- Request:
Makes an HTTP request to graphite with deviceMac, processType with how much percentile, and from what time to fetch the metrics.
Format:Examples:{ method: 'performance.fetchPerformanceThreshold', params: {'type': '<(device|process|all)>', process: '<(memory|load|set size|required)>', percentile: 70, threshold: '<Threshold to use as source of truth>'} }
{ method: 'performance.fetchPerformanceThreshold', params: {'type': 'device', process: 'memory', percentile: 70, threshold: '35000000'} } { method: 'performance.fetchPerformanceThreshold', params: {'type': 'process', process: 'set size', percentile: 70, threshold: '75000000'} } { method: 'performance.fetchPerformanceThreshold', params: {'type': 'all', process: 'required', percentile: 70, threshold: '75000000'} }
- Response:
Receives an array of objects, which contains success and message properties, success defines the execution is a success or failure and message defines either response or any custom message that descibes the pass/fail. Example:[ { "success": true, "message": "Expected received threshold for set sizeRSS is 37748736 to be less than the expected threshold of 1073741824" }, { "success": true, "message": "Expected received threshold for set sizePSS is 41964544 to be less than the expected threshold of 1073741824" } ]
- Request:
Making an HTTP call to grafana to create a marker on dashboard with given description.
Format:Examples:{ method: 'performance.createMarker', params: <Scenario name> }
{ method: 'performance.createMarker', params: 'Account.id - Positive Scenario: Validate account ID' }
- Response:
Recieves an object with success and message properties. Example:{ "success": true, "message": "Marker has been created successfully" } { "success": false, "message": `Unable to create marker, failed with status code- 200 and error- unable to find the dashboard` }
- Request:
Making a call which sends necessary message to the platform to use a test provider for simulating user inputs.
Format:Examples:{ method: 'fcs.setTestProvider', params: <provider name> }
{ method: 'fcs.setTestProvider', params: 'pinChallenge' }
- Response:
Receives an object with intent message. Example:{ "action": "search", "context": { "source": "device" }, "data": { "query": "{\"task\":\"registerProviderHandler\",\"params\":{\"provider\":\"pinChallenge\"},\"action\":\"CORE\",\"context\":{\"communicationMode\":\"SDK\"},\"asynchronous\":false}" } }
- Request:
Making a call to the platform to start/stop the lifecycle history recording.
Format:Examples:{ "method": "fcs.recordLifecycleHistory", "params": { "task": "<task name>", "appId": "<app ID>" } }
{ "method": "fcs.recordLifecycleHistory", "params": { "task": "start", "appId": "test" } }
- Response:
Receives an object with intent message and transport type. Example:"transport": "<transportMode>", "payload": { "action": "search", "context": { "source": "device" }, "data": { "query": "{\"task\":\"start\",\"params\":{\"provider\":\"pinChallenge\"},\"action\":\"CORE\",\"context\":{\"communicationMode\":\"SDK\"},\"asynchronous\":false}" } }
Making a call to fetch device details and the token required for dynamically fetching details .Format:
{ "method": "fcs.fetchDeviceDetails", "params": <deviceId> }
{ "method": "fcs.fetchDeviceDetails", "params": "354444327" }
Receives the updated environment variable device_data with dynamic device details. Example:
"DEVICEID": "354444327",
"DEVICE_TYPE": "ipstb",
- The
request override is used to take a screenshot of the current screen of the platform. This function has to be added in config modulerequestModules/fcs.js
method: 'fcs.screenshot',
params: {
validations: []
Example 1: Passing validation objects to request override to validate the image with label auth
with confidence 60 against the screenshot response.
method: 'fcs.screenshot',
params: {
validations: [
"type": "image",
"label": "auth",
"confidence": 60
- The
response override is used to validate the screenshot response against the validation object passed in the request override function. This function is added in the config moduleresponseModules/fcs.js
- In the response below,
is the key that indicates the overall status of the screenshot validation.validations
is an array of objects that holds the status of each validation object. status
is the required field to determine the status of the validation.
status: "pass/fail",
validations: [
{status: "pass/fail"},
Examples: Response override function returning the response as below after validating the screenshot response against the validation object passed in the request override function.
Example 1: Below represents validation of the screenhot response against the validation object is passed.
status: "pass",
validations: [
{status: "pass"}
Example 2: Screenshot validation failed against the validation object passed.
status: "fail",
validations: [
{status: "fail"}
- The
request override sends message to the platform to retrieve the status of all apps. This function should be added in config modulerequestModules/fcs.js
method: 'fcs.getAppState',
params: {
appId: <'appid'>
method: 'fcs.getAppState',
params: {
- The
returns the state of the app (e.g., foreground, background, etc.) based on the appId. This function should be added in config moduleresponseModules/fcs.js
Example: Response override function returning the fireboltState of the app based on the appId.