Releases: raphaelhanneken/iconizer
Iconizer v2.1.3
Rebuild with Swift v2.1.1 and Xcode 7.2 (7C68).
I've also changed my GitHub username, so I had to change the update url.
Iconizer v2.1.2
- Updated Sparkle version
- New app icon
- Minor code improvements
Iconizer v2.1.1
Improved the transport security, to make the update process a little bit more secure.
At WWDC 2015, Apple announced “App Transport Security” for iOS 9 and OSX 10.11 El Capitan:
App Transport Security (ATS) lets an app add a declaration to its Info.plist file that specifies the domains with which it needs secure communication. ATS prevents accidental disclosure, provides secure default behavior, and is easy to adopt.
Iconizer v2.1
Iconizer v2.1 Beta 3
Release notes:
- This update fixes a bug where AppIcon's couldn't be exported as combined asset.
- You can name your asset catalogs now before exporting them.
And last but not least I've added this funky animated window resizing effect, we all know from OS X's "System Preferences".
The prerelease versions won't work on Yosemite. See issue #4
Thanks to @liuyunclouder for reporting this.
Iconizer v2.1 Beta 2
This update fixes a problem with El Capitan and the Sparkle auto update. So if you encounter issues with the update functionality, please manually download this release.
Iconizer v2.1 Beta 1
I've migrated Iconizer to Swift 2.0 and Xcode 7.0. Apart from that nothing's really new. But at least I think it's already noticeably faster - or maybe it's just me... Doesn't matter, because:
Since this version was build on OS X 10.11 El Capitan you should download version 2.0, unless you're running a version of the El Capitan beta.
The update channel stays the same. So in case you're one of the adventurous beta testers, Sparkle will, some day, offer you to install the stable release.