiation', property: param.name, required: param.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true }) : '').filter(param => param).join('\n') : ''
- let resultInitialization = (type === 'methods') ? types.getSchemaShape(event.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-value-initialization', property: result.name, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true }) : ''
- let resultInstantiation = (type === 'methods') ? types.getSchemaShape(event.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-value-instantiation', property: result.name, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true }) : ''
+ callbackInstantiation = (type === 'methods') ? types.getSchemaShape(event.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-instantiation', property: result.name, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
+ let paramInstantiation = (type === 'methods') ? event.params.map(param => isOptionalParam(param) ? types.getSchemaShape(param.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-context-instantiation', property: param.name, required: param.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : '').filter(param => param).join('\n') : ''
+ let resultInitialization = (type === 'methods') ? types.getSchemaShape(event.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-value-initialization', property: result.name, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
+ let resultInstantiation = (type === 'methods') ? types.getSchemaShape(event.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-value-instantiation', property: result.name, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
callbackInstantiation = callbackInstantiation
.replace(/\$\{callback\.param\.instantiation\.with\.indent\}/g, indent(paramInstantiation, ' ', 3))
.replace(/\$\{callback\.result\.initialization\.with\.indent\}/g, indent(resultInitialization, ' ', 1))
.replace(/\$\{callback\.result\.instantiation\}/g, resultInstantiation)
else {
- callbackInstantiation = (type === 'methods') ? types.getSchemaShape(event.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-result-instantiation', property: result.name, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true }) : ''
+ callbackInstantiation = (type === 'methods') ? types.getSchemaShape(event.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-result-instantiation', property: result.name, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
// hmm... how is this different from callbackSerializedList? i guess they get merged?
- const callbackResponseInst = event && (type === 'methods') ? (eventHasOptionalParam(event) ? (event.params.map(param => isOptionalParam(param) ? types.getSchemaShape(param.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-response-instantiation', property: param.name, required: param.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true }) : '').filter(param => param).join(', ') + ', ') : '' ) + (types.getSchemaShape(event.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-response-instantiation', property: result.name, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true })) : ''
- const resultType = result.schema ? types.getSchemaType(result.schema, json, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir }) : ''
+ const callbackResponseInst = event && (type === 'methods') ? (eventHasOptionalParam(event) ? (event.params.map(param => isOptionalParam(param) ? types.getSchemaShape(param.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-response-instantiation', property: param.name, required: param.required, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : '').filter(param => param).join(', ') + ', ') : '' ) + (types.getSchemaShape(event.result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'callback-response-instantiation', property: result.name, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })) : ''
+ const resultType = result.schema ? types.getSchemaType(result.schema, json, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
const resultSchemaType = result.schema.type
- const resultJsonType = result.schema ? types.getSchemaType(result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'json-types' }) : ''
+ const resultJsonType = result.schema ? types.getSchemaType(result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'json-types', namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
const resultParams = generateResultParams(result.schema, json, templates, { name: result.name})
// todo: what does prefix do in Types.mjs? need to account for it somehow
- const callbackResultJsonType = event && result.schema ? types.getSchemaType(result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'json-types' }) : ''
+ const callbackResultJsonType = event && result.schema ? types.getSchemaType(result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'json-types', namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
- const pullsForParamType = pullsParams ? types.getSchemaType(pullsParams, json, { destination: state.destination, section: state.section }) : ''
- const pullsForJsonType = pullsResult ? types.getSchemaType(pullsResult, json, { templateDir: 'json-types' }) : ''
- const pullsForParamJsonType = pullsParams ? types.getSchemaType(pullsParams, json, { templateDir: 'json-types' }) : ''
+ const pullsForParamType = pullsParams ? types.getSchemaType(pullsParams, json, { destination: state.destination, section: state.section, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
+ const pullsForJsonType = pullsResult ? types.getSchemaType(pullsResult, json, { templateDir: 'json-types', namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
+ const pullsForParamJsonType = pullsParams ? types.getSchemaType(pullsParams, json, { templateDir: 'json-types', namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
- const pullsEventParamName = event ? types.getSchemaInstantiation(event.result, json, event.name, { instantiationType: 'pull.param.name' }) : ''
+ const pullsEventParamName = event ? types.getSchemaInstantiation(event.result, json, event.name, { instantiationType: 'pull.param.name', namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : ''
let seeAlso = ''
if (isPolymorphicPullMethod(methodObj) && pullsForType) {
@@ -1398,7 +1374,7 @@ function insertMethodMacros(template, methodObj, json, templates, type = '', exa
if (isTemporalSetMethod(methodObj)) {
itemName = result.schema.items.title || 'item'
itemName = itemName.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + itemName.substring(1)
- itemType = types.getSchemaType(result.schema.items, json, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, section: state.section })
+ itemType = types.getSchemaType(result.schema.items, json, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, section: state.section, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })
template = insertExampleMacros(template, examples[methodObj.name] || [], methodObj, json, templates)
@@ -1426,8 +1402,8 @@ function insertMethodMacros(template, methodObj, json, templates, type = '', exa
.replace(/\$\{method\.params\.serialization\}/g, serializedParams)
.replace(/\$\{method\.params\.serialization\.with\.indent\}/g, indent(serializedParams, ' '))
// Typed signature stuff
- .replace(/\$\{method\.signature\.params\}/g, types.getMethodSignatureParams(methodObj, json, { destination: state.destination, section: state.section }))
- .replace(/\$\{method\.signature\.result\}/g, types.getMethodSignatureResult(methodObj, json, { destination: state.destination, section: state.section }))
+ .replace(/\$\{method\.signature\.params\}/g, types.getMethodSignatureParams(methodObj, json, { destination: state.destination, section: state.section, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }))
+ .replace(/\$\{method\.signature\.result\}/g, types.getMethodSignatureResult(methodObj, json, { destination: state.destination, section: state.section, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }))
.replace(/\$\{method\.context\}/g, method.context.join(', '))
.replace(/\$\{method\.context\.array\}/g, JSON.stringify(method.context))
.replace(/\$\{method\.context\.count}/g, method.context ? method.context.length : 0)
@@ -1438,8 +1414,8 @@ function insertMethodMacros(template, methodObj, json, templates, type = '', exa
.replace(/\$\{event\.params\.table\.rows\}/g, eventParamsRows)
.replace(/\$\{if\.event\.params\}(.*?)\$\{end\.if\.event\.params\}/gms, event && event.params.length ? '$1' : '')
.replace(/\$\{if\.event\.callback\.params\}(.*?)\$\{end\.if\.event\.callback\.params\}/gms, event && eventHasOptionalParam(event) ? '$1' : '')
- .replace(/\$\{event\.signature\.params\}/g, event ? types.getMethodSignatureParams(event, json, { destination: state.destination, section: state.section }) : '')
- .replace(/\$\{event\.signature\.callback\.params\}/g, event ? types.getMethodSignatureParams(event, json, { destination: state.destination, section: state.section, callback: true }) : '')
+ .replace(/\$\{event\.signature\.params\}/g, event ? types.getMethodSignatureParams(event, json, { destination: state.destination, section: state.section, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : '')
+ .replace(/\$\{event\.signature\.callback\.params\}/g, event ? types.getMethodSignatureParams(event, json, { destination: state.destination, section: state.section, callback: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : '')
.replace(/\$\{event\.params\.serialization\}/g, serializedEventParams)
.replace(/\$\{event\.callback\.serialization\}/g, callbackSerializedList)
.replace(/\$\{event\.callback\.initialization\}/g, callbackInitialization)
@@ -1461,10 +1437,10 @@ function insertMethodMacros(template, methodObj, json, templates, type = '', exa
.replace(/\$\{method\.result\.name\}/g, result.name)
.replace(/\$\{method\.result\.summary\}/g, result.summary)
.replace(/\$\{method\.result\.link\}/g, getLinkForSchema(result.schema, json)) //, baseUrl: options.baseUrl
- .replace(/\$\{method\.result\.type\}/g, types.getSchemaType(result.schema, json, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, title: true, asPath: false, destination: state.destination, result: true })) //, baseUrl: options.baseUrl
- .replace(/\$\{method\.result\.json\}/g, types.getSchemaType(result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'json-types', destination: state.destination, section: state.section, title: true, code: false, link: false, asPath: false, expandEnums: false, namespace: true }))
+ .replace(/\$\{method\.result\.type\}/g, types.getSchemaType(result.schema, json, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, title: true, asPath: false, destination: state.destination, result: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })) //, baseUrl: options.baseUrl
+ .replace(/\$\{method\.result\.json\}/g, types.getSchemaType(result.schema, json, { templateDir: 'json-types', destination: state.destination, section: state.section, title: true, code: false, link: false, asPath: false, expandEnums: false, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }))
// todo: what does prefix do?
- .replace(/\$\{event\.result\.type\}/g, isEventMethod(methodObj) ? types.getMethodSignatureResult(event, json, { destination: state.destination, section: state.section, callback: true }) : '')
+ .replace(/\$\{event\.result\.type\}/g, isEventMethod(methodObj) ? types.getMethodSignatureResult(event, json, { destination: state.destination, section: state.section, callback: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) : '')
.replace(/\$\{event\.result\.json\.type\}/g, resultJsonType)
.replace(/\$\{event\.result\.json\.type\}/g, callbackResultJsonType)
.replace(/\$\{event\.pulls\.param\.name\}/g, pullsEventParamName)
@@ -1507,7 +1483,7 @@ function insertMethodMacros(template, methodObj, json, templates, type = '', exa
const matches = [...template.matchAll(/\$\{method\.params\[([0-9]+)\]\.type\}/g)]
matches.forEach(match => {
const index = parseInt(match[1])
- template = template.replace(/\$\{method\.params\[([0-9]+)\]\.type\}/g, types.getSchemaType(methodObj.params[index].schema, json, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir }))
+ template = template.replace(/\$\{method\.params\[([0-9]+)\]\.type\}/g, types.getSchemaType(methodObj.params[index].schema, json, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }))
template = template.replace(/\$\{method\.params\[([0-9]+)\]\.name\}/g, methodObj.params[index].name)
@@ -1612,7 +1588,7 @@ function insertExampleMacros(template, examples, method, json, templates) {
function generateResult(result, json, templates, { name = '' } = {}) {
- const type = types.getSchemaType(result, json, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, destination: state.destination, section: state.section })
+ const type = types.getSchemaType(result, json, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })
if (result.type === 'object' && result.properties) {
let content = getTemplate('/types/object', templates).split('\n')
@@ -1633,13 +1609,13 @@ function generateResult(result, json, templates, { name = '' } = {}) {
// if we get a real link use it
if (link !== '#') {
- return `[${types.getSchemaType(result, json, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, section: state.section })}](${link})`
+ return `[${types.getSchemaType(result, json, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, section: state.section, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })}](${link})`
// otherwise this was a schema with no title, and we'll just copy it here
else {
const schema = localizeDependencies(result, json)
return getTemplate('/types/default', templates)
- .replace(/\$\{type\}/, types.getSchemaShape(schema, json, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir }))
+ .replace(/\$\{type\}/, types.getSchemaShape(schema, json, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }))
else {
@@ -1666,7 +1642,7 @@ function generateResultParams(result, json, templates, { name = '' } = {}) {
const template = getTemplate('/parameters/result', templates)
return Object.entries(result.properties).map( ([name, type]) => template
.replace(/\$\{method\.param\.name\}/g, name)
- .replace(/\$\{method\.param\.type\}/g, types.getSchemaType(type, json, { moduleTitle: moduleTitle, result: true, namespace: true}))
+ .replace(/\$\{method\.param\.type\}/g, types.getSchemaType(type, json, { moduleTitle: moduleTitle, result: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules}))
).join(', ') // most languages separate params w/ a comma, so leaving this here for now
// tuples get unwrapped
@@ -1675,14 +1651,14 @@ function generateResultParams(result, json, templates, { name = '' } = {}) {
const template = getTemplate('/parameters/result', templates)
return result.items.map( (type) => template
.replace(/\$\{method\.param\.name\}/g, type['x-property'])
- .replace(/\$\{method\.param\.type\}/g, types.getSchemaType(type, json, { moduleTitle: moduleTitle, result: true, namespace: true}))
+ .replace(/\$\{method\.param\.type\}/g, types.getSchemaType(type, json, { moduleTitle: moduleTitle, result: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules}))
).join(', ')
// everything else is just output as-is
else {
const template = getTemplate('/parameters/result', templates)
- const type = types.getSchemaType(result, json, { moduleTitle: moduleTitle, result: true, namespace: true})
+ const type = types.getSchemaType(result, json, { moduleTitle: moduleTitle, result: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules})
if (type === 'undefined') {
console.log(`Warning: undefined type for ${name}`)
@@ -1695,7 +1671,7 @@ function generateResultParams(result, json, templates, { name = '' } = {}) {
function insertSchemaMacros(template, title, schema, module) {
return template.replace(/\$\{property\}/g, title)
- .replace(/\$\{type\}/g, types.getSchemaType(schema, module, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, code: false }))
+ .replace(/\$\{type\}/g, types.getSchemaType(schema, module, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, code: false, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }))
.replace(/\$\{type.link\}/g, getLinkForSchema(schema, module))
.replace(/\$\{description\}/g, schema.description || '')
.replace(/\$\{name\}/g, title || '')
@@ -1706,9 +1682,9 @@ function insertParameterMacros(template, param, method, module) {
//| `${method.param.name}` | ${method.param.type} | ${method.param.required} | ${method.param.summary} ${method.param.constraints} |
let constraints = getSchemaConstraints(param, module)
- let type = types.getSchemaType(param.schema, module, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, code: false, link: false, asPath: false, expandEnums: false }) //baseUrl: options.baseUrl
+ let type = types.getSchemaType(param.schema, module, { templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, code: false, link: false, asPath: false, expandEnums: false, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules }) //baseUrl: options.baseUrl
let typeLink = getLinkForSchema(param.schema, module)
- let jsonType = types.getSchemaType(param.schema, module, { templateDir: 'json-types', destination: state.destination, section: state.section, code: false, link: false, asPath: false, expandEnums: false })
+ let jsonType = types.getSchemaType(param.schema, module, { templateDir: 'json-types', destination: state.destination, section: state.section, code: false, link: false, asPath: false, expandEnums: false, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })
if (constraints && type) {
constraints = '
' + constraints
@@ -1820,12 +1796,12 @@ function getProviderXValues(method) {
function insertProviderXValues(template, moduleJson, xValues) {
if (xValues['x-response']) {
- const xResponseInst = types.getSchemaShape(xValues['x-response'], moduleJson, { templateDir: 'parameter-serialization', property: 'result', required: true, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true })
+ const xResponseInst = types.getSchemaShape(xValues['x-response'], moduleJson, { templateDir: 'parameter-serialization', property: 'result', required: true, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })
template = template.replace(/\$\{provider\.xresponse\.serialization\}/gms, xResponseInst)
.replace(/\$\{provider\.xresponse\.name\}/gms, xValues['x-response'].title)
if (xValues['x-error']) {
- const xErrorInst = types.getSchemaShape(xValues['x-error'], moduleJson, { templateDir: 'parameter-serialization', property: 'result', required: true, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true })
+ const xErrorInst = types.getSchemaShape(xValues['x-error'], moduleJson, { templateDir: 'parameter-serialization', property: 'result', required: true, destination: state.destination, section: state.section, primitive: true, skipTitleOnce: true, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })
template = template.replace(/\$\{provider\.xerror\.serialization\}/gms, xErrorInst)
.replace(/\$\{provider\.xerror\.name\}/gms, xValues['x-error'].title)
@@ -1891,7 +1867,7 @@ function insertProviderInterfaceMacros(template, capability, moduleJson = {}, te
name: 'provider'
const parametersSchema = method.params[0].schema
- const parametersShape = types.getSchemaShape(parametersSchema, moduleJson, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, section: state.section })
+ const parametersShape = types.getSchemaShape(parametersSchema, moduleJson, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, section: state.section, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })
let methodBlock = insertMethodMacros(getTemplateForMethod(method, templates), method, moduleJson, templates)
methodBlock = methodBlock.replace(/\${parameters\.shape\}/g, parametersShape)
const hasProviderParameters = parametersSchema && parametersSchema.properties && Object.keys(parametersSchema.properties).length > 0
@@ -1971,7 +1947,7 @@ function insertProviderParameterMacros(data = '', parameters, module = {}, optio
Object.entries(parameters.properties).forEach(([name, param]) => {
let constraints = getSchemaConstraints(param, module)
- let type = types.getSchemaType(param, module, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, section: state.section, code: true, link: true, asPath: options.asPath, baseUrl: options.baseUrl })
+ let type = types.getSchemaType(param, module, { destination: state.destination, templateDir: state.typeTemplateDir, section: state.section, code: true, link: true, asPath: options.asPath, baseUrl: options.baseUrl, namespace: !config.copySchemasIntoModules })
if (constraints && type) {
constraints = '
' + constraints
diff --git a/src/macrofier/index.mjs b/src/macrofier/index.mjs
index ee40f665..0252e75a 100644
--- a/src/macrofier/index.mjs
+++ b/src/macrofier/index.mjs
@@ -153,7 +153,6 @@ const macrofy = async (
const id = schema.$id
externalSchemas[id] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(schema))
replaceUri(id, '', externalSchemas[id])
- console.dir(Object.keys(externalSchemas[id].definitions))
Object.values(openrpc.components.schemas).forEach(schema => {
if (schema.$id && schema.$id !== id) {
externalSchemas[id].definitions[schema.$id] = schema
@@ -161,7 +160,7 @@ const macrofy = async (
- const aggregateMacros = engine.generateAggregateMacros(openrpc, modules.concat(staticModules).concat(Object.values(externalSchemas)), templates, libraryName)
+ const aggregateMacros = engine.generateAggregateMacros(openrpc, modules.concat(staticModules).concat(copySchemasIntoModules ? [] : Object.values(externalSchemas)), templates, libraryName)
const outputFiles = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(await readFiles( staticCodeList, staticContent))
.map( ([n, v]) => [path.join(output, n), v]))
@@ -259,13 +258,11 @@ const macrofy = async (
// Output any schema templates for each bundled external schema document
- Object.values(externalSchemas).forEach( document => {
+ !copySchemasIntoModules && Object.values(externalSchemas).forEach( document => {
if (mergeOnTitle && modules.find(m => m.info.title === document.title)) {
- console.log('Skipping: ' + document.title + ': ' + document.$id)
return // skip this one, it was already merged into the module w/ the same name
- console.log(document.title + ': ' + document.$id)
if (templatesPerSchema || primaryOutput.length) {
templatesPerSchema && templatesPerSchema.forEach( t => {
const macros = engine.generateMacros(document, templates, exampleTemplates, {hideExcluded: hideExcluded, createPolymorphicMethods: createPolymorphicMethods, destination: t})
@@ -279,11 +276,6 @@ const macrofy = async (
primaryOutput && primaryOutput.forEach(output => {
- console.log(`appending ${document.title} schemas to ${output}`)
- console.dir(Object.keys(document.definitions), { depth: 100 })
- if (document.title === 'Entertainment') {
- console.dir(Object.keys(document.definitions['https://meta.rdkcentral.com/firebolt/schemas/types'].definitions))
- }
const macros = engine.generateMacros(document, templates, exampleTemplates, {hideExcluded: hideExcluded, copySchemasIntoModules: copySchemasIntoModules, createPolymorphicMethods: createPolymorphicMethods, destination: output})
macros.append = append
outputFiles[output] = engine.insertMacros(outputFiles[output], macros)
diff --git a/src/macrofier/types.mjs b/src/macrofier/types.mjs
index 08a962c6..4958e46f 100644
--- a/src/macrofier/types.mjs
+++ b/src/macrofier/types.mjs
@@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ const indent = (str, padding) => {
// TODO: This is what's left of getMethodSignatureParams. We need to figure out / handle C's `FireboltTypes_StringHandle`
-function getMethodSignatureParams(method, module, { destination, callback }) {
+function getMethodSignatureParams(method, module, { destination, callback, namespace }) {
const paramOptional = getTemplate('/parameters/optional')
let polymorphicPull = method.tags.find(t => t.name === 'polymorphic-pull')
return method.params.map(param => {
if (polymorphicPull && (param.name === 'correlationId')) {
- let type = getSchemaType(param.schema, module, { destination, namespace : true })
+ let type = getSchemaType(param.schema, module, { destination, namespace })
if (callback && allocatedPrimitiveProxies[type]) {
type = allocatedPrimitiveProxies[type]
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ function getMethodSignatureParams(method, module, { destination, callback }) {
}).filter(param => param).join(', ')
-function getMethodSignatureResult(method, module, { destination, callback }) {
- let type = getSchemaType(method.result.schema, module, { destination, namespace : true })
+function getMethodSignatureResult(method, module, { destination, callback, namespace }) {
+ let type = getSchemaType(method.result.schema, module, { destination, namespace })
let result = ''
if (callback) {
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ const insertObjectMacros = (content, schema, module, title, property, options) =
.replace(/\$\{if\.base\.optional\}(.*?)\$\{end\.if\.base\.optional\}/gms, options.required ? '' : '$1')
.replace(/\$\{if\.non\.object\}(.*?)\$\{end\.if\.non\.object\}/gms, isObject(localizedProp) ? '' : '$1')
.replace(/\$\{if\.non\.array\}(.*?)\$\{end\.if\.non\.array\}/gms, (localizedProp.type === 'array') ? '' : '$1')
- .replace(/\$\{if\.non\.anyOf\}(.*?)\$\{end\.if\.non\.anyOf\}/gms, (localizedProp.anyOf || localizedProp.anyOneOf) ? '' : '$1')
+ .replace(/\$\{if\.non\.anyOf\}(.*?)\$\{end\.if\.non\.anyOf\}/gms, (localizedProp.anyOf || localizedProp.oneOf) ? '' : '$1')
.replace(/\$\{if\.non\.const\}(.*?)\$\{end\.if\.non\.const\}/gms, (typeof localizedProp.const === 'string') ? '' : '$1')
let baseTitle = options.property
@@ -509,11 +509,11 @@ const insertPrimitiveMacros = (content, schema, module, name, templateDir) => {
return content
-const insertAnyOfMacros = (content, schema, module, name) => {
+const insertAnyOfMacros = (content, schema, module, name, namespace) => {
const itemTemplate = content
if (content.split('\n').find(line => line.includes("${type}"))) {
content = schema.anyOf.map((item, i) => itemTemplate
- .replace(/\$\{type\}/g, getSchemaType(item, module))
+ .replace(/\$\{type\}/g, getSchemaType(item, module, { namespace }))
.replace(/\$\{delimiter\}(.*?)\$\{end.delimiter\}/g, i === schema.anyOf.length - 1 ? '' : '$1')
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ const sanitize = (schema) => {
return result
-function getSchemaShape(schema = {}, module = {}, { templateDir = 'types', parent = '', property = '', required = false, parentLevel = 0, level = 0, summary, descriptions = true, destination, section, enums = true, skipTitleOnce = false, array = false, primitive = false, type = false } = {}) {
+function getSchemaShape(schema = {}, module = {}, { templateDir = 'types', parent = '', property = '', required = false, parentLevel = 0, level = 0, summary, descriptions = true, destination, section, enums = true, skipTitleOnce = false, array = false, primitive = false, type = false, namespace=true } = {}) {
schema = sanitize(schema)
state.destination = destination
state.section = section
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ function getSchemaShape(schema = {}, module = {}, { templateDir = 'types', paren
if (schema['$ref']) {
const someJson = getReferencedSchema(schema['$ref'], module)
if (someJson) {
- return getSchemaShape(someJson, module, { templateDir, parent, property, required, parentLevel, level, summary, descriptions, destination, enums, array, primitive })
+ return getSchemaShape(someJson, module, { templateDir, parent, property, required, parentLevel, level, summary, descriptions, destination, enums, array, primitive, namespace })
throw "Unresolvable $ref: " + schema['$ref'] + ", in " + moduleTitle
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ function getSchemaShape(schema = {}, module = {}, { templateDir = 'types', paren
else if (!skipTitleOnce && (level > 0) && schema.title) {
let enumType = (schema.type === 'string' && Array.isArray(schema.enum))
// TODO: allow the 'ref' template to actually insert the shape using getSchemaShape
- const innerShape = getSchemaShape(schema, module, { skipTitleOnce: true, templateDir, parent, property, required, parentLevel, level, summary, descriptions, destination, enums: enumType, array, primitive })
+ const innerShape = getSchemaShape(schema, module, { skipTitleOnce: true, templateDir, parent, property, required, parentLevel, level, summary, descriptions, destination, enums: enumType, array, primitive, namespace })
const shape = getTemplate(path.join(templateDir, 'ref' + suffix))
.replace(/\$\{shape\}/g, innerShape)
@@ -583,15 +583,15 @@ function getSchemaShape(schema = {}, module = {}, { templateDir = 'types', paren
let shape
const additionalPropertiesTemplate = getTemplate(path.join(templateDir, 'additionalProperties'))
if (additionalPropertiesTemplate && schema.additionalProperties && (typeof schema.additionalProperties === 'object')) {
- shape = insertObjectAdditionalPropertiesMacros(additionalPropertiesTemplate, schema, module, theTitle, { level, parent, templateDir, namespace: true, required })
+ shape = insertObjectAdditionalPropertiesMacros(additionalPropertiesTemplate, schema, module, theTitle, { level, parent, templateDir, namespace, required })
else {
const patternPropertiesTemplate = getTemplate(path.join(templateDir, 'patternProperties'))
if (patternPropertiesTemplate && schema.patternProperties) {
- shape = insertObjectPatternPropertiesMacros(patternPropertiesTemplate, schema, module, theTitle, { level, parent, templateDir, namespace: true, required })
+ shape = insertObjectPatternPropertiesMacros(patternPropertiesTemplate, schema, module, theTitle, { level, parent, templateDir, namespace, required })
} else {
let objectLevel = array ? 0 : level
- shape = insertObjectMacros(getTemplate(path.join(templateDir, 'object' + (array ? '-array' : '') + suffix)) || genericTemplate, schema, module, theTitle, property, { parentLevel, level: objectLevel, parent, property, required, templateDir, descriptions, destination, section, enums, namespace: true, primitive })
+ shape = insertObjectMacros(getTemplate(path.join(templateDir, 'object' + (array ? '-array' : '') + suffix)) || genericTemplate, schema, module, theTitle, property, { parentLevel, level: objectLevel, parent, property, required, templateDir, descriptions, destination, section, enums, namespace, primitive })
result = result.replace(/\$\{shape\}/g, shape)
@@ -605,14 +605,14 @@ function getSchemaShape(schema = {}, module = {}, { templateDir = 'types', paren
const template = getTemplate(path.join(templateDir, 'anyOfSchemaShape' + suffix))
let shape
if (template) {
- shape = insertAnyOfMacros(template, schema, module, theTitle)
+ shape = insertAnyOfMacros(template, schema, module, theTitle, namespace)
else {
// borrow anyOf logic, note that schema is a copy, so we're not breaking it.
if (!schema.anyOf) {
schema.anyOf = schema.oneOf
- shape = insertAnyOfMacros(getTemplate(path.join(templateDir, 'anyOf' + suffix)) || genericTemplate, schema, module, theTitle)
+ shape = insertAnyOfMacros(getTemplate(path.join(templateDir, 'anyOf' + suffix)) || genericTemplate, schema, module, theTitle, namespace)
if (shape) {
result = result.replace(/\$\{shape\}/g, shape)
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ function getSchemaShape(schema = {}, module = {}, { templateDir = 'types', paren
delete union['$ref']
- return getSchemaShape(union, module, { templateDir, parent, property, required, parentLevel, level, summary, descriptions, destination, enums: false, array, primitive })
+ return getSchemaShape(union, module, { templateDir, parent, property, required, parentLevel, level, summary, descriptions, destination, enums: false, array, primitive, namespace })
else if (schema.type === "array" && schema.items && isSupportedTuple(schema)) {
// tuple
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ function getSchemaShape(schema = {}, module = {}, { templateDir = 'types', paren
else if (schema.type === "array" && schema.items && !Array.isArray(schema.items)) {
// array
- const items = getSchemaShape(schema.items, module, { templateDir, parent, property, required, parentLevel: parentLevel + 1, level, summary, descriptions, destination, enums: false, array: true, primitive })
+ const items = getSchemaShape(schema.items, module, { templateDir, parent, property, required, parentLevel: parentLevel + 1, level, summary, descriptions, destination, enums: false, array: true, primitive, namespace })
const shape = insertArrayMacros(getTemplate(path.join(templateDir, 'array' + suffix)) || genericTemplate, schema, module, level, items, Array.isArray(required) ? required.includes(property) : required)
result = result.replace(/\$\{shape\}/g, shape)
.replace(/\$\{if\.object\}(.*?)\$\{end\.if\.object\}/gms, isObject(schema.items) ? '$1' : '')
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ const isSupportedTuple = schema => {
-function getSchemaType(schema, module, { destination, templateDir = 'types', link = false, code = false, asPath = false, event = false, result = false, expandEnums = true, baseUrl = '', namespace = false } = {}) {
+function getSchemaType(schema, module, { destination, templateDir = 'types', link = false, code = false, asPath = false, event = false, result = false, expandEnums = true, baseUrl = '', namespace = true } = {}) {
const wrap = (str, wrapper) => wrapper + str + wrapper
schema = sanitize(schema)
@@ -736,8 +736,7 @@ function getSchemaType(schema, module, { destination, templateDir = 'types', lin
if (schema['$ref']) {
const refSchema = getReferencedSchema(schema['$ref'], module)
if (refSchema) {
- const includeNamespace = (moduleTitle !== getXSchemaGroup(refSchema, module))
- return getSchemaType(refSchema, module, {destination, templateDir, link, code, asPath, event, result, expandEnums, baseUrl, namespace:includeNamespace })// { link: link, code: code, destination })
+ return getSchemaType(refSchema, module, {destination, templateDir, link, code, asPath, event, result, expandEnums, baseUrl, namespace })// { link: link, code: code, destination })
else {
// TODO: This never happens... but might be worth keeping in case we link to an opaque external schema at some point?
@@ -855,7 +854,7 @@ function getSchemaType(schema, module, { destination, templateDir = 'types', lin
schema.anyOf = schema.oneOf
// todo... we probably shouldn't allow untitled anyOfs, at least not w/out a feature flag
- const shape = insertAnyOfMacros(getTemplate(path.join(templateDir, 'anyOf' + suffix)), schema, module, theTitle)
+ const shape = insertAnyOfMacros(getTemplate(path.join(templateDir, 'anyOf' + suffix)), schema, module, theTitle, namespace)
return insertSchemaMacros(shape, schema, module, { name: theTitle, recursive: false })