First decide on frame used - e.g. check:
- ob07349 and make sure t_0 and u_0 can be predicted in center-of-mass frame.
- some other triple lens event - can we get 3L parameters from 2L solutions?
Jen also suggests primary at origin and axis pointing to second object.
My main idea - center of mass as origin and first object on X axis.
- "reset" triple_lens branch
- Binary lens positions - calculation and plotting (UC35)
- Use cases - we have 07 already, which does basic LC plotting
- Utils._triple_lens_positions_to_parameters() - easy
- Utils._parameters_to_triple_lens_positions() - already coded
- Utils: - (q_21, q_31) <=> (eps_1, eps_2, eps_3) - easy
- unit tests
- Caustics - use the same class for triple lenses?
- MagnificationCurve.get_triple_lens_magnification (include hooks to hexa, quad and PSPL)
- ModelParameters.__repr__ - finish
- ModelParameters._check_valid_combination_1_source - this needs some thinking
- ModelParameters - all the new parameters starting at s_21
- Trajectory.get_xy
- TripleLens.point_source_magnification
- TripleLens.hexadecapole_magnification