Values from some simple testing done. Not at all exhaustive.
Multiprocessing Duration = 0.443s for 100 clients, 100 reqs per client Duration = 2.339s for 1000 clients, 100 reqs per client
(Default threadpool - hardware concurreny) Duration = 0.198s for 100 clients, 100 reqs per client Duration = 2.584s for 1000 clients, 100 reqs per client
More threads (50) Duration = 0.216s for 100 clients, 100 reqs per client
Event driven Duration = 0.131s for 100 clients, 100 reqs per client Duration = 1.067s for 1000 clients, 100 reqs per client
Below are values for Event-driven server with parsing and file reading -
Without caching Duration = 0.193s for 100 clients, 100 reqs per client Duration = 2.253s for 1000 clients, 100 reqs per client
With per-client caching of file Duration = 0.118s for 100 clients, 100 reqs per client Duration = 1.215s for 1000 clients, 100 reqs per client