This is another app I created while learning Flutter application development. I built this app by following a Udemy tutorial created by Maximilian Schwarzmüller and added a few of my own features that I needed to build a real app. While building this app, I learned the following features and techniques in Flutter:
- usage of Enum in Fluter
- Efficiently Rendering Long Lists with ListView
- Nested Lists
- Icons & Formatting Dates
- Setting an AppBar with a Title & Actions
- Modal Sheet - Closing manually, open on an event, pass data from modal to parent widget, fullscreen Modal
- User Input on every keystroke
- Date Picker
- Showing & Managing "Snackbars"
- Setting up themes
- Responsive UI
- Safe Areas
- Login with Facebook
- login with Google
- Mutating Values in Memory & Making Sense of var, final & const
- Three Trees: Widget Tree, Element Tree & Render Tree