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first version of continuous stage Runge-Kutta methods (#151)
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* draft implementation of CSRK coefficients with Polynomials.jl

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* format

* allow integer coefficients
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ranocha authored Jul 22, 2023
1 parent 8ef03c1 commit da64a69
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Showing 3 changed files with 327 additions and 3 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "BSeries"
uuid = "ebb8d67c-85b4-416c-b05f-5f409e808f32"
authors = ["Hendrik Ranocha <[email protected]> and contributors"]
version = "0.1.55"
version = "0.1.56"

Combinatorics = "861a8166-3701-5b0c-9a16-15d98fcdc6aa"
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205 changes: 203 additions & 2 deletions src/BSeries.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ export elementary_differentials

export AverageVectorFieldMethod

export ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod

export MultirateInfinitesimalSplitMethod

export renormalize!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,8 +414,18 @@ function bseries(f::Function, order, iterator_type = RootedTreeIterator)
t = first(iterator_type(0))
v = f(t, nothing)

V_tmp = typeof(v)
if V_tmp <: Integer
# If people use integer coefficients, they will likely want to have results
# as exact as possible. However, general terms are not integers. Thus, we
# use rationals instead.
V = Rational{V_tmp}
V = V_tmp

# Setup the series
series = TruncatedBSeries{typeof(t), typeof(v)}()
series = TruncatedBSeries{typeof(t), V}()
series[copy(t)] = v

for o in 1:order
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -615,7 +627,196 @@ end
# TODO: bseries(ros::RosenbrockMethod)
# should create a lazy version, optionally a memoized one

# TODO: Documentation,, export etc.
A struct that describes a continuous stage Runge-Kutta (CSRK) method. It can
be constructed by passing the parameter matrix `M` as described by Miyatake and
Butcher (2016). You can compute the B-series of the method by [`bseries`](@ref).
# References
- Yuto Miyatake and John C. Butcher.
"A characterization of energy-preserving methods and the construction of
parallel integrators for Hamiltonian systems."
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 54, no. 3 (2016):
[DOI: 10.1137/15M1020861](
struct ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod{MatT <: AbstractMatrix}

# TODO: Documentation (tutorial),, etc.

bseries(csrk::ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod, order)
Compute the B-series of the [`ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod`](@ref) `csrk`
up to the prescribed integer `order` as described by Miyatake & Butcher (2016).
!!! note "Normalization by elementary differentials"
The coefficients of the B-series returned by this method need to be
multiplied by a power of the time step divided by the `symmetry` of the
rooted tree and multiplied by the corresponding elementary differential
of the input vector field ``f``.
See also [`evaluate`](@ref).
# Examples
The [`AverageVectorFieldMethod`](@ref) is given by the parameter matrix with
single entry one.
julia> M = fill(1//1, 1, 1)
1×1 Matrix{Rational{Int64}}:
julia> series = bseries(ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod(M), 4)
TruncatedBSeries{RootedTree{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, Rational{Int64}} with 9 entries:
RootedTree{Int64}: Int64[] => 1//1
RootedTree{Int64}: [1] => 1//1
RootedTree{Int64}: [1, 2] => 1//2
RootedTree{Int64}: [1, 2, 3] => 1//4
RootedTree{Int64}: [1, 2, 2] => 1//3
RootedTree{Int64}: [1, 2, 3, 4] => 1//8
RootedTree{Int64}: [1, 2, 3, 3] => 1//6
RootedTree{Int64}: [1, 2, 3, 2] => 1//6
RootedTree{Int64}: [1, 2, 2, 2] => 1//4
julia> series - bseries(AverageVectorFieldMethod(), order(series))
TruncatedBSeries{RootedTree{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, Rational{Int64}} with 9 entries:
RootedTree{Int64}: Int64[] => 0//1
RootedTree{Int64}: [1] => 0//1
RootedTree{Int64}: [1, 2] => 0//1
RootedTree{Int64}: [1, 2, 3] => 0//1
RootedTree{Int64}: [1, 2, 2] => 0//1
RootedTree{Int64}: [1, 2, 3, 4] => 0//1
RootedTree{Int64}: [1, 2, 3, 3] => 0//1
RootedTree{Int64}: [1, 2, 3, 2] => 0//1
RootedTree{Int64}: [1, 2, 2, 2] => 0//1
# References
- Yuto Miyatake and John C. Butcher.
"A characterization of energy-preserving methods and the construction of
parallel integrators for Hamiltonian systems."
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 54, no. 3 (2016):
[DOI: 10.1137/15M1020861](
function bseries(csrk::ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod, order)
bseries(order) do t, series
elementary_weight(t, csrk)

# TODO: bseries(csrk::ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod)
# should create a lazy version, optionally a memoized one

elementary_weight(t::RootedTree, csrk::ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod)
Compute the elementary weight Φ(`t`) of the
[`ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod`](@ref) `csrk`
for a rooted tree `t``.
# References
- Yuto Miyatake and John C. Butcher.
"A characterization of energy-preserving methods and the construction of
parallel integrators for Hamiltonian systems."
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 54, no. 3 (2016):
[DOI: 10.1137/15M1020861](
function RootedTrees.elementary_weight(t::RootedTree,
# See Miyatake & Butcher (2016), p. 1998, right before eq. (2.8)
if order(t) <= 1
return one(eltype(csrk.matrix))

# First, we compute the coefficient matrix `A_τζ` of the method from
# the matrix `M = csrk.matrix`. We compute it only once and pass it to
# `derivative_weight` below to save additional computations.
A_τζ = _matrix_a(csrk)

# The elementary weight Φ is given as
# Φ(t) = ∫₀¹ B_τ ϕ_τ(t₁) ... ϕ_τ(tₘ) dτ
# where
# B_ζ = A_1ζ
# Since the polynomial matrix `A_τζ` is stored as a polyomial in ζ
# with coefficients as polynomials in τ, setting `τ = 1` means that
# we need to evaluate all coefficients at 1 and interpret the result
# as a polynomial in τ.
integrand = let
v = map(p -> p(1), Polynomials.coeffs(A_τζ))
Polynomial{eltype(v), :τ}(v)
# Now, we can loop over all subtrees and simply update the integrand.
for subtree in SubtreeIterator(t)
ϕ = derivative_weight(subtree, A_τζ, csrk)
integrand = integrand * ϕ

# The antiderivative comes with a zero constant term. Thus, we can just
# evaluate it at 1 to get the value of the integral from 0 to 1.
antiderivative = Polynomials.integrate(integrand)
result = antiderivative(1)

return result

# See Miyatake & Butcher (2016), p. 1998, right before eq. (2.8)
function derivative_weight(t::RootedTree, A_τζ, csrk::ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod)

# The derivative weight ϕ_τ is given as
# ϕ_τ(t) = ∫₀¹ A_τζ ϕ_ζ(t₁) ... ϕ_ζ(tₘ) dζ
# Since the polynomial matrix `A_τζ` is stored as a polyomial in ζ
# with coefficients as polynomials in τ, we need to interpret the
# return value of the inner `derivative_weight` as the constant
# polynomial in ζ with coefficients given as polynomials in τ.
integrand = A_τζ
for subtree in SubtreeIterator(t)
ϕ = derivative_weight(subtree, A_τζ, csrk)
integrand = integrand * Polynomial{typeof(ϕ), :ζ}(Polynomials.coeffs(ϕ))

# The antiderivative comes with a zero constant term. Thus, we can just
# evaluate it at 1 to get the value of the integral from 0 to 1.
antiderivative = Polynomials.integrate(integrand)
result = antiderivative(1)

return result

# Equation (2.6) of Miyatake & Butcher (2016)
function _matrix_a(csrk::ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod)
M = csrk.matrix
s = size(M, 1)
T_tmp = eltype(M)
if T_tmp <: Integer
# If people use integer coefficients, they will likely want to have results
# as exact as possible. However, general terms are not integers. Thus, we
# use rationals instead.
T = Rational{T_tmp}
T = T_tmp

τ = Vector{Polynomial{T, :τ}}(undef, s)
for i in 1:s
v = zeros(T, i + 1)
v[end] = 1 // i
τ[i] = Polynomial{T, :τ}(v)

= M' * τ
A_τζ = Polynomial{eltype(Mτ), :ζ}(Mτ)

return A_τζ

# TODO: Documentation (tutorial),, etc.
MultirateInfinitesimalSplitMethod(A, D, G, c)
Expand Down
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1552,6 +1552,129 @@ using Aqua: Aqua
end # @testset "Rosenbrock methods interface"

@testset "Continuous stage Runge-Kutta methods interface" begin
@testset "Average vector field method" begin
M = fill(1 // 1, 1, 1)
csrk = @inferred ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod(M)

# TODO: This is no type stable at the moment
# series = @inferred bseries(csrk, 8)
series = bseries(csrk, 8)
series_avf = @inferred bseries(AverageVectorFieldMethod(), order(series))
@test all(iszero, values(series - series_avf))

@testset "Average vector field method with integer coefficient" begin
M = fill(1, 1, 1)
csrk = @inferred ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod(M)

# TODO: This is no type stable at the moment
# series = @inferred bseries(csrk, 8)
series = bseries(csrk, 8)
series_avf = @inferred bseries(AverageVectorFieldMethod(), order(series))
@test all(iszero, values(series - series_avf))

@testset "Example in Section 4.2 of Miyatake and Butcher (2016)" begin
# - Yuto Miyatake and John C. Butcher.
# "A characterization of energy-preserving methods and the construction of
# parallel integrators for Hamiltonian systems."
# SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 54, no. 3 (2016):
# [DOI: 10.1137/15M1020861](
M = [-6//5 72//5 -36//1 24//1
72//5 -144//5 -48//1 72//1
-36//1 -48//1 720//1 -720//1
24//1 72//1 -720//1 720//1]
csrk = @inferred ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod(M)

# TODO: This is no type stable at the moment
# series = @inferred bseries(csrk, 6)
series = bseries(csrk, 6)

@test @inferred(order_of_accuracy(series)) == 4
@test is_energy_preserving(series)

# Now with floating point coefficients
M = Float64.(M)
csrk = @inferred ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod(M)

# TODO: This is no type stable at the moment
# series = @inferred bseries(csrk, 6)
series = bseries(csrk, 6)

@test @inferred(order_of_accuracy(series)) == 4
@test_broken is_energy_preserving(series)

@testset "SymEngine.jl" begin
# Examples in Section 5.3.1
α = SymEngine.symbols("α")
α1 = 1 / (36 * α - 7)
M = [α1+4 -6 * α1-6 6*α1
-6 * α1-6 36 * α1+12 -36*α1
6*α1 -36*α1 36*α1]
csrk = @inferred ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod(M)

# TODO: This is no type stable at the moment
# series = @inferred bseries(csrk, 5)
series = bseries(csrk, 5)

# The simple test does not work at the moment due to missing
# simplifications in SymEngine.jl
@test_broken @inferred(order_of_accuracy(series)) == 4
exact = @inferred ExactSolution(series)
for o in 1:4
for t in RootedTreeIterator(o)
expr = SymEngine.expand(series[t] - exact[t])
@test iszero(SymEngine.expand(1 * expr))

# TODO: This is currently not implemented
@test_broken is_energy_preserving(series)

@testset "SymPy.jl" begin
# Examples in Section 5.3.1
α = SymPy.symbols("α", real = true)
α1 = 1 / (36 * α - 7)
M = [α1+4 -6 * α1-6 6*α1
-6 * α1-6 36 * α1+12 -36*α1
6*α1 -36*α1 36*α1]
csrk = @inferred ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod(M)

# TODO: This is no type stable at the moment
# series = @inferred bseries(csrk, 5)
series = bseries(csrk, 5)

@test @inferred(order_of_accuracy(series)) == 4

# TODO: This is currently not implemented
@test_broken is_energy_preserving(series)

@testset "Symbolics.jl" begin
# Examples in Section 5.3.1
Symbolics.@variables α
α1 = 1 / (36 * α - 7)
M = [α1+4 -6 * α1-6 6*α1
-6 * α1-6 36 * α1+12 -36*α1
6*α1 -36*α1 36*α1]
csrk = @inferred ContinuousStageRungeKuttaMethod(M)

# TODO: This is no type stable at the moment
# series = @inferred bseries(csrk, 2)
series = bseries(csrk, 2)

# TODO: There are errors from Symbolics.jl if we go to higher
# orders.
# @test @inferred(order_of_accuracy(series)) == 4

# # TODO: This is currently not implemented
@test_broken is_energy_preserving(series)

@testset "multirate infinitesimal split methods interface" begin
# NOTE: This is still considered experimental and might change at any time!

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